

Registration No.: RTU/Nnnl31 12012

Federation Natioflal of IndianRailwaymen ROAD,NEWDELHI. 11O055 3, CHELMSFORD Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC)& InternationatTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) No. I/10/Part IV


The Secretary@), RailwayBoard, NewDelhi DearSir, Sub: Productivity LinkedBonusfor the financialyear2016-17to be paidin thecurrentyear 2017-reg. Ref:

RailwayBoard'sletterNo.E(P&A)II-20|7|PLB-3 dated02/08/2017. {.********,1.

Kind attentionof Railway Board is invited to the discussionsheld on 4ft August,2017in the chamber of Additional Member (Staff), wherein the Federation has explained the needto accord approvalfor paymentif ProductivityLinked Bonus equivalentto not less than 78 dayswagesas was donein the previousyears. NFIR againplacesthe factsas below for immediateactionfor sanction:o 'The output give,nby Railway employeeshas been very much on high side particularly in the contextof non-filling of over 2lakh vacanciesand additionalburdenborneby the existinestaff sincethe lasttwo years. o

Capitalinput shouldnot be takeninto considerationas the utilizationof the sa.idcapitalis not in the handsof workers.


During the previoussix years,the PL Bonuswas paid to the Railway employeesequivalentto 7g dayswages,thereforeany reductionin numberof days would .auo serloui resentmentin view of the fact that Rail Workforcehasbeencontributingfor productivityinspiteof difficult working conditionsand heavy shortageof staff due to non-filling of vacaniiesand non-creationof new postsfor new assetsbuilt.


In fact, the Railway Ministry should considermotivating the staff by granting more number of dayswagesthan previousyear at this juncture.

NFIR, therefore,requeststhe Railway Boardto kindly takeactionfor sanctioningthe p.L. Bonus -ananged equivalentto not less than 78 days wages.It is also r.queited that paymentmay be before commencement of DussehraPoojaHolidays. Federationmay be kept apprisedof the actiontakenin the matter. Yours faithfull

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)' General Secretary Copy to the A,gdl.Member(Staff),Railway Board,New Delhi for necessary actionplease. Copy to the ExecutiveDirector,pC-I, Railway Board,DFCC Building, Metro Bhavan, PragatiMaidan, New Delhi for necessary actionplease. Copy to the GeneralSecretaries oiaffiliated Unions of NFIR. MediaCentreAtrFIR.

Phone:011-23343305,65027299, Fax:011-23744013,Rly.22382\ Rly.030-22283,22626, Website: www.nfirindia.org E-mail: [email protected], 0\


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Productivity Linked Bonus.PDF

The Phenomenon in this Journal. Fenomena yang diangkat dalam jurnal ini adalah fenomena marjinalisasi buruh, baik oleh. pemilik modal maupun pemerintah yang tidak mampu berbuat banyak atas nasib kaum buruh. Page 3 of 3. Productivity Linked Bonus.PDF. Productivity Linked Bonus.PDF. Open. Extract. Open with.

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