In Aptoinn ,

“ WE ARCHITECTS . . MAKE ACHITECTS . . ” NATA & J.E.E - B.Arch portions covered We provide the students with the best coaching for the NATA - B.arch aptitude entrance exam & J.E.E –B.Arch exam. The coaching is taken up by Professors from reputed architecture colleges, practicing architects and eminent artists. We also guide the students for the NATA Application, NATA study materials, Best Architecture colleges, nata test centres, nata scoring process, scope of architecture, nata exam dates, nata sample question papers, nata syllabus, nata online exam e.t.c. Course options: One Month/15 days /Week end/One year online course/Study materials 917630 1689 / 98847 22837 / 91765 62187

Our Branches: Chennai (Tambaram/Saidapet/Anna nagar/Thiruvanmiyur) / Coimbatore / Salem

SAMPLE SET -10 Note:These questions are the collections of student’s contributions from different forums & websites.





MARKS : 100

TIME: 2 Hours

You are visiting a mall where there are food stalls. you are enjoying your cold drink in the ground floor of the 5 storey atrium space seeing the people moving on the escalators , shopping , performing culturals. Sketch this scene.

Redesign a logo for a mobile company filling it with colours of your choice so that all generations of people are attracted towards it.

You are seeing your grandfather's desk where there are three broad books, a pair of specs, a glass of drinking water, a table clock. Now rearrange these items to give a sculpture like look. Also give 3d effects and shadows




sample paper Aptoinn nata sample model question paper - 10.pdf ...

PART – B MARKS : 100 TIME: 2 Hours. 1 You are visiting a mall where there are food stalls. you are enjoying. your cold drink in the ground floor of the 5 storey atrium space. seeing the people moving on the escalators , shopping , performing. culturals. Sketch this scene. 50. 2. Redesign a logo for a mobile company filling it ...

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Page 1 of 1. SAMPLE SET - 1. Note:These questions are the collections of student's contributions from different forums & websites. 917630 1689 / 98847 22837 / 91765 62187. NATA & J.E.E - B.Arch portions covered. We provide the student

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Our Branches: Chennai (Tambaram/Saidapet/Anna nagar/Thiruvanmiyur) / Coimbatore / Salem. NATIONAL APTITUDE TEST IN ARCHITECTURE. PART – B ...

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colleges, nata test centres, nata scoring process, scope of architecture, nata exam dates, nata. sample question papers, nata syllabus, nata online exam e.t.c.. Course options: One Month/15 days /Week end/One year online course/Study materials. Our B

sample paper Aptoinn nata sample model question paper - 4.pdf ...
There is a inter school quiz competition going on in an historical. school assembly hall.There are two ... Sketch a logo for a TV channel. 25. 3. Using atleast 4 ...

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(c) Marble. (d) Rock veneers. 10. One of the famous building of ar.jorn utzon is. (a) Petronas tower. (b) Shard London. (c) Crystal cathedral. (d) Sydney opera house. 11. What will be the next image? Page 3 of 12. Main menu. Displaying APTOINN NATA A

Page 1 of 12. APTOINN –NATA Architecture Aptitude Entrance coaching centre Website: Ph: 091763 01689 / 098847 22837 /089392 09402 / 091765 62187 E-mail : [email protected]. NATA SAMPLE TEST QUESTION PAPER - 6. 1.Which picture cu

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