
Reg. No St. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) St. Joseph’s College Road, Cuddalore – 607001 PCS912S – PHP & MYSQL Time : 3hrs Max Marks :75


SECTION - A (5X5=25) Answer ALL Questions 1.

a. Illustrate the usage of logical operators in PHP (or) b. Write PHP script for Saving Form Input into Variables


a. Write short note on continue and break statement in PHP. (or) b. Write all possible loop statement syntax in PHP.


a. List out Useful J/O Functions. (or) b. Describe about date and time related functions in PHP.


a. Write a PHP script to Create MySQL database. (or) b. Discuss the features of MySQL.


a. Write steps to validate user Password (or) b. How MySQL query output can be formatted? SECTION – B (5X10=50) Answer any FIVE Questions


List out operators in PHP and explain their precedence.


Write string manipulation operators and functions and explain about their precedence.




Explain the following for PHP i) Processing Arrays with Loops ii) Array Functions iii) Multidimensional array


List out Mathematical functions in PHP. Give brief description about each function.

10. Write PHP scripts for obtaining directory listings and retrieving cookies data. 11. Explain the following: i) Primary and Foreign Keys ii) MySQL Data Types iii) Editing records in MySQL 12. Explain - How MySQL Access Control Works. 13. Create and populate Tables using PHP’s MySQL API functions for the following relationship table.



PHP & MYSQL - 11 12.pdf

6. List out operators in PHP and explain their precedence. 7. Write string manipulation operators and functions and explain. about their precedence. Page 1 of 2 ...

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