September 3, 2017 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Mass: Vigil 4pm; 9am, 11am Daily Mass: Mon - Fri: 9am Morning Prayer 8:45am Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm Confessions Available First Saturday Mass: 9am
St. Athanasius Church 300 Haverhill St, Reading, 01867 Monday - Friday 9am-4pm
[email protected] Facebook: Twitter:
Phone: 781-944-0330 Fax: 781-944-1266
Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:153:45pm and during Eucharistic Adoration. Baptism: Celebrated the 3rd Sunday at 1pm. Call to register for Baptism Prep. Anointing of the Sick: Notify the office when a person is seriously ill. Extraordinary Ministers are available to bring the Eucharist to the homebound. Marriage: Call at least 6 months in advance of your wedding.
St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA
September 3, 2017
Please pray for our military and civilians who defend our freedom, especially: The 26th “Yankee” Brigade, and 1st Lts. Ryan & Nolan Johnson, US Army, Patrick Cavanaugh, PFC Christopher Lewis, Lcpl Brenden Amico, Cpl. 3rd Class Christopher Donohue, Justin Whitmarsh, PFC Michael Goddard, Chaplain Tom Whiteman, Brian Basso US. Army, USMC Captain Zachary Johnson
Saturday, Sept 2 9:00am First Saturday Mass 4:00pm Stephen Canty Memorial Sunday, Sept 3 9:00am Mass for the People of St. Athanasius 11:00am Salvatore Izzo Memorial Monday, Sept 4 9:00am Michael A. Baltier Sr. Memorial Tuesday, Sept 5 9:00am Salvatore Lombardo Memorial Wednesday, Sept 6 9:00am NO MASS Thursday, Sept 7 9:00am Bernard Silva Memorial 6:30pm Adoration Friday, Sept 8 9:00am Jean Caizzi Memorial Saturday, Sept 9 4:00pm Mattivello & Tassinari Families Memorial Sunday, Sept 10 9:00am May Rubbico Birthday Memorial 11:00am Mass for the People of St. Athanasius
Remember those in need of prayers, especially: Maryann Lucerto, Margaret Sumner, John Cadigan, Pat K & Family, Marie Brown, JDF & Family, Patrick & Brianna, Rick Q, Trudy, Sean T, Dianne, Dina Luongo, Anne,Katy, Bernadette, Bryan, Guarino Family, Fran P, Robert, Richard, Steve R, Nowicki family, Scott, Trudy, Carla, Patrick M, Matthew, Paula, Marie M,Sheila S, Bob C, Rose, Dom, Daniel, Paige Goulet, Sandra Cadigan, Lindsey, Matt & Chloe, Margie M, Kelly G, Frank G, Ben Goodhue, Jeff Eble, Peter, James B, John M, Christine M, Sheila D, Richard Rossi, Dottie Dillon, Dorothea Golini, Richard, Andrew, Thomas, Anna W, Mary M, Terry G,Larry Yetman, Marion,Phil T,Beth O, Denise, Martha K,Anne Marie, Barbara G, Tim Ervin and family, Barbara, Daniel, Asher,Brian,Caitlyn,Frank Thomas, Ryan Smith, Johnson Family,Elliott Family,Beth Munn Griffin, Bill Griffin & famly, Danny,Joan.B,Josephine.S,Bob Curran, David W, Morgan L, Enzo David
SPECIAL INTENTIONS : Flower Donation In Memory of : Anthony & Catherine Lombardo
These names will stay in the Prayer Corner until Sunday, Sept 3rd. Call the office or email
[email protected] to add or renew a name of your loved ones on the list.
Mass Attendance Aug 26/27: 430 Collection for weekend of Aug 26/27: $ 5790 2nd Collection - St.Peter Apostle Mission: 2944
Next Week 2nd Collection : Deficit Reduction
Sept 4
Labor Day
Office Closed
Sept 23
Bottles & Cans
SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN
Join us for Eucharistic Adoration at St. Athanasius
Jer 20:7-9/Rom 12:1-2/Mt 16:21-27 1 Thes 4:13-18/Lk 4:16-30 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Lk 4:31-37 Col 1:1-8/Lk 4:38-44 Col 1:9-14/Lk 5:1-11 Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23 Col 1:21-23/Lk 6:1-5 Ez 33:7-9/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20
Every Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm With Confession 2
St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA
September 3, 2017
F ROM THE PASTOR A friend of mine once gave me an insight on leadership that both informed and surprised me. He said that too many managers define leadership as finding a way to NOT make a decision. There is certainly a place for deliberation and allowing a situation to ripen in order to make the wisest decision as the best time, but we all can recognize the pressure to avoid a difficult decision and know when those in leadership are avoiding the unavoidable as well. This often makes matters worse. One developing situation for St. Athanasius Parish is our future collaboration with St. Agnes. No doubt this change can be daunting and a cause for nervousness, but if done well, our future collaboration should bring benefits to both parishes. Recently, the pastors, priests, and deacons of our parishes gathered to discuss the first steps of preparation that will lead to the formal beginning of collaboration in June 2019. I was very pleased that everyone was of the same mind: the goal is for both parishes to keep their separate identities, continue to do what makes sense in each parish, and don’t do what doesn’t make sense even as we collaborate where necessary. Nonetheless, some change will come that will need to be worked out in the next two years and beyond, but always with the insight of the Parish and Finance Councils of both parishes. One change I need to announce before we begin the new season is, actually, a return to something that I did when I first arrived. In view of the approaching collaboration and given the schedules of the priests here, we will not be celebrating a daily Mass at St. Athanasius on Wednesdays starting this week. However, Mass is available at St. Agnes at 9:00am where Deacon Neil has never stopped assisting. I’m sorry for the inconvenience this will cause our loyal “daily Mass-ers,” but, hopefully, it can also be seen as an example of how we will move forward towards collaboration with everyone’s best interests in mind. Thank you.
CELEBRATION OF THE PRIESTHOOD Supporting the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Thursday Sept 28,2017 Seaport World Trade Center, Boston Special Guest Roma Downey Emmy Nominated Actress and Producer
Individual Tickets $500.00 For more info please visit 3
St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA
September 3, 2017
St. Athanasius Picnic September 24th 12:00 to 3:00
is h !! Par ings !! pen p a H
Religious Ed. Deadline Sept 9th PLEASE SIGN UP
Mark your calendars for our annual picnic. Please join us for a delicious barbeque with hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages, chips and cold drinks. There will be outdoor activities for the kids too! It is a great chance to visit with old and new friends!
Registration is on-going for the fall 2017-2018 Session. ** Some classes start Sept 17th so please sign up ** Please download the forms on line if needed or on our website @ or call the office.
Please bring your favorite side dish, salad or dessert to share. Volunteer opportunities are available for adults and CCD students. Sign-up sheets are at the back of the Church Questions or comments? Contact Dana Percy @
[email protected] or 781-956-2810.
Class Schedule : Grade 1- Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 or Saturdays 9:00-10:00 Just added another grade 1 Class from 1:00-2:00 on Wednesday. Please call if you are interested in this class. Grade 2- Saturdays 9:00-10:15 Grade 3- Tuesdays 3:00-4:00 ( Teachers Needed) - or Saturdays 9:00-10:00 Grade 4- Wednesdays at 1:00-2:00 or 3:00-4:00 or Saturdays 9:00-10:00 (Teachers Needed) Grade 5 – Tuesdays 3:00-4:00 or Saturdays 9:00-10:00 Grade 6- Alternating Wednesdays 3:00-4:30 Saturday class, every other week from 8:45 - 10:15, as long as we get a teacher and have enough requests for it. Grade 7 – On Scheduled Sundays from 9:55 -10:55 Grade 8- On Scheduled Sundays from 12:00 -2:00 Confirmation I & II On Scheduled Sundays from 12:00 -2:00
Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA). September is Recovery Month Theme for 2017 - Join the Voices for Recovery RCASA will host a series of special events to recognize National Recovery Month.
For Grades 7-10 there may be a few weekly time changes depending on activities or some combined classes.
Sun. 9/10/17- RCASA Recovery Month Booth at the Reading Fall St. Faire Wed. 9/20/17- RCASA and Reading/North Reading Chamber of Commerce Breakfast for Business Community, 7:30-9 am Tues 9/26/17- RCASA will host regional partners of the Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition for the Annual Voices for Recovery & Remembrance Celebration at RMHS, 62 Oakland Rd, Reading 6-7 pm. Thurs. 9/28/17- RCASA Annual Meeting featuring DA Ryan and Dr. Ruth Potee, Keynote Speaker at RMHS, 7-9 pm
Registration deadline is September 9th, 2017. After this a $25.00 late fee will be applied to your tuition fee. We are still in need of volunteer teachers for our fall session. If you are willing to help please email me at
[email protected] or call me at 1-781-944-0330 at ext. 14 . All volunteers will save 25% of the cost of the tuition. Please consider helping!!!
Addiction is NOT a choice it is a Disease … Help end the Stigma - Visit
St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA
September 3, 2017
COMMUNITY NEWS St. Athanasius and St. Agnes Youth Ministry WE ALWAYS NEED VOLUNTEERS for events listed Please contact Brad Agostonelli , Youth Minister Cell: 585-200-2831 Office: 781-944-0330
[email protected]
2017 Massachusetts March for Life Continuing a long tradition this October as the Massachusetts Citizens for Life will honor Respect Life Month with our Annual Massachusetts March for Life around Boston Common on Sunday, October 1, 2017 from 1 to 4pm. The March is an inspiring opportunity for pro-life supporters of all ages to give public witness to their belief in the value and sanctity of all human life. We can also celebrate the gains we have made in the respect for life, including a decrease in the numbers of annual abortions in Massachusetts by half over the past couple of decades. Please come join us for a day you will always remember and send a clear message to the world that we value life in Massachusetts! ***Please contact Brad if you or your teen would like to attend with a group from St. Athanasius.
BOTTLE & CAN The next bottle and can organizing session is on Saturday, 9/23 starting at 8am. We need youth and adult volunteers to help sort and all of the money deposits return to St. Athanasius Parish.
COR UNUM MEAL CENTER Our next visit to serve dinner at Cor Unum Meal Center in Lawrence are to be determined These trips are open to ages 13 and up. We will meet at 3:15pm in the St. Athanasius Parish Center and return to Reading around 7:30 or 8pm. PLEASE RSVP TO BRAD ONE WEEK BEFOREHAND.
FAMILY MASSES Our next Family Masses at St. Athanasius are at 9am on Sundays 9/24 and 10/22.For our Family Masses, we seek teens and youth to help with the Mass by serving as lectors for the readings, bringing up the gifts, and assisting with the offering collection.Please sign up with Brad if you would like to participate in the Family Mass.
CLERGY HEALTH & RETIREMENT TRUST In two weeks, the diocese-wide collection will support the health and well-being of our 590 Boston priests. Our priests are always there for us; they share Christ’s good news, joyfully perform good works, and spread good faith to all they encounter. Show your gratitude by giving generously to the collection on September 16/17. You may also make your gift online at or simply text the word PRIEST to 56512 (msg. & data rates may apply). And don’t forget to find and follow the Trust on Facebook by searching “@ClergyTrust.” Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous support of our priests through the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust.
September 3 ~ Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Paul puts a very strong challenge before us in today’s second reading, “Do not conform yourselves to this age…” It is so easy to be seduced into thinking that material things will satisfy the longings in our hearts. The Scriptures today remind us that when we follow the example of Christ, and consciously live as his disciple, not only will our longings be satisfied but we will be better able to discern God’s will. Take a moment at this Eucharist to ask Christ to transform your life so that all that you do will be good and pleasing to God. 5
St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA
September 3, 2017
Parish Staff
Beginners wanted!
Pastor ………………………………. Reverend Darin V. Colarusso
[email protected]
Come and Learn Italian !!
Parochial Vicar………………………..Reverend Patrick Armano
[email protected]
The Burlington Sons of Italy is once again offering Italian Language classes from beginner to intermediate to advanced. Registrations will take place on Wednesday, September 6th at St. Margaret's School on Winn Street in Burlington from 6:00 to 8:00. The 12 week fall semester will begin on Wednesday, September 13th at St. Margaret's School.
Permanent Deacon………………………….Deacon Neil Sumner
[email protected] Permanent Deacon…………..….………...Deacon Matt Baltier
[email protected] Administrative Office Manager………………. Kerry Laurenza
[email protected] Director of Religious Ed……………………….. Jo-Ann Rossi
[email protected]
For complete details, schedules and instructor profiles, please visit the Sons of Italy web site ( and click Italian Classes or call 781-272-0529.
Music Director..………………………………………..John Donovan
[email protected] Business Manager……………………………………...Janine Castro
[email protected] Administrative Assistant ……………………….. Luann Barretto
[email protected] Youth Ministry……………………………………….Brad Agostinelli
[email protected]
Free program on managing chronic pain
Religious Ed Administrative Assistant …..Michele Barrette
[email protected]
Is living with chronic pain affecting your life? Chronic pain may cause sleep loss, increased stress and loss of motivation around everyday activities. Learn to manage pain and continue living a fulfilling life through this FREE six-session program. On Wednesdays, September 20th to October 25th, 2017 from 1:00-3:30 pm at Hallmark Health Medical Center (right off route 128) 30 Newcrossing Rd, Reading MA; Sponsored by Hallmark Health. Registration is required; SPACE IS LIMITED. Please call 781-338-7823 to register or for more info.
Submissions for our bulletin are by Monday 9am
[email protected]
Janet Perault Program Development Coordinator Hallmark Health VNA and Hospice, Inc. telephone (781) 338-7902 fax (781) 338-7801
[email protected]
Suggestions for August Canned chicken or tuna, Napkins, Juice boxes for Children, snack packs of chips or cookies, Ketchup, Relish, Mustard, Coffee Caring for the needs of our Community
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Learning From Within
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The Theological Institute of St. John’s Seminary NEW Location: 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree
Visit u our s in n loca ew tion !
Master of Arts in Ministry and Master of Theological Studies Tuesday – 5:00-7:00 pm Thursday – 5:00-7:00 pm • Basic Truths of the Catholic Faith, Rev. Paul Ritt • God: One in Three, Dr. Angela Franks • Canon Law, Prof. Jane Devlin • Moral Theology for the Lay Apostolate, Rev. Eric Cadin • Catholic Social Doctrine, Rev. Eric Bennett • Come Holy Spirit, Prof. Celia Sirois Tuesday – 7:30-9:30 pm Thursday – 7:30-9:30 pm • Faith and Reason, Dr. Angela Franks • Survey of the Old Testament, Prof. Celia Sirois • Pastoral Care in the Parish, Dr. Aldona Lingertat • The New Evangelization, Dr. Angela Franks • Parables of Jesus, Rev. Peter Grover, OMV
Register for Fall courses by visiting For info: 617-779-4101, ext. 1 For Advertising call 617-779-3771
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Pilot Bulletins
Saint Athanasius, Reading, MA