Reduced Order Models for Eigenvalue Problems Joost Rommes1 Mathematical Institute Utrecht University P.O.Box 80.010, 3508 TA Utrecht The Netherlands [email protected] Summary. Two main approaches are known for the reduced order modeling of linear time-invariant systems: Krylov subspace based and SVD based approximation methods. Krylov subspace based methods have large scale applicability, but do not have a global error bound. SVD based methods do have a global error bound, but require full space matrix computations and hence have limited large scale applicability. In this paper features and short-comings of both types of methods will be addressed. Furthermore, ideas for improvements will be discussed and the possible application of Jacobi-Davidson style methods such as JDQR and JDQZ for model reduction will be explored.

Key words: reduced order models, eigenvalue problems

1 Introduction Dynamical systems and control systems arise from for instance partial differential equations and electrical circuits. Simulation and controller design for large scale systems can become extremely expensive in storage requirements and computations. A way to reduce these costs is to use reduced order models (ROMs), which preserve key characteristics of the original system, but are far smaller in dimension. This paper will summarize the two main approaches for reduced order modeling, Krylov subspace based and SVD based approximation methods, together with features and shortcomings. Furthermore, ideas for improvements will be discussed and the possible application of JacobiDavidson style methods such as JDQR and JDQZ for model reduction will be explored. In Section 2, the reduced order modeling problem will be stated. In Section 3, existing ROM methods will be described. Section 4 explores the application of Jacobi-Davidson style methods to ROM problems and concludes.


Joost Rommes

2 Reduced Order Modeling Problem In this paper linear time-invariant (LTI) systems will be considered:  dx(t) C dt = Gx(t) + Bu(t) y(t) = Lx(t) + M u(t)


where x(t) ∈ RN is the state vector, u(t) ∈ Rm is the input function and y(t) ∈ Rp the output. The matrices C, G ∈ RN ×N are system matrices. The matrices B ∈ RN ×m , L ∈ Rp×N and M ∈ Rp×m are distribution matrices. The number of state variables (the order of the system) is denoted by N . The number of input and output variables are denoted by m and p respectively. The problem is to find an approximating system, the reduced order model:  d˜x(t) ˜ x(t) + Bu(t) ˜ C˜ dt = G˜ (2) ˜ x(t) + M ˜ u(t) y˜(t) = L˜ ˜ G ˜ ∈ Rn×n , B ˜ ∈ Rn×m , L ˜ ∈ Rp×n with x ˜(t) ∈ Rn , u(t) ∈ Rm y˜(t) ∈ Rp , C, p×m ˜ and M ∈ R . Note that the number of inputs and outputs is the same as for the original system, and that the input itself is not changed. The ROM should satisfy the following requirements (see also [1]): • • • •

The order system is reduced strongly: n  N . The approximation error ||y − y˜|| in appropriate norm must be small. Important properties such as passivity and stability are preserved. The procedure for computing the ROM must be computationally efficient and numerically stable, and ideally has an automatic convergence test.

Physical realizability of the ROM may be an additional requirement.

3 Reduced Order Modeling Methods Krylov subspace based and SVD based approximation methods will be described shortly in this section. In this section and the following, SISO (m = p = 1) systems are considered. For an extended overview, see [1]. Krylov subspace based methods The transfer function of a linear dynamical system (2) is defined as the Laplace transform of the impulse response (for simplicity M = 0): H(s) = L(sC − G)−1 B = L(I − (s − s0 )A)−1 R with A = −(G + s0 C)−1 C and R = (G + s0 C)−1 B. Note that it is assumed that sC − G is a regular pencil and that s0 is chosen such that G + s0 C is nonsingular. A series expansion of H around s0 is

Reduced Order Models for Eigenvalue Problems

H(s) =

∞ X

mi (s − s0 )i ,


mi = LAi R.


Krylov subspace based methods construct a ROM by matching moments mi : ˜ H(s) =

∞ X

m ˜ i (s − s0 )i ,

˜ A˜i R, ˜ m ˜i = L


with mi = m ˜ i , i = 0, . . . , n for appropriate n  N . Explicit computation of the moments mi = LAi R is numerically unstable: within a few iterations the vector Ai R will converge to the eigenvector corresponding to the dominant eigenvalue. Krylov subspace methods deal with this difficulty by constructing an orthonormal basis for the Krylov subspace Kn (A, R) = span{R, AR, . . . , An−1 R}. Let the columns of Vn ∈ RN ×n form an orthonormal basis for Kn (A, R), i.e. VnT Vn = I and span(Vn ) = Kn (A, R). The ROM is now constructed by the state transformation x → Vn x ˜:  (VnT CVn ) d˜xdt(t) = (VnT GVn )˜ x(t) + (VnT B)u(t) y˜(t) = (LVn )˜ x(t) Two well-known methods based on Krylov subspaces are Pad´e via Lanczos (PVL) [3] and PRIMA [7]. PVL exploits the connection between the BiLanczos process and Pad´e approximation. After n iterations of the process, 2n moments are matched, while no storage of iteration vectors is needed. However, the process may suffer from breakdowns and does not guarantee preservation of stability and passivity (see [2] for some remedies). PRIMA constructs an orthonormal basis for the Krylov subspace Kn (A, R) using Arnoldi iterations. After n iterations of the PRIMA process, n moments are matched. Storage and orthogonalization of the iteration vectors is needed, but the procedure is numerically stable and preserves stability and passivity. Note that each iteration of PVL requires two matrix-vector products (one with A and one with AT ), against one for PRIMA. Furthermore, PVL does not provide the reduced system matrices. SVD based methods Let C = I and M = 0 and G be stable in (2). The singular values of the Hankel operator Z 0 H : u(t) 7→ LeG(t−τ ) Bu(τ )dτ t ≥ 0, −∞

are equal to the square roots of the eigenvalues of a product of two symmetric positive-definite matrices P, Q ∈ RN ×N (the gramians) [5]. Hence, the Hankel 1/2 singular values σiH = λi (P Q), i = 1 . . . N form a discrete set. These Hankel


Joost Rommes

singular values play a role for dynamical systems similar to the role singular values play for matrices. A reduced order model is constructed by truncating the original system in such a way that the n largest Hankel singular values are preserved. In order to do this, first the matrices P and Q must be solved from two Lyapunov equations GP + P GT + BB T = 0,

GT Q + QG + LT L = 0


Then, in order to truncate, a balancing transformation that diagonalizes both P and Q must be computed. This state transformation is computed using the standard SVD. SVD based methods have the disadvantage that dense matrix computations are required to solve two Lyapunov equations, so that large scale application is not attractive. However, stability and passivity are preserved for the SVD-based methods, and moreover, there is a global error bound [5]: ||H(s) − Hn (s)||L∞ = sup σmax (H(iω) − Hn (iω)) ≤ 2 ω




For more details about the balancing transformation and the Hankel operator, the reader is referred to [5].

4 New Research Directions A method that combines the large scale applicability and stability of Krylov subspace methods with the global error bound and stability/passivity preservation of the SVD based methods may be fruitful. A first attempt to such a method, approximate balanced reduction, has been made in [9], but has not yet yielded a robust and efficient method. One can also consider Jacobi-Davidson methods [8]. The Jacobi-Davidson method is an efficient method for computing eigenvalue and eigenvector approximations near a specific target, provided a good preconditioner is available for the correction equation. This correction equation (I − ui u∗i )(A − θi I)(I − ui u∗i )t = −(Aui − θui )


has to be solved to modest accuracy every iteration of the Jacobi-Davidson process. Note that the Ritz-pair (θi , ui ) changes every iteration. The search space of the Jacobi-Davidson process is extended orthogonally with t. Now suppose that the transfer function is of the form H(s) = L(sI − A)−1 R. If the transfer function is computed exactly, (sI − A) has to be inverted for a range of values of s. For large systems this is not feasible, therefore reduced order models are needed. With s replaced by θi , the operator (sI −A) is equal to −(A − θi I). This suggests that the search space built during the Jacobi-Davidson process may contain useful information. The idea is to start

Reduced Order Models for Eigenvalue Problems


Jacobi-Davidson processes for several targets and to combine the relevant parts of the search space into a new space. This new space can be used the construct a reduced order model, similar to the Krylov subspace based methods. Because the transfer function is evaluated for values s = iω, the dominant eigenvalues are the eigenvalues closest to the imaginary axis. The dominance of the actual contribution to the transfer function also depends on the component of R in the direction of the corresponding eigenvector. This information has to be taken into account in the Jacobi-Davidson process. An advantage of the Jacobi-Davidson approach is that matrix inversions are avoided. PRIMA and PVL need the LU -decomposition of a large sparse matrix, while the JDQZ method [4] for generalized eigenproblems works with both operators directly. The JDQZ method computes a partial generalized Schur form for generalized eigenproblems Gx = λCx. Similar to the original Jacobi-Davidson method, the JDQZ method may be used for transfer functions of the form H(s) = L(sC −G)−1 R, where C is possibly singular. Because of the singularity of C, there may be eigenvalues at infinity, which are not of interest. Harmonic Petrov values can be used to avoid these eigenvalues. Another possibility is the use purification techniques [6]. Another open issue is the construction of good preconditioners, which are of vital importance to the convergence of the Jacobi-Davidson process.

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Reduced Order Models for Eigenvalue Problems

number of input and output variables are denoted by m and p respectively. ... that sC − G is a regular pencil and that s0 is chosen such that G + s0C is.

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