Regular Meeting Minutes Board of Education  Niles Township High Schools  District 219  Cook County, Illinois May 3, 2016 I. Call to Order and Roll Call Board President Sproat called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board Members Present at Roll Call: Carlton Evans, Ruth Klint, David Ko, Linda Lampert, Brian Novak, Joseph Nowik, Mark Sproat. II. Closed Session It was moved by NOVAK and seconded by SPROAT to recess into closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation discipline, performance or dismissal of employees, collective bargaining, purchase of property, security procedures, student disciplinary cases, the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters related to individual students and pending litigation. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Evans, Klint, Ko, Lampert, Novak, Nowik, Sproat. The motion carried. The Board recessed into Closed Session at 5:42p.m. III. Recall to Order President Sproat recalled the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. IV. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. V. Welcome President Sproat thanked everyone for attending the meeting. VI. Changes / Additions to the Agenda The following items were removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and possible action under Business: b. One of the items in the Personnel Report, i. One (1) Year Contract with Miller Cooper for Fiscal Year 2016 Audit, and m. Tennis Court Repairs. Ruth Klint requested that the minutes from the April 12, 2016 Closed Session meeting be amended to reflect her absence. VII. Audience to Visitors On Agenda and Non-Agenda Items President Sproat read a statement reminding the audience members about the process and purpose of the audience to visitors agenda items. No visitors requested to speak to the Board. VIII. Student Representative Comments Niles North – Spencer Schwartz stated that the Assyrian Club held an open forum to raise awareness of the Assyrian struggle. The Awards ceremony for seniors will be held on May 12 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Prom is May 14 at the Aon Building, 50th floor, Mid-America Club, Chicago. A record number of students signed up to attend Prom. Dance Marathon will be on May 21 to raise funds for Chicago Coalition for The Homeless. Niles West – Sidra Kallan shared that Niles West is in the middle of ACT testing. Finals will be in two weeks. Last week was Stand Against Racism. The Prom is in two weeks and will feature a surprise “After Prom” event.

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

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IX. Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by KLINT and seconded by EVANS to approve the Consent Agenda, as amended. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Evans, Klint, Ko, Lampert, Novak, Nowik, Sproat. The motion carried. Included in the Consent Agenda were: a. Approved payment of the Monthly Bills and Payroll in the amount of $10,209,160.49 b. The Personnel Report was removed from the Consent Agenda (Appendix I) c. Approved Amended Minutes April 5, 2016, April 11, 2016, April 12, 2016, April 13, 2016 and April 14, 2016 Board of Education Open and Closed Sessions d. Approved the Board of Education Regular Meeting Dates for 2016-17 e. Update by President Sproat on Next Superintendent of Schools f. Approved the awarding of the Security Services contract to Per Mar Security Services g. Approved the Last Day of the 2015-16 School Year h. Approved termination of the Agreement with ECRA Group, Inc. i. Approved the Summer Curriculum Writing Projects j. Approved Niles North and Niles West International Trips to Argentina and Germany k. Approved SmartNet – Network Hardware Maintenance Agreement Renewal with Logisoft not to exceed $52,210.98 l. Approved Replacement of Computers and Equipment at a total cost not to exceed $200,000.00. m. Approved the Fee Schedule for the 2016-17 School Year n. Approved to Accept the Donation of Howard Lebow of $1,000.00 to the Niles North Fine Arts Department o. Rejected the March 28, 2016 Security Bid for Security Services X. Business a. Appointment of Director/Directors of Communications Department (Appendix I) It was moved by SPROAT and seconded by LAMPERT for the Board to appoint two Directors, as is the current staffing level, and name Eric Oddo, Director at Niles West and Evelyn Lauer, Director at Niles North. (Appendix I) A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Ko, Lampert, Nowik, Sproat Voting Nay: Evans, Klint, Novak The motion carried. Mrs. Klint stated that she was going to vote no because she feels that there should be one Director. b. One (1) Year Contract with Miller Cooper for fiscal Year 2016 It was moved by KO and seconded by EVANS for the Board to accept the approval of a one (1) year contract with Miller Cooper for Fiscal Year 2016. Dr. Trimberger said the District’s three year contract with Miller Cooper expired with last year’s audit. Since the audit was late this year, and was not completed until March, the Administration didn’t feel it prudent to go out for a new audit firm when the prior year’s audit had yet to be completed. The District checked with some auditing firms about the possibility of bidding, but most of the firms had already scheduled their summer work. The Administration is recommending a one (1) year contract with Miller Cooper, and go out to bid for a new contract for the FY 2017 audit. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Evans, Klint, Ko, Lampert, Nowik, Sproat Voting Nay: Novak The motion carried.

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

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c. Tennis Court Repairs for Niles West It was moved by KO and seconded by NOWIK for the Board to award a contract to Olson Bros. Recreational Surfaces, Inc. to repair the Niles West north tennis courts, as specified, for $80,650. Mr. Trimberger said ten tennis courts have major structural cracks that need to be repaired, and the surfaces refinished and restriped. The four courts next to the field house were repaired for about $45,000 He expected the ten courts will be about double that price. There was a discussion on the repairs and age of the tennis courts. It was moved by KO and seconded by NOWIK to amend his motion and table the approval of Tennis Court Repairs until further discussion at the Facilities meeting. d. Student Academic Day Schedule (Discussion and Action) It was moved by KO and seconded by LAMPERT for the Board to approve maintaining the same Academic Day Schedule for the 2017-18 School Year. Ms. Lampert thanked everyone for their efforts and time commitment to researching on the academic day schedule. She said she did her due diligence by speaking to teachers and students to get their thoughts. Dr. Ko stated that the District has discussed the academic day schedule for several years. When we have a new superintendent, we can collaborate and see what the new leadership would like to see. Mr. Novak looks forward to conversations with the new superintendent and receiving leadership direction about the academic day schedule. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Evans, Klint, Ko, Lampert, Novak, Nowik, Sproat. The motion carried. e. Implementation Timeline for Recommendations From the Report on Investigation Into Management Practices (Discussion and Action) The Implementation Timeline for Recommendations from the Report on Investigation Into Management Practices was tabled because the Timeline for Implementation has yet to be received from the attorneys. This will be on the Agenda for the May 24, 2016 meeting. f. Scoreboard Advertisement (Discussion and Action) Mr. Griesbach asked the Board to consider two questions with regard to scoreboard advertising: (1) Do you support outside advertising, if yes, (2) Who will facilitate the sale of advertising? Mrs. Klint stated that she is not supportive of advertising. Mrs. Klint feels that the District has adequate funds and does not need to use advertising to raise money. Mr. Novak asked if the Booster Club’s had been approached about leads for the sale of advertising. Mr. Evans said he is in favor of advertising on the scoreboards. Dr. Ko said when the scoreboards were originally purchased, it was with the intent of putting adverting on them. He likes the idea of having the Booster Clubs involved in the sale of advertisements.

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

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It was moved by KO and seconded by EVANS for the Board to approve Scoreboard Advertising. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Evans, Ko, Novak, Nowik, Sproat. Voting Nay: Klint, Lampert. The motion carried. g. Principal Search Update (Discussion Only) Dr. Friedman said the Cabinet will screen candidates tomorrow for the Niles North principal search. The leading candidates will be interviewed by stakeholder groups next week. He would like to see the new superintendent included in these interviews. Carlton Evans and David Ko volunteered to represent the Board on stakeholder groups. Joe Nowik will serve as the alternate. President Sproat thanked everyone for taking part in the Superintendent Focus Groups. He said the information has been invaluable to the Board members. h. Board Committee Assignments (Discussion Only) The Board Committee Assignments are as follows: Special Board Committees: ED-RED and IASB Oakton Alliance for Life Long Learning

Board Representative: Brian Novak Mark Sproat

District 219 Board Committees: Finance Committee Policy Committee Facility Committee (Buildings & Grounds) Classrooms First (Establishing better protocol and better

Board Representative: All Board Members – Committee of the Whole Linda Lampert* / Joseph Nowik David Ko* / Mark Sproat

communication through the Feeder schools)

Brian Novak * / Carlton Evans Carlton Evans* / David Ko Brian Novak* / Ruth Klint

Equity Committee Audit Committee (Review of bills prior to Board meeting) Student Services (Combines Athletic Feeders Programs, Health Clinics, Student Wellness and Food Services)

Communications Department Insurance Department

David Ko* / Mark Sproat Brian Novak* / Linda Lampert Ruth Klint

* Denotes Chair The Parents - Teachers Advisory Committee and the Behavioral Intervention Committee will be advisory committees to the Board. The following Special Committees will not have Board representation: CCSI (Curriculum Standards for School Improvement TCSI (Technology Committee for School Improvement EPAC (Educational Policy Advisory Council) XI. Superintendent’s Report Dr. Friedman congratulated Eric Trimberger who defended his dissertation and earned his doctorate degree. Dr. Trimberger said his dissertation was on The Impact of Property Tax Refunds on ISAT Scores for Elementary Schools. Dr. Friedman announced that Bridget Connolly was promoted to Executive Director of Student Services and Special Education. She will start her new position on July1. The Golden Apple recipients will be at the May 24th meeting. May 29 is graduation. In Springfield there is word that there will be action on bills to freeze property taxes. There is a strong possibility that it will be a two year tax freeze.

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

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XII. Principals’ Report Niles West - Dr. Ness congratulated the newest Niles West Parent’s Advisory Council Board members. Niles West will host Pasta and Pops this Saturday at 6:00 p.m. in the main gym. Accolades will be next Thursday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Graduation is on will be Sunday, May 29 and will be held in the stadium. Dr. Ness announced the individuals that will be honored for the Athletic Hall of Fame. Niles North – Dr. McTague congratulated Bridget Connolly for her promotion to Director of Student Services and Special Education. He also congratulated Pankaj Sharma who is the recipient of the 2016 Golden Apple Award. Mr. Sharma will be at the next Board meeting. He congratulated Jinbin Cao who was named the Gates Millennium Scholar. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that will cover Jinbin’s undergraduate expenses and graduate school tuition. Dr. McTague congratulated Bushra Amiwala who was the award winner of the 2016 Techny Bridgebuilder Award for activism and social justice in Stand Against Racism. XIII. Board Committee Reports The Facilities Committee will meet on Thursday, May 12 at 3:30 p.m. The Equity Committee will meet on Monday, May 16 at 4:00 p.m. at Niles North in Room 1101. The Classrooms First Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 11 at 6:00 p.m. at District 219. The Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 25 at 6:30 p.m. The Policy Committee will meet on Thursday, June 2 at 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Klint reported that the Insurance Committee met two weeks ago and reported that insurance rates will increase by 7.8%. Mrs. Klint suggested that we look at incentives to reduce our premiums and to get our staff to participate in health and wellness. XIV. Future Agenda Items President Sproat said that items listed under Future Agenda Items are not ready for discussion or action, but are listed as a preview to the Board and public of important topics to be considered by the Board in a future meeting. It is anticipated that the two topics listed in this agenda will be presented at the May 24 meeting of the Board of Education. a. Architect Contract b. Niles North Principal Selection XV. Information Items a. Monthly Financial Report – March 2016 b. FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests XVI. Adjournment It was moved by EVANS and seconded by LAMPERT to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote was taken. Evans, Klint, Ko, Lampert, Novak, Nowik, Sproat. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.

_______________________________________ President

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

____________________________________ Secretary

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Appendix I TO:

Board of Education Dr. Mark Friedman, Interim Superintendent Mr. Steven M. Griesbach, Interim Superintendent


_______________________________________________________________ Dr. Ed Murphy, Director of Personnel and Compliance


April 27, 2016


Personnel Recommendations for May 3, 2016 Board of Education meeting

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve administrative contract for the following administrator for the 2016-2017 school year:

NAME Connolly, Bridget 

POSITION Director of Buildings and Grounds

TO June 30, 2016

POSITION World Languages, Chinese – MA / Step 6 Certified School Nurse – MA / Step 6 World Languages, French – MA / Step 5 World Languages, German – MA / Step 10 World Languages, Hebrew – MA60 / Step 19 ELL – MA15 / Step 4

FTE .6 1.0 1.0 1.0 .8 1.0

EFFECTIVE DATE August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016

POSITION/LOCATION Psychology Intern / West Social Work Intern / Central Psychology Intern / West

SALARY $16,000/Yr. $9,000/Yr. $16,000/Yr.

EFFECTIVE DATE August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following licensed staff leave of absence for the 2015-2016 school year:

NAME Allen, Mark 

FROM June 30, 2017 (previously approved on 2/6/12)

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following paid interns for the 2016-2017 school year:

NAME Diaz, Chantel Farber, Zachary Spiratos, Veronica 

EFFECTIVE DATE July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following licensed staff for the 2016-2017 school year:

NAME Dove, Limin Hansen, Christopher Hinsinger, Elizabeth Neal, Thomas Raiber, Anna Salem, Omar 

SALARY $158,000

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the retirement date change for the following administrator:

NAME Beck, Vickie

POSITION Executive Director for Student Services and Special Education, 260 day calendar

POSITION / LOCATION Speech Pathologist / North

TYPE OF LEAVE Prolonged Illness – Unpaid

LEAVE FTE April 22, 2016 – May 27, 2016

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following licensed staff leave of absence for the 2016-2017 school year:

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

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NAME Allen, Mark 

POSITION / LOCATION Special Education / West

FROM May, 2021 (previously approved on 2/9/16)

TO December, 2021

POSITION/LOCATION Paraprofessional, Special Education / North

EFFECTIVE DATE June 30, 2018

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the retirement date change for the following support staff:

NAME Neitlich, Debbie


It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the retirement of the following support staff:

NAME Smetana, Melissa 

TYPE OF LEAVE Prolonged Illness – Unpaid

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the retirement date change for the following licensed staff:

NAME Grunst, Marie

POSITION / LOCATION Speech Pathologist / North

POSITION / LOCATION Secretary, Fine and Applied Arts / North

FROM June 30, 2017 (previously approved on 3/11/13)

TO January 31, 2017

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following parttime/temporary staff for Summer 2016:

NAME Antenor, Roblyn Armstrong, Eboni Calma, Patricia Choi, Irin De Leon Mendez, Brandon Gliebe, Carla Gonzales, Thea Danielle Guerrero, Eric Honeycutt, Phoenix-Rose Irizarry, Jacob Joseph, Judith Kemp, Alexia Lukose, Steve Mancera, Jose Markland, Brittany Markland, Trent Meyers, Olivia Nash, Gabriel Palmer, Allison Patel, Riya Perdomo, Zach Poland, Juwon Poulos, Harriet Rosenberg, Avalon Shroff, Vraj Szymanski, Jason Toch, Jonah Tolentino, Shane Volpe, Laura Weinketz, Gabrielle Williams, Ka’Lea

POSITION / LOCATION Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / West

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

SALARY $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $12.00/Hr. $8.25/Hr.

EFFECTIVE DATE May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2015 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2015

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It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following stipend positions for the 2015-2016 school year:

NILES NORTH NAME Boys Tennis, Head *Vana, Christopher * Not a full-time school year employee 

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following stipend positions for the 2016-2017 school year:

NILES WEST Chess Team, Head Girls Gymnastics, Assistant 

NAME Faso, Mario Batista, Adrian

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following substitute teachers for the 2015-2016 school year:

NAME Allen, Matthew (long-term) Jameson, Nicole (long-term) Kavesh, David (long-term) Pazik, Tyler Ross, Michael (long-term) 

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following licensed staff for 2016 Summer School:

NAME NAME Aaron Minkus, Anderson, Michael Noll, Jacob Braheny, Kyle Foster, Jason Oddo, Eric Powell, Rachael Garner, Brent Stanford, Jason Geu, Ryan Stefl, Camilla Jamali, Toorun Wall, Kerry Loughran, Vachee Wick, Karin Matesi, Alexis *McWherter, Zachary *Wittleder, William * Not a full-time school year employee 

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following support staff for 2016 Summer School:

NAME Sullivan, Patrick

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

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Appendix I HANDOUT


Board of Education Dr. Mark Friedman, Interim Superintendent Mr. Steven M. Griesbach, Interim Superintendent


_______________________________________________________________ Dr. Ed Murphy, Director of Personnel and Compliance


May 3, 2016


Personnel Handout

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following parttime/temporary staff for Summer 2016:

NAME Gandhi, Divya Gill, Alyssa Haider, Zayaan 

SALARY $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr.

EFFECTIVE DATE May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 4, 2016

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following parttime/temporary staff for 2016-17 school year:

NAME Aessa, Samantha Filar, Ewelina Langia, Zakira Thomas, Alisha 

POSITION / LOCATION Main Office Support / West Textbook Center / North Textbook Center / North

POSITION / LOCATION Library / West Library / West Library / West Library / West

SALARY $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr. $8.25/Hr.

EFFECTIVE DATE August 12, 2016 August 12, 2015 August 12, 2016 August 12, 2016

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of the following licensed staff for 2016 Summer School:

NAME Barton, Rob Baskin, Megan DiZillo, Joseph Komo, Natalie Paulis, Sarah Roche, Andrew Slefo, Amanda

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 3, 2016

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Regular Meeting Minutes Board of Education Niles Township High ...

May 3, 2016 - Business: b. One of the items in the .... The Golden Apple recipients will be at the May 24th meeting. May 29 is graduation. ... The Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 25 at 6:30 p.m.. The Policy Committee will ...

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