Federation Natiohal ofIndianRailwaymen ROAD,NEWDELHI. 11O055 3, CHELMSFORD Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF)

No. IIl49lPt. il


The Secretay (E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, sub:

Revision of designationsof erstwhile Group 'D' staff - reg.


Railway Board'sletterNo. PC-VI/200911/Il3 dated19/1212012 & 2910112015. *****

With reference to Railway Board's proposal received vide Board's letter dated l9ll2l20l2 &2810112015, the NFIR conveysits responseas follows:(1)

Prior to 01/0112006,the Pay Scalesparticularly in Group 'D' posts were carrying different duties and responsibilitiesand higher pay scaleswithin Group 'D' were assigned with higher duties and responsibilities.With the implementation of revised pay structure and merger of all Group 'D' pay scales with revised GP 1800- PB-1, a new situationhas arisenwherein the dutiesand responsibilities of higher nature hitherto performed against the pre-revised pay icales, also became part of GP 1800/- but, however, pay fixation under erstwhile F.R.22ClpresentS-13,is not extended.


The Railway Board have not given the statementpertaining to the designations and Group "D' Pay scalesexistedprior to 0110112006 to enablethe Federationto appreciatethe position and assesthe implicationsif designationsare revised.


As on date,althoughGP 1S00/-has beenallottedto all erstwhileGroup'D' posts, the benefits on promotion from same grade pay to same grade pay need io be allowed. In this scenario how broad banding and multi tasking can be contemplatbd,hasnot beenspeltout in Board,sproposal.


Federationhas come to know that there are good number of designationslocally allotted by the Zones and even Divisions, carrying the GP 1800/-. These non-standard/unofficial designations are needed to be identified for integrating them taking into consideration the duties being performed against such posts Whether such non-standard designations are allowed to be continued, is also a questionneedsto be examinedthoroughly.


Phone: 011-23343305, Fax: 011-23744A8,Rly.22382,Telegram: RAILMAZDOR Rly.OgA-22283,22626, 65027299, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], Website:


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