Sub: RVM (SSA) A.P, Hyderabad – Re-engaging the services of certain personnel on contract basis – Further guidelines - Issued - Reg. Ref: This office Proc.Rc.No.5730/RVM(SSA)/C4/2010 dt: 14.02.2013, 18.04.2013 and 25.04.2013. --oOo— All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) in the state are informed that, necessary guidelines were issued in the references cited on termination and engaging the services of certain personnel at District Project Offices, Divisional level, Mandal Resource Centers, School complexes and schools on contract basis duly assessing the performance by constituting committees at district and mandal levels. Further the services of various personnel shall be engaged for the academic year 2013-14 as shown below. Sl. No
Name of the post
Contract period From
MIS Coordinators
Data Entry Operators
Cluster Resource Persons
Part time instructors
Divisional level Monitoring Teams
Asst. Sectoral Officers (NGOs)
Necessary instructions shall be issued to the concerned officers and Head Masters to obtain the contract forms from the personnel whose services are engaged and send the photo copy of the formats to the District Project Offices concerned within 7 days from the day of engaging the services. Original forms shall be retained at the respective offices and institutions. A model contract form and proceedings are enclosed for ready reference. No personnel shall be engaged without entering into contract under any circumstances. If any deviation is noticed, action will be initiated against the concerned officers as per rules. Further, District Project Offices shall collect the information of the personnel category wise in the format enclosed and furnish the same to the State Project Office within 15 days after engaging the services. The information shall also be updated from time to time based on modifications if any and keep ready at District Project Offices to furnish the same to State Project Office as and when required. It has been brought to the notice of the State Project Office that, some of the officers are issuing service certificates to the personnel mentioning that their services were engaged continuously for the last so many years. Since the services are engaged every year a fresh, no service certificate shall be issued to the personnel. Therefore, all the Project Officers in the state are requested to follow the norms strictly without any deviations and submit compliance to the State Project Office. SD/-V.USHA RANI STATE PROJECT DIRECTOR To All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) in the State. Copy to all District Educational Officers in the state. Copy forwarded to Commissioner& Director of School Education, A.P, Hyderabad for favor of information. //T.C.Attested//
Sub : RVM (SSA), A. P., Hyderabad â Distance Education Programme â. Organization of 3rd School Complex Meetings for Primary School teachers 27.11.2012 ...
Present: Smt. V. Usha Rani, IAS.,. Proc. Rc. No. ... textbooks of Class VI & VII, CCE Module, RTE Module (modules available at district. / school level) and a ...
All the District Educational Officers, the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) and the. Principals of DIETs in the State are informed that the APRVM (SSA) and SCERT, ...
All the Project Officers of RVM(SSA) in the state are informed that instructions were issued in the reference read above for opening satellite schools with I and II classes to the identified main schools and position one Vidya Volunteer duly extendin
5. improved participation of parents by making a SMCs is functional and vibrant. The community participates in school matters, demonstration of the performance of the children to SMC members. All the states are focusing on Pedagogical changes based o
May 13, 2013 - Present; Smt.V.Usha Rani., I.A.S.. Rc.No. 286 /RVM(SSA)/C2/2012. Dated:12.06.2013. Sub. : APRVM(SSA), Hyderabad â Access to schooling â Providing transport facility to children for the year 2013-14 â certain guidelines âissued
Sep 24, 2013 - mentioned items and the resolutions shall be recorded accordingly. Social audit shall be done by SMC on utilization of the grants. Stock and Issue Registers shall be maintained for the items procured and utilized. Expenditure and balan
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District. Educational Officers in the State are informed that, it is brought to the notice of. Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad that most of the
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District. Educational Officers in the State are informed that, it is brought to the notice of.
Oct 1, 2009 - the 2nd batch of 297 U.DClerks in Col.I who had ... Accountant. In continuation of this office order read as 6th and 9h the third batch of U.D.Clerks who ...... Director, KILA. Director, IKM. C.A to Director/Additional Director. Joint D
PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONER AND DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL. EDUCATION ANDHRA PARADESH :: HYDERABAD. Proc.Rc.No.2458/D1-4/2012. Dated: 22.04.2013. Sub: School Education â Right to Education Act -2009 âTeachers working on deputation as APO post in the
and inadequate Infrastructure facilitates. Although substantial efforts are taken up for creation of the facilities, the maintenance of the same is not up to the mark.
Have dialogue with teachers, students and SMC members to supplement teacher's report. ~ Prepare a descriptive report based on self-observation and report collected from the teacher. ~ Discuss the report with the teacher concerned to improvehis/her le
The Regional Joint Director of School Education, Guntur is pleased to accord permission to the Mandal Educational Ofï¬cers / Head Masters Grade- II to retire ...
Nov 25, 2010 - As per FR 49(1) the Head of Department is the competent authority to sanction FAC allowance for the period of 1st three months @1/5th pay for ... PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONER AND DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL EDUCATION (FAC)::. ANDHRA PRADESH :: HYDERABAD â 4. Present: V.Usha Rani, I.A.S.. Rc.No.185/MDM/2012. Dated:06/04/2013. Sub:- Mid Day Meal Scheme â Providing
Aug 27, 2013 - that the students will excel in at least one of skills: i) Tailoring, Stitching and Embroidery ii) Dance iii) Music iv) Pottery c) For recruitment of Art/Craft/Vocational Instructors at the KGBV level, the following is to be followed: