Random Sparse Representation for Thermal to Visible Face Recognition Samira Reihanian† , Ehsan Arbabi† and Behrouz Maham‡ †

School of ECE, University of Tehran, Iran School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan Emails: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract—Heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) has a prominent importance in sophisticated face recognition systems. Thermal to visible scenario, where the gallery and the probe images are respectively captured in visible and long wavelength infrared (LWIR) band, is one of the most challenging and interesting HFR scenarios. Since the formation of thermal images does not require an external illumination source, the deployment of thermal probe images is practical even in totally darkness conditions such as night security surveillance systems. In this paper, we propose an ensemble classifier which uses the random subspace idea for defining different representations of each image in distinct base learners, and exploits the sparse representation algorithm for the classification of thermal probe images. According to the experimental results, our proposed algorithm leads significant performance improvements in the area of thermal to visible face recognition and achieves the average Rank-1 accuracy of 89.33 percent.

I. I NTRODUCTION Although visible images have traditionally been used in the mechanized face recognition systems, recently researchers are interested in utilizing other parts of electromagnetic spectrum such as long wavelength infrared (LWIR) (7 - 14 μm) because of their special characteristics [1]. Each object, depending on its temperature and emissivity characteristics, emits different ranges of infrared energy. Characteristics of human face and body temperature cause the emission of the face to be in the thermal infrared band, especially in the LWIR band. Thermal infrared cameras produce thermal face images by sensing temperature variations in a face. Since the formation of the thermal image is dependent on intrinsic property of the face, an external illumination source is not required for the formation of this type of images. Thus, acquisition of the thermal images is possible even in total darkness conditions, where the formation of the visible image is absolutely impossible [2]. Thus, in night security surveillance systems, the deployment of thermal probe images is practical, where conventional face recognition systems have failed. However, in majority of the face recognition systems, stored face images in the systems, entitled gallery images, are in the visible modality. Therefore, matching between the visible gallery images and the thermal probe images can solve face recognition problems in variable illumination conditions and even in totally dark circumstances. However, because of the distinct formation mechanisms of these two types of images, there are lots of challenges in the matching process. Hence, thermal to visible face recognition

is one of the most challenging heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) scenarios. Since successful algorithms for this scenario are expected to be effective in other HFR scenarios, developing recognition algorithms for this scenario has an enormous importance. Until now, only few methods (see e.g., [3]-[7]) have been suggested for solving thermal to visible face recognition problem. The first solution for handling the thermal to visible face recognition problem was proposed by Li et al. [4]. This method synthesizes a visible pair of each thermal test image by training a canonical correlation analysis (CCA) model for each test subject. The best reported recognition result for the CCA based method (on a database consists of 47 subjects with 20 pairs of thermal and visible images for each subject) was 50.06% by performing the testing stage for each subject and considering all the thermal-visible pairs of other subjects as the training set [4]. Choi et al. proposed partial least squaresdiscriminant analysis (PLS-DA) based approach by correlating the thermal image signatures of a person to the visible image signatures of the same person [5]. For evaluating the PLSDA based approach, a database consists of 41 subjects with multiple images for each subject was used in [5] and the reported recognition rate was 49.9%. Sarfraz et al. learned a non-linear mapping from thermal to visible spectrum by training a deep neural network [6]. For evaluating the proposed algorithm in [6], Sarfraz et al. considered 41 subjects with multiple images for training the model and 41 subjects for testing purpose. The Rank-1 recognition rate of the algorithm was 55.36%, when one visible image was considered for each test subject in the gallery set. However, when multiple visible images were considered for each test subject in the gallery, the Rank-1 recognition rate was reached to 83.73%. Klare and Jain presented prototype random subspace (P-RS) method for handling any heterogeneous and analogous face recognition scenarios [7]. The main idea of this method was concentrated on definition of the feature vector such that a new feature vector is defined for representation of each image by calculating kernel similarity between the initial feature vector of the image and the initial feature vectors of the training images. Klare and Jain used 333 and 667 test and train subjects, respectively (with one visible and one thermal image for each subject). However, the gallery set used in the experiments was augmented by 10000 different visible images

from other different subjects. The reported recognition rate for the thermal to visible scenario in [7] was about 46.7%. Although there are some other methods in literatures (see, e.g., [6] and [3]) that yielded better Rank-1 recognition rate compared to the P-RS method, this method has a noticeable importance among other existing methods. The reason of this priority is the database utilized in [7] for the evaluation of this algorithm. It is very clear that by increasing the number of subjects in the gallery, the probability of the correct recognition is reduced. For example, in [6] and [3] only 41 and 55 subjects were considered in the gallery set, respectively. Moreover, Klare and Jain considered one visible image and one thermal image for each subject. Both considerations are more probable in the real world face recognition scenarios. Therefore, in this paper, the performance of our proposed method is compared with the P-RS method on behalf of the other existing methods in this area. In this paper, we introduce an ensemble classifier [8] for handling the thermal to visible face recognition problem. For the first time, we apply sparse representation classification algorithm (SRC) [9], which is one of the latest successful robust face recognition algorithms and reconstruct the thermal image of a person by means of the visible images of the same person in the gallery set. Our proposed ensemble classifier uses the same learning algorithm in the base learners, while the representations of the images are different in the distinct learners by application of the random subspace idea [10] for definition of the feature vectors. We show that our proposed method can achieve a considerable improvement in terms of the average Rank-1 accuracy of the thermal to visible face recognition scenario. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly reviews sparse representation theory and the idea of applying this theory on HFR problems. In Section III, different stages of our proposed algorithm are described in detail. Experimental results are presented in Section IV. Finally, in Section V, we conclude the paper. II. C LASSIFICATION BASED ON S PARSE R EPRESENTATION In this paper, we reconstruct thermal image of a person by the weighted sum of the visible images of the same person. To achieve this purpose, we exploit sparse representation theory [9]. So in this section, we briefly introduce sparse representation theory [9] and then present how to apply this representation in our heterogeneous face recognition algorithm. A. Sparse Representation Sparse representation [9] gives a general solution for the robust face recognition problems especially in harsh circumstances. The goal of the face recognition by sparse representation is to classify a probe sample, by possessing a gallery set that consists of N different samples from nt distinct subjects. The ith subject has ni samples in the gallery set. Thus, the gallery set A = [A1 , A2 , . . . , Ant ], where A ∈ Rm×N , and Ai ∈ Rm×ni is associated to the

gallery samples of the ith subject. The sparse representation framework assumes different samples of the specific subject lie on a linear subspace [9]. Thus, by having the sufficient gallery samples of the ith subject, any probe sample y from the ith class, can be reconstructed as y = Ai xi , where xi is a ni −dimensional vector with scalar elements. Since the class of the probe sample is not known yet, the probe sample can be reconstructed by means of the all gallery samples as y = Ax (where x ∈ RN , and all elements of x is zero, except the elements associated with the ith class, which are equal to elements of xi ). Hence, the class of the probe sample will be determined easily, by calculation of x. However, for the classification purpose, only the elements of one class must be nonzero in x. So, in order to guarantee the sparsity of the x vector, the desirable x, which is sparse enough, can be calculated as [9]: ˆ 0 = argmin x0 subject to y = Ax, x



where .0 denotes the l −norm. When the system is underdetermined, i.e., m < N , finding the solution of (4) is categorized as NP-hard problems. Fortunately, it is proved ˆ 0 is sparse enough, the solution of the that if solution x l0 −minimization problem is equal to the solution of the l1 −minimization problem as: ˆ 1 = argmin x1 subject to y = Ax, x


where .1 denotes the l1 −norm and this problem can be ˆ 1, solved in a polynomial time [9]. After calculating of the x the classification of the test sample can be done. Although, if ˆ 1 , classificathe elements of distinct classes are nonzero in x tion will not be straightforward. In this situation, the problem can be solved by the definition of the residuals concept [9]. Thus, first approximations of the probe sample are constructed ˆ 1 associated with a single by considering the elements of x ˆ i ∈ RN denotes the approximation of the x ˆ1 class. Assume z by means of the class i elements, where all elements of the ˆ i are zero, except the elements associated with the ith class, z ˆ 1 . Now, the these elements are equal to the elements of x approximation of the probe sample y by means of the class ith elements, can be calculated as Aˆ z i . The difference between the probe sample and its approximation by each class determines the residual vector of that class. Finally, the probe sample is assigned to the class with the minimum residual value, i.e. the class with the minimum l2 −norm of the residual vector. B. Sparse Representation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition In this section, for the first time we introduce applying the sparse representation in the heterogeneous face recognition problems. In the sparse representation approach, the probe image of a person is reconstructed by means of the gallery images of the same person. However, in the heterogeneous face recognition problems, the probe and gallery images are not in the same modality and there is a significant difference between these two types of images. Although this difference is not caused by variable lighting or illumination conditions, the probe image of a person can be considered as the destroyed

gallery image of the same person in the heterogeneous face recognition scenarios. In this study, we want to exploit the sparse representation theory [9] for thermal to visible face recognition problem and reconstruct the thermal probe image of a person by means of the all visible images of the same person in the gallery set. Since thermal to visible face recognition is one of the challenging heterogeneous face recognition scenarios, first by applying different preprocessing steps, we try to reduce the inherent differences between the thermal and visible images of a person as much as possible. Then, applying the sparse representation theory in the heterogeneous face recognition problems and reconstruction of the thermal image of a person by means of the visible gallery images of the same person seem reasonable. III. P ROPOSED R ANDOM S PARSE R EPRESENTATION M ETHOD In this section, random sparse representation (RSR) algorithm has been introduced. First, we have preprocessing step. Then, similar to the other classification methods, our algorithm includes two main stages: the training and testing stages. A. Preprocessing and Feature Extraction Steps In this paper, the width and the height of the all images have been set to 200 and 240 pixels respectively, the eyes are centralized horizontally at row 115, and the distance between two pupils is set to 75 pixels. Then, by means of the min-max normalization, the minimum and maximum intensity values of each image are set to 0 and 255, respectively. Existence of a filtering step in the preprocessing stage seems essential in the face recognition algorithms especially heterogeneous cases in order to reduce the modality gap between the probe and gallery images of a subject. Thus, in this study, we have employed two conventional filters as centersurround divisive normalization (CSDN) [11] and difference of Gaussians (DoG) for increasing similarity between the probe and the gallery images of a subject. For applying CSDN filter to each image, the intensity value of each pixel in the image is divided into the mean intensity value of the neighboring pixels within a s × s neighborhood area [11]. In experiments of this paper s = 16. For construction of the DoG filter, a Gaussian filter with smaller width, σ1 = 2, is subtracted from another Gaussian filter with larger width, σ2 = 4. Before starting the feature extraction step, all the normalized and filtered images are divided uniformly to some overlapping patches (each patch contains 32 × 32 pixels with 50% overlapping with vertical and horizontal neighbors). Then a feature vector extracted from each patch. In this paper we use uniform local binary pattern (LBP) [12] for the feature extraction purpose, which has been used effectively in the heterogeneous face recognition problems [7]. In this paper n = 8 neighbors are considered around each pixel at radius r = 1, 3, 5, 7. Thus, by considering four different values for radius, and concatenation of the four resulted feature vectors, dimension of the final feature vectors will be 236.

B. Ensemble Classifier In this paper we use an ensemble classifier [8] consists of a set of individual classifiers, which are entitled base learners. Combination of the decisions of different base learners is used for classification of the test samples. For construction of the ensemble classifier, we use manipulation of the input features, i.e., the base learners utilize the same learning algorithm, but the feature vectors used by distinct learners are different. For the formation of the different feature vectors which are exploited by the base learners, we use random subspace theory [10]. First, all patches of each image are divided to B bags randomly, meanwhile each bag includes a fraction of all the patches, (i.e. each bag is constituted by η percent of all the patches) and it is possible for a patch to be in more than one bag or none of the bags. Then, cascading the feature vectors of the patches of each bag represents the final feature vector of the image in the same bag. Since the feature vectors associated with each image are different in distinct bags, the representations of each image will be different in distinct bags. These different representations can be used in an ensemble classifier by the base learners for determining the class of the test sample. In addition, the employment of random subspace theory for the definition of the feature vectors yields reduction of the feature space dimension. As described in section II, in the formulation of the sparse representation algorithm, dimension of the feature space is considered smaller than the number of the images in the gallery set. C. Training Stage The training stage of our approach involves two main steps: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [13] and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [14]. The execution of these two steps helps to dimension reduction of the feature space, as well as enhancement of the discrimination between the different classes. Note that sparse representation necessitates the reduction of the feature space dimension. Assume our training set consists of different thermal and visible samples from ntrain distinct subjects. The ith subject has ci thermal and visible samples in the training set. Thus, the total training set of the lth base learner, i.e. S l , can be constructed as: S l =[F l (T11 ), F l (V11 ), . . . , F l (Tc11 ), F l (Vc11 ), . . . , F l (T1ntrain ), F l (V1ntrain ) . . . , F l (Tcnntrain ), F l (Vcnntrain )], train

F l (Tij )

F l (Vij )



and ∈ Rm indicate the final feature where vectors of the ith thermal and visible images of the j th subject extracted by the lth base learner, respectively. By the execution of PCA algorithm, the mean vector (i.e. μl ∈ Rm ) and the ´ PCA mapping matrix, i.e.,W PCA ∈ Rm×m are calculated for l l = 1, 2, . . . , B, which m ´ is the dimension of the resultant low dimensional space. In our experiments, 97 percent of the variance is retained in the PCA step. Although there is a remarkable difference between the thermal and visible images, by considering the feature vectors of these two types of images in the total training set, the variances of both types of images affect the calculation of the mapping matrix, which can help

Fig. 1. Different steps of the testing stage in the proposed algorithm for calculation of the total residual value.

more reduction of the differences between the thermal and visible images. After the calculation of W PCA matrix, we l use LDA method and calculate LDA mapping matrix, i.e., ´ train −1 W LDA ∈ Rm×n in order to further separation of the l distinct classes. For performing the LDA algorithm, different thermal and visible images of a training subject are considered in the same class. Thus, by performing the PCA and LDA steps, a total mapping matrix, i.e. W Total , is calculated for l each of the base learners as:

image. Hence, the lth base learner, calculates rli (q) for i = 1, 2, . . . , ntest , where rli (q) indicates the residual value of the ith class for the thermal test image q, which is calculated by the lth base learner. Then by combining the residuals of all base learners, class of the test sample can be determined. Thus, first we define total residuals for different classes as:

W Total = W PCA × W LDA . l l l

where Ri (q) is the total residual of the ith class for the thermal test sample q, which is defined as the sum of the residuals of the ith class by all of the base learners for the thermal test image q. The total residuals of different classes can be exploited for final decision about class of the test sample. Fig. 1 demonstrates different steps of the testing stage for calculation of the total residual values in our proposed algorithm. Since we apply two different filters on the thermal and visible images in the preprocessing step, by considering same filter for the probe and gallery images, two distinct residuals can be calculated for the thermal test sample, that i i we entitle them as RCSDN (q) and RDoG (q). In this paper, fusion strategy is used for the combination of the residuals of two filters. So first, the total residuals of these two filters are added together to form Rfi usion , i.e.


D. Testing Stage As we know in the thermal to visible face recognition problem, the visible images are available as the gallery set and we want to classify the thermal probe samples. In this study, we assume at least one visible image for each test subject, exists in the gallery set. By applying sparse representation algorithm in the thermal to visible heterogeneous face recognition problem, the thermal probe image is reconstructed by means of the visible gallery images associated with the test person. Suppose B is the number of the bags which is equivalent to the number of the base learners in the ensemble classifier and Q different visible images from ntest distinct subjects are available, and the ith subject has di different visible images in the gallery set. If F l (y) ∈ Rm indicates the feature vector extracted from y by the lth base learner, then gallery set of the lth base learner, Gl , defines as follows

Ri (q) =


rli (q), for i = 1, 2, . . . , ntest



i i Rfi usion (q) = RCSDN (q) + RDoG (q) for i = 1, 2, . . . , ntest . (7)     Then, the thermal test sample q is assigned to the class with the ntest ntest 1 1 ), . . . , F l (Vdn )], Gl = [F l (V1 ), . . . , F l (Vd1 ), . . . , F l (V1 test minimum Rfi usion (q) value. Thus, in the fusion strategy, the (5)  predicted class of the thermal test sample q, which is denoted where F l (Vij ) ∈ Rntrain −1 is the final feature vectors of the as Cf usion (q) can be determined as th th th i visible image of the j test subject by the l base learner j j Total that is defined as F l (Vi ) = W l (F l (Vi ) − μl ). Moreover (8) Cf usion (q) = arg min Rfi usion (q). i if F l (q) ∈ Rm indicates the feature vector extracted from  IV. E XPERIMENTS the thermal test image q by the lth base learner, F l (q) ∈ Rntrain −1 is the final feature vectors of the thermal test image A. Database Description used by the lth base learner, which is defined as F l (q) = For evaluation accuracy of our proposed algorithm, we W Total (F l (q) − μl ). l select 60 subjects with three pairs of thermal and visible  By performing sparse representation algorithm for F l (q) 1 IEEE OTCBVS WS Series Bench; DOE University Research in each base learner, the residual values are calculated for different test classes. Since our gallery set contains the visible Program in Robotics under grant DOE-DE-FG02-86NE37968; DOD/TACOM/NAC/ARC Program under grant R01-1344-18; images of ntest distinct subjects, each base learner calcu- FAA/NSSA grant R01-1344-48/49; Office of Naval Research under lates ntest distinct residual values for each thermal probe grant N000143010022.


RSR 89.33±6.34

P-RS 69.33±7.66



SRC 14.00±7.17

100 90

Recognition Rate (%)

80 70 60 50 40 30

RSR (Proposed) P−RS [7] SRC [9]

20 10




15 Rank




Fig. 2. CMC plots of the performance of the proposed method (RSR) and two baselines: P-RS and SRC.

images for each subject from two thermal-visible databases. We use "Dataset 02: IRIS Thermal/Visible Face Database" subset of Object Tracking and Classifcation Beyond the Visible Spectrum (OTCBVS) database 1 [15], and select 22 subjects with three pairs of thermal and visible images for each subject, however, each pair has different expression (surprised, laughing or angry). Furthermore, we use the Natural Visible and Infrared Facial Expression Database (USTC-NVIE) [16] as well, collected by CCSL of China [17]. We select 38 subjects from the posed subset with three pairs of thermal and visible images for each subject, such that each pair has different expression (happiness, anger, sadness, fear, onset, disgust or surprised). Note that all of the thermal and visible images for all subjects are taken in front view. B. Results and Discussion P-RS method [7] is one of the most successful methods for solving the thermal to visible face recognition problem. Therefore, in this paper the performance of our proposed algorithm is compared with the performance of the P-RS method on behalf of the other existing methods in this area. The P-RS method is implemented precisely in the experiments of this paper, but since we consider three thermal-visible pairs for each subject, the number of the prototypes is three times of the number of the training subjects and each class is represented by six samples in the execution of the LDA step. Moreover, Since we exploit sparse representation in our proposed algorithm, we also compare its performance with the original classification method based on sparse representation (SRC) [9]. This method has not been applied yet in thermal to visible face recognition problem. Note that SRC method does not require a separate training set and the visible images of the test subjects are used as the gallery set and thermal probe image is reconstructed by means of the visible gallery images. First, each image is treated as one feature vector simply by concatenating the rows of pixels in the original image. Then,

the original feature vectors of the gallery set is projected into a lower dimensional space by means of Eigenfaces [13] or other common algorithm in reduction of the feature space dimension. In this paper by applying Eigenfaces algorithm [13] on the gallery set, the feature vectors of the gallery images and thermal probe image are projected into the lower dimensional space. Then, the resultant low dimensional feature vectors are used by the classification algorithm. In the experiments of this paper, 30 subjects are used for the training set and the remaining 30 subjects are considered as the testing set. To confirm the validity of the experimental results, the training and testing steps of all algorithms are repeated 10 times, each time the training and testing sets are selected randomly. Thus, the reported recognition rate is average of the obtained results. Note that in the testing stage of the RSR and SRC [9] algorithms, the gallery set is formed by means of the visible images of the 30 test subjects (each subject has three visible images). So our gallery set in this situation consists of 90 feature vectors which belong to the visible images of 30 different test subjects. Since in the testing stage of the P-RS method, just one visible image is needed for each test subject, the gallery set consists of the 30 visible images of the 30 test subjects (one visible image for each test subject). Each time a feature vector associated with the thermal image of a test subject is presented to the algorithm for the purpose of classification. The reported results for the proposed RSR algorithm are based on the following parameter values: B = 30 and η = 5 and as mentioned before, 97 percent of the variance is retained in the PCA step. For validation of the results of the P-RS method, except the number of the images for each training subject, other parameters of the P-RS method are considered as [7] exactly. In the simulation of SRC method [9], the dimension of the feature space is reduced by applying Eigenfaces [13] algorithm. Since the accuracy of the original sparse representation method [9] depends on the size of the feature vectors or equivalently number of the eigenfaces used in the algorithm, in this paper, we tune the number of the eigenfaces in order to maximize the accuracy of the SRC method. Average Rank-1 recognition rates of our proposed algorithm (RSR), the P-RS and the SRC methods are summarized in Table I. According to the results, our proposed method achieves the average Rank-1 accuracy of 89.33 percent. By comparison, PRS achieves the average Rank-1 accuracy of 69.33 percent on our database. As Klare and Jain mentioned in [7], the performance of the P-RS method is highly dependent on the number of prototypes. By increasing the number of prototypes, first accuracy of the P-RS method is improved, and then, its accuracy is saturated. According to Table I., when number of training subjects is limited (and as a sequence number of the prototypes is limited), our proposed algorithm outperforms P-RS and improves the recognition rate considerably. The sparse representation classification method (SRC) by applying Eigenfaces [13] algorithm for reduction the dimension of the feature space, achieves the average Rank-1 accuracy of 14% at the best manner by considering 42 eigenfaces. Although


CSDN 84.33±8.61

DoG 75.33±9.32


CSDN 22.98±8.88

DoG 21.03±9.02

SRC method is one of the successful methods for handling the face recognition in harsh circumstances, this method does not perform well in thermal to visible face recognition problem. The weak performance of the SRC method clearly demonstrates the importance of the individual steps of our proposed algorithm (such as filtering, exploitation of random subspace idea and ensemble classifier, etc.) for handling the thermal to visible face recognition problem in addition to the sparse representation step. Moreover, the CMC results of matching the thermal probe face images to the visible gallery face images are shown in Fig. 2. According to Fig. 2, the accuracy of the RSR algorithm yields over 98 percent for the ranks upper 4. Average Rank-1 recognition rates of our proposed algorithm for each of the individual filters can be found in Table i i II, i.e. RCSDN and RDoG are exploited for classification of the thermal test sample independently. According to the results of Table II, CSDN filter outperforms DoG filter in our proposed algorithm, by means of the maximum average Rank1 recognition rate. It is interesting to note that combination of decisions of these two filters by the fusion strategy can improve the average Rank-1 recognition rate and reduces standard deviation. We have also evaluated the success of the individual base learners in predicting the class of the thermal test sample. Table III demonstrates the Average Rank1 recognition rates of our proposed algorithm in the individual base learners. Note that for this purpose, the residual values of different classes in each bag are exploited for classification of the thermal test sample. By comparing results of Table II and III, the importance of the utilization of the ensemble classifier in the final resultant Rank-1 recognition rate of our proposed algorithm is clearly demonstrated. Although each base learner does not function so satisfactory, involving different base learners in an ensemble classifier yields notable improvement in the recognition rate. In addition to this success, utilizing an ensemble classifier and specially exploitation of the random subspace idea for definition the feature vectors in the different base learners can help reduction of the feature space and consequently reducing process time. Note that different steps of our proposed algorithm can be executed in parallel and independently in the different base learners. V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, sparse representation classification algorithm is regularized for heterogeneous cases, and is utilized by the different base learners in our proposed ensemble classifier

for handling the challenging heterogeneous face recognition scenario, thermal to visible face recognition. Decisions of the different base learners are combined together for prediction the class of the thermal test sample. The Rank-1 recognition results demonstrate considerable improvement of around 20 percent in comparison to the most successful algorithm in this area, i.e., (P-RS). The utilization of the sparse representation theory in handling the thermal to visible face recognition problems, and describing the thermal probe image of a person by means of linear combination of the visible gallery images of the same person is one of novelties of this work which yields significant improvement in Rank-1 recognition rate. Note that since the thermal to visible scenario is one of the most challenging HFR scenarios, we expect our proposed algorithm to perform well in other HFR scenarios as well. Therefore, it seems this paper reveals a general framework for HFR problems.The future work will focus on testing our proposed algorithm on other HFR scenarios. R EFERENCES [1] M. K. Bhowmik, K. Saha, S. Majumder, G. Majumder, A. Saha, A. N. Sarma, D. Bhattacharjee, D. K. Basu, and M. Nasipuri, Thermal Infrared Face Recognition-a Biometric Identification Technique for Robust Security System. FL, USA: InTech, 2011. [2] S. G. Kong, J. Heo, B. R. Abidi, J. Paik, and M. A. Abidi, “Recent advances in visual and infrared face recognition-a review,” Comput. Vis. Image Understanding, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 103–135, Jan. 2005. [3] C. Reale, N. Nasrabadi, and R. Chellappa, “Coupled dictionaries for thermal to visible face recognition,” in IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process. (ICIP), (Paris, France), Oct., 2014. [4] J. Li, P. Hao, C. Zhang, and M. Do, “Hallucinating faces from thermal infrared images,” in IEEE 15th Int. Conf. Image Process. (ICIP), (San Diego, Ca.), Oct. 2008. [5] J. Choi, S. Hu, S. S. Young, and L. S. Davis, “Thermal to visible face recognition,” in Society of Photo-Optical Instru. Eng. (SPIE), May, 2012. [6] M. S. Sarfraz and R. Stiefelhagen, “Deep perceptual mapping for thermal to visible face recognition,” in BMVC, 2015. [7] B. Klare and A. K. Jain, “Heterogeneous face recognition using kernel prototype similarities,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1410–1422, Jun 2013. [8] T. G. Dietterich, Ensemble methods in machine learning in Multiple classifier systems. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2000. [9] J. Wright, A. Y. Yang, A. Ganesh, S. S. Sastry, and Y. MA, “Robust face recognition via sparse representation,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 210–227, Feb. 2009. [10] T. K. Ho, “The random subspace method for constructing decision forests,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 832– 844, Aug. 1998. [11] E. Meyers and L. Wolf, “Using biologically inspired features for face processing,” Int. J. Comput. Vis., vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 93–104, 2008. [12] M. P. T. Ojala and T. Ma¨enpa¨a¨, “Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 971–987, Jul. 2002. [13] M. Turk and A. Pentland, “Eigenfaces for recognition,” in IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. (CVPR), 1991. [14] P. Belhumeur, J. Hespanda, and D. Kriegman, “Eigenfaces versus fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linear projection,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 711–720, Jul. 1997. [15] “OTCBVS Benchmark Dataset Collection - dataset 02: Iris thermal/visible face database.,” Oct. 2014, [Online]. Available: http://www. vcipl.okstate.edu/otcbvs/bench. [16] “USTC-NVIE database - A Natural Visible and Infrared facial Expression Database,” Oct. 2014, [Online]. Available: http://nvie.ustc.edu.cn. [17] S. Wang, Z. iu, S. Lv, G. W. Y. Lv, P. Peng, F. Chen, and X. Wang, “A natural visible and infrared facial expression database for expression recognition and emotion inference,” IEEE Trans. Bio. Compen., vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 682–691, Nov. 2010.

Random Sparse Representation for Thermal to Visible ...

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ing the SR features on top of our best discriminatively trained system allows for a 0.7% ... method for large vocabulary speech recognition. 1. ... of training data (typically greater than 50 hours for large vo- ... that best represent the test sampl

Visible and Infrared Face Identification via Sparse ...
Visible and Infrared Face Identification via. Sparse Representation. Pierre Buyssens1 and Marinette Revenu2. 1 LITIS EA 4108 - QuantIF Team, University of Rouen,. 22 boulevard Gambetta, 76183 Rouen Cedex, France. 2 University of Caen Basse-Normandie,

Temporal Representation in Spike Detection of Sparse ... - Springer Link
and stream mining within a framework (Section 2.1): representation of time with ... application data sets (Section 3.2), experimental design and evaluation ...

Sparse Representation based Anomaly Detection using ...
HOMVs in given training videos. Abnormality is ... Computer vision, at current stage, provides many elegant .... Global Dictionary Training and b) Modeling usual behavior ..... for sparse coding,” in Proceedings of the 26th Annual International.

Sparse Representation based Anomaly detection with ...
ABSTRACT. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for anomaly detection by modeling the usual behaviour with enhanced dictionary. The cor- responding sparse reconstruction error indicates the anomaly. We compute the dictionaries, for each local re

Sparse Representation based Anomaly Detection with ...
Sparse Representation based Anomaly. Detection with Enhanced Local Dictionaries. Sovan Biswas and R. Venkatesh Babu. Video Analytics Lab, Indian ...

Topology Discovery of Sparse Random Graphs With Few ... - UCI
This is the strongest of all queries. These queries can be implemented by using Tracer- oute on Internet. In [9], the combinatorial-optimization problem of selecting the smallest subset of nodes for such queries to estimate the network topology is fo

Inference in Approximately Sparse Correlated Random ...
Jul 3, 2017 - tional mean of the unobserved heterogeneity and does not attempt to relax the probit functional form, as the former is likely the most serious ...

Topology Discovery of Sparse Random Graphs ... - Research at Google
instance, the area of mapping the internet topology is very rich and extensive ... oute on Internet. In [9], the ...... Pattern Recognition Letters, 1(4):245–253, 1983.

Apparatus for controlling thermal dosing in a thermal treatment system
Sep 8, 2005 - Patent Documents. Reissue of: (64) Patent No.: 6,618,620. Issued: Sep. 9, 2003. Appl. No.: 09/724,670. Filed: Nov. 28, 2000. (51) Int. Cl. A61B 18/04 .... 9/2007 Talish et 31, system for ultrasound surgery,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferr

A Convex Hull Approach to Sparse Representations for ...
noise. A good classification model is one that best represents ...... Approximate Bayesian Compressed Sensing,” Human Language Tech- nologies, IBM, Tech.

A Convex Hull Approach to Sparse Representations for ...
1IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA. ... data or representations derived from the training data, such as prototypes or ...

Apparatus for controlling thermal dosing in a thermal treatment system
Sep 8, 2005 - agement of stroke,” Neurosurgery, vol. 65, No. 5, pp. ..... By way of illustration, FIG. ... ing sinus wave, thereby creating the desired ultrasonic wave energy. 20. 25 ..... Will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that a vari

Locally Affine Sparse-to-Dense Matching for Motion ...
age caused by camera motion or the moving objects in the scene, and has been ..... i of Ki is found (S3) and the current wi is updated. (S4). Eq. 5 guarantees that ...

Providing opportunity for submitting representation to the employees ...
There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. Providing opportunity for submitting representation to the employees.PDF. Providing opportunity for submitti

Sparse Representations for Text Categorization
statistical algorithm to model the data and the type of feature selection algorithm used ... This is the first piece of work that explores the use of these SRs for text ...

ISP(4) = HSP(4) and that this is the equational class DB of distributive bilattices ...... piggyback dualities and applications to Ockham algebras, Houston J. Math.