R Foundation News by Torsten Hothorn

Donations and new members New benefectors INWT Statistics, Germany Donations Radosav Andric, in memory of Ramiro Zurkowski, Canada Greater Good, Netherlands Koen-Woong Moon, Korea Daniel Neumann, Germany Schukat Electronic Vertriebs GmbH, Germany Somewhat Retired, USA Richard Vlasimsky, IMIDEX, USA New supporting institutions Inference Technologies, Czech Republic New supporting members Ayala S. Allon, Israel Michael Hahsler, USA Matthias Häni, Switzerland Christian Kohlberg, Germany Wojciech Niemczyk, Poland Torsten Hothorn Universität Zürich Switzerland [email protected]

The R Journal Vol. 8/2, December 2016

ISSN 2073-4859

R Foundation News - The R Journal - R Project

NEWS AND NOTES. 506. R Foundation News by Torsten Hothorn. Donations and new ... Inference Technologies, Czech Republic. New supporting members.

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