At the recent LSS/SLCC strategy day, Iagreed to provide you with our polling plans so we could discuss possible areas for some joint work.
There are three pieces of polling work which we plan to carry out before the end of the calendar year, all carried out by Ipsos MORI.
• • •
Public polling on attitudes towards solicitors (around 1,000 people) polling carried out in September with results due in October. Political monitor (around 100 Members of the Scottish Parliament) polling carried out Sep-Nov with results due in early December. Members polling (around 550 members) polling carried out In December with results due by calendar year end.
Can Isuggest that we find some time in the next few weeks for us to chat through the questions we have asked in the past and plan to ask this year? Perhaps Wednesday 13 or Thursday 14 August?
Best wishes,
ffi The Law Society of Scotland
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Robin Davidson
In advance of our meeting tomorrow, here is our member, political and public research. Regards
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Robin Davidson
I have forwarded it to ÿMto see what he thinks and will get back to you.
Hello Please find attached the public research with your proposed changes. Iwill send it on to Ipsos and let them advise on the best way to frame the questions. This research will now not happen before October they're quite busy with referendum stuff at the
moment! If you can get back to me next week with any comments, Iwould appreciate it. Regards
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Robin Davidson
I discussed this with and he is happy with the suggested questions. Iwill look forward to seeing how these subsequently framed by the researchers.
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Robin Davidson
Ithink Ihave already sent this one to you.
Please find attached the results from the public attitude survey carried out on our behalf by IPSOS MORI. We are working up a comms plan with a view to producing some comment for members and the public during December. Happy to discuss further. Regards
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