Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

Abstract We derive unbiased derivative estimators for expectations of functions of random sums, where differentiation is taken with respect to a parameter of the number of terms in the sum. As the number of terms is integer valued, its derivative is zero wherever it exists. Nevertheless, we present two constructions that make the sum continuous even when the number of terms is not. We present a locally continuous construction that preserves continuity across a single change in the number of terms and a globally continuous construction specific to the compound Poisson case. This problem is motivated by two applications in finance: approximating L´evydriven models of asset prices and exact sampling of a stochastic volatility process.

1 Introduction By a compound sum we mean a random variable with the representation N(λ )

X(λ ) =

∑ ξi ,



in which N(λ ) is a non-negative integer-valued random variable, and the ξi are i.i.d. copies of a positive random variable ξ independent of N(λ ). The distribution of N (and therefore that of X) depends on the parameter λ ; for example, in a compound Poisson sum, N(λ ) has a Poisson distribution with mean λ . We consider the problem of estimating a derivative of the form of dE[Φ(X(λ ))]/dλ , the sensitivity of the expectation of some function Φ of X(λ ). Paul Glasserman Columbia Business School, New York, USA Kyoung-Kuk Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea



Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

Compound sums arise in many areas of applied probability, including queueing, inventory, and insurance risk, but our motivation arises from two applications in finance. The first is the use of L´evy processes to model asset returns; for purposes of simulation, the jump component of a L´evy process is often approximated by a compound Poisson process. The second application comes from the simulation of the Heston [10] stochastic volatility model. In [8], we have given an exact representation of the transitions of the process suitable for simulation. The representation involves compound sums in which the number of terms N has either a Poisson or Bessel distribution. Both L´evy processes and the Heston model are used in pricing options; sensitivities to model parameters are then essential inputs to option hedging. Related problems of simulation sensitivity estimation have received extensive study; see, e.g., Chapter VII of Asmussen and Glynn [1] for an overview and references. A difficulty posed by a family of integer-valued random variables N(λ ) indexed by λ is that dN(λ )/dλ must be zero anywhere it exists. This suggests that d d Φ(X(λ )) = Φ 0 (X(λ )) X(λ ) = 0 dλ dλ wherever it exists, rendering it useless as an estimator of the sensitivity of the expectation E[Φ(X(λ ))]. The same problem arises when a Poisson process is used to model arrivals to a queue, and this has motivated alternative sample-path methods, such as the phantom method of Br´emaud and Vazquez-Abad [4] and its variants. These methods address the discontinuities in N(λ ) by estimating the impact of one additional (or one fewer) arrival. The issue of sample-path discontinuities can alternatively be avoided using a likelihood ratio method estimator, as in p.222 of [1]. But the case of a compound sum offers possibilities not open to N(λ ) itself because X(λ ) need not be integer valued and may change continuously in λ even if N(λ ) does not. The main contribution of this article is to introduce and analyze two constructions that develop this idea. For each λ in some parameter domain Λ , (1) determines the distribution of X(λ ) once the distributions of N(λ ) and the ξi are specified. However, we are free to vary the joint distribution of, say, X(λ ) and X(λ −∆ ), so long as we respect the constraint on the marginals. Different constructions impose different joint distributions and lead to potentially different values of dX(λ )/dλ . Of our two constructions, one applies only to compound Poisson sums and the other applies more generally. For both, we give conditions ensuring that the resulting pathwise derivative is unbiased, in the sense that   d d E Φ 0 (X(λ )) X(λ ) = E[Φ(X(λ ))]. (2) dλ dλ The compound Poisson construction is globally continuous, in the sense that, for a fixed interval Λ , X(·) is almost surely continuous on Λ . Our other construction is only locally continuous: the interval over which X(·) is continuous in λ is stochastic.

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


The locally continuous feature of this construction makes this an interesting example within the broader literature on simulation sensitivity estimation. A general (and generally sound) rule of thumb states that pathwise derivatives are unbiased estimators of derivatives of expectations (as in (2)) for globally continuous constructions. It has been recognized since at least Cao [6] that this is more than what is strictly necessary — it should (nearly) suffice for the probability of a discontinuity in a neighborhood of λ of length ∆ to be o(∆ ). Our locally continuous construction relies on this observation; we know of no previous examples in which this type of weaker condition arises naturally. Through an analysis on the mean squared error, we also show how the estimator degrades as the construction becomes nearly discontinuous. The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present our motivating applications. Section 3 covers the locally continuous construction, and Section 4 demonstrates its application. Section 5 presents the globally continuous construction for compound Poisson sums.

2 Motivating Applications 2.1 L´evy Processes A wide class of models of asset prices admits a representation of the form St = S0 exp (at + Xt ) ,

t ≥ 0,

with X = {Xt }t≥0 a L´evy process, X0 = 0. Here, S = {St }t≥0 might represent the price process of a stock, for example, and S0 and a are constants. In the most familiar model of this type, X is simply a Brownian motion. Other examples include the variance gamma (VG) model (Madan et al. [11]) and the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) model (Barndorff-Nielsen [3]). Simulation of the VG model is studied in Avramidis and L’Ecuyer [2]. A L´evy process X has stationary independent increments and is continuous in probability. Its law is determined by its characteristic function at any time t > 0, which, according to the L´evy-Itˆo decomposition, must have the form  Z  σ 2 iωy E[exp(iωXt )] = exp t iωb − ω + (e − 1 − iωy1|y|≤1 )q(dy) , 2 R for some constants σ > 0 and b and measure q on R. We will suppose that the L´evy measure admits a density, so q(dy) = q(y)dy. Loosely speaking, this representation decomposes X into the sum of a drift bt, a Brownian motion σW (t), and a jump term independent of W and described by q. If q has finite mass ν, then the jump term is a compound Poisson process with arrival rate ν and jumps drawn from the probability


Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

density q(·)/ν. One may also write this as the difference of two compound Poisson processes, one recording positive jumps, the other recording negative jumps. If q has infinite mass, then we may still interpret a finite q(A), A ⊆ R as the arrival rate of jumps of size in A, but the total arrival rate of jumps is infinite. The VG and NIG models are of this type, and they take σ = 0, so the Brownian component is absent — these are pure-jump processes. For purposes of simulation, one may truncate q to a finite measure and then simulate a compound Poisson process as an approximation; see, for example, Asmussen and Glynn [1], Chapter XII, for a discussion of this idea. If the original density q depends on a parameter λ , one may be interested in estimating sensitivities of expectations with respect to λ . In choosing how to approximate the original L´evy process with a compound Poisson process, we have a great deal of flexibility in specifying how the approximation should depend on λ . If, for example, we truncate all jumps of magnitude less then ε, for some ε > 0, then the arrival rate of jumps in the compound Poisson approximation will, in general, depend on λ , because the mass of q ≡ qλ outside the interval (−ε, ε) may vary with λ . This puts us in the context of (1). Glasserman and Liu [9] develop alternative methods that avoid putting parametric dependence in N by, for example, letting ε vary with λ , precisely to get around the problem of discontinuities. The constructions developed here deal directly with the possibility of discontinuities.

2.2 Stochastic Volatility and Squared Bessel Bridges A δ -dimensional squared Bessel process Vt is defined by the stochastic differential equation √ dVt = δ dt + 2 Vt dWt , δ > 0. (See Chapter XI of Revuz and Yor [12] for more details about squared Bessel processes.) This is, after a time and scale transformation, the equation for the variance process in the Heston stochastic volatility model. Through the method of Broadie and Kaya [5], exact simulation of the Heston model can be reduced to sampling from the distribution of the area under a path of the squared Bessel bridge,  R 1 0 Vt dt|V0 = v0 ,V1 = v1 . In Glasserman and Kim [8], we derive the representation Z  1


Vt dt|V0 = v0 ,V1 = v1


= Y1 +Y2 +Y3

where 2 Nn (v0 +v1 ) ∑ 2 2 ∑ Γn, j (1, 1), n=1 π n j=1 ∞

Y1 =

Y2 =


∑ π 2 n2 Γn (δ /2, 1),



Y3 =

∑ Z j.


Here, the Nn (v0 + v1 ) are independent Poisson random variables, each with mean v0 + v1 ; Γn, j (1, 1), Γn (δ /2, 1) are independent gamma random variables with shape

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


parameters 1 and δ /2, respectively, and scale parameter 1. Also, η has a Bessel √ distribution with parameters ν := δ /2 − 1 and z := v0 v1 , denoted by BES(ν, z). This is a non-negative integer valued distribution with probability mass function bn (ν, z) := P(η = n) =

(z/2)2n+ν , Iν (z)n!Γ (n + ν + 1)


where Iν (z) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind and Γ (·) is the gamma function. Lastly, the random variables Z j are independent with the following Laplace transform: !2 √ 2θ √ Ee−θ Z = . sinh 2θ In [8], we simulate Y1 and Y2 by truncating their series expansions and approximating the remainders with gamma random variables matching the first two moments of the truncated terms. For Y3 , we need to simulate the Z j and η. To generate the Z j , we numerically invert their Laplace transform to tabulate their distribution and then sample from the tabulated values. Rejection methods for sampling from the Bessel distribution are investigated in Devroye [7]; however, for our constructions we sample by inversion, recursively calculating the probability mass function using bn+1 (ν, z) =

(z/2)2 bn (ν, z). (n + 1)(n + ν + 1)

This method leaves us with two compound sums — a Poisson sum in Y1 and a Bessel sum in Y3 . It is significant that the parameters of the Poisson and Bessel random variables depend on the endpoints v0 , v1 . In the stochastic volatility application, hedging volatility risk entails calculating sensitivities with respect to the level of volatility (or variance), and this puts us back in the setting of estimating the sensitivity of a compound sum. We return to this application in Section 4.

3 Locally Continuous Construction In this section, we construct a family of compound sums X(λ ), λ ∈ Λ , to be locally continuous in λ . If N(λ ) has nontrivial dependence on λ , a sufficiently large change in λ will introduce a discontinuity in N(λ ). Our construction preserves continuity of X(λ ) across the first (but only the first) discontinuity in N(λ ). We use pn (λ ) to denote P(N(λ ) ≤ n). In this section, we assume that the pn (λ ) are all monotone in λ in the same direction; to be concrete, we assume they are all decreasing, pn (λ − 4) > pn (λ ), ∀n, λ , 4 > 0, as in the case of the Poisson distribution, for which we have


Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

d e−λ λ n pn (λ ) = − < 0. dλ n! As is customary in the simulation context, our construction starts from an infinite sequence of independent uniform random variables. The key step lies in the generation of the last summand ξN(λ ) . The construction at a pair of points λ0 and λ < λ0 is illustrated in Figure 1. We generate a uniform U and sample N(λ0 ) by inversion to get N(λ0 ) = n iff pn−1 (λ0 ) < U ≤ pn (λ0 ), with the convention that p−1 (·) = 0. If λ is sufficiently close to λ0 , then we also have N(λ ) = N(λ0 ) = n. On this event, we construct a conditionally independent uniform random variable V=

U − pn−1 (λ ) , pn (λ0 ) − pn−1 (λ )


and we map V to ξN(λ ) using the inverse of the distribution F of ξ , as illustrated in the figure. (A different approach using a similar distance from the boundary is reviewed in [1], pp.233-234.) As λ decreases, it eventually reaches a point λ ∗ at which U = pn−1 (λ ∗ ) and at which N(λ ) drops to N(λ0 ) − 1. Just at this point, we have ξN(λ ) = 0, provided F(0) = 0; thus, X(λ ) remains continuous at the discontinuity in N(λ ). On the event {N(λ ) < N(λ0 )}, we then generate ξN(λ ) from an independent uniform without using V or the uniform U used to generate N(λ0 ). We combine these steps in the algorithm below.

Fig. 1 Illustration of the locally continuous construction

pn(λ) pn(λ0) F(x)


pn−1(λ) pn−1(λ0)


Algorithm: Locally Continuous Construction • Generate a uniform random variable U and determine N(λ0 ) = n. • Generate uniform random variables U1 , . . . ,Un−1 .

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


• For λ < λ0 , calculate N(λ ) using U. −1 −1 • If N(λ ) = n, then X = ∑n−1 i=1 F (Ui ) + F (V ). N(λ )

• Otherwise, X = ∑i=1 F −1 (Ui ). Example 1. Suppose N(λ ) is a Poisson random variable with mean λ and the ξi are unit-mean exponential random variables. The left panel of Figure 2 shows a sample path of this construction as a function of λ (for fixed Ui ) with λ0 = 12. As we decrease λ from 12, the first drop in N occurs near 11.5, but X changes continuously across that point. The next discontinuity in N occurs near 10.5 and there X is discontinuous as well. The probability that X has a discontinuity in (λ0 − ∆ , λ0 ) is the probability of two or more Poisson events in this interval and is therefore o(∆ ). The right panel of the figure shows the average over 10 independent paths and illustrates the smooth dependence on λ in a left neighborhood of λ0 = 12.

Fig. 2 A single path X (1) (λ ) (left) and the average of 10 paths X (10) (λ ) (right) using the locally continuous construction near λ0 = 12 11

12 11.5 X(10)(λ)


10 9 8 7 9

10.5 9.5










To ensure that this construction leads to unbiased derivative estimates, we need some conditions: Assumption 1. All pn (λ ) are monotone in λ in the same direction, and EN(λ ) < ∞. Assumption 2. Each pn (λ ) is differentiable in λ and ∑∞ n=0 |(d/dλ )pn (λ )| is uniformly convergent on compact intervals. This assumption about uniform convergence allows for the application of an elementary convergence theorem to conclude that  ∞  d d pn (λ ) EN(λ ) = ∑ − . dλ dλ n=1 For the rest of this section, we assume that (d/dλ )pn (λ ) ≤ 0. Proposition 1. Suppose that Assumptions 1–2 hold. Also, suppose that the distribution F of the ξi has finite mean, has F(0) = 0, and has a density f that is continuous


Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

and positive on (0, ∞). Let Φ be Lipschitz continuous on [0, ∞). Then under the locally continuous construction for X(λ ), we have i h d i d h E Φ(X(λ )) = E Φ(X(λ )) . dλ dλ Proof. There exists M > 0 such that |Φ(x) − Φ(y)| ≤ M · |x − y|, for all x, y ≥ 0. Define a sequence of functions {gα } with α = λ0 − λ by gα =

X(λ0 ) − X(λ ) λ0 − λ

which is non-negative by construction. Then, Φ(X(λ )) − Φ(X(λ )) 0 ≤ M · gα . λ0 − λ We will prove the result by applying the generalized dominated convergence theorem to the left hand side of this inequality indexed by α. For this, we need to show that limα↓0 gα = g for some function g a.s. and that limα↓0 Egα = Eg. For almost surely any U, there is a left neighborhood of λ0 such that N(λ0 ) = N(λ ) for all λ in this interval. If N(λ0 ) = 0, then we have nothing to prove. If N(λ0 ) = n > 0, then it is straightforward to see gα =

F −1 (V0 ) − F −1 (V ) →g λ0 − λ

as α goes to zero, where V0 = and g=

U − pn−1 (λ0 ) , pn (λ0 ) − pn−1 (λ0 )


U − pn−1 (λ ) pn (λ0 ) − pn−1 (λ )

  1 d pn−1 1 −V0 · · − (λ ) . 0 f (F −1 (V0 )) pn (λ0 ) − pn−1 (λ0 ) dλ

To show Egα → Eg, we compute as follows: EX(λ0 ) − EX(λ ) EN(λ0 ) − EN(λ ) = · Eξ λ0 − λ λ0 − λ ! ∞ dpj dEN(λ ) → Eξ · |λ =λ0 = Eξ · − ∑ (λ0 ) . dλ j=0 dλ

Egα =

On the other hand,

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


  1 −V0 d pn−1 |N(λ ) = n − (λ ) 0 0 f (F −1 (V0 )) dλ n=1   Z ∞ ∞ dpj 1 − F(x) = ∑ − (λ0 ) · f (x)dx, (with x = F −1 (V0 )) dλ f (x) 0 j=0 ∞

Eg =


= lim Egα α

because V0 is uniform in [0,1] given N(λ0 ) = n. t u The analysis and figures above show how the locally continuous construction smoothes the potential discontinuity in X(λ ) at the first discontinuity of N(λ ) by arranging to have ξN(λ ) small near the discontinuity. This would not be possible if the support of F were bounded away from zero, which may raise a question about the effectiveness of the construction, because F could be nearly flat near zero, and F −1 thus nearly discontinuous near zero. A closer examination suggests that if F is nearly flat near zero, then the variance of X(λ0 ) − X(λ ) may be very large. More precisely, we will show this through an analysis on the mean squared difference. For this result, we first need an additional assumption: Assumption 3. The continuous and positive density function f (x) is monotone on (0, xl ) ∪ (xu , ∞) for some 0 < xl < xu . Proposition 2. Suppose that f (x) ∼ cx1/β −1 near zero for 0 < β ≤ 1 and that F has finite variance. Then, under Assumptions 1–3, we have      ∞  2 E X(λ0 ) − X(λ ) = ∑ kVar(ξ ) + k2 (Eξ )2 − ak P N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = k k=2 ∞

  + ∑ ψ(bk )P N(λ0 ) = k + 1 k=0

where ak ∈ [0, Var(ξ )+(2k −1)(Eξ )2 ], bk = (pk (λ )− pk (λ0 ))/(pk+1 (λ0 )− pk (λ0 )) and ψ(b) = O(b(1+2β )∧2 ). Proof. We first note that the assumption on the behavior of f near zero implies F(x) ∼ cβ x1/β ,

F −1 (x) ∼ (x/cβ )β .

Let us write the mean squared difference of the left side as   2 ∞   2 E (X(λ0 ) − X(λ )) = ∑ E X(λ0 ) − X(λ ) ; N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = n n=2

h i 2 +E F −1 (V0 ) ; N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = 1   2 −1 −1 +E F (V0 ) − F (V ) ; N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = 0 (4)


Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

where V0 , V are same as defined in Proposition 1. Let us take a look at each term on the right side. On the event {N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = n, N(λ ) = k}, the random variable U is constrained to be uniform in h i h i pn+k−1 (λ0 ), pn+k (λ0 ) ∩ pk−1 (λ ), pk (λ ) . Therefore, the first term equals " #  n−1 2 ∞ −1 ∑ E ∑ ξi + F (V0 ) |N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = n P(N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = n) n=2


n−1 and the expectation in the expression is between E[(∑i=1 ξi )2 ] and E[(∑ni=1 ξi )2 ]. From these bounds, it is easy to get the first term in the statement. As for the second term, straightforward computations yield   E F −1 (V0 )2 ; N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = 1 ∞   = ∑ E F −1 (V0 )2 ; N(λ0 ) = k + 1, N(λ ) = k


k=0 ∞ Z pk (λ )∧pk+1 (λ0 )

k=0 pk−1 (λ )∨pk (λ0 ) ∞

F −1 (V0 )2 dU

∑ (pk+1 (λ0 ) − pk (λ0 )) k=0

Z 1∧bk

F −1 (x)2 dx



with bk = (pk (λ ) − pk (λ0 ))/(pk+1 (λ0 ) − pk (λ0 )). The integral in the last inequality is less than O(b1+2β ) because Z 1∧b 0

 F −1 (x)2 dx ≤ E(ξ 2 ) ∧ F −1 (b)2 b .


Similarly, we compute   2 E F −1 (V0 ) − F −1 (V ) ; N(λ0 ) = N(λ ) Z pk (λ0 ) 


k=1; pk−1 (λ )

2 F −1 (V0 ) − F −1 (V ) dU

(pk+1 (λ0 ) − pk (λ ))

k=0; pk (λ )

Z 1 0

2 F −1 (x + (1 − x)bk ) − F −1 (x) dx.


Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


We derive upper and lower bounds for the integral in the last equality. Recall that F(x) ∼ (x/cβ )β and f (x) is increasing in (0, xl ) and decreasing in (xu , ∞) by the monotonicity assumption. Let us denote F(xl ), F(xu ) by l and u. Without loss of generality, we assume that l < 1/2 and that f is monotone on (0, l + ε) for a small positive real number ε. Then, for a sufficiently small 0 < b ≤ ε/(1 − l), we have Z l

2 F −1 (x + (1 − x)b) − F −1 (x) dx


Z b

F −1 (2b)2 dx +


Z l Z x+(1−x)b

f (F −1 (y))


≤ bF −1 (2b)2 +

x l (1 − x)2 b2

Z b

f (F −1 (x))2






where we used the monotonicity of f . Due to the assumption f (x) ∼ cx1/β −1 near zero, we can find small δ , ε 0 > 0 such that 1 − ε0 <

cx1/β −1 < 1 + ε0 f (x)

whenever x ≤ δ . Therefore, as long as F −1 (b) ≤ δ , the last expression becomes less than O(b2 ) + (1 + ε 0 )


Z δ F −1 (b)

cx1/β −1

dx = O(b2 ) + O(b1+2β ) = O(b(1+2β )∧2 ).

On the other hand, we compute Z l

2 F −1 (x + (1 − x)b) − F −1 (x) dx


Z l Z x+(1−x)b

= 0

Z l 0



1 f (F −1 (y))



(1 − x)2 b2 dx f (F −1 (x + (1 − x)b))2

(1 − l)2 b2 (1 − b)

Z F −1 (l+(1−l)b) F −1 (b)

1 dx, f (x)

using the monotonicity of f . Now a similar argument as above yields that this integral is O(b(1+2β )∧2 ) as well. Note that this bound acts as a lower bound for the entire integral over (0, 1) instead of (0, l). For the integral over (l, 1), we observe that Z u

2 F −1 (x + (1 − x)b) − F −1 (x) dx = O(b2 )



Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

and that 2 Z 1 Z 1 Z −1 −1 F (x + (1 − x)b) − F (x) dx = u


Z 1 u


1 f (F −1 (y))


(1 − x)b f (F −1 (x + (1 − x)b))

b2 = (1 − b)3

Z 1

b2 ≤ (1 − b)3

Z ∞ F(x)2



f (x)

2 dy


2 dx

(1 − y)2 dy f (F −1 (y))2 dx.

It is not hard to see that the last integral is finite because, for any 1/2 < γ < 1, Z ∞ F(x)2 xu

f (x)

2 1 dx f (y)dy f (x) xu x Z ∞Z ∞ Z ∞ f (y) 1 ≤ y2γ f (y)dy dy dx 2γ y f (x) xu x x Z ∞ Z ∞

dx =

Z ∞ 1−2γ Z ∞ x y2γ f (y)dydx xu

2γ − 1


Z ∞

2−2γ y2 − xu y2γ


(2γ − 1)(2 − 2γ)


f (y)dy

where we utilized the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the monotonicity of f . Using this result and (7), the third term in (4) can be rewritten as ∞

∑ (pk+1 (λ0 ) − pk (λ0 ))φ (bk ) k=0

with φ (b) = (1 − b)+

Z 1

2 F −1 (x + (1 − x)b) − F −1 (x) dx = O(b(1+2β )∧2 ).


Since the upper bound (6) for (5), which bounds the second term in (4), is O(b1+2β ), the result follows. t u Proposition 2 gives additional information beyond the unbiasedness of the derivative estimator. For comparison, we examine the mean square difference under a standard construction in which N(λ ) is generated by inversion (using common random numbers at different values of λ ) and the same ξ j are used at all values of λ . Under this construction, we have

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


  2 E X(λ0 ) − X(λ )    ∞  = ∑ kVar(ξ ) + k2 (Eξ )2 P N(λ0 ) − N(λ ) = k k=2 ∞

     2 + ∑ E ξ P N(λ ) = k|N(λ0 ) = k + 1 P N(λ0 ) = k + 1 . k=0

The conditional probability in the second term is only of order O(bk ). Comparing this with the corresponding summation in Proposition 2 term by term, we note that if F −1 (x) ∼ xβ near zero for very small β (F being nearly flat), then ψ(bk ) in Proposition 2 is close to O(bk ). Thus, the smoothness of the locally continuous construction degrades to that of the standard construction as F −1 becomes nearly discontinuous at zero. For example, let us consider the case of Poisson N(λ ) and ξi = Γi (k, 1) having a gamma distribution with shape parameter k and scale parameter 1. Figure 3 shows sample paths of X for λ0 = 12, k = 3, 30, and the averages of 10 sample paths. We observe that the k = 30 case (for which F is very flat near zero) does not benefit from the locally continuous construction as much as the k = 3 case.

Fig. 3 Locally continuous construction of Poisson sum of Γ (k, 1) random variables. The figures show individual paths X (1) (λ , k) (top) and averages over ten paths X (10) (λ , k) (bottom) for k = 3 (left) and k = 30 (right). 350 X(1)(λ,30)


40 35 30 25 9




250 9












300 275


30 27.5 25 9






350 300 250 9




Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

4 Application to the Squared Bessel Bridge We now return to the example of Section 2.2 to show that it falls within the scope of our unbiasedness result. In particular, we focus on the compound Bessel sum in Y3 . Proposition 3. The Bessel distribution satisfies Assumptions 1–2. Proof. As observed by Yuan and Kalbfleisch [13], Eη =

zIν+1 (z) 2Iν (z)

and this is finite and differentiable; they also provide an expression for Eη 2 . Next, recall the series representation of Iν (z) with ν > −1, z > 0: (z/2)2k+ν

Iν (z) =

∑ k!Γ (k + 1 + ν) .


This is uniformly convergent on compact intervals of ν or z, so we can differentiate Iν (z) with respect to either variables and get ∞ (∂ /∂ z)Iν (z) 2k + ν = ∑ bk (ν, z), Iν (z) z k=0  ∞  (∂ /∂ ν)Iν (z) z Γ 0 (k + 1 + ν) = ∑ log − bk (ν, z), Iν (z) 2 Γ (k + 1 + ν) k=0

(8) (9)

because the series in (8)–(9) are uniformly convergent on compact sets. Direct computations yield ∂ ∂ P(η ≤ n) = ∂z ∂z n



∑ b j (ν, z)



= =

2 z 2 z


 2 j + ν (∂ /∂ z)Iν (z) − b j (ν, z) z Iν (z) ∞

∑ ∑ ( j − k)b j (ν, z)bk (ν, z)

j=0 k=0 n ∞

∑ ∑

( j − k)b j (ν, z)bk (ν, z) < 0,

j=0 k=n+1

where the last equality comes from ∑nj=0 ∑nk=0 ( j − k)b j bk = 0. In a similar way, we have

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


 z (∂ /∂ ν)Iν (z) Γ 0 ( j + 1 + ν) b j (ν, z) log − − ∑ 2 Iν (z) Γ ( j + 1 + ν) j=0  n ∞  0 Γ (k + 1 + ν) Γ 0 ( j + 1 + ν) − = ∑ ∑ b j (ν, z)bk (ν, z) > 0. Γ ( j + 1 + ν) j=0 k=n+1 Γ (k + 1 + ν)

∂ P(η ≤ n) = ∂ν


In the last inequality, we used the relationship Γ (z + 1) = zΓ (z) so that Γ 0 (z + 1) 1 Γ 0 (z) = + . Γ (z + 1) z Γ (z) To prove the uniform convergence of ∑∞ n=0 |(∂ /∂ z)P(η ≤ n)|, we note that, with µ := Eη,  ∞  ∂ P(η ≤ n) 2 ∞ n ∞ = ∑ ∑ ∑ (k − j)b j bk ∑ − ∂z z n=0 j=0 k=0 n=0 =

2 ∞ n ∑ ∑ b j (µ − j) z n=0 j=0

∞ 2 ∞ = ∑ −µP(η > n) + ∑ jb j z n=0 j=n+1 ! ∞ 2 = −µ 2 + ∑ j2 b j z j=0


and the last term converges to 2Var(η)/z uniformly. For the other partial derivative, we show that ∑∞ n=N+1 (∂ /∂ ν)P(η ≤ n) is uniformly bounded as follows: ∞ n ∞ ∂ P(η ≤ n) ≤ ∑ ∑ ∑ kb j bk ∂ν n=N+1 n=N+1 j=0 k=n+1 ∞

∑ ∑


n=N+1 k=n+1 ∞


(k − N − 1)kbk


and this can be made arbitrarily small on compact intervals of ν by choosing a sufficiently large N. t u The application of the locally continuous construction to Y3 is illustrated in Figure 4. The top two figures show averages over 100 and 1000 paths as ν ranges over the interval [−0.5, 0.5]. The bottom two figures show averages over the same number of paths but using a standard construction in which separate streams of uniform random variables are used to generate η and the summands Z j . Under the standard construction, every change in the value of η introduces a discontinuity in Y3 ; the figures illustrate the smoothing effect of the locally continuous construction.


Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

Fig. 4 Averaged paths of Y3 in ν ∈ [−0.5, 0.5] using the locally continuous construction (top) and (100) (ν) (left) and a standard construction (bottom). The methods are averaged over 100 paths Y3 (1000)

(ν) (right).





Y(1000) (ν) 3

Y(100) (ν) 3

1000 paths Y3

0.06 0.04

0.04 0 ν

0.02 −0.5






Y(1000) (ν) 3

Y(100) (ν) 3

0.02 −0.5


0.06 0.04 0.02 −0.5

0 ν


0 ν


0.06 0.04

0 ν


0.02 −0.5

5 Globally Continuous Construction In this section, we use special properties of the Poisson distribution to develop a globally continuous construction of X(λ ) when N(λ ) is Poisson with mean λ . The Poisson case is of particular interest in many applications, including the L´evy process simulation discussed in Section 2.1. In a slight change of notation, we now use N to denote a unit-mean Poisson process. Let T1 < T2 < · · · be the jump times of N, and read N(λ ) as the number of T j that fall in [0, λ ]. We will use the spacing between TN(λ ) and λ to generate ξN(λ ) in order to make ξN(λ ) = 0 at a discontinuity of N(λ ). In more detail, on the event {N(λ ) = n}, set Rn = Tn /λ , Rn−1 = Tn−1 /Tn , . . . , R1 = T1 /T2 . Then, from standard properties of Poisson processes, it is straightforward to check that the R j are conditionally independent given {N(λ ) = n} and that they have beta distributions with parameters j and 1, for j = 1, . . . , n. This conditional distribution is simply x j ; we denote it by Fj,n . Now transform the variables to get ξ j = F −1 (1 −U j ),

U j = Fj,n (R j ),

j = 1, . . . , n,

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


N(λ )

and set X = ∑ j=1 ξ j . A discontinuity in N(λ ) occurs when λ crosses some Tn . Just at the point at which λ = Tn , we get Rn = 1 and Un = 1 and therefore ξn = 0, provided F −1 (0) = 0. Algorithm: Globally Continuous Construction • • • •

Set a maximum λ0 Generate unit-mean Poisson arrival times T1 , T2 , . . . until Tn ≤ λ0 < Tn+1 For each λ ≤ λ0 , determine m such that Tm ≤ λ < Tm+1 and calculate R1 , . . . , Rm . Set X(λ ) = ∑mj=1 F −1 (1 − Fj,m (R j ))

To illustrate, we repeat the example of Figure 3 using the new construction in Figure 5. The global continuity is evident in the figures. In the case k = 30 (on the right), the discontinuities are replaced with points of steep increase, again because of the behavior of the distribution F near zero.

Fig. 5 Globally continuous construction of Poisson sum of Γ (k, 1) random variables. The figures show individual paths X (1) (λ , k) (top) and averages over ten paths X (10) (λ , k) (bottom) for k = 3 (left) and k = 30 (right). 380 X(1)(λ,30)


40 35 30 25 9




300 9








400 X(10)(λ,30)


340 320

35 30 25 20 9






350 300 250 9



This construction yields unbiased derivative estimators. The Poisson distribution satisfies Assumptions 1–2. Proposition 4. Suppose that the distribution F of the ξi has finite mean, has F(0) = 0, and has a density f that is continuous and positive on (0, ∞). Let Φ be Lipschitz continuous on [0, ∞). Then, under the globally continuous construction for X(λ ), we have


Paul Glasserman and Kyoung-Kuk Kim

i h d i d h E Φ(X(λ )) = E Φ(X(λ )) . dλ dλ Proof. We define gα =

X(λ0 ) − X(λ ) , λ0 − λ

α = λ0 − λ > 0.

Suppose 0 < T1 < · · · < Tn < λ0 < Tn+1 , n ≥ 0. For any realized sample path of N, we have N(λ ) = N(λ0 ) if λ is sufficiently close to λ0 . Then we have, for such λ ,   n   n  F −1 1 − λTn − F −1 1 − Tλn 0 gα = , λ0 − λ which is non-negative by construction. This converges to  n 1 −V0 n Tn g := · , V0 = 1 − . f (F −1 (V0 )) λ0 λ0 Now we get lim Egα = lim



EN(λ0 ) − EN(λ ) · Eξ λ0 − λ

= Eξ . On the other hand, ∞

Eg =

n=1 ∞



∑ e−λ0 n!0 E[g|N(λ0 ) = n] ∑ e−λ0


λ0n n!

Z ∞ 1 − F(x) 0

f (x)

· f (x)dx,

x = F −1 (V0 )

= Eξ where we used the fact that V0 is uniform in [0,1] given N(λ0 ). The rest of the proof follows from the generalized dominated convergence theorem, as in Proposition 1. t u

6 Concluding Remarks We have derived unbiased derivative estimators for random sums through constructions that preserve continuity in the sum across discontinuities in the number of summands. The constructions accomplish this by making the last summand zero at the potential discontinuity. Our first construction provides an interesting example yielding an unbiased pathwise estimator despite being only locally continuous.

Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums


Our second construction is globally continuous but applies only to compound Poisson sums. The compound Poisson case arises in approximating L´evy processes; a compound Bessel sum arises in exact simulation of the Heston stochastic volatility model. Acknowledgements This paper is a version created by Kyoung-Kuk Kim. The original publication is available at and appeared in Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo Methods 2008 published by Springer-Verlag.

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Sensitivity Estimates for Compound Sums

driven models of asset prices and exact sampling of a stochastic volatility ... For each λ in some parameter domain Λ, (1) determines the distribution of X(λ) ...... Then, from standard properties of Poisson processes, it is straightforward to check.

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