IT'S A GRAND OLD NAME ! I For over sixty years (since 1883) the "LASHERHOSE" trade mark has been one of the leading brands of men's wool and part-wool halfhose in the hosirey departmsnts of wholesalers throughout the country, and only upon merit can such a reputation be maintained. The Newest of genuine "Komet" ribbed and "Komet Link-and-Link" machinery, as well as the more staple constructions, gives the wholesale buyer a most attractive selection of time-tested, fast-selling styles. Because of the military needs of our armed forces, we must allot our restricted civilian production to our regular distributors. Always abreast of the newest in knitting developments, we have on order, for post-war expansion, the very latest types of knitting machinery. NORTHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL AND GRADED SCHOOL


FOREWORD Sold Exclusively Through


Located after May First in the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING ... SUITE 3003-30G4 Phone PEnna 6-7336

We proudly submit to the public this "Rambler", the twenty-fourth consecutive issue of the N. H. S. yearbook, in an endeavor to give a picture of the progress we have made and to perpetuate the memory of the Class of '44.


DEDICATION To Mr. Kelty, our janitor, who has served us faithfully and kindly for so many years, we, the Class of '44, in grateful return for his thoughtfulness, dedicate this Rambler.


RAYMOND BLOW ANNA ASELTINE Honor Roll 2; Student Day Teacher 2; Glee Club 4; "Pinafore" 4; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 3, 4.

Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; School Boy Patrol 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Committee Jeep Campaign 3; Usher at Graduation 3; "Grahame Crackers" 4; Rambler Staff 4; "Pinafore" 4; Student Day Teacher 2.

What's all the giggling .in the corner? That's "Cut" entertaining the boys—or girls, with some of his rare jokes! Although the teachers haven't seemed to appreciate his wit, this hasn't discouraged him in the least. Whereover there's excitement, you're sure to find his curly head. Being a whizz on the dance and basketball floor, he has "Cut" a mean figure during his N. H. S. days.

We were all amazed (including Mr. Erickson) to find at least one girl in Northfield High who could be in a class of all boys—and keep her mind on her work! Don't ever lose this ability to concentrate Anna; it's invaluable. Let this and your red hair blaze your way to success.



Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-President of Class 2; Home Economics Club 1, 2; VicePresident of Home Economics Club 2; Literary Club 1; Dramatic Club 2; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; Rambler Staff 4; Delegate to Home Economics Conference 2; Student Day Teacher 1, 2; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 4; School Patrol 4; Office Assistant 3; Sixth Honor.

Mixed Chorus 1; Chairman of Entertainment Committee 1; Home Economics Club 1, 2; Home Economics Reporter for Senior Whizz 2; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; All-State Glee Club 4; Dramatic Club 1; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; "Pinafore" 4; School Patrol 4; Business Manager of Senior Play 4.

Now I ask you, who—is shy? is very quiet? can't get a date? doesn't get around? never goes to a dance? never gasses in "Duzzy's"? has no use for a good time? doesn't like boys in general? never pipes "Anybody got weed?" NOT "Frenchie".

Mimimimimimimimimiminiimi! Take your fingers out of your ears, that's just Barb tuning up again. She'll have music wherever she goes—she makes her own. But music isn't the only thing Barb is noted for. Who of us won't remember her wonderful sugar parties?



Rambler Staff 4; Senior Play 4; Christmas Pageant 2, 3, 4; "Pirates of Penzance" 3- Honor Roll; "H. M. S. Pinafore" 4; Music Festival 4; Student Day Teacher 2; Literary Club 1; Girls' Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; School Patrol 4; Usher 3; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 3, 4; Chorus 1; Tenth Honor.

Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Fifth Honor; Glee Club 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2; All-State Chorus 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Typist of Servicemen's Addresses 3, 4; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; Jeep Campaign 3;'Christmas Pageant 2, 3; "Pinafore" 4; Secretary of Rambler Staff 4.

Everyone likes a cross word puzzle—Try this one. A three letter word that means— "Happy as a lark" "Pretty as a picture" "Singing like a bird" "Pleasing as a melody" Read across and up and down. Right! All you could get is "Pat".

As from a Fiesta scene, down old Madrid way. Where everyone is happy and costumes are gay, Comes a bit of old Spain To a little town like this— We meet Senorita Maria, Our sparkling Spanish miss; With flashing eyes and skirts atwirl She's captured our hearts and set them awhirl.



Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Festival 1, 2; All-State Orchestra 4; "Pirates of Penzance "3; "Pinafore" 4; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 3; Student Day Teacher 2; Second Prize in Edmund Memorial Contest 3; Christmas Pageant 3, 4; Third Honor.

Activities previous to entering N. H. S.: Member of National Thespian Society; Dramatic Club '40, '41, '42, '43; Secretary of Freshman Class; Vice-President of Sophomore Class; Social Chairman of Junior Class; Junior Play "Midnight"; Band '40, '41, '42; Student Council '42, '43.


Lucienne might well represent the ideal senior, for she is dignity personified. Lucieiine's ability to always have her assignments finished suggests the motto, "Come rain or shine, sleet or hail, flood or famine, the work must be done." Her ambition is to be a school teacher and we know that she'll realize it—because she'll work for it,

Everyone was anxious to find out what the "new girl" was like. As she ran the gauntlet of curious and appraisirg eyes, there followed various remarks. Such as, "What a neat hair-do", "Hey, she's got dimples." Then she giggled and she was "in". From then on we got to know her better and unanimously agree that she's really "one of the best" and a welcome addition to our class. By her list of activities, it's easy to sec she must have been a valuable asset to the school she left and we only wish she could have been with us longer.


BETTY CROSS Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Girls' Glee Club 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Rambler Staff 4; "Pinafore" 4; Typist of Servicemen's Addresses 3, 4; Office Assistant 4; Corridor Marshal 4; Fourth Honor.

JAMES CRUICKSHANK School Boy Patrol 4; Student Teacher 2.

"When your heart goes bumpity bump"—it's not necessarily love— not if you're riding in Jimmy's car. But even if it does give you somewhat the sensation of riding in a jeep, what can you expect from a car that made its debut along with Lillian Russell? All kidding aside, Jimmy, you and your unique car have given us some swell times.

Whenever clapping is heard in assembly it is usually due either to another award for Betty or another birthday. She's won so many typing and shorthand awards this year, we wonder if she's trying to break all records. She's certainly proved herself to be Miss Rogers' "Shining example", and you should find just around the corner an ideal —job waiting for you, Betty.



Ski Team 1, 2, 3; Captain 1; Co-Captain 2, 3; Vice-President 4; Assistant Editor, Rambler 4; Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; "Pinafore" 4; All-State Festival 4; Art Editor, Rambler 4; Business Manager Senior Play 4.

Ski Team 1, 2; Student Day Teacher 1, 2; School Boy Patrol 2, 3, 4; Lieutenant of Patrol 4; Boys' Glee Club 3, 4; Eastern Interscholastic Championship Ski Meet 2; Latin Club 1; "Grahame Crackers" 4; Business Manager, Rambler Staff 4.

Proudly we present Donald, our class artist. His drawings have always been conspicuous around school, not only his dance posters but also his doodlings—which can't be ignored. For proof that he is gifted, you have only to look at this Rambler. His masterpieces will undoubtedly decorate the walls of some of the world's art museums. He's shown us that all his talent doesn't lie in one field, as he can hold his own with the best of skiers and whiz down a nose dive like a Russian Commando.

Sailors aren't the only ones who have a girl in every port, are they Taffy? What's your fatal charm? Of course, we know it's your red hair that gets them. But it must be your restless energy, never ending desire for a good time, cheerfulness and dry Scotch humor that holds them. Girls aren't the only thing that keeps Taffy busy—sodajerking at Margie's takes up a lot of his time. I I I . .

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Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 3, 4; Student Day Teacher 1, 2; Homemakers' Jolly Jubilee 1; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 3 4,; Delegate to Homemakers' Conference 1; Ninth Honor.

What's in a name? We found there's quite a lot. Just looking at it gives an insight as to what the person's like. Take Gilda for example—

Don't look now, but here comes that dashing, impulsive "Fel". We all thought that "Fel" had a secret desire to be a teacher as he seems to do a very good job teaching the boys a little "colorful" Spanish on the side. But he says he wants to be a marine and we know that he's sure to be as successful hunting Japs as he is in tracking down his "deer."

G—goodness I— initative L—likeableness D—determination A—ability D—dependability A—attractiveness V—vitality I— industriousness D—democratic spirit

MARGARET FISKE RONALD DAVIS Orchestra 1, 2, 3; Ski Team 1, 2; Festival 1, 2, 4; All-State Chorus 4; Glee Club 4; Stage and Property Manager Senior Play 4.

If anything ever goes wrong with your car just call up Ronald; he'll know what to do, or (this is post war planning, of course) if your helicopter gives trouble call the same man, as he's an authority on airplanes too. It's remarkable when he's so busy repairing and tinkering with all kinds of motors and machines, finding out what does and what does not make them go, that he gets ary time to play his beloved records. Could perhaps his habitual later.ess to history class be accredited to his listening to B. G. recordings. 10

Honor Roll 1, 2, S^^Glee^Club 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Literary Club 1; Latin •a 4; Christmas Pageant 2, 3, Teacher 1; Typist Addresses , 2; Office Assistant 4; Chairman Entertainment Committee of Literary Club 1; Seventh Honor.

She's glamorous, she's different, she had a peek-a-boo bang. "Maggie's" fads and originalit.y have made quite a name for her. It's almost impossible to read anything written about X. H. S. during the last four years and rot find something in about "Maggie"! So open wide the doors of fame and let the fair damsel in!


RICHARD GAYLORD Baseball 1; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Co-Captain Basketball 4; Ski Team 1, 2; State Ski Meet 1, 2; Eastern Championship 2; Vice-President of Class 1; President 2; Festival 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Representative Green Mountain Boys' State 3; Christmas Pageant 3, 4; "Pinafore" 4; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; Class Marshal 3; All-State Chorus 4; Advertising Manager of Rambler 4; Student Day Teacher 1, 2; School Boy Patrol 2, 3, 4; Captain Patrol 4; Jeep Campaign Committee 3; Office Assistant 4.




LEO HEBERT Sold Tickets at Basketball Games 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage and Property Manager for Senior Play.

Whee-ec goes the fire siren! Clang, Clang goes the fire bell! Zip goes Leo down the street! Our auxiliary fireman certainly knows his business. At every blaze, he's there before the firetruck. But he doesn't stop with fires; comes the winter snow, Leo ploughs; comes the summer dust, Leo sweeps. All in all he keeps the community going, and sooner or later he's bound to be tops in town politics.

Wanta smile—see Rich Wanta ride—see Rich Wanta date—see Rich He knows plenty. His good looks and snappy clothes are an asset anywhere. The^r've certainly taken him places and all the maidens do swoon. He's frequently seen catching the train to Boston. New York, and all points South; flying down the "Ski Tow" hill; "flashing around on the basketball court; or heading for "Pelier" in his car. This may convey the impression that Rich is quite the Beau Brummel—Well isn't he? HILDAGARDE GOODRICH

Glee Club f, 2, 3,4 ; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; All-State 2, 4; Literary Club 1; School Patrol 4; Senior Play "Grahame Crackers" 4; Home Economics Club t, 2; Festival Glee Club f ; Festival Orchestra 1, 2; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; "Pinafore" 4; Christmas Pageant 2, 3, 4.

Surprise package for N. H. S. Read the label quick!—A good sport; a pal, full of fun; an accomplished musician; a worthwhile classmate—Hurry! Untie it! Who's in it? Well "Hil" of course.


PHYLLIS HOWES "Pinafore" 4; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; Student Teacher 2; Home Economics Club 1, 2; Chorus 1, 2; Glee Club 3, 4; All-State .Chorus 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Jeep Campaign 3.

Snip! Snip! go Phil's scissors. Click! Click! go Phil's knitting needles. And just like that, neat clothes and gorgeous sweaters appefer by the dozens. Everything from complicated cable knit socks to intricate lace trimmed jabots. And we stand in awe of the fruit of her labors. You certainly have a flair for this, Phil, and we expect you to be giving Adrian stiff competition, shortly.




Honor Roll 3; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; All-State Orchestra 4; Home Economics Club 1, 2; Secretary and Treasurer of Home Economics Club 1; Chairman of Entertainment Committee of Class 2; Cheer Leader 4; Dramatic Club 2; Rambler Staff 4; Student Day Teacher 2; Christmas Pageant 2, 3, 4; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 3, 4; Jeep Campaign Committee 3; Latin Club 3.

Home Economics Club 1, 2; Basketball 2; Typist of Servicemen's Addresses 3, 4; Glee Club.

They say little girls are made of "sugar and spice" etc.—This is debatable—but we think we know what one little girl consists of, Libby. And it makes for quite a recipe. 39/10 heaping tablespoons of good looks 2 1/16 cups of friendliness dash of deviltry and a pinch of Irish wit Stir this well and when thoroughly mixed sift in a touch of talent and pour on the old charm. Then let it bake in the warm smiles of the friends it makes.

BARBARA LaFRANCE Honor Roll 3, 4; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 4; Basketball 4.

Quiet, efficient, and nice to have around is Barbara. Although she doesn't spend much time making her presence known, she does devote quite a little time to composing a bit of verse, and has made quite a name for herself around here. Maybe "she's a poet and don't know it" or however the saying goes.


" D e s p a r t e ' s " , "Community Hall", or "Gilpin's", you'll be sure to find her in one of these places. Sparkling with wit and bubbling over with fun, she's a snappy addition to any party. Know why she's always so happy and full of pep? (This is strictly off the record). It's that "Bosco" (chocolate, of course) she puts in her milk every morning.

LORETTE LAPOLICE Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary-Treasurer of Class 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Asst. Concert Mistress 2, 3; Concert Mistress 4; All-State Orchestra 2, 4; Festival 1,2; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Chairman of Entertainment Committee of Latin Club 1; Secretary-Treasurer of Latin Club 2; Dramatic Club 2; French Club; Student Day Teacher 1 , 2 ; War Stamp Salesman 3; Cheerleader 3; "Grahame Crackers" 4; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; "Pinafore" 4; Jeep Campaign Committee 3; Christmas Pageant 2, 3, 4; First^Honor.

Lorette—our pretty French belle —is petite and cute, popular and admired, talented and versatile— we could go on adding to this list indefinitely. With all these assets what more could anyone ask for?


ATWOOD LaVALLEY Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; All-State Orchestra 2, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, i 4; A • Rambler War^Kio^ Staff, staff Joke T^Vo Editor 4; /t• "Pinafore" 4; Festival Orchestra 1, 2; "Pirates 3, of Penzance " 3 ; Christmas Pageant 3, 4; 'Grahame Crackers" 4.

EUNICE PARTLOW Home Economics Club 1; Mixed Chorus 1, 2; Typist of Servicemen's Addresses.

Alias "Al Capone". Don't be scared! Keep your seats! We haven't the King of the Underworld hiding in our midst, only the King of Jive. His gang "The Downbeats" may have been as noisy as any underworld mob, but not as dangerous—or were they? At every jam session, where the "Downbeats" were featured, we heard the hepcats, throwing themselves out of joint, yell, "It's murder!"

Eunice is one of those people who come and go with a smile and a quiet hello. She isn't around enough to let us get really acquainted with her. What's this we hear about an outside interest, Eunice?

ETHEL PROVOST BARBARA NEDEAU Glee Club 4: All-State Chorus 4; Dramatic Club 2; Senior Play 4; Student Day Teacher 2;jHome Economics Club 2; Rambler Staff 4; Treasurer of Home Economics Club 2;^Captain of Magazine Selling Contest 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Cheerleader 3; Usher 3; Chairman of Entertainment Committee of Junior Cldss 3; Corridor Marshal 4; Office Assistant 4; Scrap Drive Committee 3; Typist of Servicemen's Addresses 3, 4; Christmas Pageant 4; "H. M. S. Pinafore" 4; French Club 2.

Introducing one of N. H. S.'s bombshells that struck us in our Sophomore year. After recovering from the shock, we found that "Barb" adores parties, is thrilled at sports and is crazy about dancing. In short "Barb" gets a lot out of life, but she puts a lot into it.


Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2; Literary Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Secretary and Treasurer of Latin Club 3; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; All-State Glee Club 4; Chorus 1; Vice-President of Class 3; Chairman of Social Committee of Class 4; Christmas Pageant 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1 , 2 ; Student Day Teacher 2; Joke Editor of Rambler Staff 4; Jeep Campaign Committee 3; Typist of Addresses of Servicemen 4; French Club 2; "Grahame Crackers" 4; Eighth Honor.

Listen! Listen—there's a lot we're going to be a missin'. Fun, laughter and wit all walk hand in hand with Ethel. She's the life of every party and study hall. Ask her teachers. Here's to your success in nurses' training, Ethel. We all would like to be the lucky patient.




Student Day Teacher 1; Home Economics Club 1; Chorus 1; Glee Club 4; "Pinafore" 4; Camera Club 1; School Patrol 4; Girls' Basketball Team 1; Typist of Addresses for Service men 3, 4.

Ski Team 2, 3; Basketball Team 1, 2, 3; Boys' State 3; Glee Club 1, 2; Camera Club 1; Rambler Staff 4; Student Day Teacher 2; Stage and Property Manager Senior Play 4.

She's little- -but oh my! Although she's as full of vitamins as the bottles in a drug store, it's a sure thing she'll never be "on the shelf" like them. You can see Vitamin A sparkling in her eyes, D radiating from her smile and all the others forming a grand combination to make her the best example of a "vitamin plus" girl.

Oh, I'm packing my grip and I'm heading over Claremont way. Poets call this desire to always be "on the go", the wanderlust; around here, people call it spring fever.. Lately we've been wondering whether it's Miss Miller or Roger who can't make up their mind as to where he'll sit in study hall. So if you feel that you have to "Hit the Road", Roger, go ahead—just don't "get lost".


HOLLIS RICKER Glee Club 1, 4; School Boy Patrol 2, 4; Festival 4; "H. M. S. Pinafore" 4; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; "Uncle Sam" in Scrap Drive; Stage'-and Property Manager Senior Play 4.

Ski Team 2; Eastern Championship Ski Meet 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; AllState Chorus 4; Honor Roll 3; Senior Play 4; Latin Club 1; Rambler Staff 4; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; "Pinafore" 4; Co-Captain Magazine Contest 4; Student Day Teacher 2; President of Class 3, 4; Basketball 4; School Boy Patrol 2, 3, 4; Lieutenant School Boy Patrol 4.

Whoever said that it's nice to be tall, as you can see so much more than other people, must have had Hollis in mind. You seem to spend a lot of time in "Pelier", Hollis. Could it be you'd like to be in the good graces of a certain nurse there, just in case you have an accident with that car of yours?

"Sky Anchors Away" is now this lad's theme song. For as soon as school is out Bruce is pulling up his anchors here and is heading straight for the Navy Air Corps. Judging from the dreamy look that is his perpetual expression, we wonder if he hasn't long since visualized himself zipping along in a "Corsair". Anyway here's to you "Shep" as a "Captain of the Clouds" and we all wish you "Happy Landings".


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RUTHENE STAPLES Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Literary Club 1; Dramatic Club 2; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; All-State Chorus 4; French Club 2; Christmas Pageant 3, 4; Narrator of Christmas Pageant 2; "Pirates of Penzance" 3; "H. M. S. Pinafore" 4; Student Day Teaeher 1, 2; "Good Citizenship Girl" 4; Jeep Campaign Committee 3; Captain of Magazine Contest 3, 4; Typist of Servicemen's Addresses 3; "Grahame Crackers" 4; First Honor.

Likable, lovable, livewithable, that's "Phceny", "to whom Nature hath lent all that excelleth". Being one of those people who have the rare ability to get along with anyone, any place, any time, plus the fact that she's "pretty easy on the eyes" makes her a much sought after little miss. You deserve "the mosta of the besta", Ruthene, and we know you'll get it.

VIOLET WOOD Basketball 1, 2, 4; Home Economics Club 1, 2; Chorus 1; Girls' Glee Club 4; Cheer Leader 4; Literary Club 1.

Assembly 8 A. M. Most Anybody: "Hey Woody—got your shorthand done?" Woody: "Have you?" In unison: "No, . . . let's not do it." Sure as the sun rises and round comes 8 o'clock, this scene takes place. "Woody" may let her shorthand slip but she's right on her toes when she's catering to satisfied customers at Jerd's, and she did a bang-up job as cheerleader this year. What will Homer do without her—and by the way, what will we? 20

NORTHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY JOHN N. ERICKSON, B.S., Northfield Colby College Principal, Instructor in Mathematics and Science M.Ed. Degree Bates College Miss MYRTLE A. ROGERS, Randolph Albany Business College Ass't Principal, Instructor in Commercial Department Miss MARGARET E. SALMOND, A.B., Waterville, Me. Colby College Instructor in English and Ancient History Miss MARION E. BURNS, M.A., Northfield Georgian Court Instructor in History and French Miss GWENDOLYN KEELAN, A.B., Montgomery Trinity College Instructor in Mathematics and Biology Miss MAE LA VALLEY, A.B., Middlebury Trinity College Instructor in Latin and Civics Miss CHARLOTTE MILLER, A.B., Montpelier Middlebury College Instructor in English and Commercial Geography Miss HELEN CASS, A.B., Barton Middlebury College Home Economics MRS. H. A. WHITNEY, Northfield Instructor in Music






FRONT ROW (from left to right)—Hildagarde Goodrich, Ethel Provost, Lorette Lapolioe, Bruce Sheppard, Donald Cross, Barbara Nedeau, Ruthene Staples. SECOND ROW (from left to right)—Barbara Boardman, Ruth Chase, Lucienne Cadorette, Cecile Bedard, Gilda David, Mary Canales, Anna Aseltine, Betty Cross. THIRD ROW (from left to right)—Elizabeth Kingston, Margaret Fiske, Phyllis Lanpher, Patricia Burleson, Phyllis Rich, Barbara LaFrance, Violet Wood, Phyllis Howes. FOURTH ROW (from left to right)—Ronald Davis, Richard Gaylord, Roger Sears, Atwood La Valley, Raymond Blow, Ralph Fernandez, Theron Cmickshank, James Cruickshank.

FRONT ROW (from left to right)—Jean Wood, Margaret Viens, Rena Williamson, Ralph Davis, Leslie Seaver, Velma Cleveland, Katherine Leonard. SECOND ROW—Caroline Barber, Josephine Daniels, Eva Hazelton, Claire Desparte, Lorraine Rogers, Elizabeth Lane, Dorothy Miller, Lucille Brassard. THIRD ROW—Donna McCallister, Marjorie Yearman, Barbara Covey, Eva Cummins, Ellen Aseltine, Irene Grenier, Anna Mary Partlow. FOURTH ROW—Merton Ashton, John Jenkinson, Robert Sabens, Stanley Lyons, Robert Cruickshank. FIFTH ROW—Ernest Colgan, Luis Gomez, Donald Lissor, Marcel Hebert, George Simmermacher, Karl-Grupe, James Beattje.



CLASS OF '46 .




FRONT ROW (from left to right)—Marie Hallstrom, Yvonne Hebert, Shirley Cleveland, Edward McCarthy, Vivian Aiken, Shirley Plastridge, Pauline Shorey. SECOND ROW—Priscilla Pinard, Barbara Abbott, Roberta Snelling, Clarice LaFrance, Leah Diemer, Marilyn French, Esther Cressey. THIRD ROW—Mildred Hedges, Betty Viens, Elaine Jones, Florenz Drinkwmc, Irene Pombar, Betty Kimball, Alberta Cole. FOURTH ROW—Kathryn Maloney, Caroline Dillingham, Ramona Boudreau, Lois Holmes, Richard Pervier, Truman Bryer. FIFTH ROW—Albert Massicot, Alan Bell, Reed Elwell, Claire French, William Miller, Wendell LeFebvre, Russell Woodin, Raymond Davis, Donald Buck, Robert French, Albert Cole, James Healy, Dale Gilbert.

FRONT ROW (from left to right)—Rosalie Staples, George Giffin, Patricia Rogers, Roger Lissor, Richard Bean, Donalda Houston, Arlene Messier. SECOND ROW—Lillian Boardman, Ruth Bussiere, Helen Grenier, Jo}'ce Yearman, Barbara Knowles, Pauline Gordon, Patricia Hill, Marilyn Leonard. THIRD ROW—Beverly Miller, Juanita Abascal, Julia Farr, Madeline Relation, Louise Bedard, Jean Berno, Kathryn Drown. FOURTH ROW—Leslie Covey, Homer Plastridge, Bernard Provost, Bernard Findley, Winston Rabidou, Gilbert Partlow. FIFTH ROW—Kenneth Warren, Raymond Newbrough, Edward LeFebvre, Walworth Hauver, Wendell Ingalls, Joseph Viens, Paul Gordon, Thomas Durkin, Edward Leonard, Kenneth Brunelle, Donald Partlow.



Activities FRESHMAN RECEPTION The Class of '47 was royally welcomed into the social limelight of old N. H. S. at a gala reception and dance held in their honor at the Co. F. Armory. Under the able management of the Sophomore committee, this year's was one of the most successful ever put on. Attractive maroon and white dance books were given to the dancers and the "Ambassadors" furnished the music.

VICTORY FARM PROGRAM One morning Mr. Erickson introduced Mr. Brewster, who was recruiting volunteers for the Victory Farm Corps. He proved to be very charming and gave us a most interesting talk, explaining the need for girls and boys to work on farms this summer. He promised to come back some morning and show us a picture of how the war had affected one farmer boy and his family, and how essential farming is to the winning of the war. By his talk and movie, he convinced us all of the grand job the farmer is doing; and according to reports, several N. H. S. students have signed up for jobs this summer.

ORCHESTRA The orchestra was rather depleted in number this year, but that did not mean that the remaining members let down in their efforts to make this season a success. HOME EC CLUB Under the new and inspiring title of "Helpful to others", the Home EC Club has been as busy as ever and the girls have had the usual good times at their meetings this year. As always they made up a Christmas box for needy children—and they sponsored a sugar party this spring.

SCHOOL BOY PATROL This organization is one of the most important and valuable ones in N. H. S. This year, due to the acute man-power shortage, several girls took over posts and proved as faithful and helpful as the boys. The work of this group is to be commended highly, as they must be at their posts in all kinds and through their willingness, they help to prevent many accident?.


Although few public appearances were made, they endeavored to put into effect the theory that "practice makes perfect." After the announcement of the,lucky ones who were to go to the Festival, their efforts were doubled and various sounds and tones issued from the music room daily. The Festival proved to be as grand an affair as always and after this gala occasion all settled down to preparation for Commencement. Under the able hand of Mrs. Whitney, the orchestra was able to chalk up another successful season to its credit.

FRESHMAN PROGRAM Few programs have been featured this year, but one morning this spring everyone was happily surprised to learn that the Freshmen were going to entertain us. There followed a riotous forty minutes packed with laughs at the very clever take-off on the famous and hilarious Ralph Edwards show "Truth and Consequences." Various victims from the assembly were brought before the microphone and talent from unsuspected sources provided the audience with rare entertainment. 27

VOCATIONAL MOVIE Few programs have ever taken us so completely by surprise as this one. Before we really knew what was happening, the room had been darkened and we were seeing a movie on choosing a career, sponsored by Albany Business College. This show was not given in the form of entertainment; it was serious and practical, dealing with something we all are concerned about— our future. It made us think, and believe it or not, we realty liked it.


MAGAZINE CONTEST Brrrrr—Hello Mrs. Brown. Would you like to subscribe to the Saturday Evening Post again this year? Why, Yes, Joe, I was just wondering when you high school students would be around this year. Oh we're right on time; every fall one of us will show up— Let's see, that'll be three dollars and here's your receipt. And here's your money, Joe. Thank you, Mrs. Brown. Now I'll be able to get the prize I wanted and thanks for helping the school out—you see they get a certain percentage of all the money we take in. Thanks again. See you next year. INDIVIDUAL SCORES: BASKETBALL 1943-44 Starting off with a bang the N. H. S. marauders, with only four veterans, tallied three straight wins. For the remainder of the season the cards seemed to be against the boys and many a heartbreaking game resulted until finally they got rid of the jinx and upset the undefeated Woodstock five, showing the true talent of our local squad. The boys on the squad give their best wishes and word of appreciation to their faithful coach, John Diego, who was recently called to the service of his country, thus making it impossible for him to appear in the above picture.


Atwood "Capone" LaValley Edward "Moose" McCarthy Raymond "Cut" Blow Richard "Rich" Gaylord Raymond "Raymo" Davis Homer "Mush" Plastridge Louis "Scotty" Gome/; Bruce "Shep" Sheppard Gccrre "Gif" Giffen..

100 56 46 38 36 9 4 4 3



The Glee Club . of Northfield High School requests the pleasure of the presence of the people of Northfield, Vermont at the operetta "H. M. S. Pinafore" to be held March thirtieth Nineteen Hundred forty-four In the Assembly Hall of Northfield High School

CAST Captain Ralph Rackstraw Josephine Sir Joseph Buttercup Hebe Bob Dick Deadeye Boatswain

Hollis Bicker Ralph Davis Patricia Burleson Richard Gaylord Ruthene Staples Vehna Cleveland Atwood La Valley lames Healy Raymond Blow

under the direction of Mrs. H. A. Whitney and Miss Margaret Salmond

This is station N. H. S. presenting the season's sparkling comedy "Grahame Crackers" by Dana Thomas. The cast is as follows: Pops—Barbara Nedeau Chesterfield—Atwood LaValley Gardiner—Raymond Blow Mrs. Grahame—Hildagarde Goodrich Katie—Ethel Provost Lisa—Lorette Lapolice Drusilla—Ruthene Staples Sammy—Bruce Sheppard Aunt Agusta—Patricia Burleson Mr. Brett—Theron Cruickshank Before this play goes on the air, we will give you a short summary: "Pops", a lovely girl of about twenty-five, has, upon the death of her father, taken on the responsibility of financing her




easy-going family. All the family, Mrs. Grahame, Gardiner, Lisa, and Brasilia, are lovable but entirely lost as far as money matters are concerned—or so everyone thinks, including their Irish maid and their wealthy aunt, Mrs. Chatham. The children come home for the summer and bring along a guest, Mr. Chesterfield, supposedly a hitch-hiker, who falls in love with "Pops". "Pops" finally cracks under the financial strain. The children show their true colors and come to her rescue, only to find that the situation has been taken care of by Mr. Chesten r eld, who is really Peter Lane, author of the book "Highroad to Success " As you can imagine, this play is full of amusing incidents, so keep tuned to your station until you hear the final curtain of success fall on another one of N. H. S.'s yearly plays.


High school days are gone forever, Days and nights of joy and fun— Days to be returned never 'Till our victory is won. BOYS We will wander o'er the earth— In our days there'll be no mirth, 'Till there's not a Jap nor Jerry— That's when—then we'll all be merry.

Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor Business Managers

Raymond Blow Donald Cross Rojrer Sears Theron Cruickshank Richard Gay lord Barbara Nedeau Margaret Fiske Ruthene Staples Cecile Bedard Phyllis Howes Ethel Provost Atwood LaValley Bruce Sheppard Donald Cross Patricia Burleson Mary Canales Elizabeth Kingston Betty Cross

Advertising Managers

GIRLS And we? Well, we'll stay home and wait And make our homes all free from hate, We'll work, and strive, and fight, and pray, Until we find that happy day. CHORUS We, the class of Forty-four— We've told you how we'll find that peace, We'll give them more—and more—and moreYes, we, the class of forty-four.


Literary Editors. Honor Roll Editors Joke Editors Sport Editor Art Editor Secretaries





Lorette Lapolice (concert mistress) Lucienne Cadorette Elizabeth Kingston Bass Hildagarde Goodrich Flute Margaret Fiske Phyllis Howes Clarinet Atwood LaValley Russell Woodin Karl Grupe Shirley Cleveland John Mazuzan Trumpets Richard Pervier George Simmermacher Edward McCarthy Winston Rabidou Pianist Caroline Barber Drum George Giffin





Lorette Lapolice (concert mistress) Lucienne Cadorette Elizabeth Kingston Bass Hildagarde Goodrich Flute Margaret Fiske Phyllis Howes Clarinet Atwood LaValley Russell Woodin Karl Grupe Shirley Cleveland John Mazuzan Trumpets Richard Pervier George Simmermacher Edward McCarthy Winston Rabidou Pianist Caroline Barber Drum George Giffin




• IE I




ALL-STATE CHORUS MEMBERS Patricia Burleson First Sopranos Barbara Boardman Ethel Provost Second Sopranos Mary Carmies Barbara Nedeau Ruthene Staples Phyllis Howes Altos Caroline Barber Second Tenor Donald Cross Ralph Davis Richard Gaylord First Bass Bruce Sheppard Hollis Ricker Second Bass Ronald Davis John Jenkinson ALL-STATE ORCHESTRA Lorette Lapolice First Violin Second Violin Lucienne Cadorette Elizabeth Kingston Hildagarde Goodrich Bass Margaret Fiske Flute First Clarinet Atwood LaValley 37

BACCALAUREATE EXERCISES Sunday Evening, June 11, 1944 Processional Selection, Largo

Undergraduate Orchestra. Handel N. H. S. Orchestra

Scripture Reading Prayer Sermon Rev. G H. Howes Selection, List! The Cherubic Host from "Holy City" Gaul N. H. S. Girls' Glee Club with Selected Boys' Chorus Recessional Undergraduate Orchestra

GRADUATION EXERCISES Tuesday Evening, June 13, 1944 Processional Undergraduate Orchestra Invocation Addj-ess of Welcome Ruthene Staples Selection from "Carmen" Bizet N. H. S. Orchestra Graduation Address N. Lean Rowe Selection, "Land of Our Hearts" Ci,cdi'-ick N. H. S. C horus Address of Farewell Lorette Lapolice Presentation of Diplomas Awarding of Honors and Prizes. . . . . Irlncipal John N. Erickson Recessional Undergraduate Orchestra

CLASS DAY EXERCISES Monday Afternoon, June 12, 1944 March Undergraduate Orchestra Address of Welcome Bruce Sheppard Class History Lucienne Cadorette Betty Cross Selection, Violin Solo, Midnight Bells Kreisler Lorette Lapolice Prophecy Patricia Burleson Hildagarde Goodrich Selection, A Mexican Serenade Chadwick Senior Mixed Glee Club Will Cecile Bedard Richard Gaylord Selection, A Petits Pas Sudessi Senior Orchestra Gifts Barbara Nedeau Ethel Provost Selection, Clarinet Solo, Theme and Variations—Carnival of Venice Paul Jean Jean Atwood LaValley Spoon Oration Margaret Fiske Acceptance of Spoon Ralph Davis Class Song Seniors Class Awards Mary Canales Gilda David Letter Awards Principal John N. Erickson School Song, Maroon and White Unison March Undergraduate Orchestra

GRADED SCHOOL Fall and Winter Terms—Same as for High School Spring Term—11 weeks Begins Monday, March 19, 1945 Closes Friday, June 8, 1945 (Recess from Friday, April 13, to Monday, April 23, 1945)



INCORPORATED SCHOOL DISTRICT School Calendar 1944-45 HIGH SCHOOL Fall Term—13 weeks Begins Tuesday, September 5, 1944 Closes Wednesday, November 29, 1944 Winter Term—12 weeks Begins Monday, December 4, 1944 Closes Friday, March 16, 1945 (Christmas Recess from Friday, December 15, 1944 to Tuesday, January 2, 1945) (Recess from Friday, February 13 to Monday, February 26, 1945) Spring Term—12 weeks Begins Monday, March 19, 1945 Closes Friday, June 15, 1945 (Recess from Friday, April 13, to Monday, April 23, 1945)

NORTHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Courses of Study LATIN COURSE First Year— Required— English I, Latin I, Algebra I, Ancient History. Second Year— Required— English II, Latin II, Plane Gepmetry, French I. Third Year— Required— English III, Latin 111, French II, Algebra II. Electives— Chemistry or Physics*, Solid Geom.—Trigonometry. Fourth Year— Required— English IV, Latin IV, American History. Electives— Physics or Chemistry*, Solid Geo.—Trigonometry, French III. COLLEGE COURSE First Year— Required- - English I, Algebra I, General Science. lilectives - Latin II, Ancient History, Civics. Second Year— Kequired- - English ll, Plane Geometry, French I. Electives- - Latin II, Biology, Mod. hist.—Sociology. Third Year— Required- - English ill, Algebra H, French II. Electives - - Physics or Chemistry*, Aeronautics. Fourth Year— Required- - English IV, American History. Electives - Physics or Chemistry*, Solid Geom.—Trigonometry, Typing, Aeronautics, French III. GENERAL COURSE First Year— Required— English I, Community Civics, General Science (Boys), Home Economics (Girls), General Mathematics. Second Year— Required— English II, Home Economics (Girls). Electives— Biology, Plane Geometry, Comm. Law—Occupations, Mod. Hist.—Sociology, French I, Commercial Geography. Third Year— Required— English III. Electives— Home Economics, French II, Physics or Chemistry*, Typing I, Bookkeeping, Aeronautics, Algebra II. Fourth Year— Required— English IV, American History. Electives— Home Economics, Solid Geom.—Trigonometry, Typing II, Aeronautics, Algebra II, Physics or Chemistry*. COMMERCIAL COURSE First Year— Required— English I, Civics, General Science (Boys), Hoine Economics (Girls), Junior Business Training. Second Year— Required— English II, Home Economics (Girls). Electives— Commercial Geography, Comm. Law—Occupations, Mod. Hist.—Sociology, French I, Biology. Third Year— Required— English III, Bookkeeping, Typewriting I, Stenography I. Fourth Year— Required— English IV, Typewriting II, Stenography II, American History. *Alternate Years GENERAL INFORMATION Examinations are held every six weeks at the end of which time report cards are sent to the parents for their consideration. Special reports are issued when the pupils are doing unsatisfactory work. Tuition Rates: Tuition in the High School is $75 per year, payable in three installments of $25 at the end of the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms. In the Grades the Rate of Tuition is $24 per year, per pupil. Room and Board: Accommodations with private families can usually be found at reasonable rates. In numerous instances students can earn all or part of their expenses while attending the school. COLLEGE ENTRANCE Northfield High Schoo! if one of the schools approved by the New England College Entrance Board, so that its graduates, whose work merits certification by the Principal, may enter practically any college in New England and many outside of New England.


Hil Goodrich: "Why haven't you a speedometer on your car?" Jimmy Cruickshank: "I don't need one. At thirty miles an hour the headlamps clatter; at forty the windows rattle; at fifty the whole car shakes; and if I go faster than that my teeth clatter." Son: "Why do they call it leap year, Daddy?" Daddy: "Becuz it's when the wimmen is allowed to leap at us men—like your maw leaped at me." 1st farmer: 2nd farmer: 1st farmer: 2nd farmer:

"Quite a wind we had last night." "Yes, 'twas." "Was your barn damaged much by the cyclone?" "Don't know, ain't found it yet."

Blow: "What is the latest thing in men's clothing?" LaValley: "Women." Miss Salmond: "Give the definition of conscience." Fernandez: "Conscience is the thing that hurts when everything else feels so good." A shoe designer says that a woman's feet tend to get wider as she gets older. We hasten to remark that that isn't all. Hollis Ricker's Car "I call my poor auto "Old Faithful," And discount its rattles and pants; And though I upbraid it, D'you think I would trade it? Oh, wouldn't I? Just give me the chance!" Ronald Davis: "I love the beauties of the countryside." Seaver: "So do I. Sometimes I give 'em a lift." Sentry: "Halt! Who's there?" Voice: "American." Sentry: "Advance and recite the second verse of the Star Spangled Banner." Voice: "I don't know it." Sentry: "Proceed, American." 42

"Woody" the waitress, to customer: "I've got deviled kidneys, calves brains, pigs feet, chicken livers and " The cantankerous diner growled: "Forget it sister, I've a headache, eczema, fallen arches, corns, bunions, three warts and an empty stomach. Tell your troubles to someone else,. and bring me some ham and eggs." Miss Burns: "Who was Sun Yat Sen's wife?" Sheppard: "Mrs. Sun Yat Sen." Mr. Erickson in Chemistry Class was telling his class about a group of elements that were chemically inert, such as: argon, neon, krypton, xenon and so on. Modern Language "Now, I want Albert to have a thoroughly modern and up to-date education," said his mother, "including Latin." "Yes, of course," said the headmaster, "although Latin is, as you know, a dead language." "Well, all the better. Albert's going to be an undertaker."

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

CAN YOU IMAGINE? Phyllis Lanpher without her Air Corps wings. Atwood LaValley with curly hair. Mr. Erickson late for school. Anna Aseltine "cuttin' up". Edward McCarthy without a car. "Scotty" Gomez without Donna. Recess without Cross Bros. Miss Ke'elan without her reform speeches. Ralph Davis shaving once without cutting himself. Juanita Abascal with a feather-cut. 43

FAMILIAR THINGS AT N. H. S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mr. Erickson's study hall jokes. Dick Pervier's bow tie. "Pat" Burleson's orange, fifth period. Ethel Provost's impersonations. "Got a match?" Comic books. Don Cross's drawings. Dick Gaylord's wavy hair. Hildagarde Goodrich's laugh. Ralph Fernandez's fish stories.

CHARACTERISTIC SONGS Anna Aseltine Cecile Bedard Raymond Blow Barbara Boardman Patricia Burleson Lucienne Cadorette Mary Canales Ruth Chase Betty Cross Donald Cross James Cruickshank Theron Cruickshank Gilda David Ronald Davis Ralph Fernandez Margaret Fiske Richard Gaylord Hildagarde Goodrich Leo Hebert Phyllis Howes Elizabeth Kingston Barbara LaFrance Phyllis Lanpher Lorette Lapolice Atwood LaValley Barbara Nedeau Eunice Partlow Ethel Provost Phyllis Rich Hollis Ricker Roger Sears Bruce Sheppard Ruthene Staples Violet Wood


"It's so Peaceful in the Country" "Pass the Biscuits, Barney" "Little Brown Jug" "No Love, No Nothing" "I Came Here to Talk for Joe" "Don't Get Around Much Anymore" "Dark Eyes" "My Ideal" "Sunny Side of the Street" "Chatterbox" "In My Merry Oldsmobile" "It's Love, Love, Love" "He's My Guy" "Slow and Easy" "Braggin' " "Sophisticated Lady" "Embraceable You" "You've Got Me Crying For You" "I Dug a Ditch" "How Sweet You Are" "The Girl with the Wistful Eyes" "Imagination" "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" "Shepherd's Serenade" "Strictly Instrumental" "Injun Girl, Heap Hep" "Wonder When My Baby's Coming Home" "I've Had This Feeling Before" "I'll Get By" "Shorty George" "Love Will Always Last" "The Dreamer" "Snooty Little Cutey" "My Heart Tells Me"




Anna Aseltine Cecile Bedard Raymond Blow Barbara Boardman Patricia Burleson Lucienne Cadorette Mary Canales Ruth Chase Betty Cross Donald Cross James Cruickshank Theron Cruickshank Gilda David Ronald Davis Ralph Fernandez Margaret Fiske Richard Gaylord Hildagarde Goodrich

Appearance Thoughtful Easy Going Sheikish Flippant Spontaneous Studious Demure Quiet Aloof Enthusiastic Quiet Smooth Friendly Assured Assured Sophisticated Debonair Boisterous

Worldly Possession Air of Confidence Ability to Make Friends Dancing Feet Glasses Joe's Brains Flashing Eyes Giggles Historic Knowledge Artistic Ability Ford Car HaiiBlond Hair Height German Haircut "Fads" Hair A Laugh


Worldly Possession

Leo Hebert Phyllis Howes Elizabeth Kingston Barbara LaFrance Phyllis Lanpher Lorette Lapolice Atwood LaValley Barbara Nedeau Eunice Partlow _Ethel Provost Phyllis Rich Hollis Ricker Roger Sears Bruce Sheppard

Bashful Demure Collegiate Serious Petite Reserved Determined Sporty Reserved Serious Neat Competent Handsome Lumbering

Street Job Clothes Personality Secretarial Ability Air Corps Wings Good Looks "Sax" Dancing Feet Willingness to Work Jokes Smile Height Hair "Chevy"

Ruthene Staples Violet Wood

Cheerful Carefree

"Dick" Athletic Ability


Recreation Typing Dancing Wolfing Singing Arguing Studying Smiling Movies Bicycling Drawing Being Happy Talking Walking Motoring Fishing Bicycle Riding Skiing Whispering


Hang-out Home Community Hall Community Hall Desparte's Desparte's Home Home Howes' "Falls" Barre Drawing Room Home Margie's Dearing's Home Bowling Alley Elizabeth's Bruce's Desparte's


Gilpin's Movies Conversing Home Kingston's Store Bicycling Home Studying Desparte's Laughing Sanborn's Studying "Buz/in' Around" Desparte's Ethel's Chewing Gum Gilpin's Movies Desparte's "Cuttin' up" Desparte's Making Eyes Heaton Hospital Motoring Montpelier Flirting Peterson's Filling Being Contented Station Flirting Desparte's Jerd's Bowling

MOST POPULAR Barbara Nedeau


Elizabeth Kingston

James Cruickshank WITTIEST

Ethel Provost

Atwood La Valley MOST ATHLETIC

Violet Wood

Richard Gaylord BEST SPORTS

Phyllis Lanpher


Ruthene Staples


Barbara Nedeau


Ruth Chase

Roger Sears

Class Colors: Blue and White Class Flower: White Rose Class Motto: Light is Knowledge

Class Officers President Vice-President Secretary and Treasurer

Bruce Sheppard Donald Cross Lorette Lapolice


Honor Roll Gabino Abascal, T5 Army Richard Abbott, S. 2C Navy Wayne Abbot Navy Maurice Aiken, Pvt. Army Vernard Aiken, Sgt. Marines Richmond N. Allen, Lt. Killed in Action Fred Austin, S. 0. M. 3C Navy Frank Archer, Corp. Army Theodore Ball, Maj. Army Herman Baker, Pvt. Army Leslie Baker, A M. M. C. A. C. Navy Wilson A. Baker, A. C. M. M. Navy Arnold ,T. Bean, B. 3C Navy Robert W. Bean, 2nd Lieut. Army Homer Bean, S/Sgt. Army William Beattie, Pvt. Army Gerald ,1. C. Beaudette, W. 0. (J. G.) Army Henry Beaudette, Pho. M. 2C Navy Laurianne Beaudette, Lt. Army Nurse Army Kenneth Belding, Pvt. Army Everett Bell, Sgt. Army Ervine Bell, Pvt. Army James Bero, Pvt. Clayton Berry, S. F. 3C Navy Army Robert Berry, Sgt. Army Darwood Billings, Lt. Army Robert Billings, Pfc. Army Glenn Bingham Sr., Capt. Glenn Bingham Jr., Pfc. Army Army Harold Elaine, Pfc. Army Ralph Boardrnan Jr., Sgt. Albert Boucher Navy Genevieve Brassard, Ph. M. 2C Waves Marines Bernard Brassard, Pvt. Aubrey Britain, Maj. Army 50

Stanley Britain, Pvt. Harold Brooks, Sgt. Joseph Bouchard, Pvt. Robert Brusa, Corp. : Charles Burleson ' Edward Burrows, Pvt. John W. Bussiere, Pvt. Lea Bussiere, Lt. Burton Bryant, C. C. M. Carrol M. Bryant, Lt. Rosario Cadorette, Pfc. Allen J. Cannon, W. 0. (j. g.) Robert Cannon Olive Carleton, Pvt. William Caswell, Corp. Calvin Chapman, S. M. 3C Delmar A. Chase, Tech. Sgt. Francis A. Chase, Capt. Basil L. Christmas, Pvt. Leroy L. Christmas, Cox. ' Edwin Cleveland, S/Sgt. Lawrence Cleveland George Cofrin, A. 0. M. 2C Robert A. Cole, A. S. Floyd Colgan, S/Sgt. Bernard Colgan, Sgt. •. Robert F. Conlon, Sgt. John Connarn, Lt. Orletta Cook, Lt. Charles Coutts, S. 2C . , Gerald Cross, Capt. Burnham C. Cross, S. 2C ' Eldon Creed, Tech. 4th Gr. : William Croney, Pvt. Donald Cruickshank, Sgt. Earle Cruickshank, Corp. A. S. Lawrence Cruickshank, T5 Otis Daniels, Pfc. Kenneth Daniels, T. Sgt. Gerald Davis, Pfc. 51

Army Army Army Army Navy Army .; . Army Army Nurse Navy Army , Army • Army Army •.WAC Army Navy Army Army Army Navy Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Army Nurse Navy Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Marines Army Army

Elroy Davis, Pfc. Richard Davis, Pvt Robert S. Davis, Corp. Ethan Allen DeGeorge, Mast. Sgt. Louis B. Delary, Corp. Fred J. Demasi, Pfc. Tony Demasi, Sgt. James Demasi Homer Denny, Capt. Gerald Dickinson John Diego, Pvt. Carleton Dolan, Pfc. Howard Dolan, 1st Sgt. Wendell Dole, A. C. Glenn Dole, Corp. Donaghy R. M. P. Lt. Thomas A. Donahue, Pfc. Timothy M. Donahue, Pvt. Frederick Doney, S. 2c Robert Doney, Jr., Pvt. Eugene A. Drown, 1st Lt. Arthur Drown Nathan Drown, M. Sgt. Arthur Dubuque Arnold A. Dubuque, Pvt. Lawrence Dubuque, 1st Sgt. Herbert Dubuque, St. Sgt. Arthur Dubeau Roland Dubeau Bernard Dubois Paul Dutton, Pfc. Malcolm Dutton, Pvt. Robert Emerson, Cpl. George England, M. Sgt. Grenville Ellis, Capt. Hugh Farrington, Sgt. Weston Fairbanks, St. Sgt. Arsenio R. Fernandez, Capt. Julio Fernandez, Pvt. Earle Ferry, Sgt. 52

Army Army Army Army Army Marines Army Navy Army Army Army Marines Army Army Transferred to E. R. C. Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Honorably Discharged Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Killed in Action Army Army Army Army

Hiram Ferry Roger Ferry, Pvt. Carson Field, Lt. Lloyd Fiske, Capt. Lewis Fisher, Pvt. Bernard Flood, Cpl. Francis Flood, Sgt. James Flood, Sgt, Lorin Flynn Oliver Forrand, S. 1C Meriden French, Teh. Sgt. Daniel Gillespie, Cpl. Robert Gillespie, Cpl. Julian Gomez, Pvt. John Grenier, Pfc. Ernest Greenough, A. S. Arthur D. Gross, S. 2c John Gross, Mas. Sgt. A.S.N. Robert S. Guinn, Pvt. Freeman Gushea, Sgt. Max A. Hall, Sgt. Louis Hallstrom Richard • Hallstrom Forrest N. Hammond, 2c S. M. Atwood Hardin, Lt. Mitchell Harnois, Corp. Bradley Hart Chester P. Hartford, Major (ex-faculty) George Hatch, Pvt. Ira Hatch, Corp. Jerome P. Hatch, 2nd Lt. Harold Hazelton, A. M. M. 3c Henry Hazelton, Q. M. 2c John D. Heath, Sgt. Arnold Hebert, Pvt. Elton Hedges, S. Ic Robert Hedges, Tech. Sgt. Lillian Henry, Ensign Robert Henry, Pfc.

Army . . . . Army Army A. T. C. Honorably Discharged Army Army Army Army Navy Army . ' > : 'H • Army Army "^ Army Marines Navy Navy Army Army Army Killed in Plane Crash Navy Navy Navy Army Army Honorably Discharged Army -: ^

, : * '; Army A rrny Prisoner of War Navy Navy Army Army Navy Army, Navy Nurse Army , > .

Arah W. Hicken, Lt. Darrell Holton, Corp. Donald Houghton, Maj. Gilbert .1. Houghton, E. M. 3c Weldon House, Capt. Wendell Howd, Pt'c. Harold Hubbard, M. OMM Ic Ewight B. Huntley, Lt. William G. Huntoon, Pvt. Arnold L. Jerry, Pfc. Francis D. Jerry, Pfc. Robert G. S. Jerry, R F. 3c John H. Jay, T 4 Harry Jay, 1st Lt. Howard Johnson, Sgt. Quentin Karr Allan Kidd, Pfc. W. Garrett Kidd, S. Sgt. Kenneth M. Kidd, Lt. Chandler Kimball, 1st Lt. Donald King, Pfc. George J. Kingston, Jr., Corp. Luke Knapp, Sgt. Leroy Knight, S. 2c Everett Ladd, Corp. Thomas Lafley, Sgt. Lloyd LaValley, Corp. Millard A. Lee, Lt. William Lee, Capt. Donald LeFebvre, Y. Ic Dean LeFebvre David, LeClair, Pvt. George Legier, S. Sgt. Howard S. Lewis, Lt. Robert W. Love, Corp. Walter Lyon, Pfc. Howard Lyon Edward Maltese, 1st Lt. Francis M. Matese, Major Donald R. Mann, Pvt. 54

Army Honorably Discharged Army Nav.v Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Deceased Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Navy Navy Army Army Army Army Army Deceased Army Army Army

Army ' Navy WAC Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Nurse Missing in Action Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Honorably Discharged Army Navy Marines Army Army Navy . " , '< i.'i; Army Army

Tedd Martin, 1st Sgt. Douglas Matheson, A. S. Deborah Mayo, Lt. Edgar H. Mayo, Pvt. Thomas P. Mayo, Capt. William S. Mayo, Corp. Wilson C. McMamara, Capt. James E. McGlaflin, S. 2c Arthur V. Messier, Sgt. Richard W. Milne, Pvt. Rolf Moody, Sgt. John Moody, Capt. James Morrill George Morris Alfred Mudgett, Pvt. Henry A. McCauley, Corp. Robert McCauley, Lt. Margaret Nash, 2nd Lt. John L. Nash, S. Sgt. Thomas E. Nash, Pfc. Basil Neale, Corp. George Neill, Pfc. Robert T. Neill, T 5 William Neilson, Sgt. George W. Nitchie, Sgt. Francis O'Grady,.Corp. Robert E. Owen, Pvt. Sheldon F. Owen, A. S. Edward W. Partlow, Pvt, Bruce B. Peach Edward T. Peach, Pfc. Fred E. Perra, Jr., PU. Leonard Perra, Cpl. Ronald Perra, S. 1C Stanley Perra, Pvt. George Philip, Lt. Theron Plastridge, St. Sgt. Wendell Plastridge, Cox. John Plunkett, Pvt. Dominic Politi, St. Sgt. 55

Ransom E. Porter, Cpl. Carroll Provost, Lt. Francis Provost, Sgt. Harold Provost, Pvt. John Provost, Pvt. Joseph Provost, Capt. Ralph Provost, Pvt. Stanley Provost, S. K. 1C Freeman Puffer, Sgt. Albert Puffer, Sfct. Henry Relation, Pvt. John Relation, S. 2C Leslie Relation, Pvt. Joseph Ricciarelli, Pvt. Edward Ritzer, S. 1C A. M. M. Harold Roberts, T. Sgt. Donald Roberts, T Sgt. Theron Rogers Guido Rossi, Pfc. Leo Rossi, Pvt. John J. Sawyer, Jr., Lt. Arthur Sears, Lt. Hillard Seaver, Pvt. Ransel Seaver, S. Ic Allan Sherman, P. C. Philip Sherman, Lt. Comm. Leon Sheppard, Jr., A. S. Raymond Sherlock, S. 2c Philip Shutler, A. S. Donald Slack, Pvt. Lester Slack, Cpl. Ralph Smith, Cpl. Robert Smith, Pvt. Raymond Snow, Pvt. Robert Snyder, A. S. Charles Spear, Pvt. Mary E. Steele, Y Ic Nelson Steele, S. Sgt. John Starr, S. F. 2c Murley Starr, T5 56

Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Army Navy Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Navy Navy Navy U. S. N. R. Navy U. S. N. R. Army Killed in Action Army Army Army Navy Army SPARS Army Navy Army

George Stevens, Lt. Robert Stone, T. Sgt. Balila Storti, S. Sgt. John Sullivan, Pvt. Robert Sullivan, Pvt. Neal Templeton, A. S. Kendall Thorington, M. M. Ic Norbert Towne, T5 Gilbert Tracy, Ensign Glenn Tracy, Pvt. Joseph Tully John Turturro, Sgt. Leonard Villemaire Robert H. Walker, Pvt. George Webster Curtis Webster Richard D. Weller, Sgt. C. Raymond Wells, Capt. Arthur West, Pvt. Henry West, Corp. Sidney Wheeler, S. Sgt. Philip M. Whitney, Col. Lawrence Willard, Corp. Earl H. Willey, Sgt. Robert T. Willey, Corp. Francis Williams, Corp. Mevlin H. Williams, Pvt. Allan Wilmott, F. 2c L. Clayton Wilmott, P. H. M. Ic L. James E. Wilmott, Cox. Robert Wilmott, Lt. Stanley G. Wood, H. A. Ic Willis Wood, Corp. Rudolph Yacavoni, Pfc. William C. Yacavoni, Corp. J. Samuel Zampieri


Army Army Army Army Army U. S. N. R. Navy Army Navy Army Navy Army Army Army U. S'. N. A. Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Honorably Discharged Army Army Army Army Navy Missing in Action Navy Army Honorably Discharged Army Army Army Army



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Compliments of J. W. GRADY



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Northfield, Vermont

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Northfield Telephone Company Compliments of


Compliments of


Phone 82

Northfield, Vermont

Compliments of

It is better to insure in sure Insurance



Here's success to the Class of '44


COLLEGE VIEW DAIRY Producers of Good-Rich Milk and Cream Tel. 100 Hardware — Houseware Northfield, Vt.




BUILD FOR THE FUTURE As the first stepping stone to success, secure the backing of a bank account here and let us help you realize your ambition. Your savings, whether small or large, will be welcomed. Open an account today.

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GLADSTONE SHOE STORE "Footwear for the family"

Barre, Vt.

Barre, Vt.


Compliments of



Res. 15-11

Coal and Coke Range and Fuel Oil Tel. Res. 69-3

Office 69-12

HOUSTON STUDIO Portrait and Commercial Photography Phone 502


65 Main Street Montpelier, Vermont

Sports Wear at

Compliments of



the store for men Montpelier

Compliments of

E. W. BAILEY & COMPANY Quality Feeds Since 1868 Montpelier, Vermont



Compliments of DIEGO'S MARKET

Depot Square Northfield, Vt.

Meat & Groceries


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Compliments of



Northfield, Vt. The Home of Good Printing


Compliments of Compliments of Compliments of



Ladies' Wearing Apparel

Northfield Woolen Mills Corp.


Barre, Vermont

255 North Main Street Barre, Vermont

For Watches, Always see Fields First

Compliments of STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Johnson


Barre, Vermont

The place to train for teaching. Full course leading to degree of Bachelor of Education. Also short courses Acceleration Very low cost No tuition Plenty of scholarships and chances to earn. Most modern plant Wholesome student life Address D. W. McCLELLAND, Principal

JOHN ARIOLI INC. Clothiers and Furnishings The store of quality at lowest quality prices

Compliments of MILADY'S SHOP Barre, Vt.

297 No. Main St. Barre, Vermont


Tel. 273




Building Supplies and Wood Products Railroad Yard

Meats & Groceries ' Phone 55-2

Tel. 61-2

Thousands of Girls are needed in business and government offices NOW

Best Wishes to the

The Salaries are high and the opportunities for advancement are unlimited.


The Quickest way to prepare for one of these good positions is to take a business course.

Rock of Ages Plant No. 1

All Business Subjects, Business Machines, and Personality Development.

Northfield, Vermont Established 1917

Mildred Elley Secretarial School for Girls 227 Quail Street, Corner Hudson Avenue, Albany 3, N. Y.

SUMMER SESSION starts July 5. FALL SESSION starts September 5

Send for Catalog and Rates REGISTER NOW

Compliments of

Compliments of




71 70

For Better Home Cooking— For Better Maple Candy— Phone 228-11


Home of the





Founded 1819

Incorporated 1834



Printing and Bookbinding

Academic Courses leading to the DEGREE B.A. OR B.S.







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Arts, Chemistry, General Science, Civil Engineering, and Military Science. Military instruction, practice and discipline are required of all cadets throughout their stay in college, in faith that a citizen is not fully equipped for his duty to the State unless he is trained for service in its defense as well as for its upbuilding. The story of our Nation's struggles for existence justifies this faith. "The liberties of Rome were safe while military information was generally diffused and every Roman citizen considered and felt himself a soldier."—Captain Alden Partridge, Founder of Norwich University. For Catalog Address—

NORWICH UNIVERSITY Northfield, Vermont

Estimates bn all your printing requirements 72

Rambler 1944.pdf

Page 2 of 40. TRADE MARK. IT'S A GRAND OLD NAME ! I. For over sixty years (since 1883) the "LASHERHOSE" trade mark. has been one of the leading ...

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see and realize the achievements of Northfield High School. It is a record, to promote the understanding of our parents. and the interest of our friends in our work here, to restore. happy memories of the alumni, and to secure for us a means. of keep

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Page 2 of 30. O). •a. o. •a. c. E. 12"3. 0). JG.

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