[email protected]
Timeline Today’s Date
PUBLICATION REQUEST Creative Brief Submit this form with each job requiring the services of the marketing department. Email materials pertaining to this job to
[email protected] using the project name in the subject line. Include a printed copy with this form and a sample if the job is a reprint. Complete this entire form, including date and signature. Incomplete forms will be returned.
Job Status First-Time Job Re-Run (As Is)
Date Needed (Not ASAP)
Allow 5-6 weeks for design/production to be completed. All copy and materials must be submitted with the form.
Requester________________________________________________ Phone Ext.____________ Floor_______________________________________________ Department_______________________________________________________________ Dean ______________________________________________
Brochure Promo Item Booklet Bookmark Catalog Banner Flyer Ad Poster Table Tent Postcard T-Shirt Art Program Other (Describe) _______________ __________________________
Finishing One Side Staple Two Side Pad/Glue Collate Letterfold 3-Hole Punch Half-Fold Bind Z-Fold Other (Describe) _______________
Discussed with Dean
Project Name____________________________________________________ Description and Instructions____________________________________
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Objective (What do you intend to accomplish?)________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Audience________________________________________________ How will you measure success:
Re-Run (w/changes)
Publication Type
Date of Event
Meeting Required? We can assist in gathering ideas or mapping out a plan to help satisfy your event or program goals. Email
[email protected] to schedule a meeting with us.
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Size 8½x11 8.5x14 5½x8½ 5x7 9x12 11x17 12x18 Other (Specify Exact Dimensions)______________________
Color Black/White Quantity_______ Mailing Info First Class Mail__________________ Campus Mail____________________ Self Mailer______________________ Bulk Mail (Min. 200)________________ Return Service Requested Or Current Occupant
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No No
Authorized Signature_____________________________________________ Print Name________________________________________________ Date ________________
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
MARKETING USE ONLY Checked in by: __________________________ Date: ________________________ Copy Center Vendor __________________