Sample Protagonist Group The radio towers were silent for decades. No power meant no air waves which meant no news. The wretched survivors of this world were ignorant, unaware, and uninformed. The blind led the blind and it seemed the darkness would last forever. But then one day, the towers came back to life. One. Then four. Then eight. A voice crackled over the airwaves. “This… is… the Fandible Network!” Entire live cells would risk their lives and travel for miles in hopes of reaching a working radio to listen. Each hour, the airwave voices proudly announced that the news was being brought to the Dystopia courtesy of Mr. Fandible. Little is known of this man. Some consider him a hero, others call him a shrewd businessman, and a few claim he’s a mutant with a set of horns to match his cold, black heart. Regardless, supporters and critics alike tune in each day to listen to the Fandible Network. The station reports on everything from weather to sprouting havens to the movements of the mortis-horde. His zealous team go out looking for newsworthy events and then deliver those stories back to Mr. Fandible. His reporters are instructed to never intervene with events as they unfold. In one chilling example, a Fandible reporter recorded audio of a haven getting ransacked by the mortis-horde. The reporter never lifted a finger to aid his fellow Dystopians, even as he described them getting butchered before his very eyes. On another occasion, Mr. Fandible supposedly sat down

face-to-face with an actual horde archon, letting the lich speak openly about the awesome power of The Black Dream. Many believe the whole thing was staged, but if anyone could pull off such a monumental interview… The Fandible Network cares not for ethics or morality. The only code they follow is this: observe and report. While this completely contradicts the value system of the Reclamation Movement, the information provided by this network has proven instrumental in the movement’s success throughout the world. With the exception of the Host PsyNet, the Fandible Network has truly become the most reliable and influential form of communication in the Dystopia.

THE KEY FACES OF THE FANDIBLE NEWS NETWORK Dystopians daily offer their services to Mr. Fandible in exchange for protection. The ‘Fandible Empire’ is quickly turning into a dominant force in the Dystopia. Here are the key members: Mister Fandible He is the wizard behind the curtain. Few have ever met him, but those who have say his charisma is… inhuman. He is the beating heart of the network. He chooses which stories will be shared over the airwaves and he also chooses the ‘angle.’ From what others have gathered, Mr. Fandible is disinterested with the plight of his fellow Dystopians. All he cares about are ratings which are of course through the roof because no one else is vying for his listeners… and Mister Fandible intends to keep it that way.


Jerres Rodrin If Mr. Fandible is the mind of the network, then Jerres is the face. He is responsible for extending the reach of the Fandible Network. He negotiates with other factions to take control of their otherwise dormant radio towers. He handles most of the highprofile interviews on the show. And perhaps most importantly, he is responsible for thwarting any attempts to undermine or usurp control of the network from Mr. Fandible. It is said that Jerres has initiated several of the insurrections against the Fandible Network himself, only to identify the traitors and ensure they meet their proper demise. He sets up the dominoes and also makes them fall. Jerres is very tight-lipped about his own past, but he swears that history is his only passion: finding it, preserving it, and when necessary, creating it. Roach Coffman This teenager was found in a ‘reclaimed’ radio tower just a few years ago. Starving, territorial, and slipping in and out of The Black Dream, the boy made a violent stand against the mercenaries Mr. Fandible sent to take over the tower. It took the entire squadron to subdue the young man. Roach has since been integrated into the Fandible Empire. He is a powerful psionic with the ability to hop from mind to mind, using the bodies of his enemies against themselves. No thought is safe around him, no secret is kept secret, which is probably why Mr. Fandible decided to keep Roach for his own. Perhaps Mr. Fandible sent the mercenaries to that place because he knew he would find more there than just a dormant radio tower. Danny Rodriguez Danny Rodriguez is the official “Runner” of the Fandible Network. He is a Pariah with beastly legs capable of propelling him to inhuman speeds. His strides can outpace cars, trucks, and motorcycles alike. Mr. Fandible uses Danny as both a messenger and scout. This Pariah does not speak much, and he seems to be a reluctant member of the Fandible Network. Yet, something must tether him to his current occupation, because it would be so easy for him to just run away. Ms. Lynn Ms. Lynn is a cold, analytic Host-carrier. She has served under Mister Fandible for exactly 4.67 years and has been a broadcaster for 3.8 years. Her daily program is called “Just the Facts, Man.” In it, she keeps people informed on events that she has personally verified with at least two different sources. Many call her show and presentation style “a bit dry.” The only time she shows a spark of emotion is when she gets to report on a new technology introduced by a Host Fringe Scientist. Many listeners wonder where her true allegiance lies… to Fandible? Or to the Fold? Dale Dunovan He is a Survivor, pop-culture historian, and the host of the hour-long program titled “Pop from the Past.” Dale is obsessed with rummaging through the ruins of society to piece together a comprehensive understanding of the old world. For his show, he often talks about dead celebrities, literature, music, and current gossip about the Protectorate and other factions. While he enjoys his time on the air, his heart is out in the field, and looks for new excuses to escape headquarters to explore the wild and untamed lands of the Dystopia.


I tell the stories that make the world turn. —Mr. Fandible

The Sentinel Freeloader Rifle is designed to fire virtually any kind of bullet: .357 magnum, .44s, 9mm, 50 caliber, 5.56mm, 7.62mm, shotgun slugs, disintegrating belts, but listen to me ramble. The point is this: the Fold is once again revolutionizing modern warfare by making firearms more flexible, and therefore, viable as a weapon against the mortis-horde. By the will of the… Mr. Fandible… this is Ms. Lynn. —Ms. Lynn, Fandible Broadcaster

All right listeners, tonight we'll be talking about Frank Sinatra, why robots had their chance to take over but totally blew it, and cannibal gossip. Radio your questions—you know the frequency. A word to the mutants: We're gonna have to figure out a system of clicks and whistles or something, because I can barely understand what you're saying. You're listening to Pop from the Past. —Dale Dunovan, Pop-Culture Historian

“We’re not here to save the world. We’re just giving our listeners the puzzle pieces to… I don’t know… give them a fighting chance. If this little ‘Reclamation’ comes crashing down in the end… imagine the ratings I’ll get just before that long kiss goodnight! —Mr. Fandible

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Sample Protagonist Group. The radio towers ... A voice crackled over the airwaves. “This… is… ... call him a shrewd businessman, and a few claim he's a mutant with a set of ... Dystopians daily offer their services to Mr. Fandible in exchange ...

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