MORE THAN JUST HOUSEWARES, ALL YOUR HOUSE WARMING NEEDS Housewares retailer Bekah Kate’s (Kitchen, Kids & Home) has recently purchased, Lambs & Thyme, a Gourmet Herb Dip and Popcorn Cob line. Lambs & Thyme, formerly of New Hampshire began in 1989. It has been loved and sold by retailers across the country for over 25 years. Today customers are conscientious about the use of preservatives in their foods, and this has always been a priority of Lambs & Thyme. It is an all-natural and MSG-Free food product, just as it was when it began. Owners, Bekah and Mark Stelling, have re-launched the line with 32 total products and re-designed packaging and displays. Former customers are loving the “new look” and the line is working well in gift stores, gourmet stores, independent grocery stores, farm markets and orchards! The Outrageous Pumpkin Dip and Apple Dips are perfect for fall and the dips packaged for the Holidays are a perfect add-on to baskets, gifts and stockings. Bekah Stelling participated in the SBDC Entreprenurial Training Program to develop the strategy for Lambs and Thyme. As a retailer and now a manufacturer, the Stellings have a unique vantage point to both see and hear what their own retail customers are saying about the product as they buy them in their Wisconsin store. This helps them to continue to tailor the line for their Lambs & Thyme retailers so they sell well and display nicely in their stores. The new dip display is rustic and handmade in Wisconsin and takes up just one foot of retail space. The basket for the popcorn cobs and the new packaging of the cobs have made this item continue to be a best-seller. The Stellings are looking forward to new recipes this spring and re-connecting with their former customers.


(608) 263-7680

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packaging and displays. Former ... Dip and Apple Dips are perfect for fall and the dips. packaged for the ... Displaying SBDC - Lamb and Thyme.pdf. Page 1 of 1.

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