Press Kit

June 2017

About SaltaConmigo is a professional travel blog in Spanish where: us #  We share our personal view of the travel experiences we have around the world (authen6city) #  We give 6ps to plan trips and we recommend visits (prac6cality) #  We try to wake up the “travel bug” and to make desDnaDons known through our stories, pictures and… jumps* around the world! (inspira6on)

*Salta Conmigo means “jump with me” in Spanish

The editors are:

#  Sara, the one who takes the jump pic! Italian, since I was a child traveling and food have always been my biggest passions. I have a BA Hons in InternaDonal Business and MarkeDng.

#  JAAC, the one who jumps! Spanish, I have always wriPen the travel diaries since I travelled with my friends and I love photography. I am an IT engineer.

¿Why do we jump?

#  Traveling and jumping around the world is our passion.

#  The jump was born by chance but, to us, it now symbolizes the kind of travellers (or, bePer said, tourists) we are: dreamers, curious, cheerful and op6mist.

We are passionate about travelling and we have Our beginning travelled independently to more than 60 countries #  To all the con6nents, including AntarcDca

#  From some of the most typical des6na6ons (Western Europe, the USA, China, Turkey or Russia)… #  … to some of the most unusual ones (Bhutan, AntarcDca, Bosnia Herzegovina, Venezuela or Oman) #  From short breaks to a one year trip to South America and Antarc6ca which made us “leave our lives behind” to travel

SaltaConmigo was born thanks to this passion

#  In 2007 JAAC started jumping and uploading travel diaries to a blog

#  In February 2012 was born, inheriDng those posts but starDng from the scratch

#  It started from 0 and, in 5 years, it has more than 200k page views per month and more than 5.000 readers’ comments

#  One of the few Spanish travel blogs with Rank close to 250k

How do we What kind of tourists are we and we speak to? travel? #  PracDcal but also dreamer and curious, loving comfort and

different experiences, (not extreme) adventurers

#  He/she ac6vely enjoys the environment: ü  Cultural visits (including gastronomy) ü  Urban and natural landscapes (visually and, someDmes, with acDve tourism acDviDes)

#  Young adults (25-45 yo) traveling solo, in couple or with friends

#  They don’t travel low-cost (even if they can backpack) but they look for the best offers in their category

What can you find in SaltaConmigo? #  PRACTICAL INFO:

ü  Travel Dps ü  Travel iDneraries (in public transport or roadtrips) ü  What to see/do in… (focusing on cultural visits) ü  Monuments or specific places to visit


ü  Personal stories ü  Travelling with the 5 senses

Readers profile

Age: Gender:

Country :

Source: Google AnalyDcs from 06/01/17 to 06/30/17

Audience Average of more than 5.300 visits/day June 17 159.264 Visits/ Sessions per month 05:17 Average 6me on page

136.934 Unique visitors per month

207.933 Page views per month

Source: Google AnalyDcs from 06/01/17 to 06/30/17

Social SaltaConmigo is acDve in the major social networks, Networks with more than 110.000 followers #  Facebook: 61.000 #  Instagram: 24.000 #  Twiaer: 14.000

…with high engagement… Peaks of more than 50% reach in Facebook (in #  non-sponsored posts) during trips #  One of the Instagram accounts with the highest engagement among travel blogs in Spanish

And some blog posts which are shared a lot in external social networks

And also…

Our content in other media…

#  Each Dme we publish a post it gets through feed to more than 1.100 readers

#  We monthly send a newslePer to 6.000 subscribers

#  We have given several talks, speeches and conferences talking about our trips

#  We write in several corporate blogs and in other media, like the travel secDon of the online version of biggest financial magazine in Spain: El Economista, and its monthly paper travel supplement “Puerta de Embarque”.

#  We are “ambassadors bloggers” for the third radio travel show by audience in Spain (first in the Internet): in

#  We have one-off collaboraDons with the radio travel show in #  We collaborate with (the biggest travel social network in Spain) wriDng small posts about desDnaDons, hotels, restaurants…

What we can do for you

#  CreaDng quality content in our blog, based on personal experiences which we consider of interest to our readers ü  about desDnaDons and trips in general ü  through independent hotels, restaurants or other tourist services reviews #  CreaDng live content in our social networks

#  Spreading different messages in our newsleaer

#  Providing with photographs of our trips

#  CreaDng content for corporate blogs or other media

#  Giving talks about the desDnaDons we have visited and talking about our trips in different media (you can find in our blog a list of talks and media we appeared on)

#  Providing adverDsing space for banners campaigns about desDnaDons or tourism related services or sponsored posts (always saying it is adverDsing and with no-follow links)

Why us?

#  Coverage: one of the Spanish blogs with the highest coverage

#  Real travel experiences ü  we have travelled a lot and we can speak about travelling with certain authority ü  the majority of the public can idenDfy with us

#  Freshness

#  Independency

#  Honesty & professionalism (the blog is our only job, for both of us)

#  Quality pictures

#  Constancy (3/5 posts per week)

#  Social networks coverage and engagement

#  SEO opDmizaDon

What SaltaConmigo has been menDoned in different media, people say some of them being: abot us Colombia Perú Chile The details of those menDons and interviews can be found in the blog. Special menDons in 2015:

#  Paco Nadal (El País), one of the most influenDal travel journalists in Spain, includes us in his 25 recommended travel blogs

#  Lonely Planet (in its Spanish blog) includes SaltaConmigo in the list of the “32 best instagramers to go with in a trip” (only 10 of them are Spanish wriDng) #  Skyscanner (in its Spanish blog) includes us among the 25 TwiPer Spanish travel accounts you should follow #  Paco Nadal (El País) includes us in his list 10 travel instagramers you should know

They have trusted us

Contacts and social Contact us at: [email protected] networks Or in our social networks:

: SaltaConmigo

: @SltCnmg

: SaltaConmigo

: +SaltaConmigo

: SaltaConmigo

: SaltaConmigo

Shall we jump together?

PressKit_SaltaConmigo_06_17 (ENG).pdf

around the world (authen6city). # We give 6ps to plan trips and we recommend visits (prac6cality). # We try to wake up the “travel bug” and to make desDnaDons.

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