(12) United States Plant Patent
(10) Patent No.:
Zerr (54)
US PP22,661 P2
(45) Date of Patent:
Apr. 17, 2012
Field of Classi?cation Search .................. .. Plt./307
See application ?le for complete search history.
(50) Latin Name: Euphorbiapulcherrima Varietal Denomination:
References Cited
Katharina Zerr, Hohr-Grenzhausen
DE (
GTITM UPOVROM Citation for ‘Fisearltez’ as per DE PBR
(73) Assignee: Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel ( ) Notlce.
EUP00236; D60 22, 2008*
* cited by examiner
Subject' to any dlsclalmer, the term of this
Primary Examiner i Kent L Ben
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U80 1546)) by 120 days'
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Fzrm * S. Matthew Edwards
(21) Appl. N0.: 12/658,860
A new Poinsettia plant named ‘Fisearltez’ particularly distin
(22) Filed: (51) (52)
Feb- 16, 2010
Int- ClA01H 5/00
guished by the red bracts with moderate lobing, relatively large ?at, rosette-like in?orescences, dark green foliage, early ?owering, and a medium sized plant habit.
US. Cl. ..................................................... .. Plt./307
1 Drawing Sheet
2 combination of these characteristics distinguishes this Poin
Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed:
Euphorbia pulcherrima.
settia as a new and distinct variety.
The accompanying photographic drawing shows typical ?ower and foliage characteristics of ‘Fisearltez’ with colors
The present invention comprises a new Poinsettia, botani
cally known as Euphorbia pulcherrima, and hereinafter
being as true as possible with an illustration of this type. The
referred to by the variety name ‘Fisearltez.’ ‘Fisearltez’ is a product of a planned breeding program. The new cultivar has red bracts with moderate lobing, rela
new variety, taken in November 2008 and shows a 19-20
photographic drawing shows a ?owering potted plant of the week old plant.
tively large ?at, rosette-like in?orescences, dark green foli DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION
age, early ?owering, and a medium sized plant habit. ‘Fisearltez’ originates as a naturally occurring whole plant mutation discovered by the breeder in a ?owering trial of the parent variety ‘Fiscor,’ U.S. Plant Pat. No. 9,364, in late 2000 in Dorsten, Germany. ‘Fisearltez’ was further examined and
The measurements were taken in in Hillscheid, Germany, latitude 500 north, on Dec. 10, 2009 on about 20 week old plants that were grown on benches in a greenhouse. Cultiva
asexually propagated, by terminal tip cuttings, starting in the spring of 2001. As the ?owering response may be in?uenced by many factors, the resulting plant was trialed and examined for stability through several years in the annual fall trial cultivation. The characteristics of ‘Fisearltez’ are ?rmly ?xed and retained through successive generations of asexual repro duction.
tion of these plants had started in late July 2009 with planting rooted cuttings in 14 cm pots and pinching about 2 weeks later. The plants were grown under natural day light in the fall (no black cloth used to initiate earlier ?owering) and at the moderately warm temperature of 180 C. for the bench heat in
gColor references are made to The Royal Horticultural Soci ety Colour Chart (R.H.S.) 2001.
‘Fisearltez’ has not been observed under all possible envi
ronmental conditions. The phenotype may vary signi?cantly
with variations in environment such as temperature, light
intensity and day length. Plant Breeder’s Rights for this cultivar were applied for in Canada on Feb. 11, 2009 and in Germany on Dec. 22, 2008. ‘Fisearltez’ has not been made publicly available more than one year prior to the ?ling of this application. The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be basic characteristics of the new variety. The
Flowering response:
‘Fiscor’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 9,3 64)
7-10 days earlier
7-10 days later
Cyathia development:
More developed
Usually smaller Less developed
Plant size:
Somewhat smaller
Somewhat taller
35 In?orescence size:
US PP22,661 P2 4 Number of completely colored bracts per in?orescence
Form, growth and habitiLoW shrub, self-branching,
(sized over 2 cm).i10-14.
Single bract, shape.4Ovate, With moderate lobing.
With robust stems slanting upward and outward. Plant height (in?orescence included).i19-20 cm.
Bract, apex.
Plant width.~40-42 cm.
Bract, baseiRounded or obtuse.
Bract margin. iEntire.
Number ofdays to initiate rootsiApproXimately 18-20 days at about 24 degrees C. Number of days to produce a rooted cutting.i24-26 at 22 degrees C.
Single bract, length of blade.*12.5 cm, younger bracts diminishing in siZe. Single bract, width ofblade.i8.8 cm.
ZypeiFine, ?brous, free branching. ColoriRHS N155B but Whiter.
Foliage: Arrangement. iAltemate. Quantityi5-6 leaves per branch. AspectiPetioles and leaf blades are horizontally directed or shoW slightly doWnWards.
Immature, leafcolor, upper surfaceiRHS 137D. Lower surfaceiRHS 143B. Mature, leafcolor, upper surfaceiBetWeen RHS 137A
and RHS 139A.
Petiole color, lower surfaceiRHS 50C.
Lower surfaceiRHS 137C.
Cyme (true in?orescence):
Length.*12-13 cm. Width.i8.3-9.5 cm.
Cyme, diameteri2-2.5 cm. 25
Cyathium, diameter.40.5 cm.
Apex shape. iAcuminate.
Cyathium, length.40.5-0.6 cm. Cyathium, coloriMainly RHS 143C, top is RHS 46B. 30
Peduncle coloriRHS 144C to 145A.
Lower surface.4Glabrous.
Peduncle textureiSmooth, glabrous.
Color of veins, upper surfaceiRHS 179A to RHS 35
Color of veins, lower surfaceiRHS 180D to RHS
Petiole diameter40.3 cm.
Reproductive organs:
Petiole textureiSmooth and glabrous on both sides. Stern:
Stamen (actually reduced male ?orets).iUsually in a bunch of 10-20 at the top of the cyathium.
Color of stemiRHS 143B ground color, With upper
ShapeiStrap-like. 45
about RHS 183D.
Length of stemiAbout 16-18 cm. Diameteri0.6-0.8 cm.
Pollen quantityiModerate (normal quantity for the 50
Pistils (actuallyfemale?owers) .iUsually sparse in late
ored bracts. 55
bracts) .iMid to late November. Flowering response timeiAbout 8 Weeks from equi nox.
FragranceiAbsent. Shape of in?orescence.iRosette-like arrangement, nearly ?at, horiZontally borne. Diameter of in?orescence.i23-27 cm. In?orescence, vertical diameter.*2.5-4.0 cm.
species). Pollen coloriRHS 12A.
ZypeiTerrninal cyme With surrounding Whorl of col
Duration of?owering.*4-8 Weeks. Lastingness of the in?orescence.*6-10 Weeks.
Filament length.i0.3-0.4 cm. Filament coloriRHS 46B. Anther coloriRHS 11A. Anther diameter.40.1 cm.
Length ofinternodes.*1.5-3.0 cm.
Flowering, botanically (opening of the stamen, shed ding ofpollen) .iLate November. Start of ?owering, commercially (su?iciently colored
(abaxial) surface of the cyathium. Nectar cup, horizontal diameteriMost often 0.5 cm in length, 0.2-0.3 cm Wide. Nectar cup, coloriRHS 13A to RHS 21A.
Petiole color, lower surfaceiRHS 53D to RHS 184C. Petiole lengthiAbout 6-8 cm.
TextureiGlabrous. In?orescence:
Nectar cups. iUsually one, emerging from the outer Nectar cup, (vertical) lengthiAbout 0.2-0.4 cm.
1 81D. Petiole color, upper surfaceiRHS 53A or RHS 185A.
portions may have an infusion of anthocyanins of
Peduncle length.i0.2-0.3 cm. Peduncle diameter40.2-0.3 cm.
the protruding veins in a pinnate pattern. 1 80A.
Number ofcyathiaiAbout 15, borne in a small cluster.
Cyathium, shapeiOvate.
Base shapeiMost often obtuse.
MarginiEntire With Weak lobing; lobes usually have rounded tips. Texture, upper suifaceiFlat and smooth, apart from
Bract color, upper sideiRHS 46B. Bract color, lower sideiBetween RHS46B and 46C, or RHS 53C. Vein color, upper surfaceilndistinct, similar as bract blade. Vein color, lower surfaceiFrom RHS 50C to RHS 1 80D. TextureiFlat, smooth or someWhat rugose. Bract petiole lengthiAbout 1.0-2.0 cm. Bractpetiole diameter.40.3 cm. Petiole color, upper surfaceiRHS 46A to RHS 46B.
crops, occurrence depends much on light intensity, appears (if at all) about 4 Weeks later than the stamen.
Number ofpistils.4One per cyathium. Stigma shapeiTrifurcate, 6-lobed. Stigma coloriRHS 46A. Style coloriRHS 46B. Style length-0.3 cm. Ovary shape.4Ovate to obovate, 3 ovules. Ovary size.40.5 cm in diameter, but increasing. Ovary coloriRHS 143B. Fertility/ seed set: Seed pods.4Obovate and 3-comered, about 1.8 cm in length and 1.5 cm in diameter; 3 seeds.
US PP22,661 P2 5
Seed grainsiResemble peas both in size and appearance, round’ 06 Cm in diameter_ Disease/pest resistance: Disease/pest resistance has not been
What is claimed is: 1. A new and distinct Variety of Poinsettia plant named Flsearltez, substannany as Illustrated and descnbed hereln'
observed on this hybrid.
U S. Patent
Apr. 17, 2012
US PP22,661 P2