Scenario 1 for Persona 2: Lecturer Task: Open Submission Link 0. Open Submission Link 1. Login to E-learning 1.1 Insert ID 1.2 Insert Password 1.3 Select Remember username 1.4.Click login 2. Select Course Learning Information 2.1. Click on Subject Lecture 2.2. Select Assignment 3. Click Edit Information 3.1. Select “Edit ON” 3.1.Select “Edit OFF” 4. Click Insert Information 4.1 Select Add Assignment 4.2 Insert Assignment Name 4.3 Insert Description 4.4 Insert Due Date 4.5 Save and return to course. 5. Verify Changes 5.1 Select Confirm 6. Logout

Plan 0: do 1-2-3-4-5 in that order. Plan 1: do 1.1-1.2-1.3-1.4 if necessary in any order. Plan 2: Plan 3: Plan 4: do 4.1-4.2-4.3-4.4-4.5 if necessary and repeat in any order. Task 5: Verify Changes Order has been placed, it will be forwarded to the mainstream and placed in a queue to be preview. Student will get the submission link using e-learning system.

Scenario 1 for Persona 2.pdf

Page 1 of 1. Scenario 1 for Persona 2: Lecturer. Task: Open Submission Link. 0. Open Submission Link. 1. Login to E-learning. 1.1 Insert ID. 1.2 Insert Password.

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