r23 No. F(E)llU200srPNt The GMs/FA&GAOs, All lndian Railways/ProductionUnitslRDSO' (As per mailinglist) Subject:

Revisionof 1/3*r commutedportion of pensionin respectof Governmentservantswho had drawn lump sum paymenton Autonomous PublicSectorUndertakings/Central in Central absorption of Governmenfsdecision on the Bodie's lmplementation ission. PayComm ns.t,1?.4: Central recommendatio

A copy of Departmentof Pensionand Pensioners'Welfare(DOP&PW)'s and O.M. No. qiiOtZOlO-pApW(O)dated28.10.2013is enclosedfor information also' on the Railways shallapplymutatismutandis Theseinstructions compliance. of DOP&PW'sO.Ms,referredto in the enclosedO.M.and A concordance Z. is givenbelow:instructions RailwayBoard'scorresponding S. N o . 1.

2. 3.

conesPonding Board's Railway instructions dated Letter No. F(E)lll/2005/PN1/23 O.M. No.4/38/2008-P&PW(D) 22.09.2008. dated15.09.2008. dated Letter No. F(E)lll/2005/PN1/23 O.M. No.4/30/2010-P&PW(D) 31.07.2013. dated11.47.2013. O.M. DOP&PW's

receiPl Pleaseacknowledge

1ry ,


(MTs.SUKHENDER KAUR) (Estt.), Joint DirectorFinance RailwayBoard.

/23 No. F(E)lll/2005/PN1

NewDelhi,Dated:I l.{2.2013.

RoomNo.224, andAuditorGeneralof India(Railways), Copyto DeputyComptroller (40 spares). Delhi New Rail Bhavan,

,4, for FinancialCommisbioner/Railways.

No;4t30t2010_p&pW(D) Govemment of Indii publicArir*-n.", & pensions of personnet, .i Ministry Deparrment of pension;d-i;;il;ers Wetfare LokNayakBhavan, KhanMarket" NewDethi-l10003; DatedtheZgmOctober, 2013 oqF|cEi|EMOFANDUM sub: Revisionof l/3d-cornmuted pensio[nortiolof pensionin respect of Govemmentservantswt;'h; orawn iumi;; payment on absorption in centrarpubrdse;;r undertakings/cenhat Autonomous Bodies-rmptements ot cJvernilJnt',d"" d-flr;;;commendations of the6hientrafpavcomiiiffi;. to say Il1unO:.oignedis directed thisDepartmenrs 6M of "";;-;;;; i;

513:**':i:rjlj!:orb-Ts geryion by a factorof 2,26,irl,;;. ii I

f:b19d_ pensionas per this

ordershave beenissuedvide 11.7.2A13 for revisionof 1l3d

by multip$ing pre-revised 1/i,n neficialffin tre revised 1/3d

O.M. hto.4/aSr2OOt-panrurbt q"!q 15.e.2008. rrresb oro'ei= nir[:ilH,ij rfl tn cornBtianoe of the rordei of-Sp dated wsrrilf
theirorderdated22la01sn iF.'#Eotz.

OA No.71Crl201O:ibad

2.. . RepresenraTpl1^*Aj:Tifl frg:"_{r9-.rteq#ces pensioners, whohad takenrur.?-rur. p.yr"niln.rieuoi r6'dg6--ffirata pension absorption, on thatthe

pensioners Lenefit;rffi;d'il'the absorbee o'M' dated11'7'2013 is ;;il#e..These-representations in termsof have examined in thisDepar'nent. Thet*in *,,urt ilE;;;;i"r"n,"t,on isbeen the1/3tr that restored o";i-1.i;i-ci6 "f rygio1.n1iv pension deamess il addins


i. i ;006;i;il;iffiiiJ 11i"r!'; the pre-revised1/3drestoreO peirion."'

ntr"ntbenent to

3. Thematbrrr119een lTr*,**n,n.this_Department. Theinstuctions revision for or 1t3do"r1ig1y-"t"iJill#iv nis oeplrtmeni;. o.n. no.4/38/2008P&P'A(D) datedrs s zooati;G;'rnw nJtormJr"[il'oo* byHon,bte Highcourtof Andhra praoesrr'inrtr jrigryn! dafed24.12.2oo3which.was accepted in supreme gd; ffidrjii-a.t"o 2g.112b06and24.7.200r. Hon'bfe cnr, Hidegoy Bencfi-#;il1rd"r oateoli.iil-o? in oArlonofi inter-atia observed ciru.'iitJi 1s.9.2008 was Frl ltr sustainabre. However, theHon'bre aAf diril; il|rr, ,n ordersoregarty a! to the *itnnJi"ui,Jp" "quarize t?;iff#;ffii:liifmliitt!"' oronei !

Keepingin viey.{rg

above direc'tio-n-of Hon'brecAT, Hyderabad Erench, r,r,hich r.. yf:g pyrr'ui.'-cili or n"oni".iiioeln anoSupreme court,orderc wereissued vicie tnis blilrtments olrr. or ii* number 11.7.2019 dated to revisetnt iiri#;iI#", of absorbee pensioners to 2.26 @

Nadot ul Federationof Indian Railwaymen (N.F.I.R) 3, Chelmsford Road,New Delhi.

Nq.II/3S/PI.10 Copy forwarded to the Geneidl Secretariesof affiliated Unions.of NFIR for information. C/: Media Centre/NFlR.


[vr.naghe6iaht General Secretarv

times of he pre-revised1/3d restoredpension.This is explainedby the followingexample:



16d restored pension (for restored pbnsion pension in DR,etc.) terms of OM dated 15.9.2008

restorcd pension in terms of OM dated 11.7.2013

The aboveformulafor revisionof 1l3d pensionis afso in conformity with the demandmg{e by the staff side in the meetingoi Nationatcouncil (JCM)hefdon 6.11.2012. 5. fn view of the aboveposition,no furtherchangein the 1/3d restored penslonof the absorbee_pensioners (who had orawn-lump-sumpavmlnt oi absorptionin centrat pubtic undertaking/cEntral Autonomoui gody) ls required to be ma!e. All the representationsmade by the absrobee pensioners and their Assogationi in this regard stano disposed off accordingly.All MinistrieVAllDepartments are reqiestedto informthe above positionto he absorbeepensioners.

t|o',,*> Deputy secretary totheo"""rlf,:fffFj] Tet:24624752 To, 1. All Ministries/All Departnents. 2. All Pensioners Associations as perlist. \r{opy for Websiteof Dop&ptA, ;


Revision of 1-3rd commuted.PDF

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