

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview Ulf S¨oderstr¨om IGIER, Bocconi University

November 2006

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview





Introduction I

Central banks face enormous amounts of uncertainty


Greenspan (2003): Uncertainty is not just an important feature of the monetary policy landscape; it is the defining characteristic of that landscape.


Sources of uncertainty I I I


Data Model specification Parameters

How take this uncertainty into account when setting monetary policy?

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview




A very brief history of robustness


Friedman (1960, 1968) I I I


“long and variable lags” Avoid fine-tuning monetary policy k% rule robust

McCallum (1988) I I

Countercyclical policy possible Make sure rule is robust across alternative model specifications

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview




These lectures


Optimal monetary policy with uncertainty


How to design robust policy


CB faces uncertainty and tries to design robust policy Private sector knows true model and understands the central bank’s policy


No learning or experimentation


Ad hoc quadratic loss function

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview




1. Theory: Different approaches in simple model I I I

Shock uncertainty: Certainty equivalence Parameter uncertainty Unspecified (Knightian) model uncertainty

2. Applications I I I

Robust rules with model and parameter uncertainty Data uncertainty Unspecified model uncertainty

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview






Friedman, Milton (1960), A Program for Monetary Stability , Fordham University Press, New York. ——— (1968), “The role of monetary policy,” American Economic Review , 58 (1), 1–17. Greenspan, Alan (2003), “Monetary policy under uncertainty,” Opening remarks at a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. McCallum, Bennett T. (1988), “Robustness properties of a rule for monetary policy,” Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy , 29, 173–203.

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview

Robust Monetary Policy: An Overview

Central banks face enormous amounts of uncertainty. ▻ Greenspan (2003): ... Parameters. ▻ How take this uncertainty into account when setting monetary.

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