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0-1\+;;: 'JOD-r *"c II: A.ltl\ Anf) - ft}-t+%+, Iitfif~

2ndYear No. 13

Oh.""r-kf t..Y..t-l\'e -'L'fDht-(}J'e ~T-f1iLh f ,'h1l-f1+lOt}r-'f 9"hC 0."" mf1cf:~""flOtI)


- 15th February,


CONTENTS Proclamation No. 25/1996

hCP~ ~1'C l1?;!njfif(i; ~'9'" f'("1..~fA CJ:C.(-o..,.~ htp~

1;t lifiJit

Federal Courts Proclamation

Page 129.


nh.:,.r-taf '("1..~"ce-'l""h~ft.fce



&r11t\.h f~~~:"

WHEREAS, in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,judical power is vested in both the Federal Governih7' oP'J..,)P1:"} 'oPu.Z:" OO?.(-l.., f'("1..t-fA CJ:C.(- ment and the Regions; o..,.~"} P'fAtfJ"} oPlD(r} 'hra~"1.. Iftj OoP1)"1: I WHEREAS, it is found necessary to determine the Oh.:,.r-A-r ~~"ce -'l""h~""fce &r11t\.h ih1 jurisdiction of the. Federal Courts on the basis of the Constitution; oP"}"'P'T h"}+;t 2?;(Ii) oPlPl.:"f"th+t\OJ- ;J-OJ-l(fA:: NOW,THEREFORE,in accordancewith Article 55 (1) hCJ:fA h"}.(of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimedas follows: ,m:""'''

P'fAlJ)"} n'("1..~fA oP"}"'P'1:li nhfAho~


OoPlf)' I

PART ONE General

Ii' h6f.l>C'C6h iUh,p~ "f'("1..~fA CJ:C.(-o..,.~ htp~ ,afT;:" +<11t\t\.m+ra ~~.~ ~ ~"'.' '. ' . . f."f"fA ::

1. Short Title This Proclamationmay be cited as the' 'Federal Courts ProclamationNo. 25/1996."

If' TC=i"l

I 2 Definitions Ii' "f'("1..~fA oP"}"'P':"qt\P'fAtI)tj~" t1I/t\:"f;h1f11 . In this Proclamation: +lD"r-~ 9"hc o.:"li f~1..t.7i") 9"hC 0.:" 1) "Officials of the Federal Government" means hqt\-~: h"t~raTC f.l.~ O"f. flf). f'("Y-o~fA members of the House of Peoples' Representatives OD"}"'P'1:flt\P'fAlJ)tj~ f "tth:"C'~ f f'("1..~A and of the House of the Federation, officials of the m:""f.CJ:C~ 0.:" ~~~. hliOi-'UPVlVlf. f.l~ "f. Federal Governmentabove ministerialrank, minisf"t7~ f'("1..t-ir oP"}"'P':" l}t\P'fAlJ)tj~ li¥OJ-I ters,judges of the Federal SupremeCourt and other officials of the Federal Government of equivalent Ifr "f l..1..~fA oP"}"'P':" IP~"'~~~' O?t\:" OILtJ rank; h"}+;t "}o-rah"}+;t(~)OJ-ra1' h+m+(}c:" OJ-6f.b 2) "Employees of the Federal Gpvernment" includes fir tM..1..~&\oPi"U~:" P'~ "f. f+(}O?~IP~+ all employees,otherthan thosereferredto under sub'" ~~"} u-'lr fm,4>fA"fA I . Article (1) hereof, engaged in the activities of the Federal Government;

OtUJ hCP~ OJ-ra1'I

n~";J Unit Price}

I 3.451


~;Jt"" ;JtLlIJr...,.4l. ititl! Negarit G.P.O.Box 80.001


lif~ ~;J6-r ;JUI1) ~'I'C Ic fta1;-r 1: .,.'} Iilfitt



"f&..1o?/.\ oP,}"'P'-r ilt1:f" O'//\-r ilt1 oP'}"'P'-f:'} f°'l~:pl.'1-c; nilt1 oP'}"'P'i: ,,~ f+m"'''''-r'} n&..1o?/.\ oP'}"'P'i: P'/.\I1)'} n/.\/.\ P'C fir .,.~\'-:f'} f"7.oP/\hi: nP'?"~ fir ~llC ilt1:f'} ~(,Q,9"?/.\ !


"&..1o?/.\ tt:c.(' n..y.:f" O'//\-r f &..1o?/.\ m.p,,~ tt:c.(' n.-r -: f &..1o?/.\ htt:+;;: tt:c.(' n.-rc; f &..1o?/.\ foP"f.

oP6f f.l.n tt:c.(' n.-r c;:f(J}o! ?;. "(&m-" O'//\-r f+tC.'I'~ (&m-m~9" nilt.., f(&m-~-r oP11-r

f+(&mm- hta/.\ ~m- :: ntt:/.\ rr/\-r it/\ &..1o?/.\ tt:c.(' n..y.:f fm/.\ f~~~-r P'/,\I1)'} C.

oPlPl.i: f &..1o?/.\ tt:c.(' n..y.:f! li'

ilt1 oP')"'P'i:,} I f 2..f...&-/.\oP'}"'P'i:,} ilt1:f. q/\9" h"'tt: it9"9" ~.y.:f'} db IPl. -r flO'/~ l..., n "7.~w.,.J.; \'-:f!

~. n&..1o?/.\ oP'}"'P'i: iIt.., +1/.\Rm- n+m(&'1-ll/\.,.~\'-:f ! C' n~?/.\ oP'}"'P'i: ilt1 oP'}"lP'-r m~9" nilt.., n+1/\R(1;r9':f ,,~ f~~~-r ~/'\11)'} ~tj ?:ftp/.\::


Page 130

3) "Laws-oftheFederalGovernment" includesall previous laws in force which are not inconsistent with the Constitution and relating to matter.sthat fall'within the competenceof theFederalGovernihentas specifiedin the Constitution; 4) "Federal Courts" meansthe FederalSupremeCourt, the FederalHigh Court and the FederalFirst Instance Court; 5) "Person" means a naturalor juridical person. .'

PART TWO Common Jurisdiction of Federal Courts

3. Principle Federal Courtsshall havejurisdictionover: 1) cases arising under the Constitution, Federal Laws and InternationalTreaties; 2) partiesspecifiedin FederalLaws; 3) places specified in the Constitution or in Federal Laws. 4. CriminalJurisdiction

Federal Courtsshall havejurisdictionover the following criminalcases: f &..1o?/.\ tt:C.(' n..y.:f n"7.t.'t+Ir-r fm'}"f./.\ .,.~\'-:f ,,~ 1) offences against the Constitutionalorder or against f~~~-r P'/,\I1)'} ~tj?:ftp/.\ ! the internalsecurityof the state; li' nilt1 oP,}"'p';rlf P'Cqi:c; noP,}"'p'-r fU1C m-it'l' 2) offencesagainstforeign states; fJ'I';r ,,~ n"7.LRtJDom'}"f.f\o:f ! 3) offencesagainstthe law of nations; ~. nm-6Jl' U1C i,}"'P'-r ,,~ n"7.LRoo- m'}"f.f\o:f ! 4) offencesagainstthe fiscal and economic interestsof C' n(&m-/.\~:f QP11-r ,,~ n"7.UtJDo m'}"f.f\o:f ! the FederalGovernment; ~. n&..1o?/.\oP'}"'P'i:f.,.l.'I'c;f..,i1C1n.r:f I nm.p 5) offencesregardingcounterfeitcurrency; "" f1'}U11 'I'.pqo:f ,,~ n"7.LRtJDom'}"f.f\o:f! 6) offences regarding forgery of instruments of the ?;. f dt(&-r 1'}U11'} n"7.oP/\h1: ",,'}"f.f\o:f! FederalGovernment; 7) offences regarding the security and freedom of }. n~?/.\ oP,}"'P'-r (&~,,:f ,,~ fdt(&-r it? noPp'?-r communicationservicesoperatingwithin more than n"7.LRtJDom'}"f.f\o:f ! one Region or at the internationallevel; 1:' hh,}.(' n/.\/.\ n"~ .m~9" nq/\9" h"'tt: f.l.n 1\1/'\'" 8) offencesagainstthe safetyof aviation; f\o-r n"7.(&m- oP1c;;;:9':f fJ'I';rc; ~R~-r ,,~ n"7.LRtJDo 9) offencesregardingforeign nationals; m'}"f.f\o:f ! 10) offences regarding illicit trafficking of dangerous t. fnl.? f.u'}H-'}n"toPt\hi: m1"f.f\o:f! drugs; iI' fm-6Jl' U1C U1:fJ O"7.O!'/\hi: m'}"f.tr>:f ! 11) offences falling under the jurisdiction of courts of I' fhf.1;;:c; hf.'}tf". M.:f ilt1-m'l' 1fm-m-c') n"7.oP/\hi: differentRegionsor underthejurisdictionof both the m'}"f.f\o:f ! Federal and Regional Courts as well as concurrent Ili' fI+/\f~ n/.\f\o:f m~9" nL'1o?/.\C; nn/.\/.\ tt:c.(' n..y.:f offences; fp'/.\I1)'} h/.\/.\ P'C n"7.m.('~c; n+ff", m'}"f.f\o:f! 12) offencescommittedby officialsand employeesof the I~' f&..1o?/.\ oP,}"'~i: ll/\P'/,\l1)tj:fc; 1P?+?'f:f Federal Governmentin connectionwith their official nP'?:fm- m~9" n~"k~;r:fm- 9"h'}'-r +mfct responsibilitiesor duties. n"7.If'1-11:fm-fm'}"f./.\ .,.~\'-:f :: 5. Civil Jurisdiction

~. fm'}"f./.\ f~~~-r P'/.\I1)'}

~. ftt:-rdt 11dt.Cf~~~-r P'/.\I1)'} f &..1o?/.\tt:c.(' n..f.:f O~tt+Ir"" ftt:-rdt 11dt.C~\'-:f ,,~ f~~~-r P'/.\I1)'} ~tj&-:ftp/.\ ! ji. f&..1ot./.\ oP'}
C. f&..1o?/.\




m~9" n~"k~;r:fm- 9"h'}'-r +mfct .,.~\'-:f ! ~. fm-6Jl'U1C it;J +h?ta6 nrf~fI-r .,.~~!



Federal Courts shall havejurisdictionover the following civil cases: 1) casesto whicha FederalGQvernmentorg~ is a party; 2) suits between persons permanently residing in differentRegions; 3) casesregardingthe liabilityof officialsor employees of the Federal Governmentin connectionwith their officialresponsibilitiesor duties; 4) cases to which a foreign national is a party;


1~ lifr91i ~:M"" ;Jtl.IIJ4:1'C Ic fl1i:t ~ .,."}Iuf.it~ '."'.NegaritGazeta-No.13-15thpebruary ~. tI...,~..,."}Ooy,oo"h-l:~f-1o It,. ooy,~n- hCtu~1o ! ?t.

04J..~&\ OO""~-I: "'111t""f+001l1(1-tD"'"

5) suits involving matters of nationality; f»


hch~1o ! "

~. (}Dt.,.It"4- f1"}"-o Mf..1o (U7if-oA 1\."}it""~oo"}""it) It,. Ooy,~n-hCh~1o ! f O.('C(\..,.C; r~

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Page 131


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suits relating to business organizations registered or fonned under the jurisdi~tion of Federal Government


7) suits regarding negotiable instruments; 8) suits relating t9 patent, literary and artistic-ownership rights;

00-0.,.10 It,.


9) suits regarding insurance policy;


01\."}n:~"}it tD-&\It,. ooy,Hi- tJctJ~1o!


.,.,f.. fOO!1l i'h;Jfe~-r"} "O?IIJ~:" Ooy,cfC-fl"'0.-1:;1' ::

10) application for Habeas Corpus.

. I . ?t. f4..I..~&\ ~C.(' 0..,.10it"oy,lP~qTtD- f~~ ~1C i'h11o .


f4J..~&\ ~cg- 0..,.10 fr&\lIJ"} tJ~ltTtD-"} OOlPl"" "'.('C1ID-foy,"'Cn-itTID-"}~"i-: tD"'" tJctJ~.1o! v)

6. Substantive Laws to be Applied by Federal CoUIts 1) Federal Courts shall settle cases or disputes, submitted to them within their jurisdiction on the b~is of:

f4..I..~&\ oo"}"'~-I:"} i'h11oc;~",.. "''''fj: it,..,..~ .,.1o"}00IPl"" OO?.('l.., fJ',~ ir !

(a) Federal laws and international treaties; (b) Regional hiws where the cases relate to same;

,,) ,.~~ ftJ&\&\i'h"'"}f"'l.oo"h"" rr'i (\.1:';otJ&\ir i'h'" oolPl""



2) Regional laws to be applied pursuant to sub-Article (1)


(b) hereof shall not be. applicabe where they are inconsistent with'Federallaws and internationaltreaties.

Orf.tJ "'"}.,.~ "}o-it "'")~ (Ii) (,,) oolPl"" "'&.~"'I. foy,rr~tD- ftJ&\&\ i'h'" h4J..~&\ oo"}"'~-I: i'h11oc;

h,,,,.. "'.,.~ it"'9"~"'1o;JC f"'l.;J6f1'hrr~ o,.~~ It,.

3) WJ:lerea case brought before them gives rise to issues of Const~tutionalinterpretation, Federal courts shall refer the case to the Council of Constitutional Inquiry prior to giving decision on the matter. .

1"4.~oy,~..,. "''''i lID-?"):


f4J..~&\ ~C.(' 0..,.10 fIn-"" ~,. fi'h100"}"'~"" ..,.C,.,.. l' 1<1:l1it~l1 o,.~~ It,., tD-l11hooitm;1'TtDOk"" "i'h1 oo"}"'~"" ~f-1o "'IIJ~ ,.q,. "&\h-;1'&\::


7. Procedural Laws to be Applied by Federal CoUIts

~. f4J..~&\~.('

0..,.10it""'I.IP~qTm- f~~ ~C'..,. i'h11o

The Criminal and Civil Procedure Codes as well as other relevant laws in force shaUapply with respect to matters not provided for under this Proclamation insofar as they are not inconsistent therewith.

hlltJ "''P~ ;JC fO?";J(JJ; or~ It,. lir ftD"}~"~C; ffj:""dt 1ldt.C ~~ FC''''' i'h11oh"}.ltV-'" A.flo1o",..,q-o~"" IltTtDi'h11o OH.tJ"''P~qA+jf&.'l- "~f-1o It,. +&.~"'I.~"""'it:T'P &\::


tJfj:&\rit"" it,,4J..~&\


Jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court

m-rlt,. tj:C.(' 0."" f~~~"" ~&\IIJ") 8. First Instance Jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court "

~. f4J..~&\ m-r~"tj:C~o."" foo"f,.OD~1 Ujf f~~~"" ~&\IIJ"}!

The Federal Supreme Court shall have exclusive flfst instancejurisdiction over the following:

f4..l..~&\m-rlt" ~C.(' o..}; O"'l.h.,.ir"" ~f-1o It,. foo"f,. 00~1 ~ljf 1lT~ f~~~"" ~&\IIJ"}"'il'P&\;



1) offences f9r which officials of the Federal Government are held liable in connection with their official responsibility;

oo"}..,r-l: ql\r&\IIJ'i1o, OP'~ ~1\~.~;1'TtD-

,..h"},..,. "'ml<1: O"'l.rr'l-qTtD- ftD"})!&\~f-1o

! ,


,,,,.. '" ~ f.lt T ""lI?-ttJ i'h1i-c;&\?" f. 10 h"}.e.+m 04: rr~tD! f(Do6f1' mc ",,..ql1~~1o ~"}itlt?J1o h"}.ltv-9" I ,


"'.,.~ .('C~"¥i


OD1"lr:r"" lDh.flo1o

"'ml<1: O"'l.rr'l-qTtD- ftD1"f,.&\~f-1o

2) without prejudice to international diplomatic law and custom, offences for which foreign ambassadors, consuls as well as representatives of international organizations and foreign states ar~peld liable;


C. Oi'h'" O"'l.lD(\~tD-OD.lPl""~1j': ~,. h""~ ft..~t,.A htj:+~ fj:C.(' 0."" tD~I\.It f &Jot,.&\ hfj:+~ fj:C~ 0."" tD"'" tD.e.~n- h1.1ttftDC O"'l.4>C-o1'1<1:::

3) app1icationfor change of venue from one Federal High Court to another or to itself, in accordance with the law.

1W lif01f ~;J&"" ;JH.IIJ
ii' flJ..~A f~

It: fl1-1;"" i


liifit~ ,.,... NegaritGazeta- No.13-151hFebruary1996- Page132

m"'J\~ ~e,(- 0."" f~"'Q~ JPAIIJ'} m"'~


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sf'~ O~"'Q~

Mf"" JPAIIJ') ~lfl.'fA ! Ii' flJ..~A h~"';;: ~e,(- 0."" OOD}!OD&1U'J{ JPAIIJ). m-..,l fllmQ:fm-'} -Mf'~ ! K'



~e,(- 0."" O~"'Q~ ll""l.~"" JPAIIJ).


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0."" fl1RCJPAIIJ')

f IJ..~A m"'J\~ ~e,(- 0."" ODIPI.;J-ce fin fa..., ha..,."" IAQ:fm-'} f"7.,h.,.A-""'} -M"~ 0l10C Mf+ JPAIIJ'} ~lfl.'PA ! Ii' f ~ ~.,.;;: ~,(- 0."" ~"'Q~ 1\U fODQ;1.I.i( m-..,l fl1mt1Tm-') -M"~! K' f~A m"'J\~ ~ 0."" OD~O;;:~..,. fODQ;}.(.i( m-..,l fllmQ:fm-'} -Mf'~ ! OJ~'" O~'" [. fbAA m"'~ ~ 0."" OD~O;;:~


Q~ h,..,. fODQ;1.I.i(m-i\l fl1mQ:fm-'} -M"~ h~A h~""


AppellateJurisdictionof the FederalSupreme Court The Federal SupremeCourt shallhave appellatejurisdiction over: 1) decisions of the Federal High Court rendered in its fIrst instancejurisdiction; 2) decisions of the Federal High Court rendered in its appellatejurisdiction in variation of the decision of the FederalFirst InstanceCourt.

10. Power of Cassationof theFederalSupreme Court In caseswheretheycontainfundamentalerrorof law, the Federal Supreme Court, shall have the power of cassation over: 1) fmaldecisionsof the FederalHigh Court renderedin its appellatejurisdiction; 2) fInal decisionsof the regular'divisionof the Federal SupremeCourt; 3) fInal decisions of the Regional Supreme Court rendered as a regular division or in its appellate jurisdiction. PART FOUR

hAIJ..~A h~"';;: ~C,(- o.+'i" fOD"£OD&1 ~1.'J{~e,(- 0."" f~~~+ JPAIIJ'} Iii'

f40lo~A h~"';;: ~C,(- 0."" fOD"£OD&1~~ f~~~"" JPAIIJ'} l). flJ..~A

Jurisdiction of the Federal High Court and First Instance Court

f~+tIt -oth.C

h~"';;: ~C,(- 0."" ..,,..;J-TOJ-h"',..h+


(~f itu) -OC OJ\~ Oil"),O""l.h.,.A-"" s,.~ t\~ fOD}!


OD&1~~ f~~~"" JPAIIJ'}~lfl.'PA ! 0) OflU h'P~ h'}.,.W ~ AIJ..~A m"'t\~ ~e,(- 0."" f.,.l1mOJ- JPAIIJ'} h,}~"'mO"'lflf'

~ ODIPI."" -M"~ ! A)

O"7.,"'CO- flJ..~A

OhJlh hOQ h'i" O'(-~'P f\o~ f~""tIt -oth.C





h'i" -oth.C

m-h'l' O""l.~"" OA.

sf'~ II

fflU h'}.,.W '}o-h h'}.,.W (Ii) (0) ,(-'};J1. O,lfC,.. . f IJ..~A h~"';;: ~C,(- 0."" O"7.,h.,.A-+ sf'~ t\~ fOD1.OD&1~1.'J{f~~~"" JPAIIJ') ~lfl.'PA! 0) f..,Al1-o'A'" ,h"'~ ih..,'} (T~~iL+ h,1"'C'i""li'i"A I\<"OJ-) O"7.ODAh-l: sf'~ ! A) H."'~"'" O""l.ODAh-l:-Mf'~ ! tit) flJJ-6l!' 01C1 ~,(- OJ~'" -o~1 A",hUt,.. 0"7.,'" e-o ho.-f:;J- ! OD) oa..., O"7.,mMOJ- ODIPI.+ h1,(-1

s~ hh1'(-

flJ..~A fOD}!OD&1~1.'J{ ~C,(- 0.+ m~ A.t\ fOD}!ODt-1 ~1.'J{ ~e,(- 0."" OJ~'" m~ ~.... h1Jllfme O""l."'C-O'1'14: :: II'

f40lo~A h~"';;: f~~~"" JPAIIJ1


0.+ fOD"£OD&1~1.'J{ fOJ1"£A

f 4o1o~A h~"';;: ~C,(- 0."" O"7.,h.,.A-"" -Mf':f foP"£oP&1 ~1.'J{f~~~"" JPAIIJ1 ~lfl.'PA !


11. First Instance Civil Jurisdiction of the Federal High Court 1) The Federal High Court shall have fIrst instance jurisdiction over the followingcivil cases involving an amount in excess of Birr fIve hundred thousand (500,000); (a) without prejudice to the jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court Qnderarticle 8 of this Proclamation, federal civil. cases submitted pursuantto Articles3 and 5 herein; (b) other civil cases arising in Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. 2) Notwithstandingthe provisions of sub-Article I (a) hereof, the Federal High Court shall have fIrst instancejurisdiction over the following civil cases: (a) cases regardingprivate intemationallaw; (b) cases regardingnationality; (c) applicationregardingthe enforcementof foreign judgements or decisions; (d) app\ications for change of venue from one Federal First Instance Court to allother or to itself, in accordancewith the law. 12. FirstInstance CriminalJurisdictionof theFederalHigh Court The FederalHighCourtshallhavefIrstinstancejurisdiction over the followingcriminalcases:

1~liN}r ~:M"" ;'UII) ~+C Ir ft).1;T'?;_"'~liulitt,.~:9"'NegaritGaZeta,-No,13-15thFebruary




li' flH.U~tp~ ~'}.,.~ Q'}o-li ~,}"'*(liH!l) (r) (t) 'he;(I) fl+oot\h-t:""

flD'}J!A .,.~v-:y. !



fl~JLlI ~flll 'he; fl~t;.&;tp11.f.i1?m-lI'I' fl"7.~o-e; flP' &-


I\f. lIi\- t\.f\o"f ih..,:f t\h~+O;:~C~Jl."" flD'}J!A .,..&;V-1-:: Ir'


ftJo&-A h~+O;: ~C~ fl."" ff."'lI~ P'AII)" f4..Yo&-A h~+O;: ~C~ fl."" f~Y..(rA ~C~ fiT' f~maJ.'} m-..,). flf."'lI~ f.lj~tpA::

fooJ!oo/.1 .e.~jf f'or,f"" P'AII)'}


' "




f4..Yo&-AfooJ!oo'l,f .e.~jf ~C~ fl."" f~""th -flthoCf~~~"" P' A II)'} ,. f 4..Yo&-AfooJ! 00/.1 .e.~jf ~C~ fl."" "'9" ;t'Tm- 'hllh -flC '~9"lI"" 00'" iLu (?;f iLu .fIC) fi"7..e.ClI,lDf.9" "'9";l'Tmfl1'}U-fl f).+oo'} fl07f.:fA fl"7.h+i\-"" ",~v-,:f I\f. fooJ! 00/.1 .e.~jf f~""th -flthoCf'&;~~"" P'AII)'} f.lj ~tpA ! Ii'

t 'he; ~ ,}"'w Ili (i{) ft4..YoIrA fl...,.e; h~+O;: ~C~ fl."" f+()mm-

fllf.U ~ tp~:, ~,}"'?t',





flDIJ.cf!Co-ftJo&-A i{'

I?;' I

r 'h'; ?; OOlP~""

(flj ; fl~,}"'~ f~""th


flih.., t\t\.it>'f~t)I\""f+()mm:.;


f'&;~~"" P!AII)'}


mfl.,. (flj f O~JL'" ~fllle; fl~~tp

hof'O'l'm-lI'I' fl"7.~O-

flt\.fto:f fiJ:..,.", -flthoC .,.J;v-i' ::


f4..Yo&-A fooJ!oo/.1 P'AII)'}

.e.~jf ~C~

fl."" flD'}J!A



ftJo&-A fODJ!oo/.1 .e.~jf ~C~ fl.:" fl"7.h+i\-"" flD1J!A ~v-:f I\f. fooJ!oo/.1 .e.~jf f'&;~~""P'AII)'} f.lj~tpA;


flH.U~tp~ ~,}"',~ Q'}o-li ~1"'~ (Q)(?;) (i) (?;) 'he; (it) fl+oofth-t:"" flD'}J!A ~v-:f ; i{' flih~ {\t\.f\o~~t)I\"" f+arnm- f'&;~~""P'A1I)1 'h'}.e.+ mfl.,. (flj ; fl~Jlll ~flll 'he; X:'~tp hof'O'l m-lI'I' li'


fl"7.~ e; flP'&- I\f. lIi\- t\.f\o:f :I1..,:f'l\~m-Irjfe; t\lD~.&; ~C~ fl..,.:f fl+()m flt\.f\o:f flD'}J!A -,...;v-:f::

1) criminal cases specified under sub-Articles (1), (2), (3), (8) and (to) of article 4 hereof; 2) other criminal cases arising in Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa and -falling under the jurisdiction of the High Court pursuant to other laws in force. 13. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Federal High CoUlt The" Federal High Court shan have appellate jurisdiction ovet decisions of the Federal First Instance Court. 14. Civil Jurisdiction of the Federal First InstanceCoUlt The Federal First Instance Court shall have jurisdiction over the following civil cases involving an amount not in excess of Birr five hundred thousand (500,000) or over civil cases the value of which cannot be expressed in money:

1) ...without prejudice to the jurisdictions of the Federal Supreme court and High court under Article 8 and subArticle (2) of Article 11 hereof, federal civil cases submitted pursuant to articles 3 and 5 of this Proclamation; 2) without prejudice to judicial power vested in other organs by law, other civil cases arising inAddis Ababa and Dire Dawa. 15. Criminal Jurisdiction of the Federal First Instance CoUlt The Federal First Instance Court shall have jurisdiction over the following criminal cases: 1) criminal cases specified under sub-Articles (4) (5) (6) (7) and (9) of article 4 hereof;

2) without prejudice to judicial power vested in other organs by law, other criminal cases arising in Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa as well as other criminal cases under the jurisdictions of Awraja and Woreda Courts pursuant to other laws in force. PART FIVE

h~A ~9"lI"" lift tJo&-A ~C~ fl..,.:f T &.H.~'}.,.:f

The Presidents of Federal Courts 16. Powers and Duties of the President of the Federal Supreme

CoUlt Ii'

ftJo&-A li'

m:"J\f. ~C'~ fl."" TMt..&;''''' P'AII)'}e; .,...,lIC

ftJo&-A m:"l\f. ~C~' fl."" T&.IOn"" fl:l1.., OOlP~"" f tJo&-A '~C~fl."':f') ftD7l1+~.e.c ~I\k f.(fe; A ::'


i{' fH.U ~'}.,.~ '}o:it ~'}.,.~ (li) ~m,4>l\f. ~~;J1C 'h'}.e.+ mfl'" (flj f f tJo&-A m:"l\f. ~C~ fl.""T &.H.~'}""; V) ftJo&-A ~C~ n..,.:f'} .&;7f:fh~A fl."" 'he; htJo&-A fooJ!oo/.1 .e.~ t\)

h~+O;: ~C~ ~C~ fl."" ;JC

floooot)hC f..e.ft~~A; P'&- f.()II)A f Il1+'&;~&-A ; t\tJo&-A ~ci- n..,.:f ~lI~.I\1. f(f). lP&-+7f1-'} htJo&-A h~+O;: ~C~ fl."" 'he; htJolrA fooJ! 00/.1 ~ ~C~ fl."" T &.H..&;'}.,.:f ;J,C floooot)hc f."''I' &-A;


1) The President 'of the Federal Supreme Court shall be responsible for the administration of Federal Courts in accordance with the law. 2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-Article (1) hereof, the President of the Federal Supreme Court shall: (a) in consultation with the Federal High Court and the Federal First Instance.Court, place, assign and administerjudges of Federal Courts; (b) in consultation with the Presidents of the Federal High Court and the Federal First Instance Court, employ personnel necessary for Federal Courts;

1~lifC!)§ ~;J~"" ;Jtf.1IJ~1'C Ir f't-t""f:

+1 Iiifit~ ,}'9".NegaritGazeta-No.13-15thFebruaryI996-Page134

,h) fUv~1A tf:C.(-0..,.1-1 ""',(-'1' 01:"" hU;J~ i\;"1I{I +m'tf'1- 9"hC 0."" f+CfllA I fLO.(-"'9" P'~ 1\,. f(J)ol\IA! f4..1..~tA1i tf:C.(- 0..,.1-1



prepare and submit to the House of Peoples' Representatives the work plan and budget of Federal Courts and implement same upon approval, forward his opinion on requests for budgetary subsidy to regional Courts exercising federal jurisdiction by delegation; cause the publication of the law journal of the Federal Supreme Court; cause the preparation of statements regarding the activities of Federal Courts and the submission of reports on the activities of regional courts concerning Federal cases, as supported by statistical data; facilitate conditions for the education and training of judges and other personnel; in consultation with Regional Courts, work out ways for improving the records management and general practices of Regional Courts as relating to federal cases heard thereat; submit, to the House of Peoples' Representatives, researched reports on the judicial' activities of Federal Courts; cause the $election and publication of instructive judgements and decisions of the year; organize the public defence office; perform such other duties as may be entrusted to him by law.


O(J)ohlA'i i\D7."'? fhAIA 'tf:C.(-' 0..,.1- f01:"" OI/'t'ti'f 1'f
f4..1..~AI11"'I\fitf:C.(f1.C;J1A !

11') iti\ Uv~1A

0."" f;".., oPK'm."" h1.1lU;J~

tf:C.(- 0..,.1- P'~



Oit.+it-thit I fhAA


tf:C.(- 0..,.1-

fUv~1A -H;f;'J-1 hitoPlAh.,.itl\h'im)."" +..,flC Oit.+ it-thit f+f..1L ~;rc"" h1.1l+C{I ff..C;J1A ! t:) f.';7f:ft; fi\.fti>1-IPt.+7f1- ""9"UC""'i P'Am'i fD7.'t~.(0"'" 'v.t.+ foP;F;FA ! ('\) OhlAlA iti\D7.'+~ f 4..1..~A 1-.';f'1- foP1I1{1 hf f1l'i m.,.I\I\ hlP~C hhlAlA tf:C.(- 0."" ;JC OoPoo'thC fD7.i'fi'fIAO"'" v.t.+ foo;F;FA I

(d) (e)

(f) (g)


if) +)

iti\Uv~1A tf:C.(- 0..,.1- f.';~~"" P't. h't~.(- i\;"1I{I TlD'tf'1- 9"hC 0."" 1''1'.+1£ U1fl9l1-1 f+CfllA ! ""9"UC.+'f flY), ftJOO1: tf:CJl.'f'i (J)ol}i9l'f1-ooCm(J)o h1.1l'++oo- ff..C;J1A !

0) f+hl\'t,. mO~1-1 o.c- ff../r.~1A ! + ) 0;"'" fD7.i'lm-"'" i\.fto'f +.., flc-'ffh'i If:'

(J)olj" A II

m"'I\,. tf:C.(- 0."" 9"h""lA I t-fl..';1"" !

Ii' OTt-fl..';11: fD7.oo~i\"'" P'/r. fh'i(J)o'i1A I !{. f4..Y..~1:\ m"'I\,.tf:C.(- 0."" Tt-fl..';1"" OOl/,.tfcO""1.tf. T t-fl..';11:1 +h.,. "1P/r.A II


iti\ 4..1..~1A htf:+f

tf:C.(- 0.""Ij" f 4..1../r.1A foo1: oo~f

tf:C.(- 0."" Tt-fl..';1"'1-



iti\ tf:C.(- 0.1: Oit'+""it-t~it f1.C;J1A !

f+f..1L OO..,i\66}. h1.1lU;J~


ftf:C.(- 0.1:1 ".,. Y:Li 01:"" hU ;J~'" i\4..1o/r.1Am.,.I\,. tf:C.(" 0."" T t-fl..';1"" f+CflA I fLL+.(-9" P' /r. 1\" f (J)ol\IA !

?;. ""9"UC.+'f flY), ff,}oo1: tf:CJl.'f'i (J)ol}t9l'f +OOCm(J)o i\4..1o~1A m"'I\,. tf:C.(- 0."" Tt-fl..';1"" h1.1ll\hff..C;J1A ! P'~(J)o h1:,.it:J>(1.Of1.tf.(J)olt~1..~1A m"'I\,. tf:C.(0."" T t-fl..';1"" ~;rc"" f+CfllA ! 0;"'" fD7.i'lm-"'" i\.fto'f +..,flc-'f fh'i(J)o'i1A II htf:A It.(-lt'''' iti\ 4..1..~1A tf:C.(- n,."'1- hf..t:~1:""'i f.';~~"" P'~ h't~.(Iii'

The Vice-President of the Federal Supreme Court shall: 1) discharge duties to be assingd to him by the President; 2) serve in the President's stead, while he is absent. 18. Powers and Duties of the Presidents of the Federal High Court and First Instance Court

Ii' tf:C.(- 0.1:1 ,.mhl\lA! g. f4..1..~1A m.,.I\,. tf:C.(- 0."" I t-fl..';1"" OD7.i'lm(J)o oPoP~f OOIPt:T.ftf:C.(- 0.1:1,p~+7f'f fit+.';'(-~IA!


17. The Vice-President of the Federal Supreme Court

P'AIIJ1'i +..,flC

fftf:C.(- 0.1: T t-H..';1""!


(i) (j) (k)

f4..lo~1A m.,.I\,. tf:c.(- 0."" 9"h""lA 1t-fl..';1"" f u..~1A


f 4..1o~1A m:"I\,. tf:C.(-o...,. .';7f'f'i i\.fto1-liJt.+7f1Ii'

f4..lo~1A m"'I\Wtf:C.(- 0.""h11: 1t-fl..';1"" I h11: 9"h""lA Tt-fl..';1"" h1.1lo-9" i\P'/r.(J)o hilLI\1. flY), .';7f'f ,.tf~'+A II


f4..1../r.1A m"'I\,. tf:C1: 0."" i\P'~(J)o fD7.filLA11P~+7f'f ,.tf~'+1A II

The Presidentof each Court shall: 1) representthe court; 2) administer personnel of the Court subject to directives to be given by the President of the Federal Supreme Court; 3) cause the preparation of statements, supported by statistical data, regarding the activities of the Court; 4) prepare and submit to the President of the Federal Supreme Court the work plan and budget of the Court and implement same upon approval; 5) cause the selection, and sumbission to the President of the Federal Supreme Court, of instructive judgements and decisions of the year; 6) submit to the President of the Federal Supreme Court periodic reports on the activities of the Court; 7) perform such other duties as may be entrusted to him by law. ,


PART SIX FederalCourtStructureand theAdministrationof Justice 19: Judges and Other Personnel of the Federal Supreme Court 1) The Federal Supreme Court shall have a President, a Vice-President and the necessary judges. 2) The Federal Supreme Court shall have the personnel necessary for its function.

1K' ~fc9?; ~:M"" ;JtLllJ ~1'C/n:


ft}i;-r 'k ct') ;Iufit;5'~'9'".NegaritGazeta-No.13-l5thFebruray


Page 135

f t..Y-o~/.\mefi\~q:C.(' o.-r';fl\".,."f .


f&Jo~/.\ mefi\,e 1j:C.('o.-r f"7.h+H u) f~""ch .och.C "fl\"-r It) ftD')~/.\ "fl\"-r ! 'he;



ch) f P' ~ hctlc "fl\"-r I; . 0'h1')~')~ "fl\"-r h').(' (a.oI}OS V-It-r ~~"f



!~"f~~11 , ft..Y-o~/.\ mefi\,e ~C.(' o.-r Tt.IL~')-r tD,e9'" 9'"h-r/.\ T;:.tt~1-r O~e;TlD-~ 'fl\"-r (a.ol}{1. Iflf lLlP~ ,e'fi\/'\II

f. ~

20. DiVisions of the Federal Supreme Court 1) The Federal Supreme Court shall have: (a) a Civil Division; (b) a Criminal Division; and (c) a Labour Division. 2) There spall sit a presiding judge and two other judges, in each division. 3) The President or the Vice-President of the Federal Supreme Court may preside over any division. 21. Division with not less than Five Judges


hh9'"~-r 1i\~"" ~~"f ~1t"7.(afOO-O-r "fl\"-r ~. ft..f...~~ lIlcfi\,elf;C.('-o.-r Tt.tt~')-r



tD,e9'" Ot..Y-o~/.\ mefi\,e ~C.(' o.-r "fl\"-r hl}l}{1.~-r tD,e9'" h+h~t)~ tD1lf"f f1,)~ 1'1cJ: ft.ctc.fllt-r h,).(',) .,.~,e hh9'"il-r 1i\ ~ ~~"f +(a,eOD(I)< 'h')JtI~-r 1tOT/ .('l


, ,e"fi\A



(~) f+.e.~11lD"'h')~+mOct

OttU h,)ctK' ')O-~ h,)ctK' Iflf ~ ct1'l\" f+Hl.H


1i\ ~ u)

.,.~v-"f f"7.:r~-r hh9'"~-r

~~"f O+(afoo-O-r "fl\""" ,elfe;/.\ !

ft..Y-o~/.\ m:"i\,e ~C.(' o.-r OOD~OD~1.e.l.~ f"7.1 IT(I)< .,.~~"f !


04..j.'.,~/.\ l11efi\,e ~C.(' o.-r "frr-.,."f ODt}h/.\ ODIP~:r'C flf~ f-rC.,.9'" /.\~~-r f+Lml.n-r') ;r,..., f"7.oPlth-l: .,.~v-"f ft.h~i: !





I f+mct""-r

1) The President of the Federal Supreme Court may on .his own initiative or suggestion by a division of the Federal Supreme Court or where one of the parties so petitions direct a case to be heard by a division with not less than five judges sitting. 2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-Article (1) of this Article, the following cases shall be heard by a division with not less than five judges sitting: (a) cases falling under the first instance jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court; (b) cases relating to a provision of law having caused a fundamental difference in inter-


pretation amongst divisions of the Federal Supreme Court; cases referred to under article 10 of this Proclamation, where determined that they be heard in cassation.

.,.~v-"f O(aOC

22, ApplicationProcedurefor Cassation 1) A decisionshallbe heard in cassationby the Federal ~g. f(aOC ho.-I::r hctt.l..o P'~ P'C~-r SupremeCourt,pursuantto article 10herein,subject ~. h,).(' (I)<""~ OttU h'P~ h,)ctK' I OD.IPl.-r O&Jo~/.\ to prior ruling as to the existence of fundamental mefi\,e ~C.(' o.-r O(aOC f"7.nOT/(I) ODIPl.:t'.'C.f;r,..., ~U+-r hltO-r .otto 'h')Jt(aOO- ft.(D(a') II

ft.tD~') ~(I)

O(aOC'h')Jt:r,eIt-r f"7.L/.\..., ho.-I:.+ heft.{1. .,.~~

ODIPl.:r'Cf;r,..., ~U+-r hltO-r f"7./.\O-r') 9'"h')1-r OOT/OD/.\h:r(l)< i\,e O'HC'HCK'G:OT/efl..ohltO-r II (.



ho.-r f1~ hOT/OD/.\h:r(l)
ft..Y-o~/.\ h~+~e; ~.

fOD~OD~1 .e.l.~ ~C.(' o..,."f "fl\".,."f

ft..f...~/.\ h~+~CjfOD~OD~1

.e.l.~ fj:C.(' o..,.'f!

u) f~-rch.och.C 'ftto-r ! It) ftD')~/.\

'ftto"" ! 'he;


ch) fP'~ hchc 'fl\"-r ! ,elf ~T'P /.\ II g.



"ftto-r h').(' (a.ol}{1.e; v-It-r ~~'f II


2) The applicantfora hearingin cassationshallstatethe reasons for alleging the decision t6 contain a fundamentalerror of law. 3) The applicant shall together with his application submit a copy of the decision protested and of the decisionsof lower courts. 4) An application for a hearing in cassation shall be made to the Federal SupremeCourt wihtin 90 days fromthedateon whichthefinal d~ision protestedis rendered. 23. Divisions of the FederalHigh Court and FirstInstance Court 1) The Federal High Court and the Federal First Instance Court shall have: (a) a Civil Divison; (b) a CriminalDivison; and (c) a Labour Division. 2) There shallsit a presidingjudge andtwo otherjudges, in each division.


lif@j; 'l;J~-r ;JUlQ ~1'C It fl1-t-r



Hifit~ ,}.9".NegaritGazeta~No., 13~ 15thFebruary 1996-



f~fo?-fA m-Pi\f. tt:c.(' o.-rfO?O:Ff

Ftt:t. X"tll XOfl

f.lflf' fA ::


f~fo?-fA htt:+'1 tt:c.(' o..y.:flf' fOo"f..(TD~'f.ljf tt:c.(' o..y.:f fO?ll:F, Ftt:t:- OX"tllhOfl h-f'O'i . O.('t.~tp h+O? 'hlf' 0~1


oolPlT f.lflf'fA :: t.



G'~ (~) OOl/.lD(}'llD-


f.oo M/\:t'fA


t;'?;. 0..,fA)t :ff\o.p ll/\O?O:FfA OtllJ X14')t 1o.ll X14'". (Ii) f+oo/\h+lD- o.IfC9". /\~~'l.p XlP?-C X..,fll1'l.p 1i\r~, f F'l FC'}-r ih1:f 'h1f.+mO~ 1f'llD- . htllJ 4'1'f\o f+oo/\hi:T u.~:t'9>:f fl., ;J1'OO<01l..,:ff\o-r,o:fi\/r ! u)

/\ih1l11lf' /\001..,F-r lDf.9"

fli\9"lf' 81':t' XllLi\1. fl.lf1 .


/\ih1l11 oofAl19" mflf. XllLi\1. Iflf fl.1~ ::


I\) ~'1lD- h+h?-I1~9>:t: fX1~~lD-lD11 """'tlT. 'l1l L"f: lDf.9" mO:J> OIf'lOT "~f. i\f. f+'l" tJCtJC flf'l 'h1f.1f'l !

tit) ~'1lD-hChC f+'l..,OT1 "'~f. Xll.,..('qP O~~'l-r lDf.9" ObC-P 0011.(' f+11 'h1f.1f'l ! ~'1lD-




lDf.9" fOl/.flD-"'lD- Iflf


?C Ott:C.('.~T



f,+'U tJCtJC lDf.9"

htllJ Oi\f. h(U) 'hllh, (00) h+oo/\hi:T 9"tJ1,.y.:f lD-6f.bTtJh/\'1 tt:Tih Xf.fl1'9" fOl/.ffl~ /\.i\ oct 9"h1'.p f\.IfC :: I. OtllJ X1"')t 1o.il X14')t (Ii) oolPl:" ~'1lD-o:ff\o-r i\f. 1\."'001' fO?f.1f1lD-001f~1 fl.'lD--P h:ff\oT +'lll.y. t\.i\ ~'1 oo"'I1T X/\OT :: lP)

~'1 h:ff\o.p 'h1"t '1" ll/\O?oofAh-r Ii.


3) A Federal Court of any level may, where it finds it necessary for the efficient rendering of justice, hold circuit hearings in any place within the Region or area designated for its jurisdiction. 25. Working Language of Federal Courts 1) AmParic shall be the working language of Federal Courts.

2) The Court shall providean interpreterto a party who does not understandAmharic.

1) All,cases shall be heard in open court. 2) Notwithstandingthe provisions of sub-Article (1) hereof"and without prejudice .to procedural laws relevant to adjudication, cases may be heard in camera in considerationof the following:

(b) public morality and decehcy.

1) No judge of a Federal Court shall sit in any case where: . (a) he is related to one of the parties or the advocate thereof by consanguinity or by affinity; (b) the dispute relates to a case in which one of the parties is Ja person for whom he acted as tutor, legal representative or advocate; (c) he' has previously acted in some capacity in connection with the case or the subject matter of the dispute; ,

00<'" -r , /\ lD- 'h1 f.1f '1 !


and'in such other places as lTIay,be det~rmined in accord'ance with Article 78 (2) of the Copstitution.

27. Withdrawal of Judges

X1.(' f~fo?-fA tt:C.(' o.-r , ~'1 htllJ 4'1'f\o h+oo/\hi:T 9"h1,.y.:f OX1~ h:ff\oT "'l"fA ! u) ~'1lD- h+h?-I1~9>:t: hX1f.'1lD-lD11 lDf.9" hmO:J>lD;JC f F;J lDf.9" f ;J11:F119"1:'1 f/\lD- 'h1f.1f'l !


The Federal High Court and the Federal First Instance Court shall sit in Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa

(a) public and state safety and security: or lDf.9" ..,l1l111'l-r

f~7f:f h:ff\o.p OO'l"T ~


26. OpenHearing

Ii. tt:c.(' o..y.:fi\ih1l11..,fA)tOrr'l u.~:t' ,ll:fi\/r ::


1) The Federal Supreme Court shall sit in Addis Ababa.


It'~. f ~fo?-fAtt:c.(' o..y.:ff F?- *'* Ii. f~?-fA tt:C.('{kf:f f:ff\o-r*'*XO?C'1 f.lflf'fA:: I. fXO?C'1*'* /\O?,.:ffAfI/\"'~f. tt:C.('o.i: Xll+C~OI/.




OfT'1lD-9" 'hch1 i\f.f0l/.1~ fJ..fo?-fA tt:c.(' o.T .,.fAlQ4- tt:.pih /\oollmT XllLi\1. Iflf 1111lD- /\~~'l-r F?- O+oof.O/\T tJlAfAlDf.'9"XI1f1o.O0?1'1lD-9" lltt:t.



24. Place of sittings

ll/\O?ll:F, Ftt:?Ii.

Page 136

f ~fo?-fA htt:+'1 tt:c.(' o.-r T t.tl~1-r lDf.9" 9"tJ-rfA 3) The President and Vice-President of the Federal High Tt.tl~1-r fftt:C.(' o..y.:FrlD-:ff\o.y.:f ('111"0. 1f'llDCo~rt may preside over any divisioD"of thei{ respective I\.fl?- f.:fi\/r



X1f.'1(l)c OX14')t lJ'%°tUlU?--r 9"tJ1 '1".p f0i/.1 fllD-00 llf\o f:t'flD- 'h1f.1f'l 'h1"t'l"/\-r /\tt:C.(' o.i: O?oofAh:F O?-Pll1 f.:fi\fA ::

,.y.:f00 lP l.p X1 .(' ~ '1h:ff\o-r00

(d) he has a case pending in court with one of the parties or the advocate thereof; (e) there are sufficient reasons, other than iliose specified under sub-Article (1) (a) to (d) hereof, to conclude that injustice may be done. 2) The judge concerned shall withdraw as soon as he is aware that he should not sit, in accordance with subArticle (1) hereof, and shall be replaced by another judge. 28. Application for Removal of a Judge 1) Where a party to a case is of the opinion that a judge should not sit for one of the reasons specified in Article 27 hereof, he shall submit a written ap-

plication to the court requesting that the judge be removed.




lift9% ~:M"" ;JUIIJ 4:'I'C If flt-t"" % .,.'} I!!fitt


tPJ00 A h:FCD-


f"7. .,. CO CD- ncncr

tPJ00 A h:F


hOD 1: oocr


~'9'" NegaritGazeta~No.

00 If cr1



01l1J 01.,.", 10-ia 01.,.'" (C) he; (!!) oowl"" f"7.(}mCD-CD-'1); fooQ;}.li1'e; f...,t1~ f.lfe; A ::




f"7.(}mCD-1 tPJe;:fCD-19"' CD-"1); ~~CD- lDJtICD-). 00&..1.9"'ot\Or ::

tPJ00 A h:Fw.

Page 137

2) The application shall be made before the trial opens or soon after the party becomes aware of the reason for making such an application. 3)


h'ff\o"" h1Jt~,! tPJooAh:F f"'lOQ"" ~~ hlbf\o'f ~~'f ;JC O"7.!ia'fAO.}. 'Lit hlf~ tPJooAh:F f"'l 00"" ~~ Olbt\O"" O"'lCD- ~~ rof.9"' ~~'f tPJooA h;FCD-CD-'1);11~A


,0."" h1Jtro(}'}



oooAI1=J: h1~ro'" roJtICD-). 001f1 ot\O"" :: C' 01 1: ~~ 11:FCD-1;,f"7.!ia'fA hlf~ h'ff\o"" iat\oo~It"" f"7. "'C11 t\""1 tPJ00 A h:F +00 A n1'- 'r 1<1:CD-1 f+.,. " 0 t\CD- h 1 ~If~ h 'ff\o"" .e'"titA:: 1'I<1:CD-11 A +.,. 0t\CD- h1~1f~ ..,1 01l1CD- ~C~ 0."" 0"7.1~ lbi\ 'ff\o"" t lbi\ 'ff\o"" hlbt\' flllJ), ~C~o."" CD-"1); f...,t1~ O"7.!f(l}-~C~ ot\O"" ::


Where the judge is sitting alone he shall, after considering the 'application, either withdraw or refer the matter for decision to another division of the same court or, where there is no other division, to the court in which appeal lies from the decision of his court.

4) Where the judge is sitting with other judges, he shall withdraw and the remaining judge or judges shall hear the application and give a decision thereon. 5)

A decision given under sub-Articles (3) and (4) hereof shall be final and subject to no appeal.

6) Ajudge shall forthwith comply with a decision given tinder this Article.

29. Costsof Application The costs of applicatiqn under Article 28 hereof shall formpartofthe costsin thecase.Wherethe applicationis dismissed, however, the costs shall be borne by the applicantirrespectiveof the outcomeof the case.

iat\ "7.! iah..,. t\ CD-h. '1 t.

01l1J otp~ 01.,.'" ?I~ oowl"" ~~ h'ff\o"" h1Jt~'1 f"7."'COCD- tPJooAh:F liah+t\CD- h. '1t. h'Pe;CD-~1C h.'1t.;JC f.m:J>t\i\&\:: ~1C..,1 ~C~ 0.1: tPJooAh:FCD-1 30. Penaltyfor Application Without Good Cause Where a party.'.makesan application under Article 28 +1Q. of.~t\9"' OtPJt\""Itf..,.Ot\CD-h"'l f'Pe;CD-1~1C hereof without good cause the court may, in addition to (J)clf).""Itf.oo t\h..,. h. '1 t.CD-1f"7. h~t\ CD-tPJ00Ah:FCD-1 ''''lOCD-


dismissingthe application,impose a fine not exceeding Birr five hundred (500).

(}CD-f.1fe;A ::

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The Plenum of the Federal Supreme CouIt

31. Plenum of the FederalSupreme CouIt The Federal Supreme Court shall have a Federal SupremeCourt Plenum (hereinafter"the Plenum.") 32. Members of thePlenum I) The membersof.the Plenum shall be the President, the Vice-President and judges of the Federal Supreme Court, the Presidentsof the Federal High Court and the Federal First Instance Court and the .Presidentsof Regional SupremeCourts. 2) The Minister of Justice shall participate in the sessions of the Plenum without, however, having the.rightto vote. 3) Judges not referred to under sub-Article (1) hereof and representativesof appropriate government offic~s,associations,organizations,law faculties,and scientific institutions or other individuals may be invited to participate in the Plenum without, however, having the right to vote.


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Ii: ft]-f:"":t .,., Iitfif=s q.9".N~garitGazeta - No. 13~ 15thFebIJlary1996-

Page 138

c!jr' f.,.qq..lD- FAlI)'}CJ'-+..,qC .,.qq..lD-htLtJ f"th+I\-"-'" FAlI)1CJ' +..,qC'~ ~lf...:l'A :; 33. Powers and Duties of the Plenum Ii' O~~~..-".F&- nil+~1.C l11: q;Jm{lDo~"'C'~ I\f. The Plenum shall have the following powers and duties: +CDlf,'" oP~"-"'m.oPilm"-'"t 1) to deliberate on problems encountered in the administration of justice and work out remedies thereto; ~. f~f.,&-A ~C1: o..,.~ f~~~"-'" nlP&-C1 ltOl/7i7iA 2) to examine and ~pprove directives and decisions that f"7.lJ;. oPoPtl,,"fCJ' lD-lt~,,~'} OI/ltlt~ t help improve the judicial practices of Federal Courts; r' n~-'til :h''''f~'}-'tCDffic CDf,9"~qC :h1~ ~ '}-'t7i7iI\3) to submit proposals to the House of Peoples' It:h1l11 +CDt)f"~ 9"tJC 0."-'"YPll1O?c}ll1 t Representatives for the enactment of new laws or the !!. f~~~"-'" F&- ht)~1:,} ltOl/"'l\m~CJ' ltOl/mCJ'hC amendment of existing ones; f"7.lJ;. t\.lr>~ +..,q& ".'} OI/hCJ'CD'} t ~CJ' 4) to perform such other functions as help to make the ~. It.,.qq..lD- F&- ntc,09" niltcl\1.lD-'} 1.,}11 OI/lD-lIJ"-"':: judiciary efficient and strong; and 5) to issue regulations necessary for the proper carrying out of its duties. c!j!!' f.,.qq..lD- nlP&-C Ii'

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1.H. f.,.qq..lD- (}l1ltfl CDlt~

Working Procedure of the Plenum 1) The President of the Federal Supreme Court shall be the Chairman of the Plenum. 2) The Plenum shall designate its own Secretary. 3) The Plenum shall convene once a year; additional meetings may be called as necessary. 4) Two-thirds of members of the Plenum shall constitute a quorum. Decisions shall be adopted by a majority vote; in case of a tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

tJ~A ilM"-'"

PART EIGHT MiscellaneousProvisions

A ~ A ~ 1:,) ;J'l."~ c!j~.


35. Decisionsand Ordersof FederalCourts

0."-'" lD-PI~"~CJ' "-"'()tftl~

OOl/CJ'TlD-9" 1.l)f f"7.1"F f ~f.,&-A ~C1: o..,.~ 1) FederalCourtsof any levelmay order that decisions f"7.(}tp.TlD- lD-PI~"~CJ' "-"'()tftl~ OtJAA ~C1: and orders given by them be enforced by Regional Courts. o..,.~ ~ '}-'ttc~{IDof ~f.,&-I\- ~C1: o..,.~ 01/"11 2) Wheretwoor moreRegionalor FederalCourtsclaim f,~1\1\- :: or disclaim jurisdiction over a case, the Federal ~. n,}1:,} "'~f, Irlt"-'"CDf,9"htf.1 Ol\f, ftJAA CDf,9" Supreme Court shall give the appropriate order f~f.,&-A ~C1: o..,.~ FAlI)CJ'~,} ~lD-l1ltlD-fln-"-'" thereon. CDf,9"FAlI)CJ'~,} nf,1.lt9" 11"lD-foPlt"""-'"~,}1.If~ f ~f.,&-A mc}l\f, ~C1: o.:f. +., fllD-'} "-"'()tf1l 36. Pending Cases oPilm"-'"f,~I\A:: Cases pendingin CentralCourts as well as in the Courts Ii'

c!ji' O~C1:o.:"

of Region 14 and Dire Dawa, prior to.the coming into force of this Proclamation, shall be transferred to the Federal Courts having jurisdiction pursuant to provisionsherein.

OoP:l'f"-'"I\f, ill\l\- ~f"~

f,1J n"~ hoPR'CJ'-I:04."-'" OOl/c)hl\'e ~C1: o..,.~ ~'}-'tIr9" OtJAA I!! ~CJ'01:&.~" ~C1: o..,.~ OoP:l'f"-'" I\f, II\- ~f"~ 0tf.1J n"~0+1.~11lD- oPlPl"-'"FAll)'} 37. RepealedandInapplicableLaws CD~I\TlD-f~f.,&-A ~C1: o..,.~ +tflD-llD- f,:l'11\- :: 1) The Central Government Courts Establishment c!j:t. f+7i... :hr)~CJ'+tc~"7.~"-'"Mf,lf&-TlD-:h1~ ProclamationNo. 40/1993 (as amended)is hereby Ii'

M()hl\'e f7i..,..,C oP'}..,F"-'"~1: fCDlI)lD-n"~

n"~ +1i~A ~.

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repealed. Any law inconsistent or dealing with matters provided for under this Proclamation shall be inapplicable.


!.,WiI0D ~;I~"" ;IlL,.. -Ir'I'CIt:fII-t"" i +'J IDf1t~ ~.".NegaritGazeta-No.13-15I11February



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This Proclamationshallcome intoforce asof the 15111 day

of Febroary, 1996.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 15111 day of Febroary, 1996. NEGASO GIDADA (DR.)

,./c ~;J(\....... 'J\.+f'1r1 ~'£

Page 139

38. Effective Date

'-tfJ'iO+ Ji



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-ncn'iM,.., BERHANENA


, ~~+ ;I-+PRINTING



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