Sevier County High School Dance Team 2010-2011 Tryout Information Sponsor/ Coach Lori Hill Dear Parents/Guardians and Potential Dance Team Member, It is already that time of year again…dance team tryouts!!! My name is Lori Hill, and I am the dance team sponsor and coach for Sevier County High School. I am looking forward to meeting you and seeing what you may be able to bring to our team. I will have an informational meeting on Saturday, February 27th, 2010 at 9:00 AM in the commons area of SCHS followed by a Skills Day for dancers in 5th grade through high school interested in learning and brushing up on their dance skills. This is a great opportunity for all, especially before tryouts. During the meeting, I will go over all of the information in this packet and answer any questions you may have. The tryout clinic days are Monday, March 1st, 2010, Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010, and Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 with tryouts on Thursday, March 4th, 2010. We will begin each day promptly at 3:30 PM and end at 5:00 PM. Ending time on tryout day will vary for each participant. Please be available to pick up your child after he/she has completed tryouts. The attached information contains all paperwork, dates, prices, etc. that you need to fill out and be aware of before trying out. All information must be submitted on or before Saturday, February 27th, 2010 in order to participate in tryouts. There will be no exceptions for this deadline as I need time to verify all paperwork before the actual clinic begins. You may drop paperwork off at the school’s main office. Please put all paperwork in a manila envelope with attention to Lori Hill and the name of the potential dance team member written on the front to ensure proper delivery. Once the team is formed there will be a mandatory meeting on Monday, March 8th, 2010 to discuss all information regarding the dance team as well as the collection of the deposit. At least one parent or guardian must be in attendance. The meeting will begin at 3:30 and last approximately one to two hours. On this day, any dancer who would like to sell back their uniforms from the previous year’s team will have them available to sell to new dance team members. Please check for important news, information, downloadable documents, etc. This website is a main source of communication for the dance team throughout the year, especially during the summer months. Any schedule changes, important notices, etc. will be posted on this website. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have at [email protected] or at school, 453-5525. See you soon,

Lori Hill 9th Grade English Teacher Dance Sponsor and Coach


Important Dates All the following dates are mandatory: Tryout Clinic: March 1st through March 3rd, 3:30-5:00 PM, SCHS Commons Area Tryouts: Thursday, March 4th, 3:30-Varies, SCHS Room C-17 (Mrs. Hill’s Classroom) First Meeting and Deposit Due: Monday, March 8th, 3:30, Room C-17, $700 Uniform Ordering and Remainder Due: Tuesday, March 16th, 3:00, C-17, $700 Summer Practice Sessions: TBA ASAP Summer Camp: TBA ASAP Optional Informational Meeting: Saturday, February 27th, 9:00, SCHS Commons Area Optional Skills Day: Saturday, February 27th, 10-3, SCHS Commons Area, Cost is $25, lunch will be provided, grades 5-12 welcome

Due on or before Saturday, February 27 , 2010 in order to tryout: th

• • • • • • • • •

Rules and Regulations Handbook Agreement Application for Dance Team Tryouts and Grade Verification Form Three Teacher Evaluations Contact Form Sports Medical Permission Form TSSAA Pre-Participation Medical Evaluation Form (Physical by Physician) Emergency Treatment Form Proof of Insurance- Copy of front and back of insurance card or school copy $20 Tryout Fee

Attire for Clinic and Tryouts: • • •

Tank Top (Preferably black) Black Jazz Pants (No sweat pants) Dance or Tennis Shoes


What to Expect at Clinic and Tryouts: • •

Each potential dance team member will learn, review, and perform a dance, toe touch, leaps, turns, splits, and kicks during clinic and for tryouts. Parents/ Guardians are welcome to attend clinics; however, tryouts are CLOSED.

Selection Process There is no set number of team members that will be chosen. A panel will be invited by the coach to judge tryouts. In addition to tryouts, teacher evaluations of each candidate will be taken into consideration before choosing the team as well as coach’s recommendation. All decisions are FINAL. Score sheets are confidential. Current dance team members are not guaranteed placement on the team. Every candidate must repeat the tryout process. Candidates will be scored in a closed tryout individually and in groups of two or three. • • • • • • •

No individual receiving any ALC placement or suspension during the current and/or previous school year is eligible to try out for next year’s team. You must have and maintain an academic standing of 2.5 GPA. Be prompt! Lateness and absences are not acceptable. Review handbook for consequences, which includes removal from tryouts. Captains will be selected by coach before practices begin. Must meet all financial obligations for camp, supplies, and competitions (see “Estimated Expenses”). Deposit of $700 must be made by first meeting on Saturday, February 27th, 2010. Remainder amount of $700 due on Tuesday, March 16th, 2010.

Sevier County High School, its administration, and its coaches do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, or income. This is an equal opportunity organization for SCHS students who meet and follow the rules and requirements of the SCHS dance team. All students interested in trying out for the team are encouraged to participate in tryouts.


Dance Team Estimated Expenses Sevier County High School Sponsor Lori Hill The following items are required purchases for all dance team members:

Item School Insurance Camp One Sleeve Top All Sequins Top Shiny Purple Center Top New 2010 Top Black Jazz Pants Poms Black Practice and Track Shoes Black Jazz Shoes Hair ribbon- purple plain and polka dot Rhinestone Stud Earrings Three day camp wear (3 tops/ 3 bottoms) Warm-up Duffle bag

Price* 10 400 110 70 90 100 50 30 60 45 5 5 100 140 25

Due Date**


Choreography Training Undergarments (bras, Spanx, etc.) Total*

100 60 1400

*Prices are approximate amounts. Exact amounts will be given once figured. **Exact due dates will be given once figured. ***New members are encouraged to purchase uniforms from senior members and have alterations made if possible.

Dance Team Rules and Regulations Sevier County High School Sponsor Lori Hill Purpose 1. Promote and uphold school spirit. 2. Represent SCHS to the highest degree. 3. Set an example of good behavior at all times, whether in uniform or not. 4. Promote camaraderie between team members. 5. Promote friendships with other schools. 6. Build positive community relationships by becoming active participants in community activities. Grades 1. Dancers are expected to maintain an academic standing of 2.5 Grade Point Average (GPA) or 75% out of eight classes during the two semester school year. 2. Grades will be checked periodically during each grading period. If a dancer fails a class or falls below a 2.5 GPA, the dancer will not perform until the required 2.5 is reached. The dancer is still required to attend all practices and events unless otherwise notified. 3. At the end of each grading period, any team member who has not maintained a 2.5 GPA will be placed on academic probation. If the grade has not improved to the required minimum 2.5 GPA by the following grading period, the team member will forfeit their membership. NO EXCEPTIONS! Dancing is a privilege…education comes first! 4. Each dance team member must have their grade card signed by the sponsor/coach at the end of each grading period. Failure to do so may result in termination of membership. Attendance 5

1. Dance team members must be present at school the day of practice or performance in order to participate. 2. Dancers are required to attend all practices, camps, and performances. 3. All members should be in uniform at the designated area one hour before the performance. 4. Dance team members are required to attend all home games scheduled for performances. 5. Dancers are expected to participate in all assigned performances, practices, and fundraisers unless they are ill, injured, or have cleared the issue with the sponsor/coach in advance. 6. The sponsor/coach must be personally notified no later than one hour before practice, designated game time, or fundraiser if a team member will not be in attendance. 7. One unexcused absence will result in termination of membership. 8. Each dancer is allowed three excused absences including illness, injury, or an issue cleared with the sponsor/coach beforehand. 9. Practices, camps, and performances will begin promptly at scheduled start times. Lateness will result in action(s) listed in the section labeled “Discipline,” including sitting out performances. This is a team sport. Everyone involved needs to be in attendance and on time. Respect each other’s time by helping each other arrive on time! Uniforms 1. The sponsor/coach will choose the shoes, uniforms, and accessories you will purchase. 2. You will be required to purchase your own uniform. The school does not provide the uniforms. An estimated expense sheet will be available before tryouts begin. 3. All purchases require payment in full before the order will be placed. A deposit will be required after making the dance team. 4. Dancers are required to have remainder amount due on the day of ordering. 5. Dancers are expected to be in designated uniform at all camps, practices, performances, fundraisers, school days, competitions, etc. 6. A list of specific uniforms for each event will be given as soon as schedules are set. 7. Hair will be worn the same by the dancers during performances. Hair style will be listed on schedule. 8. Dancers are to wear specified undergarments while in uniform. 9. Dancers are to wear similar, uniform makeup during performances. 10. Dancers are not to wear spaghetti strap tank tops, shirts that show cleavage, shorts that show too much, including undergarments or the buttocks at any dance team event. 11. Dancers are not to have unnatural coloring in their hair. 12. Only clear nail polish is allowed during performances. 13. No jewelry is allowed while in uniform, except wearing rhinestone stud earrings in the bottom of the earlobe. No other piercings are allowed to have jewelry in them, including belly button rings.


Camp 1. Camp is mandatory. If a dancer does not attend camp, then the dancer will be removed from the team. 2. Dancers must wear designated uniforms. 3. Camp dates will be set in advance. 4. Camps may require traveling, carpooling, etc. 5. Away camps require “room parents/guardians” per every 4 dancers, which includes making sure dancers are fed, have water, are in designated areas at specific times, in rooms by certain times, are in constant contact with each dancer, know dancers whereabouts at all times, etc. Details and instructions will be given prior to attending camp. Practice 1. Dancers must wear designated uniforms. 2. All practices are mandatory unless otherwise notified. 3. During school, practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 until 5:00 unless otherwise notified. If school is canceled on a scheduled practice day, the practice is also canceled. 4. No jewelry or gum allowed. 5. Cell phones must be turned off or placed on silent during practice; practices are not to be interrupted by phone calls and/or texts. If you violate these rules you will have to complete one of the actions listed under the “Discipline” section including sitting out performances. Games 1. The dance time will perform at most home games during the football and basketball season. 2. Dancers need to be ready and in full uniform at designated times. 3. During football season, dancers will perform a pre-game routine and participate in sideline dances to band performances and simple cheers/dances at varsity games during the first and second quarters only. After the second quarter, dancers will be released. Dancers will not be performing during halftime or the last two quarters, unless a designated school employee other than Mrs. Hill volunteers to be in charge for remaining quarters. If so, dancers are required to be back on the track two minutes before the third quarter. If not, the dancer will not perform. Dancers are required to be in designated area by 5:30 PM for pre-game performances. 4. During basketball season, dancers will perform during halftime of designated varsity games. Dancers will be required to sit together in uniform at start of each game in which dancers will be performing during halftime. Dancers will move locations to stretch, practice, etc. during the second quarter. Dancers will be released after halftime performance. Fundraisers 1. Dancers are to be in designated uniform at all times.


2. Dancers are required to participate fully in all fundraisers. 3. Noncompliance of full participation will result in actions listed under “Discipline” including sitting out performances. 4. Fundraisers are intended to raise money to reimburse uniform costs and raise money for the general dance team fund, which may include end of year dinners, awards, items needed to complete routines, camps, any item the sponsor/coach and/or administration feels will benefit the team, etc. 5. If a dancer does not participate in a fundraiser, they will not be reimbursed uniform costs if a reimbursement is issued. 6. If a reimbursement is issued, money raised will not be reimbursed until the sponsor/coach and/or administration decides to release money. 7. Money raised will be divided equally among dance team members present and the general fund. This is a team sport where all team members are required to participate fully. More dancers present at fundraisers equal the opportunity to make more money to offset dance team expenses. Community Service Projects 1. Dancers are to be in uniform at all times, and follow all school and dance team rules and regulations. 2. Dancers are required to participate in two community service projects before the end of the school year. One must be completed before the end of the first semester, and one must be completed before the end of April. 3. Projects must be approved beforehand. Ideas may include making appearances at assisted living centers, nursing homes, performing as a group or team at a function, etc. Possibilities are endless and each appearance is to be a positive influence on our community and our team. Captain Responsibilities 1. A dancer chosen to be a captain in any form is expected to not only to be a leader for the members of our team but also in the school. Captains are to lead by example and have been chosen because they exemplify leadership qualities. This is by far an honor to be selected. 2. Duties may include assisting sponsor/coach, emailing, contacting members, gathering information, helping orchestrate events, speaking on behalf of the team, running errands, helping choose uniforms, etc. 3. If at any time a captain does not show exemplary characteristics of a leader, a captain may be removed from this highly honored position. Captains lead, but they are to lead by example and treat others as they wish to be treated. Please refer to “Discipline” for noncompliance. Discipline 1. Any of the following will result in immediate dismissal from the team: a. Any ALC placement b. Out of School suspension c. Academic probation for two consecutive grading periods d. Conduct unbecoming of the SCHS dance team


2. 3.

4. 5.

e. Other decisions made by the sponsor/coach and/or school administration Any dancer not in required uniform from head to toe is subject to sitting out performances but required to attend. If a dancer is late, the dancer will run, climb steps, do sit-ups, complete some activity for being late, sit out the next performance, etc. Each minute late will result in one of the actions listed above before participation. If a dancer continues to be late, the entire team will complete the activity and/or the dancer will sit out the next performance but will be required to attend. Noncompliance with any rule or regulation set forth by the school or the dance team will result in necessary consequences including removal from team. Dancers should respect each other as teammates and work coherently as a group. If the attitude or conduct of any dancer should have a negative effect on the team or the school, the sponsor/coach will hold a conference with the dancer and/or guardian outlining the expected behavior improvements. If there is no immediate correction of the behavior or conduct, the dancer will be sidelined until further notice. Behavior problems that persist will result in the dancer being dismissed from the team.

Important Caveats 1. Dancers are to follow all school rules and the rules and regulations set forth by the sponsor/coach as well as understand consequences for noncompliance. 2. Dancers are to maintain a 2.5 GPA and pass 75% of their course load (six classes) in order to remain on the team as well as to try out for the next school year. 3. Dancers must have transportation to all games, practices, fundraisers, performances, etc. 4. All members must have a physician signed physical, medical release form, copy of sports insurance, and emergency contact form on file with sponsor/coach before dancers may participate in any team event. 5. All dance team members must have sports insurance. One $10 payment per year covers all sports through school insurance if your insurance company does not cover sports related injuries. 6. Dancers must meet all financial obligations for camp, uniforms, supplies, competitions, etc. before dancers may participate in any team event. 7. Dance team members are required to attend all events scheduled unless otherwise notified. 8. All members of the dance team represent SCHS, whether in or out of uniform. Public displays of affection (PDA) are not tolerated especially in uniform. Consequences of PDA include sitting out performances. 9. Dancers are expected to show respect for those in authority including faculty, administration, directors, choreographers, etc. A Closing Note I encourage active participation on all parts and welcome suggestions, comments, or concerns at any time. If you need to contact me, please feel free to do so either by email at [email protected] or by phone at 603-5674.



Lori Hill

Rules and Regulations Sign Off Sheet Dear Parents/ Guardians and Dance Team Member, Please sign and print your name and date after reading the following: We have read the Sevier County High School Rules and Regulations handbook and understand all the requirements as outlined as well as we understand consequences of noncompliance. We understand what is expected of a dancer to remain a member in good standing. We will keep ourselves knowledgeable and informed of all rules, regulations, deadlines, etc. concerning the dance team. We realize the consequences of poor behavior or inappropriate actions, which may consist of removal from the team. We will do all we can to uphold the honor of being selected as a member of the dance team, including representing SCHS at all times be it in uniform or not. Should the dancer quit or be dismissed from the team, we understand we will forfeit any deposits paid and no money will be refunded. If we owe a balance on something that cannot be returned, we understand that we are responsible and will pay the remaining balance, which may include services. We also understand that the sponsor/coach and/or administration have/has the final say in a dancer being a member of the SCHS dance team. Parents/Guardians Sign_________________________________________


Print_________________________________________ Sign_________________________________________


Print_________________________________________ Dance Team Member Sign_________________________________________




Application for Dance Team Tryouts & Grade Verification My child, __________________________________________, has my permission to be a dancer at Sevier County High School. I understand that he/she must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the advisor and the principal of Sevier County High School, and be present for all practices and games. I have read the rules and regulations and understand that the violation of any of these rules may lead to temporary or permanent suspension from the squad. I understand and give permission for my son/daughter to ride with the advisor and/or other parents when necessary. I understand that all forms attached must be completed by Saturday, February 27th, 2010 or my child will not be allowed to tryout. I understand that my child must attend all practices (unless excused by the sponsor/coach) and tryout sessions, or my child will not be considered for a dance team position. • I understand that my son/daughter will be evaluated by qualified judges, and we agree to abide by the decision of the judges and sponsor/coach. • I understand all costs involved as stated in the tryout packet and as listed on estimated expense sheet. • I understand by the very nature of the activity, dancing carries a risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the participant and coach are, the risk cannot be eliminated. The risk of injury includes minor injuries such as muscle pulls, dislocation, and broken bones. The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death from landing or falls on the back, neck, or head. I understand these risks and will not hold Sevier County High School or any of its personnel responsible tin the case of accident or injury at any time. ___________________________ _________ _________________________ _________ Parent or Guardian Date Parent/ Guardian Date I am interested in being a dancer at Sevier County High School. I understand the risks stated above. If elected, I promise to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the sponsor/coach and the principal of Sevier County High School. I promise to cooperate and follow the instructions of the sponsor/coach. Student Signature ______________________________________ Date______________ School now attending _________________________________ Grade next year _______ Please complete the following section. You will need your grades, classes, and teachers from first semester to write in your grade and sign, as well as the signatures of your guidance counselor to insure that these are correct.


Grade Teacher Signature


Extracurricular activities ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Guidance Counselor and date to indicate that grades, teachers, and classes have been checked and are correct. ____________________________________________Date ______________

Teacher Evaluation for Dance Team Tryouts Dear Teachers, Please complete the following form and return it to my teacher box before Saturday, February 27th, 2010, or you may download a copy of this form from and email it to me at [email protected]. You may also place the form in a sealed envelope and give it to the candidate. Teacher evaluations will be averaged together to count for a portion of each candidate’s score. These evaluations are confidential and will only be seen by the coach/sponsor. Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Sevier County High School, 453-5525, or through [email protected]. Sincerely,

Lori Hill Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________ Class(es) Taught _________________________________________________________ Approximate GPA ____________School _____________________________________ Did this student ever need to be disciplined by you, and if so, what was the offense? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __ On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best, please rate the applicant in each of the following: _____Ability to get along with others _____Attitude _____Cooperation 12

_____Attendance and punctuality _____Dependability Signature of teacher (if emailing form please provide your email address) ______________________________________________ Date ____________________

Teacher Evaluation for Dance Team Tryouts Dear Teachers, Please complete the following form and return it to my teacher box before Saturday, February 27th, 2010, or you may download a copy of this form from and email it to me at [email protected]. You may also place the form in a sealed envelope and give to the candidate. Teacher evaluations will be averaged together to count for a portion of each candidate’s score. These evaluations are confidential and will only be seen by the coach/sponsor. Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Sevier County High School, 453-5525, or through [email protected]. Sincerely,

Lori Hill Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________ Class(es) Taught _________________________________________________________ Approximate GPA ____________School _____________________________________ Did this student ever need to be disciplined by you, and if so, what was the offense? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __ On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best, please rate the applicant in each of the following: _____Ability to get along with others _____Attitude 13

_____Cooperation _____Attendance and punctuality _____Dependability Signature of teacher (if emailing form please provide your email address) ______________________________________________ Date ____________________

Teacher Evaluation for Dance Team Tryouts Dear Teachers, Please complete the following form and return it to my teacher box before Saturday, February 27th, 2010, or you may download a copy of this form from and email it to me at [email protected]. You may also place the form in a sealed envelope and give to the candidate. Teacher evaluations will be averaged together to count for a portion of each candidate’s score. These evaluations are confidential and will only be seen by the coach/sponsor. Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Sevier County High School, 453-5525, or through [email protected]. Sincerely,

Lori Hill Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________ Class(es) Taught _________________________________________________________ Approximate GPA ____________School _____________________________________ Did this student ever need to be disciplined by you, and if so, what was the offense? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __ On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best, please rate the applicant in each of the following: _____Ability to get along with others 14

_____Attitude _____Cooperation _____Attendance and punctuality _____Dependability Signature of teacher (if emailing form please provide your email address) ______________________________________________ Date ____________________

Dance Team Contact Form Sevier County High School Coach/ Sponsor Lori Hill

Dancer Information Name ________________________________________________________________ Grade in 2010-2011 _____________

Birthday ________________

Home address ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Home number ________________________Cell number ________________________ Email address ________________________________ Class Schedule and Teacher (to be filled out once schedules are made) 1st __________________________________2nd ________________________________ 3rd __________________________________4th ________________________________

Parents/Guardians information Name(s)_______________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ 15

________________________________________________________ Home number _________________________Cell number ________________________ Email address __________________________________ Any Other Information I Should Know:


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