ROBUST 2-D CHANNEL ESTIMATION FOR STAGGERED PILOT GRIDS IN MULTI-CARRIER SYSTEMS: LTE DOWNLINK AS AN EXAMPLE ∗ M. Danish Nisar1,2 , Wolfgang Utschick1 , Josef Forster2 1 Technical University Munich,

Associate Institute for Signal Processing (MSV), Munich, Germany. 2 Nokia Siemens Networks,

Radio Access, Algorithms & Simulations, Munich, Germany. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


The paper extends the recently proposed concept of finite dimensional robust 2-D MMSE channel estimation to the staggered pilot grids in multi-carrier systems. The proposed scheme is particularly useful once the receiver has no knowledge of the channel correlation function and it intends to pursue the MMSE channel estimation for improved performance. We build a minimax optimization setup, as a function of the pilot grid structure, that leads to the Least Favourable (LF) channel correlation sequence, which is then employed by the receiver to obtain the maximally robust channel estimation coefficients guaranteeing the best worst-case performance. For staggered pilot grid, such as the one found in LTE Downlink specifications, we present three implementation variants for the maximally robust 2-D MMSE channel estimation and compare their performance in terms of coded BER.

Keywords: Robust channel estimation, Minimax optimization, Multi-carrier systems, Staggered pilot grid

∗ This pre-print version can be used for personal purposes only. Final version can be downloaded from Springer.



M. D. Nisar, W. Utschick and J. Forster


Multi-carrier systems typically employ the transmission of known pilot sub-carriers to enable pilot-aided channel estimation at the receiver. However, since the transmission of pilot sub-carriers lead to a reduction in effective data throughput, the pilot sub-carriers are desired to be distributed over the time frequency grid in a regular but sparse manner. The pilot sub-carrier spacing along time and along frequency directions are typically selected by keeping in view the channel time variation and frequency selectivity scenarios that are expected in the system [1, 2]. In order to be able to grasp the fine channel variations at the receiver, staggered pilot grids are often employed in practical systems such as LTE Downlink [3]. In staggered pilot grids, the successive set of pilot subcarriers in time are staggered along the frequency direction. Precisely speaking, this implies a certain shift in the frequency index of the pilot sub-carriers that are successively transmitted along time. An example is shown in Fig. 1 with staggering equal to half the pilot frequency separation. At the receiver, Least Squares (LS) estimates of the Channel Frequency Response (CFR) coefficients are obtained at the pilot positions followed by linear or more sophisticated interpolation to estimate the CFR at the data sub-carriers. Among the various interpolation techniques, the 2-D MMSE estimator leads to the minimum estimation MSE. However, it requires the knowledge of the channel correlation function which may not be accurately available in a practical system. This necessitates the need of a robust 2-D MMSE filter that employs a fixed channel correlation spectrum but guarantees a good worst-case performance as well. Such a robust estimator has been proposed in [4] for the

Figure 1. Staggered Pilot Grid. Time along horizontal and frequency along vertical direction. Blue squares represent pilot positions, so that we have ∆T = 4 and ∆F = 6 in this illustration. The observation window (thick bordered rectangle) is shown with KT = 2 and KF = 1 with respect to the crossed data CFR position.

Robust 2-D Channel Estimation for Staggered Pilot Grids


case of an infinite number of pilot observations along time, whereby the authors suggest to use a rectangular correlation spectrum for robust estimation performance. For the practically relevant case of a finite number of observations, we recently proposed in [5] to employ the LF correlation sequence that results from a minimax based semi-definite optimization procedure to have a robust performance. In this paper, we extend the proposed Maximally Robust 2-D MMSE channel estimator to multi-carrier systems with staggered pilot grids, and compare three variants of the concept in terms of their estimation performance. Simulation results are presented for LTE downlink systems that employ a staggered pilot grid. Notation. The operators E[•], | • |2 , (•)∗ , (•)H , vec(•) stand for expectation, absolute value square, complex conjugate, hermitian and vectorization (vertically stacking the columns of a matrix below each other) respectively, while ι denotes the imaginary unit.


Robust 2-D Channel Estimation

We consider a multi-carrier system with pilot sub-carriers distributed over the time-frequency grid in a periodic manner. Pilot spacings along time and frequency are labeled with ∆T and ∆F respectively, and successive pilots are assumed to be staggered by ∆F /2 along frequency as shown in Fig. 1. Let KT and KF denote the number of pilot channel estimates on either side of the data position of interest, along the time and the frequency directions respectively, to be employed for estimation. The rectangular observation window (marked in Fig. 1 with a rectangle around the crossed data position of interest) thus formed is labeled with a matrix H and let the total number of pilot CFR estimates falling inside this observation window be Np , then the LS estimates of pilot CFRs can be arranged in the observation vector as ˜ p = hp + η, h


where η ∈ CNp denotes the pilot channel estimation error vector. Now with w H ∈ C1×Np denoting the vector containing 2-D filter coefficients, the estimation MSE between the CFR Hf,t at f -th frequency and t-th ˜ p obtained as E[|Hf,t − ˆ f,t = w H h time index, and its MMSE estimate H 2 ˆ f,t | ], can be written as H  ε(w, {rH (i, j)}) =rH (0, 0) + w H Rhp + Rη w − w H rhp − rhHp w, (2)

where {rH (i, j)} denotes the unknown 2-D channel correlation sequence1 i h   Np while the ∗ defining both Rhp = E hp hH p and rhp = E hp Hf,t ∈ C


M. D. Nisar, W. Utschick and J. Forster

noise covariance matrix is assumed to be Rη = ση2 INp . Minimization of the MSE w.r.t the filter coefficients yields the well known MMSE solution, −1 (3) rh p , wMMSE = Rhp + Rη leading to the minimum MSE attained (cf. Eq. 2)

 ε(wMMSE , {rH (i, j)}) = rH (0,0)− rhHp Rhp +Rη −1 rhp


In the sequel, we look for a maximally robust 2-D MMSE estimator based on a fixed 2-D channel correlation sequence that promises the best worst case performance.


Maximally Robust Estimator

Intuitively speaking, to find the Maximally Robust (MR) estimator we first maximize the MSE (cf. Eq. 2) over the set of all valid 2-D channel correlation sequences to arrive at the worst case scenario and then minimize the resultant MSE via optimization for the filter to finally arrive at the MR estimator, i.e. min



{rH (i,j)}∈Ur1

ε(w, {rH (i, j)}),



where Ur1H denotes the set of all valid 2-D channel correlation sequences with a bounded L1 norm, i.e. rH (0, 0) ≤ β and with bandwidth restrictions of ωt,max and ωf,max on their time and frequency correlation spectra in accordance with the Doppler frequency and the channel delay spread respectively. We now employ a theorem [6, 7] on the equivalence (saddle point nature) of the finite dimensional minimax and max-min problems under the convexity and compactness constraints on the uncertainty class Ur1H and the linearity constraint on the estimator. Consequently, given that the prerequisites are fulfilled, the original minimax problem in (5) can be reformulated into the equivalent max-min problem, max

{rH (i,j)}∈Ur1H



ε(w, {rH (i, j)}).


In essence, the problem of finding the maximally robust estimator is casted into the one of finding the Least Favorable (LF) 2-D correlation sequence. Note that the minimization problem in (6) is nothing else than the conventional MMSE optimization problem leading to the following residual problem (cf. Eqs. 3 and 4), −1 (7) rh p . rH (0, 0) − rhHp Rhp + Rη max {rH (i,j)}∈Ur1H

Robust 2-D Channel Estimation for Staggered Pilot Grids


Thus, we arrived from a minimax optimization setup down to a pure maximization problem. Since the objective function in (7) is monotonically increasing in rH (0, 0), the maximization is reached once rH (0, 0) = β, so that we actually need to minimize the subtractor −1 (8) rh p . rhHp Rhp + Rη min {rH (i,j)}∈U˜r1


where U˜r1H is identical to Ur1H except that rH (0, 0) = β. Transforming the problem into epigraph notation [8, p. 75] by introduction of a slack variable t and then employing the Schur complement positive semidefiniteness theorem2 , the optimization problem reduces to,   t rhHp t s.t. min  0. (9) rhp Rhp + Rη t,{rH (i,j)}∈U˜r1 H

Next we decompose the {rH (i, j)} ∈ U˜r1H constraint into individual analytical constraints. The positive semidefiniteness property of the finite length correlation sequence can be expressed in terms of positive semidef initeness of the channel correlation matrix, RH = E vec(H) vec(H)H . In order to incorporate constraints on the bandwidths of time and frequency correlation sequence, we use a theorem [9] on the existence and uniqueness of band-limited positive semidefinite extensions. It allows the bandwidth constraints to be expressed as positive semidefinite constraints on Toeplitz matrices constructed from the sequence obtained after filtering the original correlation sequence with the filter u(m) =eι(ωh +ωl )/2 δ(m − 1) + e−ι(ωh +ωl )/2 δ(m + 1) − 2 cos((ωh − ωl )/2)δ(m)


To this end, bandlimitedness of time and frequency correlation sequences can be assured by positive semidefinite constraints on the Toeplitz matrices RT and RF constructed from the filtered sequences [5]. Thus the uncertainty class constraint can be equivalently described by following positive semidefiniteness constraints, {rH (i, j)} ∈ U˜r1H ⇐⇒ RH  0, RT  0, RF  0, rH (0, 0) = β


The overall optimization problem can finally be posed by incorporating (11) into the optimization problem (9) as,   t rhHp  0, rH (0, 0) = β, min t s.t. rhp Rhp + Rη t,{rH (i,j)} RH  0, RT  0, RF  0.



M. D. Nisar, W. Utschick and J. Forster

Thus, we end up in a semidefinite optimization problem with a linear cost function, an equality constraint, and a few positive semidefiniteness constraints. As such, the problem that can be solved via any semidefinite problem solver like SeDuMi [10]. The solution of this problem yields the LF (i, j)} which can then be used for LF 2-D CFR correlation sequence {rH the computation of the maximally robust (MR) 2-D MMSE estimation filter coefficients, i.e. −1  MR , (13) rhLF wMMSE = RLF hp + Rη p LF emphasize and RLF with rhLF hp as defined earlier. The superscripts (•) p that they are based on the optimized LF correlation sequence. Note that the optimization procedure (12) needs to be carried out only once for a set of grid parameters such as pilot spacings. The resultant LF correlation sequence or the corresponding estimator coefficients can therefore be computed offline. As such, the computational complexity of the estimation process itself is analogous to that of any other 2-D MMSE estimator. It should be noted that we employ the approach presented in [11] to handle the grid edge effects.


Implementation Variants

Optimal Strategy. Owing to the relative staggering in successive pilot symbols, the number of pilot sub-carriers to be used for interpolation may vary in alternate blocks. As an example, consider the data position marked with a cross in Fig. 1, the number of pilot observations to be employed for interpolation is 2KT +1 for the pilot-containing block to the left, but is 2KT for the block to the right. This complicates the structure of rhp and Rhp and needs special care in the implementation of (12) and (13). The scheme is optimal in the sense that it incorporates the staggering of pilot blocks in the formulation of robust estimation problem unlike the proceeding schemes. De-Staggering based Strategy. A sub-optimal work around, to avoid the staggering-related structural complications, as hinted above, is to artificially de-stagger the grid at the receiver. This involves basically a linear interpolation along the frequency direction in staggered blocks to determine the LS estimates of data sub-carriers at the nonstaggered positions. Afterwards, we may treat these LS estimates as that of virtual pilot sub-carriers and remove the original staggered pilot observations. This leaves the grid with same pilot spacings, but with the staggering eliminated, resulting into simpler implementations of (12) and (13). Discarding of the original (staggered) pilot estimates and their

Robust 2-D Channel Estimation for Staggered Pilot Grids


replacement by de-staggered pilot estimates results into sub-optimality of the scheme.

Compensated Staggering based Strategy. Another alternative to artificially eliminate staggering at the receiver, is to employ linear interpolation along frequency in all the pilot blocks to create virtual pilot sub-carriers in between the original pilot sub-carriers leading to ˜ F = ∆F /2. an effective reduction of pilot spacing along frequency to ∆ ˜ We increase KF = 2KF so as to make a fair comparison with other approaches. Note that by this compensation of staggering we created observations with correlated noise, against our assumption, so that this approach is also sub-optimal. Linear Interpolation based Strategy. As a benchmark, the simplest scheme that we employ for estimation of data CFRs is the linear interpolation along frequency followed by linear interpolation along time. This serves as the performance lower bound for other more sophisticated interpolation schemes.


Simulation Results

We provide simulation results for the LTE downlink system [3] that employs a staggered pilot grid. Owing to the proposed frequency hopping at slot boundaries, we consider estimation of CFRs at each slot independently. This leaves us with only two pilot containing blocks in the observation window i.e. we have KT = 1 with a time spacing of ∆T = 4 and with the pilot sub-carrier frequency spacing of ∆F = 6. The pilot blocks are staggered along frequency by ∆F /2 = 3. Various other parameters have been selected according to the LTE specifications for the high data rate 20 MHz band [3]. Among the estimation parameters, we choose KF = 1 for simplicity. For the case of compensated ˜ F = 3 and K ˜ F = 2. staggering based strategy described above we have ∆ We employ the standard frequency domain MMSE equalizer and a turbo decoder to show the overall system performance. A comparison of the performance of the three alternatives for robust channel estimation described above is presented along with that of the simple linear interpolation along frequency and time. Simulations are carried out for an allocation of 6 Resource Blocks in downlink. 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulation schemes are used in conjunction with a rate 4/5 and 2/3 turbo code respectively. At the benchmark level of 10−2 coded BER, for 16-QAM scenario in Fig. 2(a) we observe that performance of simple linear interpolation suffers about 2.5 dB as compared to the optimal scheme. On the


M. D. Nisar, W. Utschick and J. Forster










Simple Linear Interpolation De−Staggering Strategy Compensate Staggering Strategy Optimal Strategy







14 16 SNR (dB)




(a) 16-QAM with rate 4/5 code at velocity of 30 kmph 0









Simple Linear Interpolation De−Staggering Strategy Compensate Staggering Strategy Optimal Strategy






14 16 SNR (dB)




(b) 64-QAM with rate 2/3 code at velocity of 30 kmph

Figure 2. Performance comparison of different strategies for robust channel estimation in case of staggered pilot grid. Coded BER at velocity 30 kmph

other hand, the performance of the three MMSE based robust channel estimation variants are within 0.3 dB of each other, implying an improvement in excess of 2.2 dB over the linear interpolation approach. Among the robust estimation variants, the performance gap increases at lower benchmark levels. For instance at the coded BER of 10−3 , the de-staggering based implementation suffers a degradation of about

Robust 2-D Channel Estimation for Staggered Pilot Grids


2.5 dB as compared to the optimal strategy while the degradation for compensated staggering based strategy is only 0.5 dB. Similarly for 64-QAM scenario in Fig. 2(b) at the coded BER of −2 10 , linear interpolation looses about 5 dB, while the de-staggering based strategy looses about 3 dB, as compared to the optimal robust channel estimation. The performance of compensated staggering based strategy remains within 1 dB of the optimal scheme. Hence, we conclude from the above simulation results that besides the optimal scheme whereby we incorporate the staggered structure of pilot grid in the semi-definite optimization procedure, the compensated staggering based robust channel estimation offers a nice trade off between the (offline) optimization implementation complexity and the final system performance.



The paper applied the principle of finite observation based robust 2-D MMSE channel estimation to multi-carrier systems with staggered pilot grids, such as the one specified in LTE downlink specifications. After deriving a general framework of robust 2-D channel estimation, three implementation variants were described. Simulation results presented for an LTE downlink system indicate that besides the staggering based optimal robust channel estimation, robust estimation applied to the grid after compensation of staggering offers a suitable performance complexity trade off.

Notes 1. Note that the wide sense stationarity of the random process Hf,t is assumed through out this paper so that the correlation function is independent of the indices f and t.   A11 A12 2. Given a matrix M = , and the Schur complement of A22 as S22 = A21 A22 −1 A11 − A12 A22 A21 , we have M  0 if and only if A11 ≻ 0 and S11  0.

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M. D. Nisar, W. Utschick and J. Forster

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