Sabbath Simmun| Ki Tavo


Shavei Israel Presents

| Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8|21 Elul 5775|Sept 05.2015.






Volume VIII No. 47. Sept 05, 2015


PARASHAT KI TAVO Gershon Chongloi Parashat KI-TAVO sunga thu hung = Tu Shabbath Parasha'a hin Mitzvoth (Pa H' thupeh) 6 a'umme. kisim doh ding ho (1) Mitzvat "Bikurim". (2) "Tru- Mitzvah amasapen chu, Ivrit paovin moth" & "Masroth" thupieh. (3) Mitzvah Bikurim akiti'e (Bikurim hi Bekhor tia akuonna hung Phatthei & Gaosap. (4) Pa H' kiti kiladoh ahi. Bekhor kiti hi eipaova thupieh nit ho chunga phatthei ki- amasa, Apieng masa bohding. (5) Gaosap 98 ho. (6) tina ahi). ahilouleh Torah chun gaamasa jouMoshe Rabeinu in Am-Israel te a- sie ti'a ahin sei vangin, Khakhamim gih. hon, Mitzvah Bikurim dinga hi, SHIV'AT HAMINIM leh HINKHO Theiga jat 7, Erezt-Israel gam TEKAH phatthei akibuoh na Theiga ho bou "Pakai na Pathien in napiehna gam ahi'e, tin sei u've (RASHI Bung nahunglhun u'va, agam nachan 26:2, G'mara Masekhet Menakhot u'va nachendet phaat tieng u'leh, 84b, Mishna Masekhet Pakai na Pathien in napiehna gam Bikurim). Theiga jat 7 ho chu: u'va gamasa jousie nalahkhom u'va, 1. Suhlou chaang- Khita. 2. SaPakai in amin umnadi'a adeilhen- kol chaang-Se'ora. 3. Lengpi gana munna nachie diu ahi" (Bung Gefhen. 4. Theichang- Te'ena. 26:1-2). 5. Kolbu thei-Rimon. 6. OliveShabbath Candle Lightning Time in Israel Acco


Kiryat 4












September 2015 - Shavei Israel Newsletter
















Zait. 7. Tuum/Lusu thao- D'vash (Khumash Devarim Bung 8:8 ve tan). Hiche Theiga jat 7 ho hin ipi ahin vet sah ham itileh: 1. Suhlou chaang- Khita. G'mara Masekhet B'rakhot 40a chun hitin akijih'e: Adam leh Khava tenin, Eden huon’a theiga aneh lhon chu, Khita (gehu) ahi'e. Ajeh chu, Naosen hin vanathei thil aneh tieng lebou, a-Nu le a-Pa akou theijin ahi, tin Khakhamim hon asei u've. Khita hin ipi avetsah ham itileh, Mihiem te chihna leh thil apha leh aphalou hetkhenna avetsah in ahi. Chihna leh thilpha le ase het khen nahi, mihiem te dinga apoimo pen tah ahi. 2. Sakol chaang- Se'ora. Alhangpi in Se'ora hi Ganhing ann a kimang ahi. Hijeh chun amin jong hi Sakol chaang tia kisei ahi. (Midrash Yalkut Shimoni). Se'ora hin ipi ahin vet sah ham itileh, Mihiem khat sunga hin "Ganhing" kiti a'um in ahi. Achunga, Chihna leh ase le apha hetkhen kiti chu, lhagao lang seina ahin, chuleh tu'a kisei hi, tahsa lang seina ahi. Ganhing ahin thei nadinga ann aneh tabang chun, Mihiem ten jong tahsa hin theina dingin, ann ane jiu'vin ahi. 3. Lengpi ga- Gefhen. Gefhen hin mi akipa sah in ahi. David lengpa chun hitin ahin seitai: "Lengpi twi hin mi lung akipa sah in ahi…" tin, ahin seitai (Tehilim 104:15). Gefhen hin ipi ahin vet sah hitam itileh, Mihiem khat hinkho sunga Phengmai 3 banjom

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MOHARAN AKUONA KIHILNA 2:1C Rav Yehuda Gin TZADIK’S PRAYERS & BLESSINGS: Itaonao jouse hi Puon’inn theng part chom chom (parts of the Tabernacle) toh tekah ahiu’e. Moshen Puon’inn theng chu ana tundoh tobangma chun itaonaho jouseho jong hi Moshe (lhagao) in chunglanga P-then koma alhut dingma ahi. (Hitia ahung kisut vanga chu Moshe koma ahilou leh Moshe mina tao ding tinah ahi poi ti he’ute), Pthen koma bou tao ding ahi. Ex.39:33 And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses, the Tent, Ex. 40:18 And Moses reared (Vayakem) up the tabernacle Ahinla, hetdinga poimo kit khat chu ahileh, eiho khanglai a tzadik inei’u ho hi Moshe thakhel tobanga um ahiu’e, hichea het kitjap theichu abangleh tzadikte ho taonaho a hi Tzadik tah tah teho min jong ajao sah jilonao jong hi achunga thu ho jeh hi ahi’in ahi, for example, atao tengu leh “Bizkhuteh debar Yokhai”, “Elaha deMeir” etc. titeho aphah pohji’u ho hi ahi. Hiche chungsona hi hiche tzadik ataopa Torah thepna toh athilpha bol tamtah merit ho toh ahung kithuo tengleh aphachomji kei bouin ahi. Hitia kansei vanga hi milham khat chun a’imacha athu chedan helouin akavanah peh ding dan jong helouin ataona’ho achun “Bizkhuteh debar Yokhai”, “Elaha deMeir” etc.” tiho hi mohphah poh poh jeng jong leh phachom mama inte Katina ahi poi, ken hichea kan tah’lat nom joh chu, itidana tzadikte ho ki taosah’a kivangboh sah hi phachom thei ham ti ahi. 2

TORAH & PRAYER: P-thenthu nitna dinga Torah ijil tengu leh, hiche iTorah jilu’a (Torah study and not merely Torah reading) aTorah thuchang ho chu lhagao meisipah'ho tobang ahiu’e (sparks of neshamot), hiche Torah isimu tuchang ho chu itaonao sunga kijeplutji dan ahi’e. Torah hi mei le twi to tekah ahi, chukit tengleh mei le twi hi van (shamayim) ahi kit ma in ahi, van itiu hi Hebrew hama shamayim atiu’in hiche thuchang vanlanga P-thena dinga Loupina ahi. Tehillim 19:2. The heavens declare the glory of G-d Torah letter ho hi ilhagao’u ho ahiu’e atui’e. Taona chu P-then toh ikihoumat nao ahi. Ilhagao’u leh itaonao ho hi akisalvah toh tohji’un ahi. WHEN WILL THE MESSIAH COME? Itaonao jouse hin Shekhinah (Divine presence) asah ahi. Ahiding banga itaonao ho chun Shekhinah chu asah jouteng leh Messiah chu hung ding ahi atiu’e. Hiche idea hitoh kilhon a ga seijap kit thei chu, Rabbi Israel Baal shem tov lekhathot khat a aki sei dan a chu, Rabbi Baal Shem tov hin spiritual elevation abolin Messiah chu aga kimupin, “Hepu Messiah itih phat teng leh keiho kom langa nahung ding hitam?” tia adoh a leh, Messiah’n jong hitihin anadon but’e, “Torah thuguh nang kan hilte hohi amilhamte hon jong ahin het themu’a amao honjong nang

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tobanga yikhudim anbol theiu’a spiritual elevation nabol tobanga anbol thei tengu leh, chuphat teng chuleh...........satan tha hung lhasuh in tin.....” Alangkhat a sei dinga chu Torah thuguh Israelten ahet tam laise’u a chu Messiah hung ding chu nai cheh cheh jeng dan ahi; Torah thuguh het ding kiti chu ahet’a het bou hilou’a a Judaism lhagao (spirit) thuhing pa hi hinpi ding ti ahi. Chukit tengleh Torah hetthem thei nadinga chu “Derekh Eretz” (umchan pha) leh P-them leh Torah khakhamimte masanga kikhehnem jong agai’in ahi. Talmud a aki mu kit dan a chu, mihem lhagaoho hiche leiset’a hung penglha dinga semsa jouse ahung pensoh kei jou tengu leh Messiah chu hungpan ding danin aseikit’u ve..... Talmud in Messiah hung nading thu a hi jat jat asei kei bou’e... hijong leh hiche thu hi i’main topic’ un koi nai tadi leohen’u, phat dang a dingin koi tadiu te. SHAVEI ISRAEL ORG FOUNDER : MICHAEL FREUND Shavel Israel Office Beit Harel, 3 Am VeOlamo, Street, Suites 1&2 Jerusalem Tel: 02-625-6230/1/2 Fax: 02-625-6233 Web: Email: [email protected]

EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR - Yonathan Haokip Email : [email protected] MANIPUR CORRESPONDENT Nehmang Benjamin Haokip - Ph. 9863731857 Aharon Vaiphei - Ph. 8119041018 EMAILS ISRAEL MANIPUR MIZORAM

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SHAVEI ISRAEL CO-ORDINATOR TZVI KHAUTE : - [email protected] * Achung’a kipe email holah’a khatpen pen’a hi article, thusuoh leh adangdang suonuom hon hinthot thei ahi.

September 2015 - Shavei Israel Newsletter

Parasha banjom hi, kipa na phat leh thanop naphat a'um in, chuleh lhaset naleh lungim na phat jong a'um kit in ahi. Mihiem khat chu, ahinkho sung a lhase tah'a umtheilou ding ahi. Kipa phat leh kipa ding, lhaset phat leh lhaset ding ahi. 4. Theichang- Te'ena. Te'ena ga- amin dan hi, Theiga dang amin dan toh akibang poi. Te'ena hi, abon chan khat vei in ahung min poi. Amin masa a'um in, amin nukhah a'um in ahi. Hijeh chun, Te'ena ga hi ol olla, khat khat a lo ji ngai ahi. Midrash Bamidbar-Raba chun…hitin akijih'e: Ipijeh'a TORAH hi TE'ENA theiga toh hung kite kah a ham itileh, Torah hi khatvei simin akisim chai thei poi. Nikhat ni leh bung khat akisim in, anini ni leh bung ni akisim in, hiti chun ol ollin ahung kisim ban jin ahi. Te'ena ga, amin ahung kibah lou tabang chun. Te'ena hin ipi atekah ham itileh, mihiem khat a'umchan akisem phat tieng, a'umchan chu khatvei'a kisem pha thei lou ding ahi. Ol olla hung kisempha ding ahi. Hijeh chun, khatvei'a ikisemphat joulou jongleh, lungnemna nei lou ding ahi. 5. Kolbu thei- Rimon. Midrash Shir haShirim Raba chun hitin akijih'e: Rimon hi Theiga dang dang sangin amu atam in ahi. Chuleh, Rimon mu hi neo cha cha bou ahi kit in ahi. Hijeh chun, Khakhamim hon, Juda mikhat pou pou chun, Mitzvot hi Rimon Theiga sunga amu tam tah a'um tabang khun anei u'vin ahi, tin ahin sei taove. Rimon Theiga sunga, amu neo cha cha tam tah a'um ho hin ipi atekah u'ham itileh, mikhat thilpha neo cha abol chu, musit lou hel ding ahi. Thilpha neo cha cha hung kibol chu, ol olla hung kigong khomma, ajo natieng, thilpha len tah hung soh doh ding ahi. VetSeptember 2015 - Shavei Israel Newsletter

sah: Migenthei kithopi nadinga chu Shekel 1 bou ipeh thei a ahileh, peh jeng ding ahi. Lhomcha ahin, hijeh chun kipeda tahen, ti'a lungel neilou ding ahi. 6. Olive- Zait. Olive ga hi ineh leh vang akha in ahi. Ahinlah, Olive ga a konna hin Thao ahung kisem doh in, chuleh, hiche Thao hi apanna atamin ahi. Noakh in Vakhu asol chun, Vakhu hin Olive thingna ahin po in ahi (Bereshit Bung 8:11). Ipijeh'a Vakhu chun Olive thingna khel khel ahin poh ham itileh, hitin Khakhamim hon Pirkei deRabi Eliezer lekhabu'a ahin sei taove: Vakhu chun hitin Pa H' komah thumna aneijin ahi: H', kava nadinga nehthei hohi, nangin bou neipe in. Nakhut a konna nehthei neipeh ho chu, kha jong leh… Mihem te khut'a konna neh thei tui tah tah kachan sangin, pha kasa jo'e, tin Vakhu chun Pa H' anga thumna ahin nei tai. Hiche laitah jeh'a chu, Vakhu in Olive thingna khel khel ahin poh ahitai. Olive ga hin ipi ahin tekah kit em itileh, Mihiem chu Pa H' anga bou kingam ding ahi. Ahatna, athepna, achihna ahilouleh athil boltheina ho chu, akisonpi louding ahi. Vakhu in Pa H' anga thu asei chu, haimil lou ding ahi. 7. Tuum/Lusu- D'vash Tamar. Lusu a konna hin Succot a man ding Arba'at haMinim ho lah'a kimang ji khat, Lulav khu ahung kila doh jin ahi. Lulav khu ivet leh, abah khat bou ahi'e. Hiche Lulav hin abah dang-dang anei poi. Lusu=Lulav hi ipi toh tekah ham itileh, kipum khatna avetsah in ahi. Achunga kisei ho jouse chu thil pha tah tah hijongleh, kipum khat na a'um louva ahileh, imacha aphat chom na a'um tapoi! Shabbath Shalom

Hilkhot Netilat YadaiyimChanglhah (Lekhem) neh masanga khutsil ding daan Halakha = Changlhah chu khut tom na ahilouleh puon’a khut itomma ahileh, khutsil louva neh thei ahi'e, ti'a Halakha hin kisei chu, twi umlouna muna juiding’a ahi. Ahinlah, Changlhah neh namun a chu twi a'um leh, twi'a khut sil tei tei ngai ahi. Khut sil louva Changlhah neh kiti chu phallou ahi. = Midang khat in Changlhah einehsah’a ahi jongleh, khut sil ngai ahi. Changlhah einehsah pa chun, Changlhah chu aneh nomma ahileh, akhut akisil ngai ahi. Ahinlah, Changlhah aneh nom louva ahileh, akhut chu akisil angai poi. HET DINGA POIMO: Changlhah neh masanga khut sil kiti hi, Changlhah neh tieng lebou tina ahi. Changlhah chu itoh khah a ahileh, khut sil ngai poi! = Khakhamim hon khut sil ding ahi, ti'a Halakha ahin bol u'hi, Changlhah-Birkat haMotzi akisei ho jouse neh tieng lebou, khut sil ngai ahi. Thil dang, neh thei dang dang ineh tieng levang, khut chu sil angai poi. Ahinlah, neh thei twi toh kihal khom ineh dinga ahileh ikhut chu sil ngai ahi (Ivrit paovin Davar she-Tibulo beMashke akiti'e). Ahivangin, Birkat Al netilat yadaiyim chu sei lou ding ahi. Vetsah: Theiga ahilouleh Anche neh dinga akisop ngim chu, akitheh got masanga ineh a ahileh, ikhut chu, Berakha sei louva sil (Netilat Yadaiyim bol) ngai ahi. Hijeh chun, Lel haSeder (Seder Night) tieng, Karpas ineh masang u'leh, ikhut u Brakha beijin akisil jin ahi. Ajeh chu, Karpas chu Chi twi in akide jieh ahi. (Karpas chu Davar she-Tibulo beMashke ahi'e). = Theiga ahilouleh Anche twi a kisop chu, ineh masanga got thet'a isuhhul pouleh, khut sil angai poi.

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Aliyah leh Indian Passport toh kisaya Avela Hetsahna KIPA THU PHON KPI BEITH SHALOM. Achesa dt.30/08/2015.(ELUL 15)Nin sunday seh le class aki neijin class kilah nadinga chadon khom na akineijin tuchunga esopiu isreal aum Pu Makhir Thangboi Vaiphei aman hou mite ngailut najallin chadon khom nading in Rs.1000/(sangkhat)ki thopi nan eihin peu vin ama chunga houbung miten kipa thu akisei jin ama le ainsung mite alung gel ngaito ho Pa Hashem in hin vang boh jing ta hen tin houbung mite katao nao ahi.chule houbung mipi jousen kakipa nao kahin phong uve. TODA RABBA. Keima . AVSHALOM KIPGEN CHAIRMAN. KPI. Beith shalom .

1) Koi tobang Judaism bola Israel a pemding kiguo jousen Indian Passport naksiemcheh diu angaije. Tamtah in igelkhielji uvin; Shavei ten Passport eisiempieh nauvinte tin ingah jiu vin, hiche chu aphatmona tamtah a umjin, hiche hin Shavei natoh asuboi joji e. Hijeh chun Shavei in amichancheh komah kiseipeh hihjongleh tuban apat Passport nakisiem cheh diuvin kahintem uve. Maban a koima koma Passport siemtau vin tia hungkisei pieh talou ding ahin, kiseihih jongleh nasiemding mong u ahi. Hetding khatchu, Shavei in Interview abolmasang a hin passport neithei cheh taleu chun akideiye, ahin i economic condition hahsat jeh’a anakihaseilou ahi. Interview File a min leh phungmin chuom, passport kisiem tieng achuom beh, hitobang hohi government office ho’ah boina tamtah aumjin, Interview natou uva namin uchu nachiepi dendiu dei aume. Apoimopen chu ahileh passport naki siem cheh u phat ahi tai. 2) Interview ana bolsa jousen Manipur Sahvei Office a apoimo leh aphat dungjuiya update bolcheh ding. ahi. Vetsahna ding in naosen nei, passport neihon submit ding, anei nailou hon hetsah ding, damlou hon dammona seiding, athi-amang aumleh report bolding, Gamthieng chienuomlou hon Aliyah masanga seiding, Jinei ding hon Aliyah um masang ngeiya neidoh ding, etc. Information peh nading:- Aharon Vaiphei Mobile -8119041018. Tzvi Khaute

Releasing Soon!! Na’ase Venishma vol 3 Elul apat Yom Kippur Shavei Israel tohguonna nuoiya kut ahunglhun dungjuiya, chondan le thusim ho kijihna lekhabu Na’ase Venishma Torah Scroll for Bnei Menashe - Vol 1 le Vol 2 chu Released and kibol tai. Bezrat Hashem, Vol 3 (Elul apat Yom Kippur) akichai tobang ahitan, tulha kichai masang’a Release ding ahitai.

Kipathusei na Zohar Beith Shalom community Nisim 29 shabbat nikho a Juda te ding a shabbat nikho a ann neh thum veichan na Seudah Shelishi eilah peh uva pu T.K Avihu singsit BMC(I) chung a kipa thusei jou lou thuso i neisun u shavei thuso mangcha kahin tahlang uve ama insung mile kei ho houbung tzion akon hinjing iserael pathen in phat thei hn boh jing ta hen. shabbat shalom by secy Zohar B/S community L.S Yosef Chongloi

For Bnei Menashe

Contact Daniel-Mineu DaCosta 0545541469

Article/News penom auma ahileh Haptaseh’a Tuesday nilhum masang hiding, hiche jouva kimuho chu hapta kitleh kisuoding ahi.


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Israel gamsung’a hoilai mun hijongleh nakouva Hire nabolthei eimi taxi service aumtai. A Rate ahileh, alhangpi a napiehsang’a niemjo ding ahi. Taxi dei jousen hiche number hi na kouthei u ahi. 0587034542 -Amos Haokip, Ma’alot September 2015 - Shavei Israel Newsletter

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