Praises - Great Marty Demetrius - 3 Tone 4 - As One Valiant Among Martyrs

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in the splen - dor of

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driv - ing

on the earth

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a - way

%α œ for you are



mi - ties

œ ˙˙

the glory and boast

œœ ˙˙


di - ant star

œœ œ˙ œ œœ œœ ˙˙

You ever en - light - en the earth,

œ˙ −




a - cles!





œ -






the gloom of darkness from our souls

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Heal the in - fir



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œœ œœ œœ ˙

of those who cel - e - brate your mem - o - ry with love,

œœ œœ ϖϖ






˙ ϖ

© Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration 2016

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Praises - Great Marty Demetrius - 3.pdf

Praises - Great Marty Demetrius - 3.pdf. Praises - Great Marty Demetrius - 3.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu. Whoops! There was a problem ...

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