Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire: Employment Dynamics with Asymmetric Responses to News Cosmin Ilut

Matthias Kehrig

Martin Schneider

Duke & NBER

UT & Mannheim

Stanford & NBER

September 2014

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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Motivation Cyclical changes in employment growth distributions I I

aggregate: conditional volatility; “macro volatility” firm level: cross-sectional dispersion; “micro volatility”

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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US employment growth 0.06


Ind. Employment Growth Cross−Sect. Inter−Quartile Range 0.03













Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)




Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire





September 2014

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Motivation Cyclical changes in employment growth distributions I I

aggregate: conditional volatility; “macro volatility” firm level: cross-sectional dispersion; “micro volatility”

What is the link? I

Correlated shocks? Cross-section (‘micro’) vs aggregate (‘macro’)

This paper: Concave responses to idiosyncratic signals Empirical contribution: Hiring policy of firms is strongly concave I Quantitative contribution: Mechanism can explain 75% of volatility changes and all of observed asymmetry (negative skewness) I consistent with new empirical fact: negative skewness ⇒ generate simultaneous and endogenous changes in volatility and dispersion from symmetric and homoskedastic shocks I I


Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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Asymmetric responses can explain micro & macro volatility Consider simple setup with two model ingredients 1

Firms choose labor given dispersed signals about profits I


e.g. signals about TFP, demand

Firms respond more to bad signals than to good signals Examples: I I

Adjustment costs – hiring more costly than firing Information processing – with ambiguous signal quality, firms optimally respond as if bad signals more precise

Consequences: micro volatility: employment dispersion high in bad times macro volatility: conditional volatility high in bad times employment dispersion across firms negatively skewed: average contracting firm further from the mean than average expanding firm aggr. employment growth asymmetric: sharp recessions, meek booms BUT: Is hiring really a concave function of shocks? Does it matter? Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Data Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM/CMF) I I I

annual data 1972-2011 55k establishments per year; 2.2m total data on all inputs and output of an establishment: sales, inventories, employees, hours, capital; also: investment expenditures, industry, ...

Plant Capacity Utilisation Survey (PCU) I I

subset of ASM; 5k establishments per year; 200k total additional information on utilisation and hiring constraints

NBER Manufacturing Database I

6-digit NAICS industry deflators for sales, material and energy inputs

BLS price data I

deflators for equipment and structure investment

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Estimating the hiring response to TFP shocks Estimate establishment-level Solow residual I


detrended Solow residual with aggregate and idiosyncratic innovations i Zti = ρZt−1 + uat + uit


data: innovations not skewed over time or cross-section

Interested in shape of hiring response to TFP signals: ∆et = f (sit ) I

firm receives signals sit on TFP innovations sit = uat + vta + uit + vti


Gua , Gui , Gva , Gvi are time-invariant and symmetric distributions! recover conditional expectation   g(uat + uit ) = E f (sit )|uat + uit inference about f (sit ) not affected by var(uit |uat )

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z: 0.18 n: 0.7

z: 0 n: 0 z: −0.18 n: −1.8


0 −0.5












Employment Growth: non−parametric estimate (in %)

Density of TFP innovations

Non-parametric evidence: Hiring response is concave


TFP Innovation Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Asymmetric responses can explain micro & macro volatility

Bad aggregate shock: I I I

more firms get negative signals & respond strongly... on average → strong decrease in aggregate employment to idiosyncratic signals → increase in cross-sectional dispersion

Good aggregate shock: I I I

more firms get positive signals & respond weakly... on average → weak increase in aggregate employment to idiosyncratic signals → decrease in cross-sectional dispersion

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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employment growth

Asymmetric responses can explain micro & macro volatility

signal about profitability

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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employment growth

Bad aggregate shock

signal about profitability

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employment growth

Bad vs Good aggregate shock

signal about profitability

More Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Countercyclical micro & macro volatilities For any two aggregate shock realizations a < a0 , 1

higher measures of cross-sectional dispersion at a: I

conditional volatility: var (∆e|a) > var (∆e|a0 )


¯: range between any two quantiles x and x −1 0 x|a) − G−1 x|a0 ) − G−1 G−1 ∆e (¯ ∆e (x|a) > G∆e (¯ ∆e (x|a )


higher sensitivity of aggregate action wrt aggregate shock at a: d d E [∆e|˜ a] > E [∆e|˜ a] d˜ a d˜ a a ˜=a a ˜=a0

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

13 / 30

Illustrative time series 0.5

0.3 Aggregate TFP Aggregate Hiring Cross−sectional IQR

0.4 0.3

0.1 0



Cross−sectional IQR

Aggregate Hiring


−0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5

Higher aggregate volatility 0



Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)



10 Time


Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire




0.1 20

September 2014

14 / 30

Aggregate US employment volatility is countercyclical Lower aggregate volatiltiy 0.04 0.02 0 −0.02 −0.04 −0.06 −0.08 −0.1

Higher aggregate volatility

−0.12 1975


Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)




Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire




September 2014

15 / 30

Micro & macro skewness should be negative Skewness of random variable x: h i E (x − E [x])3 γ (x) =


var (x) 2

Concave response induces negative skewness 1

Cross section: for any a, conditional skewness of employment growth lower than that of signals: γ (∆e|a) < γ (s|a)


Time series: unconditional skewness of aggregate employment lower than that of common signal: γ (E [∆e|a]) < γ (a)

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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employment growth

Concave response leads to negative skewness

signal about profitability

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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Employment across US firms is negatively skewed 0














3rd moment Skewness 1975


Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)




Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire






September 2014

18 / 30

Illustrative time series 0.5

0.3 Aggregate TFP Aggregate Hiring Cross−sectional IQR

0.4 0.3

0.1 0



Cross−sectional IQR

Aggregate Hiring



Negative skew

−0.3 −0.4 −0.5




Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)



10 Time


Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire




0.1 20

September 2014

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Employment growth is negatively skewed

Cross-sectional skewness across establishments for a given year I

data: average Skewnesst = −0.4; negative every year and acyclical

Time-series skewness of individual establishment I

data: average Skewnessi = −0.38; employment weighted = −0.55

Time-series skewness of aggregate employment growth I

data: = −0.91; employment weighted: = −0.83

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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Concave hiring response to TFP shocks

Relate industry skewness to industry concavity index: φg ≡ 1 − I I I

[g 0 (0)]2 var(u) var [g(u)]

share of variance in g(u) explained by linear term φg ≈ 0.46 industry comparison: higher φg should imply more negatively skewed employment distribution

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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More asymmetric industries are more negatively skewed XS Skewness(Empl.) − XS Skewness(TFP Innov.)

0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 −1.2 −1.4 −1.6












Asymmetry Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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Quantitative analysis Given estimated hiring rule how much dispersion and skewness can our setup generate? Simulate TFP shocks for a cross section of 50k firms and 40 years; use estimated hiring rule to compute fitted employment response how do simulated moments compare to actual ones? Moment Data Simulation A. Cross sectional moments IQRrec −1 28% 22% IQRboom γ(x) -0.48 -1.17 E[x|x<0] -1.47 -1.73 E[x|x≥0] B. Time series moments Firm-level skewness -0.55 -1.12

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

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Conclusion Objective: endogenous joint changes in distributions I I I

volatility and skewness in aggregate and firm-level employment growth from symmetric and homoskedastic shocks model of concave decision rules

Key mechanism I I

firms receive dispersed signals firms optimally respond more to bad than to good signals

The concave response generates: I I I

countercyclical aggregate volatility and cross-section dispersion negative skewness in the time-series and cross-section model’s key properties consistent with micro and macro data and quantitatively relevant

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Literature 1

Exogenous uncertainty shocks I



‘macro’ stochastic volatility: Stock and Watson (2003), Justiniano and Primiceri (2008), Gourio (2010), Fernandez-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramirez (2011), Basu and Bundick (2011), Bloom et al. (2012) ‘micro’ stochastic volatility: Bloom (2009), Arellano et al. (2010), Gilchrist et al. (2010), Chugh (2012), Bloom et al. (2012), Schaal (2012), Bachmann and Bayer (2013), Christiano et al. (2014)

Endogenous uncertainty I





Back to intro

aggregate volatility clustering in actions: non linearity in decision rules Gourio (2013), Bianchi and Mendoza aggregate volatility clustering in beliefs: non linearity in learning Orlik and Veldkamp (2013), Fajgelbaum et al. (2013) asymmetric business cycle: Chakley and Lee (1998), van Nieuwerburgh and Veldkamp (2006), Ferraro (2013) cross-sectional dispersion in actions: Bachmann and Moscarini (2011), Tian (2012), D’Erasmo et al. (2014)

Empirical cross-sectional variation I

Eisfeldt&Rampini (2006), Kehrig (2013), Bachmann&Bayer (2014), Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire September 2014 25 / 30 Bloom (2012)

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Countercyclical micro & macro volatilities For any two aggregate shock realizations a < a0 , 1

higher measures of cross-sectional dispersion at a: I

conditional volatility: var (∆e|a) > var (∆e|a0 )


¯: range between any two quantiles x and x −1 0 G−1 x|a) − G−1 x|a0 ) − G−1 ∆e (¯ ∆e (x|a) > G∆e (¯ ∆e (x|a )


higher sensitivity of aggregate action wrt aggregate shock at a: d d E [∆e|˜ a] > E [∆e|˜ a] d˜ a d˜ a a ˜=a a ˜=a0

Back to 2nd moment Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire

September 2014

26 / 30

Illustrative time series 0.5

0.3 Aggregate TFP Aggregate Hiring Cross−sectional IQR

0.4 0.3

0.1 0



Cross−sectional IQR

Aggregate Hiring


−0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5




Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)



10 Time


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0.1 20

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A model candidate for asymmetry: information processing Continuum of firms I I

beginning of period: get signal about TFP & choose employment end of period: TFP realized

Firm i’s log productivity and signal: zti = uat + uit −

 1 2 σa + σu2 2

Ambiguous signals (set of beliefs about variance of noise) sit = zti + σε,t εit ;

σε,t ∈ [σ ε , σ ε ]

Firm maximizes worst case expected profit   i α max min E σε exp zti Lt − wLit Lit [σ ε ,σ ε ]

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Stronger response to bad vs good signals Define relative precision γt =

var(zti ) 2 var(zti ) + σε,t

Firm problem simplifies to max min exp γt sit Lit

[σ ε ,σ ε ]


− wLit

Hiring decision: asymmetric, based on ‘worst case’ precision  1 hα i 1−α γ if sit < 0 i ∗ i ∗ Lt = exp γt st ; γt = γ if sit ≥ 0 w Worst case precision: high for bad news, low for good news.

Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Estimating technology shocks 1

Constructing Solow residuals from Cobb-Douglas production function (in logs) yijt = srijt + βjk kijt + βjl lijt + βje eijt + βjm mijt I I

i establishment, j industry, t time P Pi∈j,t Wage billijt 1 l P βj = T t revenues i∈j,t



Constructing measure of TFP innovations I I I I

srijt = gj t + Aj + αij + Zijt gj : average long-run productivity growth of industry j αij : firm-specific fixed effect Zijt : stochastic technology; assumed to follow AR(1) Zijt = ρj Zijt−1 + uijt


Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford)

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September 2014

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Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire: Employment Dynamics with ...

Information processing – with ambiguous signal quality, firms optimally respond as if ... BLS price data. ▻ deflators for equipment and structure investment. Ilut/Kehrig/Schneider (Duke/UT/Stanford). Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire. September 2014. 6 / 30 .... Given estimated hiring rule how much dispersion and skewness can.

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