Two parallel plates extended to infinity are a distance of h = 4 cm apart. The fluid within the plates has a kinematic viscosity of ν = 0.000217 m2/s and density of 800 kg/m3. The upper plate is stationary and the lower one is suddenly set in motion with a constant velocity of U0 = 40 m/s. The governing equation is Navier-Stokes simplified as: ∂2u ∂u =ν 2 ∂t ∂y where y is the cross-stream direction and u(y, t) is the streamwise velocity component. Use a first-order forward-time and second-order central space (FTCS) scheme to discretize the PDE. The analytical solution for this PDE is given by: ! ∞ ∞ X X u(η) = U0 erf c(2nη1 + η) − erf c(2nη1 − η) n=0
√ √ where η = y/2 νt, η1 = h/2 νt and erf c(z) = function.
√2 π
R∞ z
e−r dr is the complementary error
1. Derive the truncation error of the finite-difference equation. Is FTCS scheme consistent? 2. The stability condition for FTCS is given by: d = ν∆t/∆y 2 ≤ 0.5. Verify this condition numerically by examining the velocity profile for different ∆t and ∆y. 3. Decrease ∆y (adjust ∆t accordingly to satisfy the stability condition). At what ∆y value does the solution become independent of ∆y. This is called the grid independent solution. 4. Show that the accuracy of the solution improves on a finer mesh (as ∆y decreases). The error can be calculated as: Analytical − Numerical × 100 %error = Analytical 5. Plot the velocity profile for t = 0, 0.18, 1.08 sec and compare the numerical results with the analytical solution. 6. Continue the numerical solution in time untill it reaches steady-state. Compare this solution with the analytical solution as well as that obtained from the PDE directly 2 (i.e. by solving the ∂∂yu2 = 0 analytically).
The analytical solution for this PDE is given by: ... 2 dr is the complementary error ... Show that the accuracy of the solution improves on a finer mesh (as ây ...
Nov 5, 2013 - software will find the optimal meet time for all users. This component is similar to the ... enjoy each others company! Existing Approaches:.
Apr 24, 2014 - Support Google admonb ads. ⢠Share on social media. This manual describe the Tree android application V1 from Monkey. Clicks projects ...
Hardware : Thread, WiFi, Zigbee, BT 4.0, Z-Wave... â Network : 6LoWPAN, CoAP, XMPP, MQTT, STOMP... â App : WoT ... Using the framework. We will use the Zygote ... Even as a developer you need to know only JS to take full advantage.
In the course of the project, we expect you to complete the following tasks: 1) Gather ... The presentations should target a non-technical audience and serve the ...
Use the following explicit schemes: 1. Finite-Volume: FTCS for both convection and diffusion. 2. Finite-Volume: First order upwind for convection, FTCS for ...
Discuss the following: 1. Plot the residual vs. number of iteration for each method. Use different relaxation factors for PSOR and LSOR. 2. What relaxation factor ...
are constantly accelerated by an electric field in the direction of the cathode, the num- ...... als, a standard fit software written at the University of Illinois [Beechem et al., 1991], ...... Technical report, International Computer Science Instit
Mar 4, 2002 - is now an integral part of computer science curricula. ...... students have one major department in which they are working OIl their degree.
Netflix Zuul acts as the API Gateway for accessing the micro services behind the gateway. It also acts as the load balancer and the reverse proxy server which routes the request to the respective service. Microservice's stay behind reverse proxy serv
QR Reader Java Project. Date: 4 July ... Open eclipse and click on File -> import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace as shown in fig. 2. ... Similarly fix problem of JRE system library if in ... ProjectFlow.pdf show complete flow of proje
Apr 27, 2014 - Developing scalable applications with IBM MQ Light and ... Improving the sample application by separating the web-facing component from the.
describing the group, one can encompass the transformations and their corresponding sym- metries. In fact, every symmetry has an associated group encompassing it. To make this discussion concrete, let's consider an example first and then delve into t
Jan 23, 2017 - 1. What are all these things? 2. What is the mean of yi? 3. What is the distribution of ϵi? 4. What is the notation X or Y ? Drawing a sample yi = xi β + ϵi. Write code which draws a sample form the population given by this model. p
This R Markdown document contains exercises to accompany the course âData analysis and visualization using Râ. This document contains the exercises ...
Jan 9, 2018 - We will put special emphasis on learning to use certain tools common to companies which actually do data ... Class time will consist of a combination of lecture, discussion, questions and answers, and problem solving, .... After this da
Please select either bus 2 or 3 as reference bus, calculate the line flows, and check if the results are the same. 2. Come up with a case study of LP, and solve it in ...
To achieve an economical basic unit price, we kept the onboard circuitry to the necessary minimum. For example, there is no built-in power supply â the boards directly accept only regulated +5V power. Real- world power processing (12V, 24V, PoE, et
App.Now it's time to play your robot! Robot Ideas--Further exploration. Programming Guide--Further exploration. Parts List. Wiring. Build the Robotic Arm Tank.