Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 14, 2018
Today’s Readings 2nd Sunday Ordinary Time - January 14, 2018
First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage. Alleluia, Alleluia. Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 Mailing Address P.O. Box 1008 Bonner, Montana 59823 9015 Hwy 200 East Bonner, MT 59823
Pastor: Father Jozef Perehubka - 258-6815 Monday is Father’s day off but please call if emergency. E-mail:
[email protected] St. Ann Parish Office Hours: times will vary please leave a message if you have a question Office phone # - 258-6815 St. Ann website:
Please be sure to have any announcements for the bulletin in to the office by Wednesday afternoon. E-mail Rory -
[email protected] or call 825-7889.
Mass Schedule: Saturday: Living Water Mission-Seeley Lake —4:00 P.M. Tuesday & Wednesday—Mass at 10:00 A.M. Sunday: St. Ann’s Bonner—8:00 A.M. & 9:30 A.M. Thursday & Friday—Mass at 10:00 A.M.
RECONCILIATION: Sundays before Mass or by appt.; Baptisms: parents should contact parish priest before baby is born or as soon as possible for preparation for Baptism. First Communion: Please see Father Perehubka if your child is in need of preparation for the Sacraments of First Communion and Reconciliation. Marriage: In Diocese of Helena couples must contact the priest before any formal arrangements are made if they wish to have their wedding in the church.. R.C.I.A.: Please see Father Perehubka if you are interested in taking classes to enter the Catholic Church or to receive Sacraments not received as a child. St. Ann Parish Staff: Pastor: Pre-K thru 8th R.E. : High School/Adult: Parish Council President : Building Maintenance: Janitorial Staff: Sound Technician: Music Ministry : Office:
January 7, 2017: Sunday Offering: Solemnity of Mary: Votive Candle:
$ $ $
1,548.00 60.00 8.00
The costs associated with maintaining our parish continue to increase. We need to raise an average $1,390 per week. Currently we are averaging $1,290.01 per week.
Fr. Jozef Perehubka Donna Fuller Ginny Woods Doug Lawrence Don Wanner Christina Hettick Jarrod MacKinnon Anne Wright Rory Page
Parish Monthly Schedule: 1st Sunday: Pflaum RE students meet after 9:30 am Mass – February 4th 2nd Sunday: Pastoral Council Meets January 14th after 9:30 Mass. 2nd Monday: Ladies of St. Ann Mass 1:00 P.M. Meeting begins at 1:30 P.M. - February 12th 3rd Sunday: Pflaum RE after 9:30 am Mass. January 21st 4th Sunday or Last Sunday: Pancake Breakfast last Sunday after the 9:30 A.M. Mass - January 28th.
Monthly Pancake Breakfast will be January 28th after 9:30 Mass
Next Sunday Readings—January 21, 2018 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 Next Sunday Ministry Assignments—January 21, 2018
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ushers/Greeters: John & Kay Warner Lector: Colleen Frohlich Eucharistic Ministers: Kylie Frohlich and Isabella Duff 2nd Sunday Ordinary Time —Cycle B
PARISH GOAL FOR 2017-18 ACA $11,600.00 — $130.00 for the year (monthly payments accepted)
If you can afford more, maybe you could cover a family who can’t afford to offer the suggested donation but any donation is gratefully accepted. Thank you! We are at 80% of our goal with $9,235.00 pledged.
St. Ann Parish - January 14, 2018
CYC Convention is a 3-day, 2-night gathering of high school Catholic youth from all over the Diocese of Helena and beyond. We will pray, worship, learn, and celebrate our faith together on the campus of Carroll College. Experience the vibrancy of the young Church and return home with tools to make the Gospel of Christ come alive in your local community. Cost: $85 ($100 after February 15th)
January 21st—RE K-8th faith formation directly after the 9:30 am Mass for one hour. Parents and Grandparents are always welcome. If you are leaving while your child is in RE, please arrange for a ride for your youth, we are finished at 11:30. Treats provided by: the Briggemans FEBRUARY: February 4th—RE K-8th faith formation directly after the 9:30 am Mass for one hour. Parents and Grandparents are always welcome. If you are leaving while your child is in RE, please arrange for a ride for your youth, we are finished at 11:30. Treats provided by: Rory Page For any questions you may have, please contact: Donna Fuller—360-1024 Ginny Woods—529-1441
Family Promise Needs Gloves, hats, socks (kids 1 -16 years and adult sizes) Gas cards Haircut certificates Diapers sizes 5 & 6 Our next week of service will be in February. Please see Toni if you would like to volunteer to help.
Prayer List
Calendar of Events
For the Catholic faith in the world, may it be an anchor of understanding for God’s love. We pray...
January 14
Parish Council meets after the 9:30 am Mass
January 17/18
For our parish, may each of us grow in our appreciation of our Catholic faith and all it offers humanity. We pray .....
Daily Mass with Father Poole at 10:00 am
January 21
For a spirit of integrity in those who serve us in the Government of the United States. May they be men and women of generous hearts and not self serving. We pray …
RE for pre thru 8th grades after the 9:30 am Mass
January 25/26
Let us pray for an increase of vocations to priesthood and religious life . We pray …
Daily Mass with Father Poole at 10:00 am
January 28
Monthly Pancake Breakfast after 9:30 am Mass
February 4
RE for pre thru 8th grades after the 9:30 am Mass
February 8/9
Daily Mass 10:00 am
February 11
Parish Council meets after the 9:30 am Mass
February 12
Ladies of St. Ann monthly meeting 1:00– Rosary 1:30—Meeting
February 14
Ash Wednesday
For our Bishop George Leo Thomas and the Diocese of Helena. May our resolve to the mission of Christ and the challenge of living Holy Order in the Church by the light of the Gospel be blest. We pray…
Let us pray for those in need of our prayers and especially: Jim Frohlich, Ann Price, Barbara Vaughan, Jenny Heck, Jason DiMatteo, Susie Byrne, Joe Coughlin, Father Mike Smith, Evelyn Wagoner, Fr. Bob Noonan, Wayne Kammerer, John Melcher, Audrey Bodlovic, Kay Devlin, Dale Briggeman, Delores Hertz and Dick and Sandy Kiehl. We pray… If you would like a Mass said for a loved one, please see Father Jozef or Rory. A free will offering is accepted but not necessary– Mass intention envelopes are in the vestibule at the back of church.
January 14—8:00 am—Our Parish Family 9:30 am—Merl Sage and Billie Page January 18—10:00 am— January 19—10:00 am— January 21—8:00 am—Our Parish Family 9:30 am— January 25– 10:00 am— 26—10:00 am— January 28—8:00 am—Our Parish Family 9:30 am— February 1– 10:00 am 2—10:00 am -
Find this week’s bulletin on the web...visit St. Ann website:
If you have a prayer request or someone you would like to have us pray for please visit the website: and make your prayer request or e-mail:
[email protected] and you will be put on the weekly list. Any changes to your prayer request can also be made by these two methods.
40 hour Eucharistic Adoration at St. Anthony’s in the Chapel. Monday and Tuesday of each week (unless otherwise noted). Come spend a little time with Jesus. .St. Francis Xavier in Missoula Come and Pray - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available on Wednesdays-8:30 - 3:00 First Fridays -8:30 am - 12:00 Noon
2nd Sunday Ordinary Time —Cycle B
February 15/16 •
Daily Mass at 10:00 am
Marriage Saving – the Post Session Phase – The postweekend phase of Retrouvaille is as crucial to the healing of a troubled marriage as the initial weekend experience. During the post-weekend sessions, the weekend technique is further developed and combined with additional tools to explore other areas of the marriage relationship.
Retrouvaille is for any couple who would like to
rediscover their marriage and improve communication. For more information about an upcoming Retrouvaille Weekend program for couples, contact registration team: at 1-800-470 -2230 or visit our website: or February 2-4 at the Ursuline Center, Great Falls
St. Ann Parish - January 14, 2018