3.5-3.6 Slopes of Lines and Writing Equations of Lines Slope of non-vertical line

rise y  y m  run x  x 2




• Positive slope • Negative slope

• Zero slope • Undefined slope http://www.analyzemath.com/Slope/S lope.html

Parallel Lines same slope y = 3x + 6 y = 3x - 5

Perpendicular Lines opposite reciprocal slopes

1 y   x2 3

y  3x  6

To write an equation of a line, you need to know two things . . . slope (m) Point (x,y) y = mx + b

Three Types of Problems Write an equation when given: 1) slope m and y-intercept b – Plug-in m and b into y = mx + b

Example: If the slope is -3 and the y-intercept is 5,what is the equation of the line?

Write an equation when given: 2) – –

slope m and a point (x,y) Use point slope formula Plug in the slope and the known point

Example: If the slope is -3 and the line goes through (2,5), what is the equation of the line?

Write an equation when given: 3) two points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) 1.

Use the two points to find the slope


Pick a point and plug it and the slope into point-slope formula

Example: If the line goes through (2,5) and (-2, 2), what is the equation of the line?

1. Find the slope of the line passing through the points A and B



2. Find the slope of the line passing through the points A and B B A

3. Are Lines 1 and 2 through given points parallel, perpendicular or neither? Justify your answer. Line 1: (-1,-2) (1,2)

Line 2: (-2,0), (0,4)

3. Are Lines 1 and 2 through given points parallel, perpendicular or neither? Justify your answer. Line 1: (0,1) (1,3)

Line 2: (4,-1), (5,2)

4. Are Lines 1 and 2 through given points parallel, perpendicular or neither? Justify your answer. Line 1: (-3,4), (-3, 1) Line 2: (2,1), (5,1)

5. Graph the line parallel to AB that passes through point P. What do they have in common?


8. Graph the line perpendicular to AB that passes through point P. What can you say about their slopes?



11. Write an equation of the line that passes through point P and is perpendicular to the line with the given equation. Justify your answer.

11. Write an equation of the line that passes through point P and is parallel to the line with the given equation. Justify your answer. P (-8, -4), y = 16

12. Write an equation of the line that passes through point P and is parallel to the line with the given equation. Justify your answer. P (0,-1) y = -2x +3

13. Find the value of k based on the description below:

Write an equation for the perpendicular bisector of AB. A(-5,-5) B(3,3) Step 1: Find the midpoint and slope.

Step 2: Write the equation that is perpendicular to AB that passes through the Midpoint.

Slope-Intercept Form

1) slope m and y-intercept b. – Plug-in m and b into y = mx + b. Write an equation when given: Example: If the slope is -3 and the y-intercept is 5,what is the.

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