Mr. Mealey [email protected] 952-848-4634 Mrs. Nesheim [email protected] 952-848-4622

First Grade Newsletter! Cornelia Elementary Nov.16th-Nov.20th

Kylee Muehlberg [email protected] 952-848-4612 Courtney Borowicz [email protected] 952-848-4606 Christine Mjoen [email protected] 952-848-4642


This week we focused on... Literacy: This week we read At the Aquarium by Norbert Wu. Our skill work included phonetic clusters with r such as pr, gr, tr, dr, fr, and br words. We also studies contractions. Students are extending their read to self times and building their stamina with reading. Writing: Students are currently writing stories about special places and family members. During this unit, kids also contribute to a shared story created by the classroom. Kids are also writing about family activities. This week we wrote a “Who am I” riddle describing some things about ourselves. Math: This week in math we learned how to read a thermometer to the nearest two degrees. We learned a great game call “Domino Top-It”. We measured things in our classrooms with nonstandard units such as cubits, digits, yards, hands, pace, and arm span. We also measured with a standard foot. IXL programs for this week include: N. 1-4, A. 1-22, B. 1-14



*Conferences – Nov. 23rd - TBD *NO SCHOOL – Nov. 23rd-27th – Thanksgiving break *Kindergarten Information Night Dec. 1st – 7:00p.m.

High Frequency Words We will be spelling and reading these words next week:


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! Keep reading and working on IXL over this long holiday! We look forward to seeing you on Monday, Nov. 30th!


Nov 20, 2015 - read to self times and building their stamina with reading. Writing: Students are currently writing stories about special places and family.

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