November 2, 2015

Public School Athletic-League Boys Folkstyle Wrestling Rules and Regulations 1. Rules 2. Coach Administrative Deadlines 3. Schedule Changes & PSAL Non-League Dual Meets 4. Student-Athlete Eligibility 5. Competition Procedures & Uniforms 6. Forfeits 7. Teams forfeiting three or more duals for two consecutive seasons 8. Ejected Student-Athlete 9. Ejected Coach 10. Protests 11. PSAL Individual City Championship Entry Procedure, Selection Process, & Seeding Mechanics 12. PSAL Dual Meet Championship Selection Process and Seeding Mechanics 13. Division Placement Tie Breaking Criteria 14. PSAL Sponsored Regular Season Tournament Rules

1. Rules: 1.1: All PSAL matches will be conducted using the rules as directed in the National Federation of High School Association’s (NFHS) Wrestling Rules Book, with modifications as directed by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association’s (NYSPHSAA) Program of Wrestling. 1.2: Only scales that have been certified by either Beat The Streets or the DCA Bureau of Weights and Measures may be used for weigh-ins. Beat The Streets will certify scales free of charge at the BTS Manhattan Training Center. A BTS Certification is good for two years from the date of certification. 2. Coach Administrative Deadlines: 2.1: 11:59 PM November 30th is the final day to submit PSAL Dual Meet schedule changes and the last day to submit PSAL Non-League Dual meet requests. Any changes must be agreed upon by all coaches and all athletic directors involved in the change. Schedule change requests must be made using Form C – PSAL Schedule Change Request. This form needs to be e-mailed directly to the Wrestling Commissioner Ken Bigley at [email protected]. 2.2: 11:59 PM, Monday, February 1st is the deadline to submit entries for the PSAL Division 1 Individual City Championships Qualifier. 11:59 PM, Monday, February 8th is the deadline to submit entries for the PSAL Division 2 Individual City Championships Qualifier. 11:59 PM, Tuesday, February 8th is the deadline to submit entries for the Frosh/Sophomore Championships and the Girls Championships. Nominations must be submitted using Form A – PSAL Individual Entry. This form needs to be e-mailed directly to the Wrestling Commissioner Ken Bigley at [email protected]. 2.3: All box scores from PSAL duals must be entered on the PSAL website within 24 hours of the conclusion of a dual meet. The HOME team is responsible for entering the results, but the coach of the AWAY team must log in to the PSAL website and approve once the results have been entered. 2.4: All individual match results must be entered on the TRACK WRESTLING Website within 48 hours of the conclusion of a competition. 2.5: PSAL Wrestling will have a Roster Freeze Date of 11:59 PM, Friday, January 8th. Any student added to a roster after the Roster Freeze Date is welcome to practice with the team, but will be ineligible to compete.

3. Schedule Changes & PSAL Non-League Dual Meets: 3.1: After November 30th, necessary schedule changes due to weather or an unforeseen emergency can be requested by e-mailing the wrestling commissioner with the requested change. All coaches and athletic directors involved in the change must be in agreement. 3.2: No change is official until it appears on the school's official website schedule. 3.3: Friday, January 22rd is the final day that PSAL League duals can be wrestled. 3.4: Each PSAL team may schedule a maximum of two non-league duals. (a) Each team is limited to ONLY TWO. For example If Team A is @ Team B, and Team A is @ Team C, Team A has used their maximum of TWO Duals and may not be scheduled for another even if their opponent has used only one of their two. (b) Duals MUST be agreed upon by both schools Coaches and both Schools Athletic Directors before being submitted on the form. (c) Duals MUST be against other PSAL Teams. (d) Dual MUST be entered via the online schedule form distributed by the PSAL Wrestling Commissioner no by 11:59pm on November 30th. No non-league duals will be approved after November 30th. 4. Student-Athlete Eligibility: 4.1: Each student-athlete must be eligible per the guidelines set forth by the PSAL. These guidelines can be found on the PSAL website under Resources & Procedures > Student-Athlete Eligibility 4.2: Each student-athlete must comply with all Wrestling Weight Assessment procedures as outlined in the NYSPHSAA Program of Wrestling before participating in any level of league or non-league competition. This includes scrimmages against other schools. No student is permitted to enter a competition without being officially weight certified. 4.3: Prior to undergoing the Weight Assessment, a student-athlete must submit to the coach a signed Form – Parental Permission Form, Wrestling Minimum Weight Assessment. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure that all wrestlers being assessed have submitted the parental permission form. Further, it is the responsibility of the Head Coach to collect and submit these forms to his / her school’s Athletic Director 4.4: Only certified Wrestling Assessors, recognized and approved by the PSAL, are permitted to conduct assessments and determine the lowest certified weight of a student- athlete. 4.5: A wrestlers needs to make SCRATCH WEIGHT at least once prior to December 25th in order to be eligible to compete at that particular weight class and to receive the growth allowance for that particular weight in ANY competitions taking place after December 25th. For example, if a wrestler is hoping to compete at the 106lb weight class in competitions taking place after December 25th he/she must make 106lb scratch weight at a sanctioned wrestling event prior to December 25th. In the above example, if the wrestler did not weigh-in at 106lbs at all prior to December 25th, that wrestler will not be eligible to compete at 106 after December 25th. The wrestler would only be eligible to compete in whatever the lowest weight-class was that he/she made scratch weight at prior to December 25th. NOTE: If a wrestler is competing in a dual that has received a +1 due to consecutive competitions, if he/she wishes that weigh-in to count as a scratch weigh-in he/she will need to weigh-in at the scratch weight, not the weight class +1. 4.6: If a wrestler did not weigh-in at all prior to December 25th, his/her first weigh-in at SCRATCH weight after December 25th will count as that wrestlers SCRATH WEIGHT. For example if a wrestler did not weigh-in at all prior to December 25th and his / her weight at his / her first competition after December 25th was 106.0lbs he / she would be eligible to compete at 106 and would receive the growth allowance for future weigh-ins. If and his / her weight at his / her first competition after December 25th was 106.5lbs, he / she did not make scratch weight for 106lbs thus his / her minimum eligible weight class for the remainder of the season would be 113lbs. 5. Competition Procedures: 5.1: Per NYSPHSAA rules, a team must have ten practices and an individual eight practices before competing in a scrimmage. A team must have fifteen practices and an individual thirteen practices before

competing in a regular season contest. 5.2: Each Student-Athlete is limited to twenty-two competition points over the course of the season, and a maximum of six tournaments per wrestler. The PSAL Individual and Team Championships are excluded from the point and tournament limitations. The ‘point system’ is explained in full on pages 8-10 in the NYSPHSAA Program of Wrestling handbook. 5.3: In PSAL Sanctioned Wrestling Competitions all competitors must weigh-in wearing their singlets with their straps up. There will be no weight allowance for the singlet. All competitors, regardless of the gender of the officials or the gender of the competitors shall weigh-in together in the gymnasium that the competition will take place (a) . If, due to a scheduling conflict, the gymnasium is not available, the weigh-in will take place in a designated gender neutral weigh-in area. For example, a weigh-in may not take place in Boys bathroom or a Girls locker room. (b) Competitors must change in to their singlet in a gender specific changing area. For example Boys must change into their singlet in a Boys bathroom or a Boys locker room and girls must change into their singlet in a Girls bathroom or a Girls locker room. Wrestlers are NOT permitted to change into his / her singlet in the weigh-in area. (c) For DUAL MEETS and The PSAL Qualifying Tournaments and Championships ONLY - Any wrestlers wishing to be weighed-in by an individual of the same gender wearing a suitable undergarment as defined in NFHS Rule 4-5 Art. 7 may request to do so, but must wait until the weigh-ins have been completed. If the individuals wishing to be weighed-in by an individual of the same gender wearing a suitable undergarment are of opposite genders, a coin flip shall determine which gender weighs in first. This option will NOT be extended during PSAL Sponsored Regular Season Tournaments. (d) Any female, having requested to be weighed-in by an individual of the same gender wearing a suitable undergarment must wear a suitable undergarment completely covering the groin area and the buttocks. However, if the female requests she may weigh-in without wearing an undergarment covering the breast. 5.4 With the exception of rule 5.3 the PSAL will use the same weigh-in procedure as the NYSPHSAA. The weigh-in procedure is outlined in full on pages 11-14 of the NYSPHSAA Program of Wrestling handbook. Weigh-ins must be recorded using the NWCA Weigh-in form or Form D, Dual Meet Weigh-In Sheet, NYSPHSAA, and for tournaments, Form E, Tournament Weigh-In Sheet, NYSPHSAA. 5.6: Regardless of the physical location of a dual event, the home team is responsible to ensure that all required equipment is available, usable, and setup at the site of competition. This would include scales, clocks, team and individual match scoring devices and score sheets. 5.7: Weigh-ins are to take place one hour prior to the scheduled start time of a dual meet. The visiting team should begin warm-ups thirty-five minutes prior to the scheduled start time, and the home team twenty minutes prior to the schedule start time. The referee will call for the team captains five minutes prior to the scheduled start time. 5.8: Teams are welcome to schedule scrimmages (defined in .5), dual meets with other PSAL schools, duals with other non PSAL schools, and enter tournaments. However, duals with PSAL schools other than the ten scheduled by the PSAL will not count towards PSAL Division Standings. All costs and arrangements associated with events other than the ten duals scheduled by the PSAL must be picked up by the individual schools. 5.9: SCRIMMAGE: A scrimmage is a practice that is a SIMULATED CONTEST. The PSAL does not schedule scrimmages. Any school wishing to schedule a scrimmage must do so independently in agreement with another school In wrestling scrimmages: (a) both squads use the same mat simultaneously with both coaches making corrections and giving instructions (c) no official score is kept,

(e) no admission is charged. The use of officials would be permitted and encouraged whenever possible for the purpose of instruction regarding the rules and proper application of rules. (d) Must wrestle in predefined situations such as pinning, takedowns, turns, etc. (e) Must wrestle in neutral position. If a takedown occurs would go back to the neutral position. (f) Must wrestle in the referee’s position using both styles. If a pin occurs, restart in the referees position. 5.10: In PSAL competitions a singlet or shorts (without pockets) and T-shirt are permissible competition uniforms. (a) If a competitor elects to compete in a shorts and t-shirt the shorts must have a minimum four inch inseam and not extend beyond the top of the knee. (c) If a competitor elects to compete in a shorts and t-shirt the t-shirt must: 1. Be form fitted and / or made of a compression / lycra material. The shirt must be tucked in to the shorts 2. Be of appropriate fit with the sleeves not extending to the elbow. The material of the garment need not be spandex / lycra, but it will be up to the discretion of the official to determine if a garment is of excessive size or material as to pose a safety hazard to the competitors. (d) Long sleeve t-shirts of any type are prohibited. (e) The shorts and t-shirt must be “Uniform,” meaning it must be of a similar color, logo, etc of the team’s “Uniform” singlets.

6. Forfeits: 6.1: Coaches are required to report forfeits directly to the wrestling commissioner within twenty-four hours of the scheduled match. No box score is required to be entered for forfeits. 6.2: Teams will need to fill a minimum of eight weight-classes in order to compete in a dual meet. If a team is unable to fill eight weight classes that team will forfeit the dual. For school participating in the Girls & Boys Dual League, a team must fill four boys weight classes and four girls weight classes in order to compete. 6.3: In the event of a forfeit, the dual can still be wrestled as an exhibition match. The individual match results will count as official matches. 7. Teams Forfeiting three or more duals for two consecutive seasons: 7.1: Any Team forfeiting three or more duals during the course of the season will receive a Letter of Notice from the PSAL that improved efforts in recruiting and retention are needed to ensure the viability of fielding a PSAL Wrestling Team. 7.2: Any Team forfeiting three or more dual meets for two consecutive seasons will be placed in the Developmental Division for the following season. 7.3: Any Team placed in the Developmental Division as a result of two consecutive seasons of three or more forfeits will need to enter ten or more students in the Freshman / Sophomore Championships in order to move out of the Developmental Division for the following season.

8. Ejected Student-Athlete 8.1: The official and coach of the ejected Student-Athlete must notify the wrestling commissioner via email immediately following the contest from which the student-athlete was ejected. 8.2: The ejected student-athlete will be suspended from the next officially scheduled PSAL dual. If the ejection takes place during the last official PSAL dual of the season for his/her team the student-athlete will be suspended from the next scheduled tournament. 8.3: The wrestling commissioner reserves the right to level a more severe suspension based on the nature of the ejection, and in instance of a two or more suspensions in one or subsequent seasons. 8.4: The suspended student-athlete must complete the Sportsmanship course from the NFHS. The Sportsmanship course is available free of charge at Upon completion of the course the

coach must send the student-athlete’s certificate of completion to the wrestling commissioner. A studentathlete is not eligible to compete in PSAL contests and will be suspended from competing in any PSAL contest until the certificate has been received by the wrestling commissioner. 9. Ejected Coach 9.1: The official must notify the wrestling commissioner via e-mail immediately following the contest from which the coach was ejected. 9.2: Any coach who is ejected by an official from a contest must immediately leave the match area. The coach may wait in the hall or another area from which he / she can’t watch the contest and wait for his / her team, but the ejected coach may not be in the direct vicinity of the competition, meaning the coach may not wait in an area where he / she can view the dual or where he / she can be viewed by anyone involved in the dual. 9.3: If a certified replacement coach (Department of Education licensed teacher with current First Aid, AED and CPR certification) is not available, the ejected coach’s team will forfeit the contest. 9.4: The ejected coach will be suspended from the next officially schedule PSAL dual meet. If the ejection takes place during the last official PSAL dual of the season for his / her team, the coach will be suspended from the next scheduled tournament. 9.5: The suspended coach must complete the Sportsmanship course from the NFHS. The Sportsmanship course is available free of charge at Upon completion of the course the coach must send the certificate of completion to the wrestling commissioner. A coach is not eligible to coach in PSAL contests and will be suspended from coaching in any PSAL contest until the certificate has been received by the wrestling commissioner. 10. Protests 10.1: No protest of judgment call may be entered 10.2: Protests may only be made if a rule is alleged to have been applied incorrectly or not applied at all. 10.3: The protesting coach must inform both the opposing coach, and official of his or her intent to protest the match. This must be recorded in the official score book, with the time of the protest, and signed by the protesting coach and official. 10.4: The protesting coach must ensure that a written statement of protest containing pertinent information, and citing the exact rule, as quoted from the National Federation Wrestling Rule Book. The written statement must be signed by the school's Athletic Director and sent to the wrestling commissioner within forty-eight hours of the match. The commissioner will render a decision within two days of receipt. 11. PSAL Individual City Championship Entry Procedure, Selection Process, & Seeding Mechanics 11.1: The PSAL will conduct four qualifying tournaments for Division 1. Division 2 will not have a qualifying tournament. (a) The top four placers in each weight class from each of the four qualifying tournaments will qualify for the Division 1 City Championships, such that each weight class will have 16 wrestlers per weight-class at the City Championships. (b) The qualifying tournament will be a one day tournament, thus the brackets will be single elimination to the quarterfinal round and / or the round needed to ensure that no wrestler has more than five matches. (c) Teams will be assigned to one of the four qualifiers based on the returning placement points of the PSAL teams during the prior season’s individual championship. For example the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place teams based on returning placement points will all be assigned to four different qualifiers. The 5th place team will then be assigned to the same qualifier as the 5thth place team, 6th as the same as the 3rd, etc. following standard seeing mechanics. After placing the top 40 returning teams the PSAL Commissioner reserves the right to assign the remaining teams, taking into account geographical considerations. (d) Each Division 1 team will be allowed one entry per weight-class in the qualifying tournament. A team

will be allowed one additional wrestler per weight if the both the first and the second wrestler have each won a minimum of ten matches over the course of the season. (e) Each Division 2 team will be allowed one entry per weight-class in the Division 2 City Championship. A team will be allowed one additional wrestler per weight if the both the first and the second wrestler have each won a minimum of ten matches over the course of the season. (f) The Form A – PSAL Individual Entry are due by, and coaches must have all matches entered into the TRACK WRESTLING database as outlined below in section 11.2 by 11:59PM on Monday, February 1st 2016. The entries will be published by 11:59PM on Tuesday, February 2nd. Coaches will have until 11:59PM on Wednesday, February 3rd to challenge any wrestler’s eligibility. Any individual wrestler not entered via Form A – PSAL Individual Entry or who’s record can’t be verified on the TRACK WRESTLING Website by the Monday, February 1st deadline will not be eligible for entry into the PSAL Individual City Championships Qualifier. (g) An individual needs to have competed in six contests on six different dates on or prior to Monday, February 1st to be eligible to compete in the PSAL Individual Championships. For specific clarification refer to the NYSPHSAA Program of Wrestling Handbook. (h) An individual needs to have had 50% of their weigh-ins at the minimum weight class for which they wish to compete at the PSAL qualifying tournament on or prior to Monday, February 1st. For specific clarification refer to the NYSPHSAA Program of Wrestling Handbook. (i) There will be no waivers granted for any reason for any individual that has not competed in six contests on six different dates or has not had a minimum of 50% of their weigh-ins at the lowest weight for which they wish to compete. (j) Any matches wrestled after Monday, February 1st will count as Head to Head matches, but will not count for seeding points, the six match requirement, or the 50% weigh-in rule requirement for either the qualifiers or the championships. (k) The seeding meeting for all qualifiers will be on Thursday, February 4th. (l) Any Freshman/Sophomore or Female that does not qualify for the PSAL City Championship will be welcome to enter the Frosh/Sophomore City Championship or the Girls City Championships. The entry form for both the Frosh/Sophomore and the Girls City Championships will be 11:59PM on Tuesday, February 9th. Seeding will be done strictly on seeding points. 11.2: Track Wrestling Database Result Entry (a) It is mandatory that all coaches enter all rosters and all competitions wrestled using the TRACK WRESTLING database. (b) All matches supervised by a NYS approved official must be entered into the TRACK WRESTLING database (regardless of whether it is referred to as a varsity, junior varsity, exhibition or any other designation). Matches involving members of the same school team do not count except in tournaments. (c) ‘Exhibition Matches’ are to be recorded as follows: 1) A varsity wrestler wrestles a match vs. another varsity wrestler with a ref, scorer, and timer in a match of regulation length (2-2-2 or 1-2-2 as per NFHS Rules). The result of this match DOES count for seeding and DOES get entered on the TRACK WRESTLING database. 2) If and Exhibition bout is between two members of the same team it will NOT count for seeding and should NOT be entered on the TRACK WRESTLING database. 3) Any match that is not regulation in length (2-2-2 or 1-2-2 as per NFHS Rules) is not a legal match and will not count towards seeding and should NOT be entered on the TRACK WRESTLING database 11.3: Form A – PSAL Individual Entry

(a) An individual’s total seeding points is the total of one’s placement points and total number of wins. (b) Placement points are based off of an individual’s placement at the prior season’s PSAL Individual City Championships. Points are assigned per the below chart. Placement points are awarded regardless of the Division of the wrestler. (c) If a Division 1 wrestler beats a Division 1 Qualifier – Champion, the wrestler can use the defeated wrestlers Placement Point Value if such points are a higher value than the winning wrestler’s current points. For example if wrestler A placed 5th in the year prior and is wrestling up 2 weight classes (30 placement points) defeats wrestler B that placed 3rd the prior year and was wrestling up 2 weight-classes (50 placement points), wrestler could use a value of 50 placement points on his/her nomination form rather than a value of 30 placement points. (d) If a Division 2 wrestler beats a Division 1 Qualifier – Champion, or a Division 2 first or second place wrestler, the wrestler can use the defeated wrestlers Placement Point Value if such points are a higher value than the winning wrestler’s current points. (e) Placement points Chart 2015 PSAL Placement PLACEMENT POINTS Same Weight earned or Upfor 2 weight current yearUp 3 or more up 1 weight class classes weight classes 1st Place Last years 2nd Place NYS Tournament 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place 6th Place th 7 / 8th Place* Qualified but DNP

120 80 60 50 40 30 25 15

100 60 50 30 30 25 20 15

90 50 40 25 25 20 20 15

* We wrestled only to 5th / 6th place, thus those who would have wrestled for 7th / 8th will be eligible for up to 25 placement points. 11.4: Sample of a Form A – PSAL Individual Entry

Total Seeding Points



Competition Points


Placment Points

Wins 14

2013 Place at PSAL's


Losses 2013 Weight Class @ PSAL

Manhattan 120 Jim Johnson High



Last Name

First Name

Weight Class

In the below sample Jim Johnson placed 1st in the 2013 Championships in the 99 pound weight class. Since he was the champion up 3 or more weights he received 90 placement points. He had 14 wins, thus his total seeding points are 90+14 = 116.

90 134 224

11.5: Seeding Procedure and Mechanics (a) All coaches are invited to attend the seeding meeting. Following the conclusion of the seeding meeting seeds will be final and no protests will be considered. (b) Part I. Initial Seed Ranking: All entries to the City Championship will be rank ordered according the below procedure with the top 16 wrestlers appearing “On the Board. 1) Returning City Champions at that particular weight will automatically be placed as the first seed and remain in the top position, unless another wrestler on the board can jump them with a Head to Head win. 2) Returning Place winners (top 3) at that weight will automatically be placed as next available seeds and remain in the next position, unless another wrestler on the board can jump them with a Head to Head win. 3) All remaining wrestlers will be listed in rank order from the wrestler with the highest number of seed points to the wrestler with the lowest number of seed points. Wrestlers with an equal number of seed points will be ranked by win / loss differential. Wrestlers with an equal number of points and an equal win / loss differential will be ranked by total number of wins. 4) All entries to a particular weight class will be seeded. For example if 47 wrestlers are properly entered all 47 will be seeded even though only 16 wrestlers per weight class will be entered (9 for Mayors Cup). (c) Part II. Head to Head Competition and Final Seed Ranking 1) Defaults and Disqualifications count. 2) The winner receives the loser’s seeding points, plus a double (++) edge over that opponent. 3) We will start the head-to-head evaluation with the wrestler who has the highest number of seeding point from part I. The second-ranked wrestler has the first opportunity to advance on head-to-head competition over the top-ranked wrestler. The third-ranked wrestler follows and so forth in the order of part I rank. However, a wrestler may not move over an opponent to whom he/she has lost. 4) In head-to-head situations where opponents met twice, the most recent win takes precedence. 5) Where opponents met an odd number of times, the wrestler with the best record in these matches will receive the higher seed. 6) This will establish a final seeding point ranking. 7) In the event of a seeding point tie where neither wrestler has a (++) the wrestler with the HIGHER win / loss differential will get the higher seed. (d) Possible Head to Head Scenarios and Procedures ORIGINAL RANKING = 1. A 105 points, 2. B 90 points, 3. C 65 points, 4. D 58 points, 5. E 50 points, 6. F 49 points, 7 G, 40 points, 8. H 19 points Seed Scenario #1: H has a Head-to-Head over A 1 B,C,D,E,F, G have not beaten 2 3 H 4 Result: H moves to #1 5 6 7 8


Seed 1 2 3 4 5 Result: H is blocked by G and can’t 6 7 move 8 Scenario #2: H has a Head-to-Head over A B,C,D,E,F have not beaten H G has beaten H


Scenario #3: H has a Head-to-Head over A C,D,E,F,G have not beaten H B has beaten H Result: H moves to #3 can’t jump A because is blocked by B, but can jump C,D,E,F and G

Seed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Seed Scenario #4: H has a Head to Head over C 1 D has a Head to Head over H 2 E and F have not beaten H 3 4 Result: H is blocked by D, but not be E, 5 or G, thus moved to #5 6 F 7 8


11.8: Day of the Tournament Procedure (Qualifier and Championships) (a) In the event that a wrestler does not make weight he / she may not bump up a weight class and will be removed from the tournament. (b) In the event that one or more wrestlers do not make weight, the entire field will bump up one seed to fill in the spot. 12. Mayors Cup Championship Selection Process and Seeding Mechanics 12.1: The PSAL will get 9 representatives for the Mayors Cup 12.2: Mayors Cup Championship Individual Nomination Procedure (a) Deadline for completion and submission of Form A – PSAL Individual Entry form to nominate a wrestler to represent the PSAL at Mayors Cup, and the deadline for having all matches for each nominee entered into the TRACK WRESTLING database will be 11:59 PM, Monday, January 18th. (b) With the exception of the placement points calculations as outlined below in (c) The Mayors Cup Selection process will follow the same mechanics as the Individual Championship method as outlined in sections 11.4 – 11.7 with the top NINE wrestlers at each weight class selected to represent the PSAL at the Mayors Cup. (c) If a Division 1 or a Division 2 wrestler beats a Division 1 Qualifier – Champion, or a Division 2 first or second place wrestler, the wrestler can use the defeated wrestlers Placement Point Value if such points are a higher value than the winning wrestler’s current points.

13. PSAL Dual Meet Championship Selection Process and Seeding Mechanics 13.1: Selection Process (a) Sixteen Teams will receive an entry to the PSAL Dual Meet City Championships. The tournament will be single elimination through to the semi-final round. Semifinal losers will wrestle for 3rd. (b) Each Region Champion and Region Runner-Up will all receive an entry

1) Only a team’s regular season division dual matches will be used to determine final divisional standings (c) In the event of a tie for either first or second place in a region please see section 13 Tie-Breaking procedure. (e) The Prelim, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, 3rd place match will be held on Saturday, January 30th The Championship Finals will take place on Tuesday, February 2nd. 13.2: Seeding Procedure (a) Teams will be pre-seeded by totaling the seeding points of the 15 varsity starting wrestlers. The seeding points for each individual will be the culmination of the individual wrestlers total wins, plus their returning NFHS placement points (1st – 8th Div 1 / 1st & 2nd Div 2). For example, a retuning City Champions would receive 16 placement points for his / her championship. (b) In the event a team does not fill all fifteen weight classes the coach may indicate to the commissioner which opponent he / she will likely be bumping up to fill in a missing weight class. A wrestler’s seeding points will only be eligible to be considered as part of the team’s total points if he/ she is eligible to compete in the weight class that would otherwise be forfeited. For example, the seeding points of a second heavyweight could not be used to fill in for a team that does not have a 220 pound competitor. (e) The lineup used to determine a team’s seeding points does not “lock” that particular line-up in place for the dual meet tournament. Coaches may wrestle any eligible student-athlete at any weight class that he / she is eligible to wrestle at. (d) After the initial pre-seed, we will use the same seeding mechanics as outlined in 11.6 to determine final seeds. The date and time of the team seeding meeting is TBA.

13.3: In the event three teams are tied for First in the division or three teams are tied for second in the Division the below criteria will be used to break the tie. 13.4: If at any time criteria results in a team being placed either first or third, the remaining places in question will be determined by the result of the head to head match between the two teams. (a) Example 1. Application of the first criteria puts Team A ahead of both of the other two. They will be declared Division champions and the runner up will the winner of the dual between B and C, regardless of criteria. (b) Example 2. Application of the first criteria puts Team A behind the other two. They will be declared the 3rd place team and the Champion will be the winner of the match between B and C and the runner up will be the loser of the match between B and C. 13.3: The following are the criteria, in order, that will be applied to identify either the 1st or the 3rd place team: (a) Most total points against the other two opponents. (b) Least total points allowed against the other two opponents (c) Most cumulative seeding points of 15 individual starting wrestlers (e) Most points against the 4th place team in the Division. (f) Fewest points allowed against the 4th place team in the Division. (g) Most points against the 5th place team in the Division. (h) Fewest points allowed against the 5th place team in the Division. (i) Most points against the 6th place team in the Division. (j) Fewest points allowed against the 6th place team in the Division. (k) Most points against the 7th place team in the Division. (l) Fewest points allowed against the 7th place team in the Division. (m) Coin Flip.

14. PSAL Sponsored Regular Season Tournament Rules 14.1: The team assignments for PSAL Sponsored Wrestling Tournament Schedule will be set by the PSAL. All teams will have the opportunity to apply for tournaments. The tournament application procedure and deadline will be set by the PSAL Wrestling Commissioner. 14:2: Teams hosting a PSAL Sponsored Wrestling Tournament will be allowed two entries per weight calls. All other teams will be limited to one entry per weight class. Coaches are welcome to enter weight list wrestlers, and should there be additional tournament spots, the tournament manager will allow additional entries based on space. A coach should put their highest priority wrestler first in the weight list, their second highest priority wrestler second, etc…. 14:3: Coaches must submit the PSAL Tournament entry form via e-mail by midnight nine days in advance of the scheduled tournament. For example, if a tournament is on a Saturday, the entry form is due via email by the Wednesday of the week prior to the tournament. 14.4: Once a coach has submitted their team’s entry a coach may substitute a wrestler ONLY at weight class for which they had already entered a wrestler so long as the substitute was on the teams weight list. For example, if a coach did not enter a 106lb competitor on the coaches entry form, the coach may not enter a 106lb wrestler once the deadline has passed. 14.5: Any team withdrawing from a tournament after they have submitted their registration form, and within nine days in advance of the tournament will also be removed from the subsequent tournament for which they has registered. 14.6: Teams MUST bring at least 80% of the wrestlers that they preregistered for the tournament. Any team bringing less than 80% of their preregistered wrestlers will be limited to 75% of the number of their actual entries at their next scheduled tournament. For example, if a team preregistered 11 wrestlers, but only 8 show up, the team will only be allowed 6 entries at the teams next scheduled PSAL sponsored tournament. (a) Any wrestler withdrawn from the tournament after the roster has been submitted will count against the 80%. For example, if a coach submits the roster nine days in advance of the tournament as required, and then seven days in advance notifies the commissioner that a wrestlers has withdrawn, and the team does not have a wrestlers at that weight class to substitute in, the withdrawn wrestlers will count against the 80% (b) If a withdrawl is due to a medical condition or injury, the withdrawl will not count so long as the coach submits a note from a medical professional validating the injury.

Rules - 2015-2016 PSAL Wrestling.pdf

Manhattan Training Center. A BTS Certification is good for two years from the date of certification. 2. Coach Administrative Deadlines: 2.1: 11:59 PM November ...

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BYLAWS I. RULES Robert's Rules of Order, Latest ...
C. In case of a legislative emergency or other special issue, a meeting may be called with minimal ... Inform the state communications vehicles (the Advocate and the ISTA-Retired ... [Delete this item as our organization is so small that such.

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