AAAI-08 Chicago

Trace Ratio Criterion for Feature Selection Feiping Nie1, Shiming Xiang1, Yangqing Jia1, Changshui Zhang1, Shuicheng Yan2 1Department

of Automation, Tsinghua University, China


University of Singapore, Singapore


¾ Feature

Selection ¾ Our Method ¾ Experiments ¾ Conclusion


Feature Selection vs. Subspace Learning ¾ Feature

selection is often faster than the corresponding subspace learning algorithm ¾ The result of the selection is physically explainable ¾ We only need to process a small subset of features for further data processing. 3

Feature Selection ¾ Select

a subset of m features from the d original feature set. We denote a selection option by . ¾ It can be viewed as a special subspace learning:

¾ where

the corresponding matrix W is constrained to be a 0-1 “selection” matrix. 4

Selection Matrix ¾ We

define where each column-vector comes from the set


¾ Also, 5

An Example ¾ If

we are going to choose two features from the original 3dimensional data, a possible option is:


Trace Ratio Criterion for Feature Selection ¾A

general graph-based framework is to maximize a trace-ratio criterion:


is to reflect the between-class or global affinity relationship of the data, E is to reflect the within-class relationship or the local affinity relationship.


Examples ¾ Supervised:

Fisher Score [Bishop 1995], using the within-class and between-class scatter matrices ¾ Unsupervised: Laplacian Score [He, Cai, & Niyogi, 2005], using graph Laplacian and its degree matrix ¾ Semi-supervised: Can readily extended based on this framework. 8

Scores ¾ Subset


¾ Feature


¾ The

goal of feature selection is to find the largest subset score 9

Previous Methods ¾ Without

loss of generality, suppose

¾ Then

the first m vectors are selected to form the matrix W. ¾ However, this can actually be viewed as a greedy algorithm that essentially maximizes but not the subset-score


Main Goal ¾ We

aim to maximize the trace ratio criterion for feature selection, and finds the global optimum solution

¾ It

appears that we need to search the solution space containing options. 11

The Trace Difference function ¾ Suppose

we have the global optimum solution, then


The Trace Difference function ¾ Define

the trace difference function

¾ It

can be verified that f is monotonic decreasing ¾ The trace ratio problem will be equivalent to solving the equation 13

How to calculate f and the corresponding W?

¾ For

a given , we can calculate the trace difference score

¾ and

select the m vectors with the largest score to form W, and calculate the corresponding function value. 14

An iterative Algorithm


An Example




UCI Results


Face Datasets


Conclusion ¾A

general feature selection framework ¾ An algorithm to find the global optimum solution for the subsetscore ¾ Experiments show the superiority of the subset-score.


Trace Ratio Criterion for Feature Selection Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang, Yangqing Jia, Changshui Zhang, Shuicheng Yan



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denote a selection option by . ➢It can be viewed ... features from the original 3- dimensional data, a possible option is: 6 ... graph Laplacian and its degree matrix.

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