December 30th, 2016

NYC Mayor’s Cup Wrestling Competition Format: (a) Each association in responsible for submitting nominations to the Mayor’s Cup Coordinator 1) The PSAL shall get 9 entries per weight, the CHSAA 4, and NYSIAS 2) All nominations must be submitted on the official Mayor’s Cup Entry Form 3) Alternates must be included in the entry form 4) Each association shall be permitted to weigh-in alternates. In the event that one of the association has a no show, the top alternate for the association of the missing wrestler will be entered. In the event that an association does not have an alternate 5) All sixteen entries will be seeded according to the seeing procedures outlined below (b) Brackets 1) The Mayor’s Cup will be a one day tournament. 2) Brackets will be double elimination. 3) Each bracket will be contested to 8th place, with wrestle backs to 5th place. Semifinal losers will wrestle for 3rd place. (c) Awards 1) Individual medals will be awarded for 1st – 3rd in each weight class 2) Team awards will be presented to the top three teams as well as the top finishing team from Each Division.

Seeding Procedure: (a) An individual’s total seeding points is the total of one’s placement points and total number of wins. (b) Placement points are based off of an individual’s best placement at a prior Mayor’s Cup Championships.

2015 PSAL Placement

1st Place Last years 2nd Place NYS Tournament 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place 6th Place th 7 / 8th Place* Qualified but DNP

PLACEMENT POINTS Same Weight earned or Upfor 2 weight current yearUp 3 or more up 1 weight class classes weight classes 120 80 60 50 40 30 25 15

100 60 50 30 30 25 20 15

90 50 40 25 25 20 20 15

(c) Initial Seed: All entries to the Mayor’s Cup will be rank ordered according the below procedure to create an Initial Seed. 1) Returning Mayor’s Cup Champions at that particular weight will automatically be placed as the first seed and remain in the top position, unless another wrestler can jump them with a Head to Head win. 2) Returning Place winners (top 3) at that weight will automatically be placed as next available seeds and remain in the next position, unless another wrestler can jump them with a Head to Head win. 3) All remaining wrestlers will be listed in rank order from the wrestler with the highest number of seed points to the wrestler with the lowest number of seed points. Wrestlers with an equal number of seed points will be ranked by win / loss differential. Wrestlers with an equal number of points and an equal win / loss differential will be ranked by total number of wins. 4) All entries to a particular weight class will be seeded.

(d) Head to Head mechanics and final seeding 1) Only Head to Head matches from the current season will be considered for head to head mechanics. 2) Defaults and Disqualifications count. 3) We will start the head-to-head evaluation with the wrestler who has the highest number of seeding point from part I. The second-ranked wrestler has the first opportunity to advance on head-to-head competition over the top-ranked wrestler. The third-ranked wrestler follows and so forth in the order of part I rank. However, a wrestler may not move over an opponent to whom he/she has lost. 4) In head-to-head situations where opponents met twice, the most recent win takes precedence.

5) Where opponents met an odd number of times, the wrestler with the best record in these matches will receive the higher seed. 6) This will establish a final seeding point ranking. (e) Possible Head to Head Scenarios and Procedures ORIGINAL RANKING = 1. A 105 points, 2. B 90 points, 3. C 65 points, 4. D 58 points, 5. E 50 points, 6. F 49 points, 7 G, 40 points, 8. H 19 points Seed Scenario #1: H has a Head-to-Head over A 1 B,C,D,E,F, G have not beaten 2 3 H 4 Result: H moves to #1 5 6 7 8


Seed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Scenario #3: H has a Head-to-Head over A C,D,E,F,G have not beaten H B has beaten H Result: H moves to #3 can’t jump A because is blocked by B, but can jump C,D,E,F and G

Seed 1 2 3 4 5 Result: H is blocked by G and can’t 6 7 move 8


Seed Scenario #4: H has a Head to Head over C 1 D has a Head to Head over H 2 E and F have not beaten H 3 4 Result: H is blocked by D, but not be E, 5 or G, thus moved to #5 6 F 7 8


Scenario #2: H has a Head-to-Head over A B,C,D,E,F have not beaten H G has beaten H

Seeding and Competition Procedure_Wrestling.pdf

Page 1 of 3. December 30th, 2016. NYC Mayor's Cup Wrestling. Competition Format: (a) Each association in responsible for submitting nominations to the ...

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