The Design School @ Taylor’s

Final Project & Portfolio 40% The Brief The Book. (Part 3: Digital Book)

Duration of Assignment 3 Weeks (Briefing on Week 9)


Description In this final project 3 you will be required to adapt the printed book you have designed for the purpose of on-screen reading. The design of the digital Book will be dependant on the device it will be read from or the type of format used; ePub/PDF/HTML. Presently most digital books are in the ePub/eBook format (How To Create a Fixed Layout Ebook with Adobe InDesign CC), which is adaptable across devices. However this format is only available in Adobe CC. We shall strive to explore and decide on an appropriate format. Your input here is vital. One very important area to focus on is navigation between pages; this has to be well thought through, as the user interface must not be an obstacle to seamless reading. Note: Project 3 is an attempt to work on methods that are developing as we speak, so as your lecturer I too am learning these new features, with project 03 our classroom will effectively be a laboratory. Even so we shall strive to produce work that is of good standard.

Requirements The student will adapt the designs from the printed format without loosing the identity and style of the said in the digital book. The final work will be uploaded unto the respective eportfolios and printed out in thumbnail formats for the hardcopy portfolio. The softcopy (printed book and digital book) will also be burnt on a CD. ‘Packaged’ your InDesign files to ensure all elements of your book has been collated when burning it on the CD.

Submission 1. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the A4 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated. 2. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the eportfolio for the duration of the project in one post and for the duration of the course in a separate post as instructed in class. 3. Softcopy of the digital book uploaded unto the eportfolio for the purpose of reading. A thumbnail printout of the digital book. 4. All files packaged and uploaded unto Google Drive and link provided in the eportfolio. Ensure all folders are labelled or named appropriately.

Objectives 1. To develop students ability to adapt the various elements attractively in a digital book. 2. To develop students ability create seamless navigation from page to page. 3. To develop students ability to maintain a consistent identity with acceptable variation.


The Design School @ Taylor’s

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Marking Criteria & % Distribution













Project 3: Digital Book (20%) Navigation: All links required to navigate from page to page is present (home, content, chapters, pages, etc.) and are placed in an appropriate and logical place. The page navigation is seamless and is easy to use. The layout design has been adapted exceptionally well. Layout & Typography: The layout design suggests maturity and self-direction with strong evidence in detailing, appropriate and attractive arrangement of type and visuals, consistent page layouts with good variation within the selected grid system, exceptional and appropriate use of colour that supports and creates dynamism, and concept-based solutions. The layout design has been adapted exceptionally well and the identity of the book has not been compromised. The typographic skills shown in execution are exceptionally attractive in terms of appropriateness, hierarchy, colour coding, combination, and size. The textual information has been presented with great sensitivity, and is appropriately readable and legible. Total



Project 3.pdf

through, as the user interface must not be an obstacle to seamless reading. Note: Project 3 is an ... Marking Criteria & % Distribution (%) LO1 LO2 LO3. Project 3: ... variation within the selected grid system, ... Displaying Project 3.pdf. Page 1 of ...

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