Chapter 1: Classes Primal Path Rage burns in every barbarian’s heart, a furnace that drives him or her toward greatness. Different barbarians attribute their rage to different sources, however. For some, it is an internal reservoir where pain, grief, and anger are forged into a fury hard as steel. Others see it as a spiritual blessing, a gift of a totem animal.

Path of the Haka The tribal island nations of the world share a legend in their folklore, often presented as a parable or an inspirational tale. The tales tell of a bold tribal chief and warrior, Aata the Fierce, a giant of a man who led his tribe through decades of famine, drought, disaster, and war. For nearly a hundred years, Aata was known as the greatest chief in all the island nations, and his tribe was more powerful and prosperous than any other. Some versions say Aata disgraced himself on the battlefield, running from combat as a coward, though others say that he brokered a deal with a demon, in a bid to achieve immortality. In either case, near the end of his reign, the warrior-markings of his tribe (his Ta Moko) suddenly and without cause faded from his face. He was cast out of his tribe as a cursed creature and banished from his island home. For years after, he wandered the world without purpose, fighting not for glory, but for survival. In the depths of his despair and self-loathing, he threw himself into danger, suffering mortal wounds time and again, but always survived, and even grew stronger. From this dark, sullen place, Aata found new meaning: if he could not die, then he would spend eternity bringing glory to his people and reclaiming his warrior spirit. He cast off the name Aata, and took up the name Haka, in honor of his tribe's most sacred rituals. His Ta Moko flared to life, deeper and more vibrant than before. It is in honor of the great, immortal leader of the island tribes that their greatest warriors take up this Path, learning to channel their warrior spirit just as their ancestor of old.

Additionally, as a reaction when you are hit by an attack, you can spend a ki point to add your Wisdom modifier to your AC, potentially causing the attack to miss. You regain all spent ki points when you finish a short or long rest.

Crush While you are unarmed and not wearing medium or heavy armor, you gain the following benefits:  While raging, when you make an unarmed strike, you can take a -5 to your attack roll to deal an additional 10 damage.  Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for purposes of overcoming damage resistance and immunity.  Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. While you are raging, your unarmed strikes deal increased damage as shown on the table below: Barbarian Level 7th 10th 15th 18th

Unarmed Damage 1d6 1d8 1d10 1d12

Haka Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to channel your ki through elaborate ritual posture, dance, and shouting. As an action on your turn, you can spend one or more ki points to use one of the following abilities:

Ta Moko Starting at 3rd level, you are granted a set of elaborate facial tattoos which allow you to channel your inner power. You gain a ki pool and a number of ki points equal to half your barbarian level, rounded down.

1 Art by Adam Rebottaro ©2012 Greater than Games, LLC

Martial Archetypes Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting their fighting prowess. The martial archetype you choose to emulate reflects your approach.

Hero of Legacy

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Haka of Battle. Make a single unarmed strike against a creature within your reach. If it hits, the attack deals an extra die of damage. For every additional ki point you spend on this ability, add an additional die of damage. Haka of Restoration. You regain 1d12 hit points. For every additional point of ki you spend on this ability, you regain additional hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Haka of Shielding. You gain resistance to all damage types until the start of your next turn. For each additional ki point you spend on this ability, the next time you take damage you reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

Savage Mana At 10th level, whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain 1 ki point. Additionally, your connection to your warrior spirit inhibits your aging: you suffer none of the frailty of old age, you can’t be aged magically, and you can no longer die of old age.

Punish the Weak Starting at 14th level, whenever you hit a hostile creature with a melee attack, if it has less than half its health remaining it takes additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.


Pauldric Parsons, the man history knows as the First Legacy, was a man of simple means and humble origins. Despite being a poor wheat farmer, Pauldric was the mortal son of a forgotten but not yet powerless god of the Sun and Harvest. During a raid on his lands by orcish invaders which threatened his land, his home, and family, his godly blood took hold of his mortal form, and he smashed through the oncoming horde with ease. Parsons took up the name Legacy to honor his godly parentage, and devoted the remainder of his amazingly long life to destroying the forces of evil. Since then, the children and descendants of the Parsons line have upheld Pauldric's Legacy: once or twice a generation, a child would display a feat amazing strength or impossible prowess, and once identified they would be trained to fight and use their strength for good. Though the bloodline has split thousands of ways over the ages, those with a deep connection to the Legacy still exist, and with the right training can bring their powers to fruition and forge their own Legacy.

Fortitude Starting at 3rd level, while you are both unarmored and not wielding any weapons or a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Strength Modifier + your Constitution modifier. Additionally, your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage, and increase in damage you gain levels in the fighter class, as shown on the Fortitude Unarmed Strike table below. Starting at 7th level, your unarmed strikes also count as magical for the purposes of bypassing damage resistance.

Fortitude Unarmed Strike Fighter Level 7th 10th 15th 18th

Unarmed Damage 1d6 1d8 1d10 1d12


Superhuman Durability

Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to bolster your allies to boost their power in combat. As an action on your turn, you can inspire your allies, causing you and each friendly creature within 30 feet of you to deal additional damage equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier on all weapon or spell attacks until the start of your next turn. At 5th level, when you use this ability, you may make a single unarmed strike as a bonus action, and at 10th level this ability effects all friendly creatures within 60 feet.

At 18th level, you gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. As an action on your turn, you can gain immunity to a single damage type of your choice until the start of your next turn.

Danger Sense Starting at 7th level, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Motivational Charge At 10th level, as an action on your turn, you can move up to your movement speed towards a hostile creature you can see and make a single unarmed strike against that creature. If you hit, you and all friendly creatures within 60 feet of you heal a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier.

Next Evolution At 15th level, while you are not wearing medium or heavy armor you gain a fly speed equal to your normal movement speed, and your movement speed increases by 10 feet.

Fighting Styles The following new options for the Fighting Style feature are available to any class which gains this feature. Back-Fist Strike. When a creature targets you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a single unarmed strike against that creature before their attack happens. Surge of Strength. While you are unarmed, you add +1 to your unarmed strike attack and damage rolls. Lead from the Front. As a bonus action on your turn you can adopt a defensive stance, allowing you to draw your foe's attacks. Until the start of your next turn, when a friendly creature that you can see is hit by an attack you may use your reaction to move up to half your movement speed towards that creature. If you end your movement speed adjacent to that creature, you are hit by that attack instead.

Background: Scion of Legacy Though the bloodline of Pauldric Parsons has fractured over the years, at least one direct familial line has lasted through the ages. Though not all choose to or can carry on the family's legacy, each has found their own way to impact the world in a meaningful way You are a trueborn son or daughter of the line of Parsons. Since your youth, you have been trained for the day when your blood's powers will either awaken, allowing you to take on the Parson's Legacy, or decide to stay dormant, prompting you to set off and forge your own destiny. Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Persuasion Tool Proficiencies: None Equipment: A set of common clothes, a set of clothes prominently displaying the Parsons family crest, a signet ring, a copy of the Legacy diary, a letter from your father/mother, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: Hero Your family name is well known, and that brings both advantages and hurdles. People will actively seek you out to help them right wrongs and obtain justice, and will also

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d6 Flaw

readily give you the benefit of the doubt when you are suspected of wrong doing. Many commoners will offer to help you in whatever small way they can.


Suggested Characteristics


As a Scion of Legacy, you've been raised with the sole purpose of taking over as the newest in a long line of heroes. This may perfectly suit you, or it may go completely against your nature; in either case, it is what is expected of you. d8 Personality Trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I am headstrong to a fault and always assume my natural powers will get me out of any scrape. I am reserved, always being careful not to overuse my strength. I love reading the tales of the previous Legacies. I am, at my heart, a pacifist; I will not kill unless the situation is unbelievably dire. I do not tolerate foul language from my companions. I am constantly blessing my allies with idioms and bits of good advice I have learned from my training. My compatriots are closer to me than even my family, and I will always fight to protect them. I have a special place I go when the stress of the world is too great, so that I can meditate in solitude.

d6 Ideal 1 2 3 4 5 6

Greater Good. The meek should be protected by the strong, and no one is stronger than I am. (Good) Justice. Criminals cannot be allowed to run amok; I am the arm of the law, and I am strong. (Lawful) Tradition. The Legacy must be kept, and I am next in line. (Neutral) Independence. I am not my father/mother; I will forge my own Legacy. (Chaotic) Supremacy. The previous Legacies were fools; with my power, I could rule the world. (Evil) Abandonment. I was born to this life, but I did not choose it, and I will not be a part of it. (Chaotic)

d6 Bond 1 2 3 4 5 6

My spouse/child is the most important thing in the world to me; they are why I fight evil. I seek to topple a great foe who has hounded my family for generations. Legacy’s Ring is my birthright, but I have not yet earned it. I seek to prove I am worthy to wear it. The approval of the previous Legacy (my mentor) is worth more to me than gold. My family was driven from our home by evil; I will take it back, by any means necessary. My city is my ward: I will defend her from all evils, both within and without.



4 5 6

Though I was trained to be even-tempered, I often resort to violence as my first course of action. I honor the Legacy, but I resent it for stripping me of the choice to have a normal life. I will sacrifice everything to protect my friends and family, even against my better judgement. My power is often hard to control, and I find it hard to hold back even when it would be important to do so. I never lie, even when it would benefit me to do so. The Legacy means nothing to me; I am using my mentor as a means to an end, and that end is power.

Monastic Traditions Three traditions of monastic pursuit are common in the monasteries scattered across the multiverse. Most monasteries practice one tradition exclusively, but a few honor the many traditions and instruct each monk according to his or her aptitude and interest. All traditions rely on the same basic techniques, diverging as the student grows more adept. Thus, a monk need choose a tradition only upon reaching 3rd level.

Way of Repair In a forgotten corner of a dark and wicked city, there stands a rundown repair shop, ignored by most. On most days, a blind old man wearing simple garments and a belt of tools, waits in the shop for customers and tinkers with his projects, items seemingly broken beyond repair. Despite his calm demeanor and soft-spoken voice, many who encounter the old man can sense that, despite his age and blindness, there is more to him than meets the eye. Some even think the old man is dangerous; they are right. In truth, the old man, who responds only to "Slim", was a martial arts master of unparalleled ability. He dedicated his life and skill to the protection of his city, which is plagued by criminals and corrupt lords. His repair shop was once a great school, and he trained a number of capable, powerful warriors. Sadly, his greatest pupil betrayed him, putting out his eyes and joining the ranks of his foes. His spirit broken, the old man shuttered his school for decades, and vowed never to take another student. Yet, as the old man began to approach his final years, he found himself ill-content to take his knowledge with him to the grave. He began training new students, hoping that one may surpass his former pupil, and exact the justice upon her that she deserves.

Bonus Proficiencies When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the spiked chain and improvised weapons, and can treat them as monk weapons. Additionally, you gain proficiency with tinker's tools and smith's tools. This spiked chain is a double, finesse, reach, twohanded weapon that deals 1d4 damage on a hit. A double weapon has two damage-dealing ends. While wielding this weapon, you are treated as if you are wielding two weapons, and, while engaging in two-weapon fighting, you can use either end of the weapon to make bonus attacks.

Stance At 3rd level, when you select this subclass, you learn to adopt a specialized fighting stance. You can adopt one of the following stances as a bonus action on your turn, and it lasts until you are incapacitated, take a rest, or use a bonus action to switch into a different stance. You can only be in one stance at a time. Alternating Tiger Claw Stance. Damage dealt by your monk weapons or unarmed strikes ignores damage resistance. Driving Mantis Stance. When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC, potentially causing the attack to miss. Grease Monkey Fist Stance. When you take this stance, select a damage type: your unarmed strikes and monk weapons deal that type of damage instead of their normal type. When you make an unarmed strike or an attack with a monk weapon, you can spend a ki point to change the damage type.

Riveting Crane Stance. When you hit a creature with a monk weapon or an unarmed strike, you can spend a point of ki to throw that creature off balance. The next creature other than you who makes an attack against that creature gains advantage on the attack roll.

Tool Fighting Style At 6th level, you have gained significant skill in fighting with specific monk weapons. Select one of the Tool Fighting Styles listed below. You can use an action to switch to a new tool fighting style. Dual Crowbar Style. While using this fighting style, you can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one. When you engage in two-weapon fighting with monk weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. Additionally, you can use Flurry of Blows using a monk weapon you are holding. Hoist Chain Style. When you hit a creature with a spiked chain, it has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes. Jack Handle Style. While wielding a versatile monk weapon, you can use your action to make a melee attack against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a separate attack roll for each target. Pipe Wrench Style. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and damage rolls while you are wielding a monk weapon in one hand and nothing in the other. Tire Iron Style. Whenever you throw a monk weapon, it immediately returns to your hand, and you can use Flurry of Blows with a throwing monk weapon.

Harmony At 11th level, you learn to disorient and confuse your foes with your shifting styles and stances. When you change either your Stance or your Tool Fighting Style, you deal an additional +1 damage on all unarmed strikes until the end of your next turn. If you change both your Stance and your Style in the same turn, your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage until the end of your next turn instead.

Overdrive At 17th level, you learn to push yourself beyond what is normally possible. When you use the attack action on your turn, you can spend 7 ki points to take an additional action.

5 Art by Adam Rebottaro ©2012 Greater than Games, LLC

Otherworldly Patrons

The Dead Mists Expanded Spells

The beings that serve as patrons for warlocks are mighty inhabitants of other planes of existence—not gods, but almost godlike in their power. Various patrons give their warlocks access to different powers and invocations, and expect significant favors in return. Some patrons collect warlocks, doling out mystic knowledge relatively freely or boasting of their ability to bind mortals to their will. Other patrons bestow their power only grudgingly, and might make a pact with only one warlock. Warlocks who serve the same patron might view each other as allies, siblings, or rivals.

The Dead Mists The Dead Mists of R'lyeh have for eons been a deadly trap for astral travelers. Foolhardy wizards and mystics would push themselves further and further into the astral sea, and would eventually find themselves wrapped in the eldritch mists. Lost and without guide, they would inevitably succumb to the mist's soul-draining effects, and would become little more than food for the astral beings who slept in the mists. Such was the fate of one such explorer: Faye Diamond, a scholar of the otherworldly from another time and another place. Lost in the mists, she assumed that her fate would be the same as those who had come before, and indeed it would have had she not made contact with The Master of the Mists. Though their astral connection, the Master taught her all that he could about how to navigate and control the mists, and though this intervention Faye was saved. Decades later, a much different woman returned to the mists which once threatened to consume her. Faye had become so attuned with the Dead Mists that they were now a part of her, and she a part of them. Fearing that she would finally be destroyed by the mists, she searched for her old master. Upon discovering his resting place and seeing his lifeless form on an eldritch golden throne, she immediately understood her final purpose: she would become the Maiden of the Mists, and would guide others the way her master had guided her years before.

Spell Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Spells fog cloud, heedless lash detect thoughts, mistbound clairvoyance, scouring mists black tentacles, confusion oblivion, scrying

Eldritch Investigation Starting at 1st level, you learn to open your mind to the Dead Mists of R'lyeh, granting you eldritch insights and power. As a bonus action, you can deal yourself necrotic damage equal to 1d8 times the level of your Pact Magic slots. At the start of your next turn, you regain an expended Pact Magic slot. Damage from this ability ignores both damage resistance and damage immunity, and does not subtract from your temporary hit points, if you have any. If this ability reduces you to 0 hit points, you are knocked unconscious, even if you have temporary hit points. You must be able to perform the somatic components of a spell in order to use this ability.

Expanded Spell List The Dead Mists of R'lyeh have bestowed upon you an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.


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Mist-Fueled Recovery

At 10th level, you learn to fully immerse yourself in the Dead Mists, transforming you in to a hazy, misty reflection of your true self. As an action, you can cast the spell gaseous form on yourself without using a spell slot.

You throw caution to the wind and wrap yourself in the Mists of R'leyh, imposing a shadow of the past on your mind and body. You regain 4 spell slots of 5th level or lower. When you cast this spell, you can choose drink deep the Dead Mists and take necrotic damage equal to half your current hit points. This damage ignores both damage resistance and damage immunity. If you do so, you regain the expended uses of up to three abilities which normally recover when you take a rest. Once you cast this spell, you cannot cast this spell again for 24 hours, even if you have an available 9th level spell slot.

Master of the Mists


Starting at 6th level, your body begins to merge with the Dead Mists, allowing you to heal your mortal form by burning eldritch energy. As an action on your turn, you can consume one of your available Pact Magic spell slots; doing so heals you 1d8 hp per spell level of the slot consumed.

Mist Form

At 14th level, you learn to infuse the Mists of R'lyeh into your spells, leeching vitality from your foes. Once per turn, when you deal necrotic damage to a hostile creature with a warlock spell, you regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier.

New Spells These spells are available to a warlock of the Dead Mists.

Heedless Lash 1st-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous You conjure forth a glowing, white tendril formed of the Dead Mists of R'lyeh, which lashes out at a foe, but also wracks you with pain. Make a ranged spell attack roll against a creature within range; if you hit, the target takes 4d8 necrotic damage. You take 1d8 necrotic damage when you cast this spell. This damage ignores both damage resistance and damage immunity. At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage to your target increases by 2d8 and the damage to yourself increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Mists of Time 9th-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous

2nd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (20-foot radius) Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute When you cast this spell, glowing white tendrils of smoke reach up from the ground in a 20-foot radius area around the point where you stand. When a creature other than you enters the affected area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled by the tentacles until the spell ends. A creature other than you that starts its turn in the area and is already grappled by the tentacles can make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your spell save DC. On a failure, it can't take actions or reactions until the start of its next turn. On a success, it frees itself. When you cast this spell, you take 2d8 necrotic damage, and you take an additional 1d8 necrotic damage at the end of each round you concentrate on it. This damage ignores both damage resistance and damage immunity.

Oblivion 5th-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (40-foot radius) Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous You open an instantaneous portal to the heart of R'lyeh, allowing the Dead Mists to wreak havoc. Each creature within a 40-foot radius area around you (including yourself) must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 6d8 necrotic and 6d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed, or half as much on a successful one.


When you cast this spell, you can choose to take 10 points of necrotic damage, which ignores both damage resistance and damage immunity. If you do so, you can choose a number of creatures in the area equal to your spellcasting modifier. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on the saving throw against this spell.

Scouring Mists 3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (a handful of white phosphorous) Duration: Instantaneous With a gesture, you fling 4 waves of the Dead Mist at targets within range, rending their flesh from their bones. You may fire them at one target or several. A target must make a Dexterity saving throw for each wave they are targeted with. A target takes 3d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. When you cast this spell, you take 1d8 necrotic damage for each wave you launch. This damage ignores damage resistance and damage immunity At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can fling an additional wave per slot level above 3rd.

Chapter 2: Magic Items Magic items are presented in alphabetical order. A magic item’s description gives the item’s name, its category, its rarity, and its magical properties.

Absolution Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement) The blade known as Absolution is a massive, ornately decorated greatsword. Glowing celestial runes trail down the length of the blade, terminating in a large, circular guard in the shape of a solar cross. Originally believed to be the weapon of a supremely powerful Solar, its true origins are a mystery. Absolution is a magic greatsword, which adds +3 to both attack and damage rolls made with it, and when you damage a creature with Absolution you can choose to deal either slashing, radiant, or fire damage. The first time you draw Absolution while in combat, you gain a number of temporary HP equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you take a short or long rest. Absolution is indestructible by any normal means. It is immune to all damage types, and can only be destroyed by a wish spell or divine intervention.

Aegis of Resurrection Armor, legendary (requires attunement) Appearing as a set of stark white half plate with a bold red cross running through the middle, this armor radiates untold amounts of holy power. While worn, the armor grants an attuned wearer +3 to their AC and saving throws in addition to the armor's normal AC. As well, when the wearer would be reduced to 0 HP, the wearer instead is reduced to 1 HP and is targeted by a heal spell; once this ability is used, it cannot be used again for 24 hours. The Ageis of Resurrection is indestructible by any normal means. It is immune to all damage types, and can only be destroyed by a wish spell or divine intervention.

Akpunku’s Drum Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a bard) This expertly crafted lap drum aids bards in inspiring their allies. As a bonus action on your turn you can play the drum. When you do so, each creature you choose that can hear you and which has an unused Bardic Inspiration die


Art by Adam Rebottaro ©2012 Greater than Games, LLC

can add 1d4 to their attack and damage rolls until the beginning of your next turn.


Amulet of the Elder Gods

This mace, cut from a single, massive piece of jade, is carved with symbols depicting the history and legends of the island people who crafted it. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally, once per turn when you hit a hostile creature with this weapon, you gain 1 ki point (if you have a ki pool).

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, wizard, or warlock) This simple bronze disc, held in place by a green silken sash and carved with the Elder Symbol, radiates incredible abjurative power. The amulet has 3 charges. When you would take damage from any source, you can use your reaction and expend 1 charge to instead take no damage. You then make a ranged spell attack targeting a creature you can see within 120 feet. On a hit, that creature takes necrotic damage equal to the damage you would have taken. The amulet regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Drake’s Pipes Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a bard) This set of silver flute-pipes aid bards in inspiring their allies. While wielding the pipes, you can target up to two creatures when you use Bardic Inspiration.

Elder Ring Ring, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, wizard, or warlock) This ornately carved gold ring is scrawled with eldritch sigils and runes, and has wide, flat engraving of the Elder Symbol on its top. While attuned to the ring, you add +2 to your spell attack rolls and save DCs. Additionally, when you deal damage with a spell, you can add 1d6 necrotic damage to the damage roll.

Legacy’s Ring Ring, legendary (requires attunement) This plain, silver band has an inscription on the inner surface which reads, "Furthering your Father's Legacy." Despite its common appearance, it has been passed down from every Scion of Legacy to the next, for generations. As such, it has gained an immense amount of power over the years, which it grants to its holder. Currently, the ring gives an attuned wearer the following benefits:  Your Strength score is 24.  Your speed is increased by 20 feet  You can take an additional action on your turn. Once you use this trait, you must finish a long rest before you use it again.

Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)

Musaragni's Harp Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a bard) This beautifully crafted golden harp aids bards in inspiring their allies. As a bonus action on your turn you can play the harp. When you do so, each creature you choose that can hear you and which has an unused Bardic Inspiration die regins hit points equal to 1d6 + your Charisma modifier.

Staff of Ra Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) You have resistance to fire damage while you hold this staff. As well, spells you cast that deal fire damage deal an additional 1d6 fire damage. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: burning hands (1 charge), cure wounds (1 charge), fireball (3 charges), or wall of fire (4 charges). The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. You can sacrifice the staff to deal a massive strike to a single creature. As an action, you can throw the staff at a creature within 120 feet as a ranged spell attack: If you hit, the staff explodes, dealing the creature 1d8 fire and 1d8 piercing damage for each charge remaining the staff. If destroyed in this way, the staff will reform at dawn of the 7th day after it was destroyed, in the hands of the attuned wielder.

Starshield Necklace Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) This lavish golden necklace take the shape of a large golden disc, studded with numerous gemstones, with a massive ruby as its central setting. While attuned to the starshield necklace, you can use a bonus action to consume a spell slot and regain 1d8 hit points for each level of the slot consumed.


Tahia Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement) This quarterstaff takes the shape of a sturdy, double-ended oar, and is covered in scrawlings, patterns that grant the wood unnatural strength. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Once per turn when you attack a creature with this weapon, you can make an additional attack against another creature within 5 feet of the target.

Telemon’s Lyre Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a bard) This masterfully carved lyre aids bards in inspiring their allies. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to play the lyre; if you do so, until the start of your next turn, any creature who can hear you who uses a Bardic Inspiration die you granted to them can roll the die twice, taking the better result.

Xu’s Bell Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This intricately carved bell aids bards in inspiring their allies. While wielding the bell, whenever you use Bardic Inspiration, you can target any number of creatures within 20 feet instead of choosing a single creature. You must spend a use of Bardic Inspiration for each creature targeted. Art by Adam Rebottaro ©2012 Greater than Games, LLC

Thanks for reading! Everything in this book is inspired by the cooperative card game, Sentinels of the Multiverse, by Greater than Games LLC. If you enjoyed the characters and options provided here, go and check out this fantastic card game at once! If you want to see more options or the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, visit and support and Mage Hand Press on Patreon. The characters, items, and spells in this book are copyright Greater than Games LLC and are not affiliated with Middle Finger of Vecna or Mage Hand Press.


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For complete copyright information please see the online version of this text at ... In 1826, Poe began attending the University of Virginia, but was expelled later that .... character of the premises with the accredited character of the people, and 

Conduct of the Regional Evaluation of the Application Projects of ...
Conduct of the Regional Evaluation of the Application Projects of School Heads Development Program.pdf. Conduct of the Regional Evaluation of the ...

the lamentations of the dormition of the theotokos -
On up-borne clouds, O Virgin, again we go before you unto the gates of Heaven. 13. The holy staff is laid down inside the tomb and hidden and from it Life has ...

The estimation of the geographic positioning of the ...
COASTAL AND OPEN SEA WATER I .... taking into account. For the study of the wave field .... the offshore as well as of the nearshore/coastal area (Fig. 2 and 4).

The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
Jan 7, 2018 - Prayer List. For the Catholic faith in the world, may it be an anchor of under- standing for God's love. We pray... For our Bishop George Leo Thomas and the Diocese of Helena. May our resolve to the mission of Christ and the challenge o

The Captain of the Host of the LORD
LORD'S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place ... case “l” in the KJV, represents (usually) a different word from “Lord,” with a capital ...

Decision of the Management Board - On the appointment of the ...
Mar 16, 2017 - Lenihan as the Agency's Accounting Officer (EMA/MB/124276/2012). Done at London, 16 March 2017. [Signature on file]. Christa Wirthumer- ...

The Task of the Referee
own papers, and by reading referee reports written by others. ... actually subtract from the general store of ... You should also make the strength of your opinions ...

pdf-1492\the-history-of-the-sufferings-of-the-church-of-scotland ...
Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. pdf-1492\the-history-of-the-sufferings-of-the-church-of-scotland-volume-4-by-robert-wodrow.pdf.

The influence of the social networks of the board of ...
auditors in facilitating the cross-firm diffusion of corporate disclosure ... Using data from 149 companies listed on the Dutch stock ..... First data on general firm.

A Declaration of the First Principles of the Oracles of the ...
spoke these things, Isaiah had written, by the Spirit's guidance, " For unto us a child is BOSH,. UDto us a Ron is given: and the government shall be upon his ...

pdf-1319\the-history-of-the-island-of-antigua-one-of-the-leeward ...
... the apps below to open or edit this item. pdf-1319\the-history-of-the-island-of-antigua-one-of-the ... rom-the-first-settlement-in-1635-to-the-present-time.pdf.