Structured Learning for Cell Tracking Xinghua Lou, Fred A. Hamprecht HCI, IWR, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg 69115, Germany {xinghua.lou,fred.hamprecht} Cell Tracking in Biomedical Research

Tracking by Assignment Frame t

Principle: detection + linking Step 1: Detect cell candidates Step 2: Create hypothetical events Examples:

Applications of cell tracking in biomedical research: • Developmental biology: cell lineage reconstruction








split {zcsplit ,    c3 ,{c4 ,c5 }} 3 ,{c4 ,c5 }

C   {c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 }

C  {c1 , c2 , c3}

move c1 ,c1

 f

move c1 ,c1


Some features



Step 3: Find best set of hypotheses that gives highest sum of compatibility scores (usually MAP inference with ILP) Advantages and limitations: • Highly efficient, flexible and scalable, e.g. tracking > 2,000 cells • Parameterization: grid search – expensive, manually – tedious • So far, limited to simplified models with a handful of features Machine learning for tracking: • Local learning: fail to capture dependencies among hypotheses [3] • Learning by ranking (based on RankBoost): artificially generate false association samples (incomplete) and desire the ranking feature to be positively correlated with the final ranking [4,5]

• Cell biology: cell culture study

* Source: Mitocheck,


Frame t+1


Binary indicator variable Compatibility score

* Early zebrafish lineage visualization

move c1 ,c1


move move { z ,  c1 moves to c1’ : c1 ,c1 c1 ,c1 } split split { z ,  c3 splits to c4’ and c5’ : c3 ,{c4 ,c5 } c3 ,{c4 ,c5 }}

* Source: Digital Embryo,


move c1 ,c1

* Cell migration traces [2]

Major challenges: • Massive and variable number of cells: e.g, ca. 2,000 objects in 3D • Relatively low temporal resolution: e.g., w.r.t. pedestrian tracking • Imperfect cell detection or segmentation: split and merge errors • Concurrent heterogeneous events: move, division, appearance, etc.

Contributions: More Expressive Features and Structured Learning of Potentials

 


f ,w z

e c ,c '

eE cP ( C ) c 'P ( C ')

Overall compat. score Events e c ,c ' eE cP ( C )

s.t. 


Frame t

Frame t+1 c1


Power set of object candidates e c ,c ' eE c 'P ( C ')

 1 and 

Input Frame Pair






splits to moves to

Potential learning via risk minimization • Major challenge: structured input/output, not amenable to conventional machine learning methods



f f f f

move c1 ,c1 move c1 ,c2 divide c1 ,{c1 ,c2 } move c2 ,c2 divide c2 ,{c2 ,c3 }


zcmove 1 ,c1 move zc1 ,c2 zcdivide 1 ,{c1 ,c2 } zcmove 2 ,c 2

1 0 0

divide c2 ,{c2 ,c3 }


c1 c2 c1 c1 c2

c2 c3




split f csplit z   c3 ,{c4 ,c5 } 1 3 ,{c 4 , c5 } move f cmove z 0  , c c 3 4 3 , c4 move f cmove z 0  , c c 3 5 3 , c5

c4 c5

moves to …

More features afford higher discriminative power • Comparison: a simple model with only distance and size as features (top) and ours with 37 features (bottom) • Example 1: for division, shape of mother cell, brightness of mother cell is informative • Example 2: for split, shape compactness is informative • Challenge: how to parameterize so many potentials?

w : The high-dimensional parameters to be learned X : Input pair of frames with detected cells Z : Manually annotated associations

moves to

c3 c3 C   {c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 } c3

Each cell must have exactly one past, and exactly one fate

 w  arg min w R(w;X,Z )  (w )

moves to moves to divides to



C  {c1 , c2 , c3}

c1 c1 c1 c2

divides to








Input Frame Pair Frame t



c1 c1 c1 c2

moves to moves to divides to


moves to

c3 c3 C   {c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 } c3

splits to moves to

Frame t+1 c1







C  {c1 , c2 , c3}





L( x , z; w )  

e c ,c '

Example: the left assignment incurs a higher compatibility score than the right one Hypotheses

Generalized tracking energy model:

moves to

c1 c2 c1 c1

c2 c3


f f f f f


c4 c5

moves to …


Features move c1 ,c1 move c1 ,c2 divide c1 ,{c1 ,c2 } move c2 ,c2 move c2 ,c3

zcmove 1 ,c1 move zc1 ,c2 zcdivide 1 ,{c1 ,c2 } zcmove 2 , c2

0 0 1

zcmove 2 ,c3



split f csplit z   c3 ,{c4 ,c5 } 0 3 ,{c4 , c5 } move f cmove z 1  , c c 3 4 3 , c4 move f cmove z 0  , c c 3 5 3 , c5

Example 1: Division Angle Pattern Daughter cells Mother cell

Example 2: Shape Compactness Their convex hull

Some diverging associations by a simple model (top) and ours (bottom). Color code: yellow – move; red – division; green – split; cyan – merger

Two fragments of one cell

Compare to

Solution: maximum margin structured learning Structured input and output Maximum margin reformulation [3]

x1 

x2 












c2 c3




z1 

z2 

Optimization: bundle method [1]

 w  arg min w

 

 s.t. n,zn  Z n ,

1 N



 ( w )

  L( xn , zn ; w )  L( xn , zn ; w)  ( zn ,zn )   n Score of true tracking zn must be some margin greater than score of any other possible tracking in Zn.

Experimental Results: DCellIQ for Learning (THMS, Houston, USA) and Mitocheck for Testing (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany) Task 1: tracking for a given DCellIQ sequence • One hour annotation, 25 frame pairs for training • Key result: 0.30% loss: see comparison below • Structured learning outperforms local learning


Task 2: tracking for high-throughput data • Use separately learned potentials from Task 1 • Consistent performance: 0.78% loss • 93.2% mitosis detection rate (81.5% in [6])

Learned weights: L2 vs. L1

* Performance comparison: header row – number of events occurring; remaining entries – error counts for each event (summed over the entire sequence) by different methods.

Conclusions and Future Work References: • More expressive features improve tracking [1] C. H. Teo, S. V. N. Vishwanthan, et al. , "Bundle methods for regularized risk minimization". J Mach Learn Res, 11:311–365, 2010. [2] F. Li, et al., "Multiple Nuclei Tracking Using Integer Programming for Quantitative Cancer Cell Cycle Analysis". IEEE T Med Imag, 2010. • Parameterization of multiple features made possible by [3] S. Avidan, "Ensemble Tracking". CVPR, 2005. [4] B. Yang, C. Huang, and R. Nevatia. Learning Affinities and Dependencies for Multi-Target Tracking using a CRF Model. In CVPR, 2011 structured learning [5] Y. Li, C. Huang, and R. Nevatia. Learning to Associate: HybridBoosted Multi-Target Tracker for Crowded Scene. CVPR, 2009 [6] M. Held, et al. CellCognition: time-resolved phenotype annotation in high-throughput live cell imaging. Nature Methods, 2010. • Outlook: generalization to multiple frames and active learning Funding: CellNetworks Cluster (EXC81), FORSYS-ViroQuant(0313923), SBCancer, DFG (GRK 1653) and “Enable fund” of University of Heidelberg.

Solution: maximum margin structured learning

Structured Learning for Cell Tracking. Xinghua Lou ... Machine learning for tracking: • Local learning: fail .... Comparison: a simple model with only distance and.

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