Small Deviations of Weighted Fractional Processes and Average Non–linear Approximation Mikhail Lifshits and Werner Linde
We investigate the small deviation problem for weighted fractional Brownian motions in Lq –norm, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞. Let B H be a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index 0 < H < 1. If 1/r := H + 1/q, then our main result asserts
lim ε1/H log P
ρ B H
Lq (0,∞)
< ε = −c(H, q) · kρkLr (0,∞)
provided the weight function ρ satisfies a condition slightly stronger than the r–integrability. Thus we extend earlier results for Brownian motion, i.e. H = 1/2, to the fractional case. Our basic tools are entropy estimates for fractional integration operators, a non–linear approximation technique for Gaussian processes as well as sharp entropy estimates for `q –sums of linear operators defined on a Hilbert space.
Small Deviations of Weighted Fractional Processes and ...
provided the weight function Ï satisfies a condition slightly stronger than the râintegrability. Thus we extend earlier results for Brown- ian motion, i.e. H = 1/2, to the fractional case. Our basic tools are entropy estimates for fractional integration operators, a nonâlinear approximation technique for Gaussian processes as well ...
Let {Rt, 0 ⤠t ⤠1} be a symmetric α-stable Riemann-Liouville process with Hurst parameter H > 0. Consider a translation invari- ant, β-self-similar, and ...
We investigate small deviation properties of Gaussian random fields in the space Lq(RN ,µ) where µ is an arbitrary finite compactly supported Borel measure. Of special interest are hereby âthinâ measures µ, i.e., those which are singular with
In 1986 V. M. Zolotarev announced an explicit description of the behavior of P(â. â j=1 Ï(j)ξ2 j ⤠r) with Ï decreasing and logarithmically convex. We show that ...
F. Aurzada, I. Ibragimov, M. Lifshits, and J.H. van Zanten. We investigate the small deviation probabilities of a class of very smooth stationary Gaussian ...
Clouds control Earth's weather and regulate its climate1,2. They cool. Earth's atmosphere by reflecting incoming visible-wavelength solar radiation and warm its ...
Clouds control Earth's weather and regulate its climate1,2. They cool. Earth's atmosphere by reflecting incoming visible-wavelength solar radiation and warm its ...
should be sent to G. Villejoubert, Leeds University Business School,. Maurice Keyworth .... nary complementarity also has been found (see, e.g., Mac- chi, Osherson .... p(H|D)] 3 3 (expected magnitude of deviation: small, medium, large) ..... Informa
Aug 26, 2002 - a Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados ... elements with 'non-Madelung' ground state ... configurations when they do not. Table 2. Unusual cation configurations. Element. Co
held at St. Joseph's College, Irinjalakkuda - 680121 during 19-21 March 2009. V N Krishnachandran ... Introduction. Leibnitz introduced the notation dny dxn . In a letter to L' Hospital in 1695, Leibniz raised the possibility defining dny dxn for non
Dr. H. B. Kekre is Sr. Professor in Computer Engineering Department with the ... compared with a Training Set of Images and the best ..... Computer Networking.
One of my favorite times in the academic year occurs in early spring when I give my .... domain walls between even-contracted regions and odd-contracted ones. ..... a shift register, the net result being to transfer one state per Landau level.
Jacob - one of the oldest brick churches in. Poland . Conference venue: Sarmata Hotel is located in renovated historical Manor Complex built in 1861, near to ...
39.2%. 5.2. ImageNet. ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009) is a large scale image dataset organized according to WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998). Con- cepts in WordNet ...
We provide sharp instability bounds. 1. Introduction. Let K denote the field of real or complex numbers. Let C(X) stand for the Banach space of all K-valued continuous functions defined on a compact Hausdorff X and equipped with its usual supremum no
Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas ... Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, ...
the initial state, F â Q the set of final states, and Ï : F â R the final weight .... e.g., to compute expected counts and gradients for machine learning algorithms.
A i k,l,n. We claim that, for 1 ⤠i ⤠5, we have. ânâ1 k,l=0 |Ai k,l,n| = o(n2â4H ). Let us first consider the case where i = 1. By using Lemma 2.1, we deduce that n.
May 3, 2016 - Theoretically, roughness relates to the degree of Hölder regularity ... example of a process that can exhibit various degrees of roughness.
Email: [email protected] ... uniform formula of a fractional integral with α â (0, 1) is defined as. aDâα ... where f(t) is an arbitrary integrable function, aDâα.
Simulink [software (s/w) mode] and finally experimental verification and comparisons in .... in degrees of the respective sinusoidal output is noted at steady state. .... The master controller uses water level in tank 2 as process variable by varying