

2 No. F(E)lll/2008/PN1t1

I3 '04.2016 ;

The GMs/FA&CAOs, Units. All lndianRailways/Production (As per mailinglist) Subject: Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners delinking of revisedpensionfrom qualifyingserviceof 33 years' O.M' Welfare(DOP&PW's A copy of Departmentof Pensionand Pensioners' dated 06.04.2016on the above subject is enclosed for No. 3S/37I06-P&PW(A) informationand compliance.These instructionsshall apply mutatis mutgn{s on the

MW W.M.and

referredto in the4ffiad instructions of DOP&PW's 2. A concordance is givenbelow: instructions RailwayBoard'scorresponding W S.No. DOP&PW'sinstructions

t#iar$fu* Railway instructions. tu & W


08.09.2008 ofeven {O$-P&PW(A)Letter O.M.No. 38137 mffired"ted dated01.09.2008 dated08.10.2008 o.M. No. 38t37|}3-P&PW(A) tetterof er&tWer f f i , % W dated03.10.2008 3 O.M.No.38/37i08-P&PW(A)Lettepfuv#f numberdated11.02.201 : m N Y dated28.A1.2013


2. 3.

o.M. No.38t37|09-P&PW(&ffiSeven Fr , Y dated30.07.2015


dated31.07.2A15 number

(sanjayPrashar) DeputyDirector,Finance(Estt.)lll, RailwayBoard.

ffif V

NATTONAL FEDERATTON (N.F.I.R) OFTNDIANRAILU/AYMEN 3, Chelmsfoid Road,New Delhi -Dated:19/04/2016

Copywith enclosuresisforwarded to the GeneralSecretariesof afliliatgd IJnionsof NFIR. Also refpr Federation'sletter of evennumber dnted18/04/2016addressedto RailwgySoard- ^ ' and copyendorsedto the alJiliatesfor taking action in the mstter grFM, C/: Media Centre/NFIR. C/: IRIV

(Dr M. Raghavaiah) General Secretarv


Government of India Miaistry of personnel,pG& pe,lrsions Departnentof pension* peosionetsl--W"Uur 3d Floor,Lok NayakBhawsn Khanlvfarker,NE$,Delhi-l l0 003. 'Datodgbs 06dtAfril, 2016

sub:' Rsvisiono.fpcnsionof pre-2&16poncioncrudclinling of rcvired pcnsion hom qudifying icreicc of 33 ye*n. The undasigred is directedto saythat p€r para 4.zof this Deparment,soM of evennumberdaf€d 1.9.200g*ruing to T of pre:2006pensioners r:rjyrrpo,soo w'e'f' 1.1.2006, th.ere{s$ pension;,".f. 1.r.2006, ir; ca$risba[ borower trwsv/o

of the s'm of the minimum ;.rhi;";ruii-*o the sndc paythereon corresponding'o,Y "a;;v **ut*rroit'*ti"n the pensioucr badrstirsd.A {*yrytp"i clarifisation wasissued videDopi#w oM of **;*rb* dar€d 3.r0.r00grbatthe pcnsion calcutmed &, swoortru*ioi** ofpayt" rh, fi;"tffi ;ffi"pey rvoura becalculatedat the minimumof the pay oaiiro"p""ure of the pre-'evised T.fuplrt *" scale of pav)plusthesradep"v pq];;;;* #;,i"o*iplffi;-[" 2' sevsal oetitions were fired in the central AdurinistrativeTribuur, principar Bencfu New pethi tnter rhe revised pension of tbe pre-2006 ]$ pecsioners "fi"-;il;*g should notbeless &ansoz"irtr,*

corespondiag n** to +hepre*e,isedpayscaleto*,*tiriffiiooo "ri-i*r* "r#;;"#uT"u#d" trad retire4 as snived d with reference to the fitrrentiuut"r annexed to Ministryof FinancgDeparrnent of ExpnditrneoM No, r/la008.Ic-dr1.d 30dJud;"rfilr* principal Hon,ble cAT, Benclr'New Delhivide its cornmo*orderdatei*r.rr.ioiI in oA No.655/20r0 and threeotherconnectdoAs directed; t;{;;;.ffiffii pre-2006rerturcsw.e.f. att I'l'2006 basedon the Resohtionddrd 2g.s,zmg ;] lh- Deputmentof penjion& Pensioners' wclfmeandin tneugntoioe oturrvaiions"fl{oi{'i;tliirJr*""ira* 3' ord€rs oM of eyennumberdatedzg.t.2013 ' for seeppingwereissuedvidethisDeparfinent's up of pur-zriie or p*ri*o o,.u-i. zq.g.zgr2to s0% of the Foutrl minim'm of Fv ii3:gt b*d;t_grrd"puy-"o*friang CIpre-revisod -olta*p*vides payscare from which the pcnsionerrctircd fuo ,ir u* that in casethe consolidatsd pension/family persion*rrt -f p*ir*'+.r of o,M. No.3g/37l0glrrcJ* P&Pw (A) dat€dI'9'2008-dhtgil tfu tnepen*iJdmily pursioncatculared ''nanrrer indicatedin in the the o.M. dated itl'iff1,"#'lL" consolider€d ftrgher pension/family pension) witl continue tobefreatedasbasjcpe,rrsion/fanrily pension subsquentlv,in conp-rian!? 1 . principar -ofq, "t'o gs I .r l .20rr of theHon,brecAT, Bench * o4rg..ossntiio, il;jl;;;iiiiorn*,bre

Highco*rtof Delhiin wP (c) No' 1535/2012 "ia*aut"ari.j.loii ;J;rder srrprene in sLP(c) No. 36r4'non, oro* *r, i**a "rHon,btc oM of,conrr ;d;;ir";*r*enr,s wen

number d&ted,o,X[pl

d: p-J"Jn*it

pensioner#ftmilvnensioaers rnay


be revisedin ;o;d;;

or a' pre * 2006

with this Department,s o.[a zi.r.zo]3 witrr;ir"o a"* r.r.2006 inst*ae or i-yill?:Vrzros-r&iwa)

with theorderissuedin implementation of therecommendation of l. .. In agcordance 6* CP!, thelrnsion of Govemment scrvaots retired/retiriqgon or after I.1.20065as lhe beendelinkedfiom qualifring serviceof 33 yearr. In OA No. ZtSnOlz filed by Sbri. M.O' Insritt apre-200opensiolor,Hon'bleCAf, gmaledamBench,vide its orderdared 16.&2013dfuact€d thattherevisedpensionw,e.f. 1.1.2006underp a4.2 of OM dared 1.9'200t would not be reducedbasedon the qualiffing serviceof rc** than 33 ),earf,. The 4ppealsfrled by Depuurent of Revenuein the Hon'ble High Court of Keralaand in the Hon'ble SupremeCosrt have also been dimissed. Similar ordershave been passedby Hon'ble CAT/UigtrCourtin ssveralothercasesalso. 6. The matter has becn exanrinedin consultationwith the Ministry of Finance @eparmcut of Expenditure).It frarnow.-beffi decidedrhat the revised-consolidafed pensionof pro.2006pcnsionersthall not be lowerthan 50o/o of the minirnunrof the pay in the Pay Band and th! gradepay (uihereverapplicable)correqponding to the prerevisedpay scaleasper fitnmt able withoutprc-mtarduction of pensionevenifihey Accordingly,pana Itd-q""trying serviceofless than33 yea$ at the time of retireNnent. 5 of this negartnent'sOM of wen nurnberdafcd28.1.2013would standae#€d. Tho arearsof revisedpensionwouldbepayablewith effectfrom 1.1.2006. 7. Ministry of Agriculture,c0o.arprequcstedto bdng the conte,utroffreseordqs to tbe notice of Coufrollerof Aocountsi?ayand AccountsOfficers aad Attachedaod SubordiaateQffices rmds them for rcvising the pension of all those pre - 20A6 pensionerswbo had rcndcredless the 33 yiars of quAirying serviceat ihe time of rctlrementin the nunrneras iudicatedaboveon top priori6.. Rivised pe,lrsionpayment . Ordorsin all thesecasesrtrayilso beisflr€dimmediately. A[ pensioadisblrsing offices/broksare also advisd to prominentlydirylay q" theseorder.son their noticeboardsfor thebenefitofpensioners 9. This iszueswith the approvalof lv{inistryof Finance,Dept. of Elpenditruevide ID NorcNo"2(9/EVl20l5, dated1fi.2a16. 10.

Hindi versionwill follow.

t, (sffiiffiy1)-f6

DeputySecrstaryto tlrc Goveirrment of India To 1. All Ministries/Departments of Governmeutof Indig, (as p€r staodardmailing Iist). 2. All SCOVAMembers 3. All idenaifiedPensioners Association Copyto

(i) MC Cell foruploadingon thewebsiteof rheDepatnent (ir) AD (OL), DoPPWfor Hindi Version

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