Read The Girlboss Workbook: An Interactive Journal for Winning at Life PDF Full book

Book Synopsis Hot on the heels of the new Netflix show based on #GIRLBOSS comes Sophia Amoruso’s workbook of tips, doodles, and fill-in-the-blanks that will help you become your best Girlboss yet. A graphic and whimsical easyto-carry life bible filled with to-do lists, timelines, exercises, illustrations and plenty of scribble room, The Girlboss Workbook is fit for both the dreamer and the doer. It invites you—hell, implores you—to get in there and mess it up a little. Write in the blank spaces and in between them. #GIRLBOSS started as Sophia s story, but The Girlboss Workbook is your story. It includes the best advice from #GIRLBOSS, of course, and will remind readers of the story of the girl who got her start fumbling and failing hard, but now it is time to take her story and use it to help you write your own. Use The Girlboss Workbook to design your own freak flag to your heart’s content. Ask yourself (or your mom) what makes you special and then draw in your own special snowflake. Revisit #GIRLBOSS’s sage career wisdom and then use it to draft your own dream cover letter and answer your own practice interview questions. Fill in the blanks with your turn-ons and turnoffs, your most badass accomplishments, your mistakes. Write your own lemonade recipe with your own personal lemons. Use this workbook as a diary, a mood board, a stress ball. No need to handle this book

Book details ●

Author : Sophia Amoruso Pages : 176 pages Publisher : Portfolio 2017-10-24 Language : English ISBN-10 : 0143131974 ISBN-13 : 9780143131977

with care and no need to live a typical, cookie-cutter life. Sophia’s has been anything but.

Read The Girlboss Workbook: An Interactive Journal for ...

graphic and whimsical easy- to-carry life bible filled with ... of course, and will remind readers of the story of ... Girlboss Workbook to design your own freak flag to ...

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