School Board  Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois  MINUTES  Regular Board Meeting Monday, October 15, 2007   

The meeting was held in the Board Room of the District Office located at 7700 Gross Point Road,  Skokie, Illinois. 

I. Call to Order and Roll Call   Board President Robert Silverman called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.  Board members present at Roll Call:  Sheri Doniger, Jeffrey Greenspan, Ruth Klint, Robert  Silverman, Lynda Gault Smith, Eileen Valfer. 

II. Executive Session  It  was  moved  by  DONIGER  and  seconded  by  GAULT  SMITH  to  recess  into  closed  session to discuss matters relating to student discipline, negotiations, litigation, and the  employment,  appointment,  compensation,  discipline,  performance,  or  dismissal  of  specific employees.  A roll call vote was taken.  Voting Aye:  Doniger, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Gault Smith, Valfer.  The motion carried.    The Board recessed into closed session at 6:39 p.m.     At  7:40  p.m.  it  was  moved  by  GREENSPAN  and  seconded  by  DONIGER  to  return  to  open session.    A roll call vote was taken.  Voting Aye:  Doniger, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Gault Smith, Valfer.  The motion carried.   

III. Recall to Order of Open Session  Mr. Silverman recalled the meeting to order at 7:42 p.m.  The Pledge was recited.    IV. Changes/Additions to the Agenda  A personnel handout was added to the consent agenda.  V. Superstar Awards  Students recognized from West were Ana Alvarez for Academics, Christopher Wright for  Athletics,  and  Melissa  Estrada  for  Community  Spirit.    North  students  recognized  were  Mohammed Siddiqui for Athletics and Katerina Grigoropoulos for Community Spirit.    VI. Audience to Visitors (on agenda items only)  No one asked to speak. 

Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 15, 2007 

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VII. Student Representative Comments  Karina Mendez Keil reviewed homecoming events.  She said they are working with North  to  determine  a  charity  for  Dance  Marathon.    The  breakfast  with  the  Board  will  be  November 7.  Anum  Amjad  said  Tony  award  winner  William  Finn  is  working  with  the  “Falsettoland”  cast.    For  students  not  taking  PLAN/PSAE  tests,  they  will  be  offered  TREK  classes  which  allow students to connect with teachers in different ways.   

VIII. Community Representative Comments  No one asked to speak.  IX. Approval of Consent Agenda  It  was  moved  by  GAULT  SMITH  and  seconded  by  DONIGER  to  accept  the  amended  consent agenda.   A roll call vote was taken.  Voting Aye:  Doniger, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Gault Smith, Valfer.  The motion carried.  Included in the consent agenda:  −

Monthly Bills and Payroll in the amount of $8,461,974.33. 

Personnel  ƒ Approve the following support staff upgrade effective 10/16/07: 




Les, John 

From:  Maintenance Mechanic II/Buildings & Grounds West, M2‐Step 4  To:      Maintenance Mechanic III/Buildings & Grounds West, M3‐Step 4 

Approve the following stipend positions for the 2007‐2008 school year:    SCHOOL  Niles North  Niles North  Niles North  Niles West  Niles West  Niles West  Niles West  Niles West  Niles West 

POSITION  Boys Volleyball Assistant  Baseball Assistant Coach  Science Olympiad Assistant  Football Assistant Coach  International Relations Council  Scholastic Bowl Head Coach  Scholastic Bowl Assistant  Science Olympiad Assistant  Science Olympiad Assistant 

NAME  Koch, Amy  *Lezon, Justin  Boll, Michael  Leaks, Michael  Glaubke, Margaret (.5)  Gerambia, Lia (.5)  Gerambia, Lia (.5)  Hawker, Christopher (.5)  Lim, Susie (.5) 

*Indicates not a District 219 employee 


Approve the leave of absence for the following support staff: 



Richards, Heidi 

Clerk B – Main Office – West  Continued Education  – Unpaid (60%) 





September 24, 2007 – on or  about October 31, 2007 

Uphold the disciplinary action on Case 2008‐01 of suspension without pay for one  day – September 25, 2007. 

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 15, 2007 



Approve the following staff for Explore Test 2007 for North and West:  

NILES WEST  Test Coordinator:  Ann Alegnani  SUPERVISORS  Bills, Happi  Cheng, Sanlida  Conklin, Patricia  Conroy, Michael  Fliman, Jessica  Foerch, Pamela  Foerch, Steven  Forman, Alexa  Gerambia, Lia  Gray, Nathan  Grunst, Marie  Hoffmann, Susan  Kantor, Dana  Metoyer, Stacy  O’Brien, Robert  Reinholz, David  Serafini, Anthony  Shaoul, David  Shattock, Carrie  Tuecke, Rebecca  Yoo, Judy 

PROCTORS  Argyropoulos, Thalia  Berg Margaret  Caruso, Stephanie  Costante, Richard  Drachenberg, Barbara  Feldman, Diane  Ference, Patricia  Garvey, Jacqueline  Gonzales, Carlotta  Hastings, Loretta  Jovcic, Gordana  Kim, Gloria  *Kruckmeyer, Ann  Liardakis, Nikki  Sikorski, Margaret  Sullivan, Margaret  Wheatman, Judy  Williams, Angela       

NILES NORTH  Test Coordinator:  Nora Nabors  SUPERVISORS  *Bialecki, Alex  Bramley, Scott  *DeCamp, Danielle  Erickson, Christine  *Hillmann, Kristine  Ingraham, Heather  Nelson, Mitchell  Orloske, Tanya  Poznansky, Alan  Pratt, Charles  Wick, Karin                     

PROCTORS  Bartlett, Charlene  Brickman, Alan  Brines, Christine  Erickson, Judith  Kim, Linda  Kreusch, Debra  O’Connor, Robin  Rashkow, Donna  Tortorice, Virginia  Volocyk, Laurie                       

* Indicates not District 219 employee  ƒ Approve employment of the following part‐time/temporary help effective 10/16/07:  NAME  Ades, Kyriaki  Asif, Aqsa  Bonk, Barbara  Chang, Hae Sun  David, Angeline  Friedrich, Scott  Giuntoli, Rebecca  Isaias, Nyatt  Jang, Han Byeol  Kao, Wayne  Maitland, Daniel  Mendez, Mark  Moon, Daniel  Moy, Jaclyn  Nakic, David  Nipas, Maria  Ramahi, Jasmine  Scherwinski, Kelly  Sotelo, Celeste  Suhihara, Michael  Topolinski, Catherine  Toy, Robyn 

POSITION/LOCATION  Science Lab Assistant – West  IRC Monitor – West  Security Monitor ‐ North  Science Lab Assistant ‐ West  IRC Monitor ‐ West  Theater Assistant ‐ West  Science Lab Assistant – West  Volleyball Scorer – North  Volleyball Scorer – North  Volleyball Scorer – North  Athletic Photographer – North  Security Monitor ‐ North  Volleyball Scorer – North  Science Lab Assistant ‐ West  Science Lab Assistant – West  IRC Monitor – West  Science Lab Assistant – West  AV Intern – West  Volleyball Scorer – North  Volleyball Scorer – North  IRC Monitor – West  Life Guarding – North 

Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 15, 2007 

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RATE  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $15.00/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $15.00/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $8.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr.  $7.50/Hr. 




Approve Christine Ganjani and Christine Kastrinakis as clerical substitutes for  the 2007‐2008 school year.  


Approve the following as teacher substitutes for the 2007‐2008 school year:  Dini, Ellen  McEnery, Elizabeth 

Poznansky, Steven  Rashedi, Hassan 

Youakim, Claudia  Zelski, Thomas 

Minutes of 9/17/07 meeting, open and closed sessions. 

2007‐08 Application for Recognition of Schools ‐Niles North, Niles West and OCLC. 

Student Trips  o For 18 North Adventure Ed students to attend camp/climb field trip in Baraboo,  Wisconsin, November 10‐11, 2007 at a cost to the District of $210.  o For 30 West students to attend the Illinois Theatre Festival in Bloomington/ Normal on  January 10‐12, 2008 at a cost to the District of $2,269.  o For North/West music students to attend the IMEA All‐State Music Festival in Peoria  on January 30‐February 2, 2008 at a cost to the District of $4,561.  o For 12 North/West Spanish Club students to attend a trip to Costa Rica on June 16‐ 24,  2008 at no cost to the District.  o For 15 North/West French students to take a trip to France, June 16‐25, 2008, at no cost  to the District. 

Textbook Adoptions for the 07‐08 school year at no cost to the District. 

Budget Transfer of $40,000 to the appropriate Operations and Maintenance Fund  expenditure accounts from the contingency account.   

Working Cash Fund Loan of $10,000,000 to the Educational Fund to be repaid upon  future Educational Fund property tax collections. 

Purchases    o Waddell Legacy Display Cases–North & West ‐ Accept the bid of $9,936 from Frank  Cooney Co. for the purchase and installation of 12 cases.  o Athletic Lockers – Accept the bid of $20,876 from Larson Equipment and Furniture Co.  for the purchase and installation of 25 one tier lockers and 37 four‐tier lockers at North.  o Red Ball Diamond Aggregate Soil ‐ North and West – Accept the bid of $53.07 per ton  for the purchase of approximately 546 tons of soil at an estimated total cost of  $28,976.22 from Bryan Rock Products, Inc. 

X. Superintendent’s Report  Neil Codell spoke of the Gala Celebration recognizing the District’s fine arts program and  how  wonderful  it  was  that  the  schools  worked  so  well  together  on  this  event.    He  said  District 219 will be presenting at the NSBA Tech Conference later this week.  He spoke of  the October 1 Town Hall preparation meeting which was held by village officials, township  elementary school and township outreach program representatives.  Mr.  Codell  spoke  of  the  recent  state  mandated  ‘moment  of  silence.’    He  said  Niles  Township will abide by this ruling but feels the state has much bigger issues to deal with.  −


Principals’ Report  Kaine Osburn said the homecoming events were a huge success.  He said teachers are  making videos of why they love Niles West which is part of the Respect program.  Page 4 of 7

Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 15, 2007 


Bob Freeman said homecoming week is in progress.  The synthetic turf field is the envy  of all other schools.  He congratulated the students who performed at the gala and the  time they committed to this event on top of their upcoming concert performances. 

XI. Board Members’ Comments  Jeffrey Greenspan said the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts is committed to the  arts for young children to adults.  They have adopted a resolution for District 219 receiving  the Kennedy Center award.  Bob Silverman said the gala was very special and it was wonderful to see representatives  from  all  the  villages.    Jan  Schakowsky  presented  a  resolution  to  the  District.    Having  the  guest artists visits provides a wonderful opportunity for our students.   

XII. Board Committee Reports  A Policy Committee meeting is scheduled for October 19.  A Facility Committee meeting is scheduled for October 29. 

XIII. Business  Debt Certificate Sale  Ray  Coyne  addressed  the  Board  and  spoke  of  the  District  taking  advantage  of  current  opportunities  to  fund  capital  projects  through  restructuring  of  debt,  which  will  not  affect  the tax rate.  This sale will extend the current debt out for more years and provide money to  fund additional projects.  The next step is to hold a hearing at a future meeting, which will  be followed by the bonds being issued.  Jeff Greenspan said this is similar to what we did  with the performance contracting.   Bob Silverman commended the Board for doing this as  energy costs are up, and we are saving money in this area.  It  was  moved  by  KLINT  and  seconded  by  DONIGER  to  approve  the  resolution  authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for purpose of paying  the cost of purchasing real or personal property, both, in and for Niles Township High  School District 219, Cook County, Illinois and authorizing and providing for the issue of  $10.5 million Debt Certificates, Series 2007, of said school District evidencing the right to  payment  under  such  Agreement  prescribing  the  details  of  the  Agreement  and  Certificates,  and  providing  for  the  security  for  and  means  of  payment  under  the  Agreement of the Certificates.   A roll call vote was taken.  Voting Aye:  Doniger, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Gault Smith, Valfer.  The motion carried.    PSAE Report and School Report Card  Dale Vogler said that Reading was reintroduced to the PSAE test this past year.  The state  goal  is  55%  this  year  which  District  219  met,  but  our  numbers  are  low  and  this  is  being  investigated.    AYP  was  not  met  in  Reading  at  West,  which  will  require  us  to  complete  a  state report, but not be required to be in a restructuring position.  Next years goal is 62.5%  Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 15, 2007 

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A discussion took place of offering sessions to students who do poorly on the PLAN test.   Dale  Vogler  advised  that  the  IACT  is  given  to  sophomores  in  April  to  identify  where  students may need help.  Pete  Marcelo  said  he  and  Nanciann  Gatta  are  researching  ISAT  scores  from  elementary  schools  to  identify  areas  our  future  students  may  have  difficulties.    Dale  Vogler  said  the  state  Report  Card  will  be  delivered  Friday  to  Board  members  with  approval  at  the  next  Board meeting.  Intergovernmental Agreement with District 68   It was moved by DONIGER and seconded by KLINT to approve the Intergovernmental  Agreement  between  Niles  Township  High  School  District  219  and  District  68  for  the  provision of school buses and school bus drivers.  A roll call vote was taken.  Voting Aye:  Doniger, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Gault Smith, Valfer.  The motion carried.   

XIV. Old Business  There was no old business.   XV. New Business  There was no new business.   XVI. Audience to Visitors  No one asked to speak.  XVII. Correspondence and FOIA Requests  There was no correspondence or FOIA requests.    XVIII. Information Items  − September 2007 Financial Report  XIX. Adjournment  It was moved by GREENSPAN and seconded by DONIGER to adjourn the meeting.  A roll call vote was taken.  Voting Aye:  Doniger, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Gault Smith, Valfer.  The motion carried.   The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.  _________________________________ 












Minutes approved November 5, 2007.  

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 15, 2007 



Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 15, 2007 

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School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...

Board members present at Roll Call: Sheri Doniger, Jeffrey Greenspan, Ruth .... Business. Debt Certificate Sale. Ray Coyne addressed the Board and spoke of ...

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Recommend Documents

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Board members present at Roll Call: Jeffrey Greenspan, Ruth Klint, Robert Silverman, ... A roll call vote was taken. ... Textbook Center Assistant - North .... prepared for the 2007 property tax extension request for Educational, Operations and.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois ...
Aug 14, 2006 - Donation of a 1996 green Plymouth Voyager minivan to Auto Program ... qualified for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois ...
Mar 10, 2014 - Trades for the Niles Building Maintenance – Summer 2014 to the contractors .... Pacemaker award, for best in the country online high school ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of October 27, 2003. Page 1 of ... Board members present at Roll Call: ... return to open session of the Special Board Meeting.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Board members present at Roll Call: Sheri Doniger, Carlton Evans, Jeffrey ... trip for the Science Olympiad Nationals will be discussed under business. V. Public ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Board members present at Roll Call: ... A roll call vote was taken. .... Business. Capital Projects for 2008-09. Jeff Greenspan said these items along with facilities ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Sep 18, 2008 - The meeting was held in the Literacy Center of Niles West High School ... Board members present at Roll Call: Sheri Doniger, Carlton Evans, Jeffrey ... assisting the teachers who are working towards certification this year. IV.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois ...
Jun 30, 2013 - Approved the Minutes of the January 14, 2013 Board of Education ... with the NICE Conference and learning how technology is embedded into a ... meeting was held and it was good to share ideas with staff and learning what.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois ...
Apr 7, 2004 - Applied Technology - West ... Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources at an annual salary of ..... There was no new business discussed.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois ...
S3 / Step 1, 188 days. 1.0. 11/1/2011. - Approved the employment of the following ... Wasserstrom, Sam. Battaglia, Irma. - Approved the minutes of the October 3, ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois ...
Board members present at Roll Call: Sheri Doniger, Jeffrey Greenspan, Ruth Klint,. Robert Silverman, Lynda ... Dimaano, Jennifer Textbook Center Assistant – West. $7.50/Hr. .... when the cost per student exceeds $1,500. He said it may be a ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ... Accounts
May 1, 2006 - The meeting was held in the Board Room of the District Office located at 7700 Gross Point. Road, Skokie, Illinois. I. Call to Order and Roll Call.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ... Accounts
Oct 3, 2006 - been nominated for the Golden Apple Award. Mr. Codell gave the report for ... Lynda Gault Smith said she did her annual visit to a life skills ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Dec 16, 2013 - ... from Intel Corporation as a part of the Skokie Best Buy employees winning ... Niles West is also hosting a Chicago land Workshop on school policies, to ... by KLINT to approve the proposal for a third party provider for school.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Approve the employment of the following support staff as Teacher Assistants in ... Tim Knudsen commented on the Chicago Tribune article on Salt Creek School.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Added to the business section will be a student trip. President ... Mr. Codell's average salary of $275,490 was ¼ of 1% of the District budget. Mr. Codell put in ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois ...
Board members present at Roll Call: Michael ... A roll call vote was taken. ... Cyndi Cohen, Business Manager of District 73.5, stated that Districts 70, 71, 73, 73.5,.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
staff at train and bus stations. This will allow teachers more time to do daily tasks while saving energy. Dr. Gatta spoke of the LEED rules for schools, and ... school information for students and parents. She spoke of reaching abroad and the new re

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ... Accounts
orchestra competed in the Presidential Inaugural Heritage Music Festival in. Washington, D.C. on January 17-19 and were awarded first place trophies for. Outstanding Band and Outstanding Orchestra. They also received the. Adjudicators Award, which is

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Apr 8, 2008 - schools or buy them from District 219. ... Conference in Orlando. .... Niles Township gave the Board the opportunity to make the best return on ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Approved the employment of the following support staff for the 2011-2012 ... Authorized Franczek Radelet P.C. to act on District 219's behalf in the Niles Township .... Business. Summer School. It was moved by DONIGER and seconded by ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
West Pom Pon and Cheerleading will be discussed under Business. V. Audience to Visitors (on ...... legislation on selling soft drinks. The Board consented for ...

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Approve the hiring of the following support staff effective 7/1/04: NAME .... purchase of 48 Dell Computers for the Drafting Labs at North at West for a cost.

School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...
Company for Niles North High School automotive program. ... her college math course. ... October 15 with over 300 colleges and universities attending. Parent ...