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Dated :


August. 2013

To , The Editor, Employment News. East Block-IV, Level-5, R.K. Puram , New Delhi - 110066. Sub.: Placement of advertisemerit regarding recruitment in the posts of Public Prosecutor. Inspector and Personal Assistant in Wildlife Crime Control Bureau - reg . Sir, The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau has been established by the Gov!. of India with an objective to combat organized Wildlife Crime. The Bureau is proposing to recruit Public Prosecutor, Inspector and Personal Assistant on deputation basis and an advertisement is enclosed . It is requested to kindly arrange publication of the same in "Employment News" in the next issue, on priority. The bill may be raised in the name of Additiona l Director, Wildlife Crime Control Bureau for payment.

(Shya~~~ ~ Additional Director :-

Copy to :1. The ADG (WL) & DWCCB , for information please . 2. The Under Secretary(FE), MoEF , for information and necessary action . 3. The ROD ERMIRISR/CR/NR . for information with a request to give the advertisement wide publicity in their respective jurisdictions. 4 . The Technical Director, NIC , Paryavaran Bhawan , New Delhi for information with a request to upload the advertisement on the website of Ministry .

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Advertisement No . 2/2013 Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) is a body establ ished under Section 38(Y) of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, with an objective to combat organized wildlife crime . The Bureau has its Headquarter at Delhi and five Regional Offices at Delhi , Kolkata , Mumbai , Chennai , Jabalpur, three Sub-Regional Offices at Guwahati , Amritsar ' and Kochi and five Border Units at Moreh , Nathula , Motihari, Gorakhpur and Ramanathapuram. WCCB would like to recruit suitable persons on deputation for the followi ng posts : 1. Publ ic Prosecutor (i) Number of Posts : One post. (ii) Classification : General Central Service Group 'A' Gazetted , Non-M inistrial (iii) Pay Scale: Rs . 8000 - 13500 (Pre-rev ised) (iv) Method of Recruitment: Deputation .

Eligibility Criteria : Officers under the Central Government/State Government/Union Territories : (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; or (i ) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in posts in the scale of pay of Rs. 6500-10500(Pre-revised) in the parent cadre/department; and (b) Possessing the following educational qual ifications and experience : (i) Bachelor's Degree in Law from a recognized university or equivalent; Three years' experience in handling prosecution of crimes . (ii) Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immed iately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall not exceed five years . The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceed 56 years , as on the closing date of receipt of applications. Location: Delhi. 2. Inspector (i) Number of Posts : Four posts. (ii) Classification : General Central Service Group 'B' Gazetted , Non-Ministrial (iii) Pay Scale: Rs. 6500 - 10500 (Pre-revised) (iv) Method of Recruitment: Deputation .

El igibility Criteria : Officers of the Police Departments under Central Government/State Government/Union Territories or Officers of the forest Departments or Wild life departments under state Government/Un ion Territories or Officers of Railway Protection Force/Central Bureau of Investigation/Narcotics Control Bureau/ Intelligence Bureau/National Crime Records Bureau/Customs & Central Excise Department.

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(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department or (ii)With three years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in posts in the pay scale of P8-1I , Rs .9300 - 34800 with Grade Pay Rs . 4200/- in the parent cadre/department; and Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience : (i)8achelor's degree from a recognized university or equivalent. (ii)Three years' experience in intelligence, enforcement and investigation . Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall not exceed five years . T he maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceed 56 years, as on the closi ng date of receipt of app lications . Locati on: Moreh(Manipur) , Gorakhpur(UP), Nathula(Sikkim) and Delhi.

3. Personal Assistant (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Number of Posts : Two Posts Classification : General Central Service Group '8 ' Non-Gazetted , Ministerial Pay Scale : P8-1I, Rs . 9300-34800/-, Grade Pay Rs . 4200/Method of Recruitment: Deputation

Eligibility Criteria : Officers of the Central or State Government or Union Territories:(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the in the parent cadre/department; or (ii)With 3 years of regular service in the grade rendered after appointment there to on a regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs. 5000 - 8000 (Pre-revised); or (iii)with 6 years' service in Pay Band PB-1 , Rs . 5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs . 2800 (Pre-revised scale of Rs . 4500-7000) or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; and (b) Possessing a speed of hundred words per minute in stenography. The Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preced ing this appOintment in the same or some other organization or department of the Centra l Government shall not exceed five years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shal l be 56 years , as on the closing date of receipt of application . Location ~ Delhi.

List of enclosures to be accompan ied with t he app lication: (iii) (iv)

Application in the prescribed format duly completed signed by the candidate and countersigned by the Appointing AuthOrity . Attested copies of the ACRs or its equ ivalent document for the last 5 years duly attested on each page with seal.

Entitlements : (iii) (iv)

The candidate will be entitled for HRA as per the GOI instructions Officers on deputation are entitled for deputation allowance which is 5% in case of Delhi to Delhi deputation and 10% in other cases subject to maximum of Rs . 4000/- per month.

Last date for receipt of completed application form in the prescribed format is 60 days from the date of publication of th is advertisement in Employment News.

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Appl ication Form 1. 2. 3. 4.

Name and Address Date of Birth Date of Entry in Govt. Service Date of Retirement under Central! State Govt. Rules 5. Name of Organization 6. Educational Qualification 7. Whether educational qualification and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied(if any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules , State authority for the same) Qualification/Experience Required Essential 1 2 Desirable 1 2 9. Details of postlngs last 8 postings(enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature , if the space below is insufficient Officelinst.lOrganization Post From To Scale held Basic

Qualification/Experience possessed by the Officer

of Pay & Nature Duties Pay


I have gone through the vacancy Circular/advertisement and I am aware that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by the selection committee at the time of selection for the post. Signature of Candidate Address


Countersigned (Employer with seal)


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Shya - Ministry of Environment and Forests

advertisement wide publicity in their respective jurisdictions. 4. The Technical ... a request to upload the advertisement on the website of Ministry. !""F...: .. r. Tnl. .

928KB Sizes 7 Downloads 266 Views

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