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New Delhi,Dated: F.03ii

The GMs/FA&CAOs, All IndianRailways/Production Units. (As per mailinglist)

4 * {\**.kgt


subject: simplificationof pensionprocedure- $lffirf'ssion +,ffi,f'ssion of undertakingby retiringGovernment servJnt'alongwith - reg. pensionpapene **..,_*;k tp *****


of Pension andpen.giffii/velfare(Dop&pw),s o.M. Agtpv of Department

No. 112712011-P&PW(E) dated7thMay, ZO14pftUffianove suUlectis enclosedfor information and compliance.Theseinitructlqn\ii5ll applymutatismutandison the Railwaysalso. Form S of CCS(pdipfff#dles mentionedin the said O.M, corresponds to Form8 of Railwayservfues@dnsion) Rules,1993. ,*t,,, H


'' Pleaseacknowledgereceipt. ' f; '





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Joshi) Estt.),


ffih Sd


3. Chelmford Road. Nu



Copy forwarded to the General Secretaries of Afliliated information. C/-Media CentrdllFlk

Dated:25.03.2015 Unions of NT'IR for 'za t|f u' 4 ' p 1or.a. ntgffiailnl



lmportant Instruction Nr.I/l?l2trl;F&PW tffi) Governmentof India Ministr-tof Persosnel.P,6, & Pensions $ryartfi*pt rf Fsnsion& Ptn*ioner*' \ry,*lf*r* 3"dFloor, tok Ntyak Bh*varto Khan l?lark*ti Hew "Sciltit thc ?* Mny,2014 S'ffi* ffr*'ntqr*nd*q1 Sub: $imp,fificationcf pension pr*ued*re * submissionof undrnakirrg by retitittg Governmentservantalongldth pensionpapers- reg. .The Schemelirr Falment of pensionsto CentralGovernmentCivil Pensioners thnrughAuthorised*ank*', i*suedby theCentralPensionAccauntingOflice pr*videsfor an to the pention undert*ing tc be subr,nitfedby the retiring $overnmentservaflt/pensioner tn rslfund$r of pennicn.Th* psn*i*ner unelerdnk$s disbHr*iogbank bstbrr so#rrilfinoelneht rn*kegooda,nyamrlu*tto whichhEis not *ntitled. alter retirententg$tsdelayedrnainly Z" Ir h*s beenfound thar the first paym*rttcf pens,ion hy th} pcneicnerthat Fltsisn due to two res$$lls.One*the del*y in reeeipt*f lrr{imaficrn Fep*rshaverca(:hedthebankandlw(t.de}aS.unpartnfthepgltsioner'ittapproncbingthe of undertaking. bankfor submission The feasibilitys,fsubmissignof,underfakingby th.*retiring fipvernffient**rvantalong 3. for :gorr}stime' The with pensinnFapsrshad been*nder ccnsideratinnin the {ieiVernment ftrllowing,simplificationhasthereforsboen*ppravedwith th* comurrenceo{i Heparlmentaf Expenditure"vide their LD. No.l30/8.\:l':014.,dated241hF'ebruary.2014.The ra{uired underrakirrgmay be obtAinedb1:th* Flsedof Offiee from the retiring Coverntnentservant alang with Fonn 5 alrd other d$cilmentsbeftre his retiremelrt"This undertakingshall be bank along rvith the FeflsinnFayq*nt Ordw by thc for\i,ardedtr: the p**sian,disbu,rsirrg Aeoeunts$fticerlCP,Afi following the nsualprccedure.The.bartkshall credit the penslanto tlrg ac*strntot-{hs pensioneras soonas this Unden*kingis receivedalong w-iththe pension dcs*m*nts. woutdno longerbe requiredto visir the bankto activatethe lirst The pensioner 4. p4yftlentof pe*$ion.l'hersfor€"*fter a$csrtsiningtb*t th* ftank's eopyhrs beend*spatched by the Central Pen*ionAecounting$ffiae, the penirianer'$sopy nf the FeirsionFayment overto hir+ st lhe time o,fretirement6longurith othcrretircmsrft CI14er{FFA} maybe han

.,*, :r-

6' Otrice ef ConlrrrllerGeHtralof Aa$ountsis requn*teel ra instruc,.t illI pey and Assoilrts ofTiws *nd all pensicl ditlursing bftik$ to fu-llow|he abaveprocedun as w*ll 4s ilxgfte peses$*rysm*fidment$tCIthe pension sanction *nd pylent pr*cedure-r*nd the schsme Booklet, 7' All Minietri*s artmsnl$ w reqrrt*ted rn follorn, tha above proeedure h*neeft'rth' Deparrr*entof Postsand D*partru$.ntcf Telecornmurricstions *rc requestod!o make s*it*ble arnendment$h the insffusdisnst$ the Asc+unts Officers md pcnsion disbursingPostoffices/Banksto adhereto the aboveprocedure. h


'Ai&'tlvn tV*n-F (D,K. $olanki) Under$e*ret*ryto the Grrvemrneqt of India Ph:24644633 l . All Miniutries/Dep*rtrnents,of rheffoventnrentaf lndiaa* p*r lixt ?, Ole Confoller Ssneral of Aspourlts,7thFloor. Lak lrlayak Bhava*. Khsn Mark*t" NewDelhi. t.

CentralPensionAccountingo{fiee.Trikost-ll. BhikajiKamaplape.NervDelhi,


(8,.VBrarrch" w.r.r.their I.D. x*o.l30lE,vi20l4,dared ?:pyl".nt of Expenditure 24* Fehruary, 2014).NorthBlock,NervDelhi. Departrnent *f Polits,Dak,Bhsvan,New Delhi

6. Separtrnontaf TslescnrurrurisationsSan+h*rBhavan,New Delhi.




SPECITENLETTEROF UNDERTAKING BY THE PENSIONER Date To The BranchManager (Bank) (Branch& address)

DearSir. Paymentof pensionunder A/C No.

through your Bank.

ln consideration of your having,at my request,agreedto make paymentof pension due to me every month by credit to my accountwith you. I the undersignedagree and undertake to refundor makegoodany amountto whichI am notentitledor anyamountwhich may be creditedto my accountin excessof the amountto which I am or wouldbe entitled.I furtherherebyundertakeand agreeto bind myselfand my heirs,successor,executorsand administrators to indemniffthe bankfrom and againstany loss,sufferedor incurredby the bank in so creditingmy pensionto my accountunderthe schemeand to forthwithpay the sameto the bankand alsoirrevocably the bankto recoverthe amountdueby debit authorise to my said accountor any otheraccounUdepositsbelongingto me in the possessionof the bank. Yoursfaithfully, Signature: Name: Address:

Witnesses: (1)

Signature: Name: Address: Date:


Signature: Name: Address: Date:

s. ttzztzor-* tb * ry


Hrtir €$Frt trTffifi, ir|6 ftr*,Fra qd titr* dTrdry *,ltrF 3*{ sR'mrurf{srrrr q**;r*,

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gra mfrr, ;rt m, 7 rr$, ?oi4 srqttrq EFI;I fur4 tlura qffirrr fi sr#+qEr- ffiqr? firil .r;r rrg* +-ri *'iidtr lir

6}i Er* fififr

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sqSFd trqq tr{ {erf, vttq {trn s-F?rror BeTrrr1ssnffis"e ; g#ffi 7 q-g, zot+ *'srdrrq arsil Ticqr 112712011fi(r'.sqrs-dtTefir ('m"vF ga-+1'wq 3r{W-a tg dcra g1 t q*er *nfud-qffiil Ttr- w qr cfi m{ e}-Jrr Fdftr fir.frr. d. sftrfua drsr'ff ttEq @rq *' qid' s *T il{[.fi sif td tqr qErnfrwT, 1993i*r oi* e tl 2.

T${r cratr tt

TErta?r : qtrlqfl


H Etg.

Simplification of pension procedure.PDF

disbHr*iog bank bstbrr so#rrilfinoelneht of pennicn. Th* psn*i*ner ... Z" Ir h*s been found thar the first paym*rtt cf pens,ion alter retirentent g$ts delayed rnainly.

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