School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois MINUTES Regular Board Meeting Monday, September 15, 2008 The meeting was held in the Literacy Center of Niles West High School located at 5701 Oakton, Skokie, Illinois. I. Call to Order and Roll Call Board President Robert Silverman called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Board members present at Roll Call: Sheri Doniger, Carlton Evans, Jeffrey Greenspan, Ruth Klint, Robert Silverman, Lynda Smith. II. Changes/Additions to the Agenda A personnel handout was added to the consent agenda. III. Recognition of National Board Certified Teachers Ruth Gleicher, Michael Heinz, Neil Koreman, Ami LeFevre and Scott Reed were recognized for their efforts in becoming National Board Certified and for assisting the teachers who are working towards certification this year. IV. Recognition of GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and ASBO Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting The Business office was recognized for earning these awards for the seventh consecutive year. It was noted that accrual basis accounting practices are more rigorous than cash basis, and the hard work of Susan Husselbee was acknowledged. V. Community Representative Comments Jeff Burman of the Education Foundation spoke of this organization being in its second full year. He spoke of the mission to help students who cannot afford the basic needs for education and that the group’s sole goal is to provide for these students. To date $25,000 has been raised and $14,000 provided to students. He spoke of the upcoming October 4 event as a major fundraiser for the foundation. Mr. Burman also suggested having a joint meeting in the future with the District 219 Board and the foundation members for their help and direction. The Board thanked the foundation for their work in helping every student. VI. Approval of Consent Agenda It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to accept the amended consent agenda. A roll call vote was taken.

Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 15, 2008 

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Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith. The motion carried. Included in the consent agenda: − Monthly Bills and Payroll in the amount of $8,140,566.79. − Personnel •

Approve employment of the following certified staff for Foreign Language & ELL at West for the 2008-2009 school year: NAME




Akwa, Stefanie Aronica, Mary Jo

MA/60 Step 9 Step 18

1.0 .2

September 18, 2008 September 9, 2008

Approve employment of the following support staff for the 2008-09 school year : NAME




Branahl, Jared

Teacher Assistant/Foreign Language & ELL-West, P1-S1, 186 days Clerk A/Information Resource Center – West, S1-Step 2, 186 Days Teacher Assistant/ AAC- North, P1, S1, 186 days One-On-One Teacher Assistant/ Special Education – North, P1-S1, 186 days Teacher Assistant/Special Education – Niles Central, P1-S2, 186 days











Fiorito, Michelle Kruszynski, Mark Parker, Michael

Sweeney, Cameron •

Approve position change for the following support staff effective 9/2/08: NAME


Stevenson, Kari

From: To:

Clerk A/IRC-West, S1-Step 1, 186 days Clerk B/IRC-West, S2-Step 1, 191 days

Accept the resignation of support staff Kelly O’Reilly, Teacher Assistant – Niles Central effective August 25, 2008.

Approve certified staff Melissa Sang, Social Work – North a FMLA – Unpaid leave of absence for the period September 29 to November 10, 2008.

Approve the employment of Phyllis Bower and Carla Gliebe as clerical substitutes for the 2008-2009 school year.

Approve the Letters of Agreement for Niles Central Part-Time Dean, Niles Central Work Day and Review of Stipends.

• Approve employment of the following substitute teachers for the 2008-09 year: Aessa, Jacqueline Curtis, Jan Hamel, Susan Negron, Esmeralda Bender, Shana Davidson, Sylvi Hirsch, Robert Poskozim, Joyce Benedeck, Kristen Dopplett, David Kavesh, David Rose, Nancy Bennett, Douglas Frazin, Lora McIntire, Timothy Sherry, Sarah Carr, Raymond Goodlow, Moturayo McMahon, Thomas Simington, Leon Cohen, Muriel Gordon, Diana Gordon, Diana Slabinger, Christine Couris, Harry Grajewski, David Morley, Barbara


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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 15, 2008 


Approve employment of the following stipend positions for the 2008-2009 year: NAME SCHOOL Bowen, Jennifer Niles North Frontzak, Pamela Niles North Iafrate, Stephanie (.5) Niles North Johns, Ashley (.5) Niles North Kannokada, Manoj Niles North Klenetsky, Jody Niles North Lubarsky, Christine (.5) Niles North Palmer, Dawn (.5) Niles North Pape, Jennifer (.5) Niles North Patel, Shamim Niles North Priban, Jeff Niles North Ryo, Angela Niles North Sanchez, Israel (.4)* Niles North Thielsen, Richard Niles North Uchendu, Blessing* Niles North Alegnani, Ann Niles West Byers, Katie Niles West Choi, Jane Niles West Costante, Richard Niles West Gray, Nathan (.5) Niles West Jackson, Kristen (.25) Niles West Lauer, Evelyn (.25) Niles West Lee, Susanna Niles West Lee, Susanna Niles West * Indicates not a District 219 employee

POSITION Relay for Life Green Squad Gay Straight Alliance Exceptional Child Club Baseball Assistant Coach Japanese Club Gay Straight Alliance Sports Medicine Club Exceptional Child Club Indo-Pak Wrestling Assistant Coach Student Association Baseball Assistant Coach Purple Pack Black Student Union Peer Mediation Assistant Gay Straight Alliance Indo-Pak Club Wolfpack Club Ski & Snowboard Club Images Club Images Club Chinese Club SADD Club

− Minutes of 8/21/08 Meeting, open and closed sessions. − Textbook Adoptions for an anticipated total cost of $1,151. − Application for Recognition of Schools for Niles Central, Niles North and Niles West. − Student Trips − For four North and two West students to attend the 2008 Illinois Division Relay for Life Leadership Summit in Itasca, Illinois on September 26-27, 2008 at a cost to the District of $330.00. − For 24 West Science Research Topics students to attend Field Seminar I in Ottawa, Illinois on January 29-30, 2009 at a cost to District of $714.00. − For 10 French students to attend Aventure Francaise in Chesterton, Indiana on October 17-19, 2008 at a cost to the District of $466.00. − For 20 Niles North baseball players to attend a tournament in Macon, Georgia on March 21-28, 2009 at no cost to the District. − For 24 West Science Research Topics students to attend Field Seminar II in Ottawa, Illinois on April 30-May 1, 2009 at a cost to the District of $714.00. − Purchase of conditioning weights and storage racks from 24/7 Fitness Products, Inc., in the amount of $14,047 and also to accept $8,000 from the Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 15, 2008 

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Niles North Athletic Booster Club to offset the cost, making the next cost of the equipment to the District of $6,047. VII. Superintendent’s Report Dr. Gatta spoke of the torrential rainfall over the weekend and thanked the buildings and grounds staff for their tireless efforts in taking care of the facilities. She talked about the 50th anniversary celebration and said it is not only for the high school but the community. Dr. Gatta also spoke of videos she has developed, ‘Opportunities for Every Student’ that are available on our website. −

Principals’ Report Mr. Osburn said he along with Dale Vogler and Andrew Jeter will attend a conference in November to discuss how the literacy center started. He also spoke of events happening at the school. Four students, Andrew Lee, Randy Lefkowitz, Morgan Yates, Alexander Zasso, are semi finalists for the National Merit Scholars. Mr. Freeman said North also has four National Merit semi finalists An-Lin Dauber, Rebecca Mertz-Shea, Emily Rosman, and Michael Wesolowski. . He updated the Board on the construction at North and other events at the school. The board was invited to the principal’s award recognition breakfast on October 8.

VIII. Board Members’ Comments Ruth Klint spoke about the student-center focused environment in the schools and how wonderful it is. Jeff Greenspan thanked the directors, Peter Geddeis and Kevin Monahan for the activities reports and the information on what is available for students. At this point the Board discussed the report with the directors. Mr. Silverman commented that is very good to have the attendance listed for each activity. Carlton Evans spoke of the importance of the Names assemblies. IX. Board Committee Reports Education Foundation - Bob Silverman said the Foundation has been working very hard on the 50th anniversary celebration and selling raffle tickets and having an opportunity to get more people involved. Facility Committee - Mr. Greenspan said the fields held up very well with the heavy rain over the weekend. He said a meeting will take place to prioritize projects. They are working on packages for the six-classroom projects and spoke of various aspects of this project. Policy Committee – Sheri Doniger reported a meeting was held August 21. They will be holding two meetings in the near future.  

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 15, 2008 


X. Business Six Classroom Addition at Niles West/Bid Acceptance: Trade Package 2A-Excavation It was moved by GREENSPAN and seconded by KLINT to authorize the administration to accept the low bid submitted by D.K. Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $3,037.20 for Trade Package 2a Demolition, grading, utilities and Excavation in conjunction with the six classroom addition at Niles West High School. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith. The motion carried. Six Classroom Addition at Niles West/Bid Acceptance: Trade Package 3A-Concrete It was moved by DONIGER and seconded by SMITH to authorize the administration to accept the low bid submitted by Keen Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $75,811 for Trade Package 3a Site Concrete and Building Concrete in conjunction with the six-classroom addition at Niles West High School. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith. The motion carried. Policy Changes – 1st Reading Dr. Doniger said many of the changes are title changes and directives from the state. She thanked the business office for their work on finance changes and tightening up of requirements. XI. Old Business There was no old business. XII. New Business There was no new business. XIII. Audience to Visitors No one asked to speak. XIV. Correspondence and FOIA Requests It was noted that we received three FOIA requests and all have been handled. XV. Information Items • Student Activities Club Reports Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 15, 2008 

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Procedures Number 2:170-AP2 2:190-AP 2:250-AP 2:260-E1 3:70-AP 4:45-AP1 4:55-AP 4:55-E

Name Construction Contracts Board Books and Budget Materials Access To and Copying of District Public Records Names of Complaint Managers and Grievance Coordinator Succession Plan Insufficient Fund Checks Controls for the Use of District Credit or Procurement Cards Cardholder’s Statement Affirming Familiarity with Requirements for Using District Credit and/or Procurement Cards – Main Recipient 4:55-E1 Cardholder’s Statement Affirming Familiarity with Requirements for Using District Credit and/or Procurement Cards - Designee 4:60-AP1 Purchases 4:80-AP Checklist for Internal Controls 4:90-AP1 Activity Funds 4:90-AP2 Vending Machines 4:110-AP3 Transportation Carrier Requirements 4:120-AP1 Food Services 4:140-AP1 Waiver of Student Fees 4:140-E2 Response to Fee Waiver Application 4:140-E3 Response to Appeal Fee Waiver Denial 4:150-AP1 Renovations 4:170-AP3 Emergency Closing of School Buildings 4:170-AP4 Crisis Management 4:170-AP6 Plan for Responding to a Medical Emergency at a Physical Fitness Facility 4:170-AP6,E1 formerly 4:170-E5 School Staff AED Notification Letter 4:170-AP6,E2 formerly 4:170-E6 Automatic External Defibrillator Incident Report 5:40-AP1 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease 5:270-AP Terms and Conditions of Employment for Confidential Staff 6:160-AP1 Bilingual Program 6:160-E1 Student Home Language Survey 6:180-AP1 Private Music Instruction 6:180-E1 Application for Facility Use 6:235-E3 Expectations for Students and Teachers in Using School Computer Labs 7:30-AP2 Transfer Courses and Assignments 7:50-AP2 Entrance Requirements 7:280-AP Managing Students with Communicable or Infectious Diseases 7:280-E2 Reporting and Exclusion Requirements for Common Communicable Diseases 7:280-E3 Preventing Staphylococcal Infections for Schools 8:20-AP Community Use of School Facilities and Equipment 8:80-AP1 Procedures for Accepting Gifts

August 2008 Financial Report

XVI. Closed Session It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to recess into closed session to discuss matters relating to the employment, appointment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees and possibly take action following closed session. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith. The motion carried.  

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 15, 2008 


The Board went into closed session at 9:05 p.m. At 9:20 p.m. the Board returned to open session.

Personnel It was moved by GREENSPAN and seconded by DONIGER to approve the letter of remediation and resolution for Employee Case 2008-19. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith. The motion carried. XVII. Adjournment It was moved by SMITH and seconded by GREENSPAN to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.





Minutes approved October 6, 2008.  

Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 15, 2008 

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School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook ...

Sep 18, 2008 - The meeting was held in the Literacy Center of Niles West High School ... Board members present at Roll Call: Sheri Doniger, Carlton Evans, Jeffrey ... assisting the teachers who are working towards certification this year. IV.

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