Annual Report Requirements and Template During the period of a program’s GAC Accreditation, an annual, online report must be filed once per year, by 31 March. This report notes any changes/improvements in the accredited degree program or the institution where it is housed; particularly addressing opportunities for improvement noted in the Onsite Visit Report from the most recent GAC Accreditation Onsite Visit. This online report is the current process employed to collect the required GAC annual report information. Overview: a. Approximately 30 to 45 days prior to the annual report submission deadline GAC Staff will send the primary point of contact at the accredited program a link to the individualized “GAC Annual Report.” Any information that the GAC Offices have on file for the program will “pre-populate” the online form. b. The accredited program will then complete the rest of the report with relevant information. c. The report focuses on the following information related to the accredited program: 1. Demographic Information 2. GAC Accredited Program Description and Delivery Format 3. Assessment of Anticipated Outcomes: i. Discuss progress relative to the program’s mission statement, overall program assessment and continuous improvement plans. ii. Discuss progress toward meeting “Opportunities for Improvement” from the most recent GAC Onsite Visit addressed during the past year (refer to Onsite Report or contact [email protected] with subject line GAC Annual Report for more information). iii. Narrative summary of recent student feedback (qualitative and quantitative).

14 Campus Blvd, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA | Tel: +1 610 355 1601 Fax: +1 888 562 3564 | E-mail: [email protected]

4. Academic Community/Faculty/Staff 5. Student Performance Criteria/Information in the Public Domain 6. Any other relevant information the program wishes to share with GAC. d. Once completed, the accredited program prints a copy of the form for its records and submits the completed form to the GAC Offices. e. Approximately 60 days after the 31 March deadline, the program will receive a response from the GAC regarding the report’s acceptance.

View a sample of the Online GAC Annual Report on the following pages (Sample only – do not use to complete the actual GAC Annual Report):

GAC Annual Report Requirements and Template 9 March 2015


Annual GAC Accredited Program Report

During the period of a program’s GAC Accreditation, an annual report must be filed once per year, by 31 March. This report notes any changes/improvements in the accredited degree program or the institution where it is housed; particularly addressing opportunities for improvement noted in the Onsite Visit Report from the most recent GAC Accreditation Onsite Visit. The GAC may also request that an annual report address specific issues of concern above and beyond those areas regularly addressed by the annual report. This online report is the current process employed to collect the required GAC annual report information. This report has been “auto-populated” with any information that is already on file in the GAC Offices. Please correct/fill in any of the information that is incorrect and/or missing. Please print a copy of this report before submitting it to the GAC. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the GAC Program Administrator at [email protected] with subject line GAC Annual Report.

Part 1: Demographic Information Please correct/fill in any of the information that is incorrect and/or missing. 1A: Administrative/Institutional Information 1A1: Name of person completing report:

Text box

1 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

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1A2: Title of person completing report:

Text box

1A3: Contact telephone number:

Text box

1A4: Contact email address:

Text box

1A5: Name of Parent Institution housing accredited programs:

Text box – will auto populate

1A6: Name of Department/College within the Institution where accredited programs reside:

1A7: Primary Street Address, including City and postal Code, where program is offered:

Text box – will auto populate

1A8: Primary State/Province where program is offered:

Text box – will auto populate

1A9: Primary Country where program is offered:

Text box – will auto populate

1A10: Program Website:

Text box – will auto populate

Text box – will auto populate

1A11: Governance & type of institution where program is housed: - Public 2 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015


Private Non-Profit Private for Profit Private State Country related

1A12: Details on any updates/changes to current status of institution: (Examples: changes in ownership; legal status; renewal of regional accreditation)

Text box

1B: Primary administrator name & contact information: The information in this section will “auto populate,” but still be able to be modified. 1B1: Name of program administrator:

Text box – will auto populate

1B2: Title of program administrator:

Text box – will auto populate

1B3: Contact telephone number:

Text box – will auto populate

1B4: Contact email address:

Text box – will auto populate

1B5: Secondary administrator/support staff name:

Text box

1B6: Title of Secondary administrator/support staff:

Text box

1B7: Secondary administrator/support staff contact telephone number:

Text box 3

Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

1B8: Secondary administrator/support staff contact email address:

Text box

1B9: Details of any changes to program administration/staff support:

Text box

1B10: If billing/invoicing should be sent to an individual other than those noted above, please insert that person’s name, email, phone and address here: Text box

4 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

1C: GAC Accredited Program(s)/Delivery Format Please review and modify/complete as needed for each GAC accredited degree program. Most of the information in this section is auto-populated by data on file in the GAC offices. Please fill in the following information on the grid below for each accredited program. Name of Degree Program

a. Type of Degree b. Delivery format. Select from the Program. Select following if not already shown: Traditional Face-to-Face, Distance from the Learning only, Blended Learning (both following if not Traditional & Distance Learning already shown: offered at same time to enrolled BA, BS, MEM, students), Both face-to-face and MS, MBA, MEng, distance learning offered separately) PhD, MPhil, MPhil, MPM, DPM, MCPM, MA, BBA, BS/MS, DBA, PgDip

c. Offered on multiple campuses? (drop-down – Yes or No)

d. Insert the e. Insert names of campus number of locations campuses (including online as a separate campus) where the program is offered

1C1: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C2: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C3: Name of degree program (autofil)

5 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

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1C4: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C5: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C6: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C7: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C8: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C9: Name of degree program (autofil)

1C10: Name of degree program (autofil)

6 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

Part 2: Annual Report Required Information The information in this section will need to be completed by the individual program

Section A: Assessment of Anticipated Outcomes If you need more space to respond to these areas please contact [email protected], with subject line GAC Annual Report

2A1: Discuss progress relative to the program(s)’ mission statement, overall program assessment and continuous improvement plans:

Text box

2A2: Discuss progress towards “Opportunities for Improvement” from the most recent GAC Onsite Visit addressed during the past year (refer to Onsite Report or contact [email protected] with subject line GAC Annual Report for more information):

Text box

2A3: Narrative summary of recent student feedback (qualitative and quantitative). If you wish to include any attachments, please send to [email protected] with subject line GAC Annual Report:

Text box 7 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

Section B: Academic Community/Faculty/Staff Please review and modify/complete as needed for each faculty name. Most of the information in this section is autopopulated by data on file in the GAC offices. If more than 20 faculty are to be listed, please contact [email protected] with subject line GAC Annual Report for additional instructions.

2B1: Current number/type of faculty in GAC accredited program(s) Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

a. Academic Credentials (MBA, DBA, b. Professional Certifications (e.g. PMP, PgMP, c. d. Type of CEng, etc) (text box) Faculty/Academic Staff PhD, etc.) (text box ) (will be drop down: Permanent Full-time faculty, Part-time faculty, Adjunct (visiting) /Tutor, Fixed term/Contract Faculty, Academic staff)

2B1: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B2: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B3: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B4: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

8 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

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2B5: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B6: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B7: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B8: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B9: Faculty Name (First name, Last name)

2B10: Faculty Name (First name, Last name) (This grid can hold information for 20 faculty members. If more need to be reported, please contact [email protected]

2B2: Please describe any additions and deletions to faculty/academic staff complement.

Text box

9 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

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Section C: Program Outcomes/Project Management Core Learning Outcomes If you need more space to respond to this section please contact [email protected] with subject line GAC Annual Report. Please insert the below information. 2C1: C.1: Deletions of any courses/modules:

Text box

2C2: C.2: Additions of any courses/modules including Program Outcomes and Project Management Core Learning Outcomes as detailed in Sections C.2.6 and C.2.7 of the GAC Standards of Accreditation:

Text box

2C3: C.3: Significant changes to existing courses including Program Outcomes and Project Management Core Learning Outcomes as detailed in Sections C.2.6 and C.2.7 of the GAC Standards of Accreditation:

Text box 10 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

Section D: Student Performance Criteria/Information in the Public Domain Please note that the information in this section “Student Performance Criteria/Information in the Public Domain” must be published on your program’s website, and must be made available to the public in an easily accessible format. Please insert number/statistics for each GAC accredited degree program.

Enrollment Options: Full Time (FT); Part Time (PT) ± Program 1C1: Name of degree program (autofil) 1C1: Name of degree program (autofil)

2D1. Maximum Time to Graduation (MTTG)*

2D2. # Students Beginning Enrollment by Year (all semesters/terms) (includes re-entries and new starts)** 2012 2013 2014

2D3. # Students with Degrees Conferred by Year (all semesters /terms)

2D4. # Students Continuing Enrollment at end of year, by Year (all semesters/terms)

2D5. # Students who Withdrew by Year (all semesters/terms)










2D6. Retention Rate 2D7. Graduation Rate 2D8. Employment (%) by Year (all (%). State how Rates by Year+ (all semesters/terms). calculated in text box semesters/terms) State how below (Q2D11.) calculated in text box below (Q2D10.) 2012 2013

2014 2012



2012 201320122014 2012



± Enrollment Options: In this column, please select the enrollment option (Full Time and/or Part Time) within the accredited program, and insert related data/statistics for each option offered. *Maximum time to graduation (MTTG): the number of years the program allows students to complete a given degree. This may be dictated by university policy or may be defined by the program. MTTG may differ among degrees offered (eg, 4 years MTTG for Masters or post graduate degree, 8 years MTTG for PhD, 6 years MTTG for Bachelor students). 11 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

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**The number of students actively enrolled in each GAC accredited degree option. +Provide employment rate at time of graduation or within 12 months of graduation.

2D9: Insert the URL from your program’s website where the Student Performance Criteria (Questions 2D1 through 2D8, above) are publicly posted:

Text box

2D10: (Related to statistics in question 2D6) Please state how retention rates are calculated:

Text box

2D11: (Related to statistics in question 2D7) Please state how graduation rates are calculated:

Text box

12 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

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2D12: General information about resources for students associated with the accredited program and/or the institution where program is housed.

Please insert relevant URL in space provided below:

2D12a. Student services:

2D12b. Student Admissions:

2D12c. Career Resource Center:

2D12d. Catalog Information:

2D12e. Program Fees and Tuition:

Insert URL with this information here

Insert URL with this information here

Insert URL with this information here

Insert URL with this information here

Insert URL with this information here

2D13: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Optional). Please insert relevant URL in space provided below: 2D13a. Links to any Student Achievement Surveys related to GAC Accredited Program:

Insert URL with this information here

13 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

2D13b. Links to any Satisfaction Data in GAC Accredited Program(s) program (ie: Current and Alumni Students):

Insert URL with this information here

Section E: Other 2E1:

Explain any other significant changes in the program(s) (e.g. support services, student selection, financial resources, etc.):

Text box


Discussion on future plans, directions and opportunities for the accredited programs:

Text box


Please use this area to discuss any best practices/innovations/significant achievements of the accredited programs that you wish to share with the GAC community:

Text box 14 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

OPTIONAL: Provide any comments/suggestions you have on improvements that could be made to the administration of the GAC program.

Text box

Please print this report for your records before submission to GAC. Click here to print this report.

15 Annual Report Survey Sample for GACPM.Org Website

9 March 2015

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