CITY OF MOBILE, ALABAMA COMMUNITY & HOUSING DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (HOME) In an effort to receive the most beneficial proposals for the citizens of the City of Mobile and to provide an opportunity for those that may otherwise be unaware of the HOME developer funding process. The City of Mobile is publishing this Request for Proposals (RFP) in an effort to maximize participation. The City generally accepts Proposals for HOME funds under various eligible activities throughout the year. Occasionally, based on funding availability and affordable housing need, the City will announce that it is requesting additional HOME proposals for any eligible type of development or for specific types of development that it has identified as a critical need. To ensure the City maximizes its limited federal HOME funds, the City is now giving notice that it is requesting proposals for HOME developer projects to be located in the City limits of Mobile. All proposals should be submitted in the format that can be found on the City of Mobile website under announcements. Per HOME regulations, the City must perform its own underwriting and any funding awarded will be based on the need of the project to come to fruition after a project has been selected. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal submitted in response to this RFP. Copies of the application are available at the address listed below between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. The City encourages Minority and Woman owned Business Enterprises as well as Section 3 qualifying businesses to submit proposals. Initial review of proposals shall begin June 19, 2017. Please submit proposals to the following address: James Roberts, Senior Director Neighborhood Development Department City of Mobile, Alabama 205 Government St, South Tower, Suite 515 Mobile, AL 36602
Mar 4, 2015 - provide evidence of required insurance, a City of Mobile business license, and enrollment in the ... Zoning & Land Use ... obligated to accept the lowest priced proposal, but shall make an award in the best interest of the.
Mar 4, 2015 - include an analysis of previous planning documents, past grant applications, and .... submission of proposals are contained in this package.
Apr 30, 2016 - State company name and all contact information including the name, ... and became disabled prior to age 19 while covered by the City of.
May 11, 2015 - a 3 Year Capital Budget for the City's public facilities, including roads, ..... subconsultants' key personnel who would perform work for on-call program ... Management Ordinance, Building Codes, Right of Way Ordinance and.
16. All smoke and CO detectors shall be provided per code. 17. Green building practices and design elements which promote energy efficiency are encouraged.
Email. Purpose of Request. This form may be submitted to the Mayor's office, in care of the Senior Director of Communications and. External Affairs at the ... This form may be submitted in person, by email, or courier service. ... The following fees
Pursuant to the Code of Alabama 1975, Article 3, Inspection and Copying of Records, section 36-12-40,. "Every citizen has a right to inspect and take a copy of any public writing of this state, except as otherwise expressly provided by statute." The
include estimates/documentation of professional services and soft costs (e.g. ... whom they have family or business ties during their tenure or for two years ...
Request for Qualifications and Proposals - Hotel Development Opportunity - Berkeley, CA(1).pdf. Request for Qualifications and Proposals - Hotel Development ...
Sep 24, 2010 - ... Improvement funds. Separate application process will be required. ... Questions should be submitted in writing by Monday, October 11, to Mackenzie Paull, Economic Development and Retail Manager, at [email protected].
Sep 24, 2010 - Program will create lively storefronts and engaging street level presence at inactive sites. These active spaces will increase connectivity and ...
University's innovative workshop to engage undergraduate women in hands-on research. Award Information. Google is requesting and encouraging proposals ...
Sep 2, 2015 - All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for. General Contractors must be properly licensed ...
Apr 25, 2013 - Scope of Service: Homes are to be inspected for compliance ASHI local ... for defective paint according to the Lead Safe Housing Regulations.
Apr 25, 2013 - The City of Mobile is soliciting the professional services of qualified home ... All interested parties must include the following information in their ...
policies, practices, programs, and the effectiveness of police services and relations. (D). To actively ... solutions of community crime. The Advisory Council is ...
Page 1 ... further promote public safety, the City Council desires to create and establish a citizens' advisory .... to facilitate the business of the Advisory Council.