Some teachers may only be using Schoology with a few of their courses during year 1 implementation. This is a training and learning year for our staff and students with Schoology. As we transition all 9-12 graders into a 1:1 digital learning environment for the 2016-17 school year, staff will communicate expectations with students and families.
Step 4: Go to and choose Sign Up.
Step 1: Login to Infinite Campus Parent Portal ●
Go to the Families section on your school website and choose Parent Portal Step 5: Choose Parent.
Step 2: Select your child. Once logged into Infinite Campus Parent Portal choose your child from the drop down list.
Step 6: Enter the Code from Step 3.
Step 3: Select Schoology from the menu and copy the Parent Access Code displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Step 7: Complete your personal information and click Register.
sample code This access code is unique to each child.
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Step 8: Once logged into your Schoology Portal account click the down arrow by your name and select your child's name in the list.
Step 11: If you would like to add another sibling to your parent portal account choose ADD CHILD from the account drop down arrow.
Step 9: Choose a course from the drop down arrow to view course materials and grades. In order to access a sibling access code login to Infinite Campus Parent Portal and select your child's name. Refer to Step 2-3 in this handout. Every child has a UNIQUE code.
Step 12: Once you have added a sibling you can choose their account from the drop down arrow.
Step 10: Choose to view Materials, Updates or Grades from within the course. Need Help Setting Up Schoology Parent Portal? Email:
[email protected] Phone: 763-241-3548 Video Support:
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