Some people, male and female, are only good for a BJ.

Be warned. There is something written in here (several paragraphs long) that may cause some women, any women, to become extremely emotional, and may require them to be medicated for example or just be allowed to cry and scream. Or should not be allowed to drive, or maybe even walk down, the street. Because of shock, a medical condition. Once they realize what was done to them, and all women everywhere, basically. Especially poor and young women. Maybe not right away, a delayed reaction. Uncontrollable crying sometimes. That’s normal and ok. That’s just my opinion, not a medical professionals opinion. Which you are suppose to get, if needed. I guess?

Being a man myself, I have noticed, some young men especially, have experiences with females like this and vice versa. These females only want to party with you, as long as you are paying, or supplying the booze or drugs. Once that's gone, they are gone. You are just boring, at best, to them. They are easy to spot. They like to cause trouble, any excuse for there entertainment and gossiping, and they hurt people, or that person, or you, or and a family member. They do this especially when younger, and tend to keep doing this, even after becoming an adult, “gossiping” now. Hurtful, spiteful gossiping, remarks, actions. It is probably best, to stay away from people like this. Who use you also, to hurt other people. Because that is what they do to people, as soon as they can, whenever they can. They jump at the chance to hurt anyone, just for there petty pleasures, and fun, etc. Years even after the fact. Verbally for sure, as allowed by law, apparently. It’s their state of being, and what they want to do “for pleasure”. A diseased mental condition, to one degree or another. We have been taught by TV, schools, police, the courts. That it’s ok to do. (The government). Simple boredom, is enough for them to come after you, family, in this way. Idle hands and all that. It’s not 100 percent, cut and dry of course.

They like going after one person alone, and in a gang against you, or that person. All written below is relevant, and an explanation, of what a deadly, dangerous situation you are in. Possibly. Judge for yourself. Or a family member is in or could get into. For an example, as in shot dead, by law enforcement, or arrested. Especially if young, or lonely, or alone, or selected, or otherwise, easy to take advantage of. Rich but not beautiful (told so, repeatedly), or picked on for a later purpose, etc. Adults and young adults, encouraging people to do that thing to whomever. Especially, and including, authority figures, like teachers, when they do not stop bad behaviors. They are “enablers” of that bad behavior and are telling other people “go ahead and continue”.

“Taken” the movie, for there money, or to make money. Partying, instead of kidnapping. Still gets the money. What’s he going to do them or you? They all have cell phones, and she wants to

stay, and is pretty to, your family member. Male or female. A restraining order for you, at best now. All about violence, as taught to us on TV. What if you approached some government department? Months and months and months, to do anything. The first step only. Super brutal stress and frustration. Well, maybe not, if he can carry a gun in real life. Then he or she, and buddies, can take care of it, personally then.

They are all ages, and stay that way when they get older, to some point, no matter what they do. Trouble makers having fun, by hurting someone, and taking advantage of people, at the same time. They get jobs hurting people if they can. TV shows like cheers, 3 rd rock from the sun, Seinfeld, fresh prince of bell air, and such, teach people to be hurtful, and it’s fun, and entertaining, to do to someone. Even to family, back talking to your farther and such, or mother, or uncle phil. In the real world, that causes more stress in a family. Every group, every business, has someone who gets treated like this, to one degree or another. As a general rule anyway. One or more. After all, everybody else needs entertaining and stress release.

CBC had a hard time explaining why fresh prince of bell air, was being played on CBC TV, local CBC throughout the country, via uhf or vhf, in each community. Which people without cable are force to watch. Mostly poor people, and their poor children. How many millions did they pay for this I wonder? Each year or not? The CBC board members. More people from Harvard, Princeton and Yale, and similar places, causing trouble. Money making amongst each other, on behalf of each other, and themselves. The trouble makers in the world, in charge of the world. The decision makers in the world, everybody else implements. Or they get broke. Or get broke anyway, eventually mostly.

You are with them or her, and a friend of there's comes along, they run to that person, and basically treat you like dirt, and kind of act like, your worthless, or do. Joke about you, because they end up laughing about you, after making some comment. They just want to be friends, with you only. They are making sure, no one else likes you to. They do not hesitate, to bad mouth you, even in front of you. They party with you, and may go home with someone else, or leave alone, or pretend to. Some guy shows up, and they are all over him. They make sure you know to, and right away about that.

They talk to you about "him". He does nothing for them, except get what he wants, and moves on to the next one, and so should you. He lets you pay for them or her, and he gets the benefits. They all think, and treat you, like a sucker. Like a "sucker", but they are that, themselves now.

Don't say anything bad or honest though, and then, just dump them. If you just say something

only, they or she, will try to calm down there "cash cow" and maybe punish you, some or lots. If you say something, they can use against you, to cause trouble, with you over, and you dump them. Then, they will do there best, there very best, to make your life, a living hell. They will all band together (dozens of them like this, all of a sudden, everywhere), and do this to you, and publicly. Or she just decides, they don't want to be around you anymore, maybe you are developing feelings, or they like hurting people, or they found someone else, or you are not spending your money on them, or her, or enough, getting noticed, whatever.

Take control. Just tell them, you want to stop partying, want to do more studying, or “I’m going to stop wasting my money on partying, I want to save it for a car instead, I have goals in life”, etc. Nothing else, and publicly, then walk away. Don't forget to wave, say goodbye, and be gentlemanly. A gentleman, who's not going to be taken advantage of, by those people anymore. Don't give them a second thought again either. Save your money, for sure, anyway. They keep asking, you keep saying the same thing, and around people.

I have heard teenage girls, and very pretty ones in groups, when I was younger, say things, that I found shocking to hear. About what they do, and put up with, to get a boyfriend, with a vehicle and keep him. They are saying to me "why don't you get a vehicle, etc". Think about it, what do you do sometimes, when you talk, and a person you do not like is around, or do like, to a point anyway, or act a certain way. Other people do the same thing. For various reasons too. A girl may like you, and she really likes you, if they, can not convince her to, “not like” you. They being male and female, sometimes together, will convince you, “not to” like her. By saying nasty things about her, to you. Just not around her, or maybe, around her too, eventually and she leaves, or whatever. They may say, all kinds of nasty things about her, and something nasty, when she shows up. She might act a certain way, or been taught, to act a certain way, and you take what you see, with everything else, they say, and how she reacts. They might still even act like a friend to her, sort of, especially around you, some anyway. They might be “running” more than one person. She reacts a certain way, with the limited things, she hears from them, and you react a certain way, with everything you hear about her, or vice versa. Best to just talk to her. Find out for yourself. She might have come around because, you are there, and now they are interacting with her. So, find out by yourself, about her. Does she take off like they do, or the other she(s) do? Etc. Be alone with her and find out. Without them(s) around interfering. Trying to get you away from her, etc. Thays want her to, or whatever. Same, same, maybe but different. Another con or to late anyway. Move on. That’s what you got and talking about it. “Yea they want me to waist all my money on them partying. So, I left. I have goals in life and well. I don’t want to get a criminal record maybe. With some of the things they want people to

do.” If true. People see for themselves then. Sometimes anyway. Or “I’m not interested in ruining my life. By doing things for you and your friends. That will get me a criminal record. So, all of you can keep partying. I have goals in life.” Say around normal people “adults.” Outside of where, they hang around and there also if need be. So, people whom maybe being “run” can here. Nasty, nasty, nasty, though. Still. Probably much worst at first. Maybe forever, there behaviour. Bad adults, will also start appearing, there families, friends, relatives, prostitutes, pimps, angry law enforcement, not angry acting law enforcement, johns, former johns, former everything’s, drug dealers, people who have been lied to, or mislead somehow, etc. Siding against you in various ways, causing you, family, relatives, friends, troubles, etc. Employees of various government departments also. Who need people like you, and your family, having various problems, so they can keep their jobs, and not be cut back, and become unemployed. Locally, throughout the entire country, in ever single community basically. They are talking to her, and other people, about you to. Remember, your silence, is there friend, and not yours, or hers, or families. Don’t be silent, around ordinary people. Talking to there “friends” will not help you, only them. There “friends” who pretend to kind of, be your friend, will probably always take their side, and not yours, and act like, your stupid, or something, and or not normal, or something. You are limiting yourself to there “circle of influence”, walk outside it. They are just a gang of people, reinforcing each individuals’ bad behaviour amongst themselves. If you were to save, all that money, you are "wasting" on her, or them, your pretend friends. At least some of that money anyway. Options, start to become available to you. Options that money can give to you, other than people. Have you ever wondered why, that nasty guy has a girlfriend? Sometimes anyway, it's because, he has a vehicle. Any vehicle. He and you have to be a “certain level of nasty”, various “defaults levels,” let’s say, or they will just take advantage of you, and treat you like dirt, under there feet, to be stepped on.

You are a naturally kind person, so you get taken advantage of, by absolutely everyone basically, in various ways. (A black swan) Blame the victim mentality, try not to become a mass shooter. Friends do take advantage of each other, you get to do the same thing back. Sharing, helping, caring, etc. To a point. Each and every one does. Friends help each other to a point.

I seen a show one time, with a rich people family, in it. The father, every single day, or once a week, had a meeting with all family present. Everybody had to say “family first in everything” or something similar. They talked about issues amongst each other. Helped each other. That can be very dangerous. Must be kept secret, not for discussion, outside the family. Period. When it’s embarrassing. That must be said to. All the time. Best talk about nothing, outside family. Other

than dealing with issues. They get dealt with, and not talked about. Period. Problems are not discussed with outsiders, solutions are tried, and implemented. Period. Crimes not included. Discuss problems, try solutions, until you get desired outcome, or as much as possible. Don’t go to stupid places, with or without people, and do stupid things.

Set goals, small ones anyway. Your life will get better once you get out of there, maybe that community too. If you have to leave every one behind including family, so be it. After your life gets better, try to get family out of that situation (place and people) too. Leave “Thays” to themselves, and tell people what they are like, and that place, is like. Get people to hang around with, even online. Find podcasts or something, in one of your interests. You are not crazy, or stupid, or whatever. Lots of people have different interests, like interests you have. Tremendous amounts of there stress, is being dumped on you (you are a welcome mat to wipe their feet on).

They however, can not handle stress. You might not be able to also, or someone else also, if the same thing is being done to them. Team up with that person, just be honest. They might be dead, or institutionalize, or in jail, the next time you hear, about that person (a good them, or him, or her). If you hear about that person, at all again.

Of course, you have to change your behaviour, and not them. “Be friendlier, there just joking and having fun, you take things to seriously” “You need to take this medication, it will make you not care as much at what you perceive”. “You need to socialize more”, meaning with them, or you are being implied to, that you are weird”. Stop complaining attitude basically “means you are becoming a nuance to me, be scared”. You should think about what you can do to make this better “means piss off and leave me alone” all blame the victim. They never want to talk like this in public, especially if you point it out, in public, about them. Other people have the same experiences too. This means it’s common place behaviour, that is actually not suppose to happen. They were not punished for this common place behaviour. They want victims to victimize too (so called medical experts to).

Every country, has its Jew groups to victimize, and blame, and justify, the police state. Eventually you may become someone accused of being some type of “threat to the state” or family is. By actually forcing that person, or you, to become one. It was called entrapment, when they did something to you once, to get you to break the law. When done repeatedly, it is called “a threat to the state” (public) somehow. Mass shooter, terrorist, etc. Boggie-mans. They do things to people to make them want to kill you, and your family. The only (yous’) they can get at. To justify making the “police state” more in the open, and a more important part of society. That you have to be personally concerned with. More and more, and everyone else.

The boggie-man, the police state talks about, (state press and mimickers) has to get worst and worst, or (perceived to be getting worst), to justify the states increasingly bad behaviour (new police powers and wealth transfers, and laws, that apply to all but “thems”). Mass shooters, terrorists and such. Eventually large-scale warfare gets implemented, at least in the past. A tell, at least, in the past. The once big enough military gets enlarged and modernized. At first, they do not arm the people. They always do afterwards, if still around to learn that hard lesson. Well, those still around, and if, they have enough time to. Doesn’t seem, in real life, to do American politicians much harm. Having a well armed population.

Metal storm type technology should be easy to implement. If only, one mortar style round in a tube, instead of stacked rounds in a tube. For that one array of tubes, welded onto a wide base plate. Kind of like Katyusha style rockets launcher salvos. Can shoot one round, or a cluster, at a time. Tube rows welded to a plate, can be angled differently per a row, to deliver a pattern of M203s or something. Or just one row delivered. Maybe stackable. Simple wires soldered in a x and y pattern to launcher, or whatever. Like led light arrays hand made. Should be called “metal rain” this technology, instead of “metal storm” to differentiate these technologies.

Launch one or a row, hook the alligator clip to another terminal on back. Rote repeat. Whatever. Alligator clips in series, can be hooked up in various ways, before hand. For a single device, or mortar platoon salvo fire. Whatever. A simple bubble level, can make sure it’s flat. Or it’s flat, once installed on the base, or stand, or adjustable tripods. Mines could be deployed quickly too. Easy to make decoys of. Weird looking armored vehicles, and or towable trailers, might start appearing, with multiple swivel mounted base plates on them. Some with AAA rounds, etc. Not as good as real AAA guns in some ways, better in others, more bolts faster, but much better than nothing. Tear gas rounds to of course, but they already have overwhelming firepower that way anyway tactically (locally).

Once your government pulls a Waco Texas style military raid, they never get to do it again. Without “telling” the general public again, how bad they really are. Burning women and children alive. When they had other saner options available. But that would not have been a publicity stunt. For the press they brought along with them to see. All for a publicity stunt. That aftermath.

When the pretend not, police state, wants to kill people. They do not let you watch it happen, for sure while happening. “Sorry wrong building, truck, car, or can’t find it, etc.” A tell. It’s a preplanned outcome.

They need people like you, to do things, to justify the police state. These people who abuse you, also must exist. No better terrorists, than ones allowed to be, molded “hammered” into a mass

shooter or terrorist, and watched by the police state, by gangs of psychopaths in society. So, psychopaths in gangs everywhere, must exist too, and be allowed, to do what they do, to people. Lots of powerful, and absolutely corrupt, gangs of people, are arrayed against you. As soon as they decide it’s you, it is you. Even by a bunch of teenagers or younger. Step one, the beginning and end for you, if not extremely careful, in some ways.

For years, even before the start of WW2. Everyone knows today, that Jews lived under hard core racism. They were blamed for all the problems in society. Just like for years white people were treated the same in modern day society. White Jews, for everybody else to blame for there problems. Until it got mentioned, what politicians were doing, yet again. Ours this time. Caught early enough hopefully by me. We will see, and you will find out personally, in your lifetime. As they make things worst and worst for people, and they need a group to blame eventually. For how bad things have become. If it looks like a Nazi, and acts like one. What is it? Some many branches I can wander off into. Guns, guns, guns, for all, and the ability to muster, in your community, and all others. Old truths will be relearned, most likely. If you understand that statement, try not to shudder. Meat pies anyone, only a Rubble. Some people may have taken pleasure in eating their enemy. If they were ruthless enough to you.

Probably best to get a lawyer right away, and make it the schools problem, right away. That’s what those types do, and other types do, it’s never their kids fault, always the teachers, or someone else’s. It seems to scare teachers and higher ups, so it must be true. They are in charge, and letting things happen, acts of extreme, ongoing verbal violence, if noting else. They usually precipitate to, sometimes. A joke, or comment, and everyone, joins in on the laughing. Of course, when a violent event, any occurs, they never want to talk about these issues. These ongoing and long term easy to stop, “triggering and creation events plural” issues. But psychopaths in training, need to learn how to behave in public, and learn who they can, in a socially acceptable manner, “victimize”. Some bully decides, “that one”, or bored person, and that’s it. Bully definition, a person who has power over you, and uses it against you.

When these types of people, who use people like you, who pretends, all the time, to kind of be a friend, or is an enemy (bully), are forced against there will, to smarten up. They will be the ones, doing the exploding, and acts of violence, they normally do, behind closed doors, with there peer group of friends. (They have it easy to, don’t they then, when they explode, even when the R.C.M.P. get involved). Or come after you, in gangs, in various ways, both males and females, depending on what each does, and is doing to you. Other people to most likely. You should pity girls, who get involved with these people, for example, because they are around her, and she wants to get out. Well, the police and justice system, will not help them either, or you, they will harm them, if they can, and you.

The system is setup to keep people like us, down and abused. Because, you or your family might be forced to interact with those people, because of poverty. Well, because of those people’s natural tendencies, you will most likely get a criminal record, trying to keep family away, especially younger ones (family), with no real-life experiences yet. Including you too. The courts want it to be your fault, so you need something cut and clear, a direct criminal threat to you, or some family member, for you to do something. That’s brutal, like a real threat to your life, or a family’s members life (psychopaths).

Everyone in government, including on TV, wants to make it about violence, (AKA The punisher, comic books, cartoons, and such) and the R.C.M.P. are nowhere, yet. You may be to poor to own a cell phone even. Even women, or young women. Easy pickings. God.

I liked the idea of an Obama phone, everyone knows what I mean, when I say that. Lots of free long distance too, to talk to family, if nothing else. I wrote about this before, nothing has been done, which indicates to me, the Canadian government wants it this way. God. Was sent to house of commons, ever single person in Canadas’ and Britain’s’ house of commons. That and other information. Unless I missed someone(s) by accident. I wonder what power puff girls, or whatever it was called, taught girls to be like? I remember all that stuff with witches, and spells, and such, with girls and young women, for awhile.

I remember a female TV news host, laughing about Steven Seagal having the mob, coming after him, in real life. She was basically laughing, why didn’t he, beat them all up basically. (all about violence). In real life, if he did something like that, and especially, if someone got seriously hurt, or killer. That same person, and her on TV friends, would have been shocked, at why, Steven Seagal just didn’t call the police, and have them deal with the mob. There’s no winning with on TV morons, at best they are, when they can just talk to you, like that. He did exactly the right thing. What if he was not a cop or famous? Who knows? Some do. What if you called? What choices do you have?

That is not acceptable to me, ruining your life (assault record), so you need to think laterally. When every they commit a crime, and maybe even without witnesses, tell people, and the police. Make sure people know to. If you are willing, to fight, and maybe be seriously hurt, or killed, for a family member or yourself, or those people threaten you now, with contacting the R.C.M.P., for assaulting him or them. The police and courts will not consider their past behaviour toward you, and family, and friends, relevant. But the general public will (parents and adults), if informed. Hence, then the police, and courts, consider it relevant then.

These R.C.M.P. rats. It only takes one in a group, one informant. Informants are allowed to continue breaking the laws. For the great good of course. Your family gets sacrificed. On the alter of “the greater good”. Never them though, and their families. TV presents problem, “really bad criminals and such”. Tailored solutions “informants and new laws eventually”. To get real desired outcome, in all of society. More present problems, present tailored solutions, get desired outcomes in society. More of “thems”, and more for “thems”. More for “yous” to worry about and deal with, and especially me. The future will judge lots of things. Then hence how people “whistle blowers” react, or not react, at all.

Well, talking is easier anyway, (that requires trust, and you have learned not to trust, or will) and once talked about, and explained, in the open public, to the public, you limit their options. Do this on a regular and routing basis, it’s what they do to you. They talk with friends about you, around other people, do it to them. Talk back to them, if nothing else, carefully. The police want to charge and arrest you. Get you “me” banned, etc. Punishments against “whistle blowers” and abused peoples and a message to the general public.

Don’t waste your time period, with any government department, or help group, or whatever. Unless you find them a help All they do, is have you spin your wheels, and waist time with them, that could be used to inform, the general public. Tell ordinary adults and such, what they are doing, by talking about this sometimes, anyway. Some adults are not good people, and maybe very bad people. Remember that.

Unless you get other victims from there, to talk with, in the general public, in front of the general public. That’s their official job unofficially, making you waist your time. Having other victims, know the truth, about each other, is not a big deal, they already know the truth, to a degree. Even human rights organizations, are a waist of time. They are fakes, and a waist of tax payer money. They are all just support infrastructure, for the police state. They just pretend not to be.

We almost already have a Judge Dredd legal system already. Because a US politician decided to make this, his election issue. Basically “if you are arrested you must be guilty”. So, the legal system, including in Canada, changed over from a justice-based court system, to a high conviction rate-based court system. Because you must be guilty if charged. Not sure if this is Canada, or the US, but I have heard it quoted, as a 98 percent conviction rate. The court system has almost become completely redundant. Police know to, what the sentences should be. So, do databases that data entry clerks, that can be utilize, at minimum wages. Having to take this, or that, into consideration to, or course. Just add those to the database, for addition or subtraction, at final sentencing. Things would be more consistent anyway.

Use multiple hash algorithms (creates multiple different outputs “values” for same data), to ensure the Judge Dreed database, has not been tampered with. That is critical. They can just change it otherwise, and add what would appear to be, some type of corrupted data. To create what is called a hash collision (same character string output exactly as before changing). Also make Judge Dredd database available to public to download (critical, your own copy, like a copy of a printed law book to see for yourself), so they, and you, can independently verify, that justice is being done. Need time, spare time for that, don’t you, lots. Especially when older, and money to.

Public can check published hash values plural, to make sure these databases, have not been altered, in any way. (print off copy yourself of all hash strings (character string output), it should never change, or the database, has been altered, and multiple hash algorithms published values, are critical). Same for various warrants also. Does it meet criteria. With some basic training, available to the general public. At least after the fact. Charges to, do they meet conditions, needs to be explained, every time. No reason can’t be put online right away, for people to see. Should be easy to use. If this is already done, where the easy to understand training online?

When something is a black box to you (unknown), and most of the general public. That’s a tell. They want to implement and or control (more power, wealth, yours). Why? You see, “you wouldn’t understand”, and it gets brushed off, and they move on to the next subject. “It’s behind closed doors”, don’t worry basically, “these people have your best interests at heart”, etc. Basically, various tactics, techniques, and strategies, are being used against the general public to make sure the general public at large, does not care to look into that, or made to not understand (make complicated), or taught to trust them (schools, TV). Because the general public, would not be happy about what they would learn. Most likely. Sometimes anyway.

The government only wants you to be informed when they choose to, for PF reasons if nothing else (caught again, need to fixed PR wise), and what they want you to believe PR (pillars of society) Harvard, Princeton and Yale types. They create the troubles, “verb” in society and, bring in the “tribbles” that we must deal with, in our lives. More than one type to of “tribble”, and act like, they are doing you a favour. When they need to. Mostly through third parties, these days. Mostly TV, and schools, and universities and printed media. Including piranha tribbles.

The “code of silence” is there friend. The R.C.M.P.s out of control, rats friend. Soon as they have to, and they probably already are, they rat directly to the police, and just keep doing that. (The greater good excuse, used to hurt people, for there easy, and happy lives). For both groups, and the courts, and medical community, etc. Officer safety to, because you are not really a bad person. It’s safer for police, to deal with you, than real harden criminals. Who get worst and worst, and the R.C.M.P.s cover ups for them, get worst and worst. So, the R.C.M.P. in general get worst and worst, and the courts too. An example.

Why it is almost impossible, to commit murder now, in Canada. In my opinion anyway. Judge for yourself. Remember the R.C.M.P. are suppose to officially, meet a hire standard, then being just an ordinary citizen. So, it’s should be even easier for you to meet the “not a murder” standard. A judge set a new precedent, or an old one was mentioned, on national TV. Years ago, now. So that R.C.M.P. and hence everyone else, can commit murder, and just not call it murder. It’s called nothing, not even a crime apparently. I have lots of experience with that “not crimes”, being done to me.

Years ago, a native man in Canada, he probably wasn’t very nice, and a street person most likely. Was taken out of town by R.C.M.P. 20 miles I think. In a Canadian winter. He probably seen something, he was not supposed to see, or not. Street people are hyper aware sometimes, of there surrounding. That got him killed, I guess. It’s called “owning it”. You have two disasters coming. A bad one and a really bad one. You pick the least bad one, and get the press, to focus on the event. For the greater good of course. The press does that. For there own, and others, greater good.

If they did not kill him, because of something he seen. Then they killed him because, they merely got angry. They get angry fast to, law enforcement. (A bigger PR disaster, the truth, if it is). Pick your poison. Not that the courts, thinks it is murder. “The roar of silence” from all the courts nation wide, when this happened, and politicians to, was deafening. Throughout the entire country, silence. Not even talked about, in the press, of other countries, like America either. Or they hurt you severely on purpose, taser you more than needed, if at all. R.C.M.P. yawns in court “I was afraid for my life” yawn. Pepper sprays you, and other acts of violence. There “higher standards” they must meet.

Angry law enforcement, is very dangerous to deal with. Both probably happen. You seen something or they be mad. Well, a court of law did not consider it murder, but I do. They did something that had a high likelihood of killing anyone. Like if you shot at someone. The time frame is different, but the outcome was the same. So, I will call it murder, and first-degree murder.

They merely did not kill him outright. Where CSI style evidence, would be available in a normal CSI style way, as taught to you by TV. As a basic theme anyway. That is probably the R.C.M.P. adapting to the reality of TV. Being forced to adapter by TV shows. Apparently, it does matter. A tell. When they can in anyway, adapt publicly, the hidden police state does. When they can not adapt, people call it a dictatorship or police state. Not being able to hide what they are anymore. In third wold countries anyway. They still have lots of support infrastructure, “people”. Well payed and pampered peoples.

It can be argued with that judges’ logic, that wearing gloves while you strangle someone, is not murder. Especially if you did it slowly. Or tightened a noose around that person’s neck. A slow death is a brutal death. Lack of oxygen, killed him, or her, or all of them. Cause by what the gloves were doing. Like driving far outside town. Not you. So, a new precedent has been set. Explains lots, when law enforcement does certain things, or their family members. The courts will need to rule on what slowly enough is, and various other variables. Gloves are physical barriers between you and someone else, you see, when convenient. Probably been ruled on already. Various convenient variables.

When I was 17 and 18 when I went to court I got a restraining order and a criminal record. One of my friends, had a girlfriend and she didn’t like me. One time we were all partying, and well she would make comments to me, and about me basically. Not just that one time. So, I said something back, and she attacked me. She literally tried to claw my eyes out. Fingernails facing forward coming towards my eyes. Like she was going to do some type of cobra strike. I got her on the ground and kicked her. Maybe twice. Not hard.

To the judge that was reason to convict me and give me a restraining order. Another “not crime” done to me. This time attempted “grave bodily harm” to both my eyes. As some people are aware around here, even with me being really fat, and out of shape, and much older now. I can kick really, really, hard when I want to. That’s just a way when I kick someone like that, to let them know “I can, if I want to” to her. I have a right to be angry to. Just like anyone else would be right then. I was not even allowed into my own trial, or court case, until some people had finished testifying against me. Given some lame ass excuse of something I can not remember exactly. Or told “not necessary to say outside now” afterwards in hallway by law enforcement. Seems to me the courts have pampered themselves to.

I have come to realize recently in 2017 or maybe a little earlier. That my grandfather was a political activist. A real one. When he was a child. Like 10 or 12 years old. He had to bury some of his brothers and sisters. Who died of starvation, in the wilderness, around a Hudson Bays companies post. The company was granted a monopoly, to most of Canada, by the British royalty. They did not care that there were cycles in nature. Like some people know of rabbit population cycles. Well and rabbit starvation to. Sometimes there were no fur animals to catch. People do not understand. All you need is not enough food for long enough, and people starve to death.

My grandfather if he got into power, or close to people in power. Would not have tolerated, women and children, going to bed hungry. (just making it an issue “dared to speak”). That was enough, to eventually get him killed, by the medical community. He would have been interfering

with, the multi billion-dollar government poverty industry in Canada. He died bleeding from his eye ball sockets, and such. I was not there. They all forgot, that blood thinners, can make you bleed out. Then family was told, the same day, I think. While still crying most likely. That he would be cut to pieces, if they wanted an autopsy performed. This was before CSI shows even.

By saving money, and getting a decent used vehicle, all of a sudden "you are a good guy" to "thems'". Whomever those ”thems” be. They care about what you say and think. They are showing interest in you now, sometimes anyway. Those people now, your fake friends, now want you to be there "taxi driver." Not sometimes only, but all the time, basically. They have, and use, and carry, drugs and alcohol. It's all they really care about. Partying. If you get pulled over, and they have booze or drugs especially. They will dump the drugs, and try to hide those drugs, in your vehicle, while you are driving it. If found, you will be blamed, and charged, when younger anyway. They will still come around afterwards, and try to use you, any way they can. Can't use you, then gone and fast, not even pretending, to be interested, in you anymore.

If you refuse her, or them, and in public, and mention what was done to get you charged. They will, or she will laugh, about it, and quickly leave, if she, or they can. All they are good for, man or woman like this, is a BJ. So, why even bother being around them. If you, for example, truly love her, you would not want to help, her booze and drug habits, or should not, want to anyway. That's what's best for her, that also happens to be, what's best for you.

If you do anything, to her him boyfriend, or friends, that can get you in trouble with the law, she, or he, or them, will not hesitate, to call the law on you (rat), in righteous rage, and you will be charged. They will also not hesitate, to threaten, and bully you, when they first come around. If then, you basically, laugh back at them, to there faces, in front of there friends, all of a sudden. Well, if you touch that person or persons, who was threatening you, they will not hesitate, to call law enforcement on you, and you will be charged.

Basically, that man(s) wants to “mug” you sort of, if he can get away with it. But not call it a mugging. It called “elder abuse” when the abused person is older. That older person can’t fight back and neither can you, or you will be charged, and or beaten up, or not. Being cowards by nature, and probably out of control R.C.M.P. rats, they may come after you in a group, or if you “intervene” quickly on your own behalf, in this situation. Well, if he loses, the cops get called, and you get charged. Being on there property and all. And starting a fight apparently, or just getting into a fight, for any reason (real world self defense before all kinds of people start “elder abusing” you, well even more) as far as that judge is concerned, you are the guilty party, and he will tell you “he could have killed you”. You get convicted with assault and get a criminal record.

So, one of those people, from another group, from work, can live above you, drinking with his drunken buddies, and literally be months and months. daily, making derogatory comments to you and about you, right outside your door (home) and at work also, for a year or more. He has friends who talk about “kicking your ass” in various ways. No problem. OK, you want that. You get ready to come outside, pretty fast and they know what you are doing, now they run away upstairs, to that person’s home (Mr. Drunken salesman). Laughing about you still as you get ready to come outside, and they say lots still, as you get ready to come outside, they want this to happen, and try daily, by implying and instigating “guy ways”, and derogatory commits about you.

He opens the door, acting cool, and knowing what he and his friends had just done, yet again. So acting cool in front of all his friends, talking cool, then he acts like he’s going to hit you, with a glass beer bottle. Back turned to them, and no one other than me, close to him, even remotely. The other guy was closer than the rest, Mr. base ball bat guy. You “I” being ready for a fight, and sober, punch him in the chin, and fast, after he makes a drunken move holding a beer bottle in his hand. I can be very fast when I want to. Didn’t get to move much but a move none the less. In his punching hand, I realize now. If I even think I’m going to get into a fight, and I have something in my hand, I put it down or away. You might have seen it on a TV shows were that person says “come on” or something. Tenses and acts threating, with something in his hand or not and acts like they are going to hit you. Well, he was making a move period, to strike me. A punch to the chin kind of shocks you. Upper cut style, maybe a bit sideways coming in, and not straight up. Long time now. Good solid hit to the chin anyway. Not relevant to the courts anyway.

This person had attacked me before one of the few times I went to a bar. After 8. He was being a smart ass to me or something, so I did something back. Gave no indication at all, that he would attack me and from behind. I can’t help but watch for that type of behavior. He hit me let’s say 20 times, didn’t give me a scratch but a little bruise. Explains the bottle. Not relevant though, when court told he attacked me from behind before. Got him on the floor and was about to give him a carefully delivered education. That’s when the bouncier jumped in. With a strangle hold from behind. A buddy probably.

Since I was drinking and “fought back” he was not charged with anything. Someone else punched him, in the face afterwards, when he did something, and he started crying like a baby “wailing”, in front of everyone, and hid behind some woman then from work. He still wanted to fight me outdoors, and my fellow female employee, also then, gets in my way, fighting him. He could come in take a swing and back off. As she was interfering. All outside now, no choice I think. I was not involved in that. When the other person hit him. Fighting back, I guess this why. Two on one.

He throws fast swings. And well, I was laughing at him, when he was punching me in the head multiple times inside After 8 bar. Still a grown man, hits hard. But apparently my overweight weight, was a factor against me, in court to, later on, after he and others did massive amounts of “not crimes” to me.

His home hey, he should not do things, so he has an excuse, to seriously injure, or kill someone. That should be against the law. I never entered, but stairs are part of his entrance, apparently, no other exit for them alls. Just part of the life of a IT person, forced to be around employees after work, or around employees during work. It would not matter if I had moved. Like I said, I have lots of “not crimes” experience done against me. Like this. Was told by R.C.M.P. before anyway, various things being done, or done to me, are “not crimes”.

Angry or not yourself personally (like, I guess, it doesn’t matter when police get angry, just us “the higher standard”), he has been making the first move, with his friends for months, in that one ways, and others, even longer in other ways. So, he staggers back a step, I think, it’s been a long time now. Now he knows he’s in for a real fight. Being cowards by nature, and I don’t remember, exactly what was said now. He starts talking about how his other big friend, is basically going to kick your ass, and his drunk to a point friend, agrees, basically, and has been for a long time now, months. Him and others.

OK he challenges you to a fight, and you go outside the building, and wait for him. You start stretching out, which Mr. drunken salesman (apartment renter) tells the cops, it means “you’re crazy, swinging his arms around” or something similar. Him being a coward by nature also, he comes down with a base ball bat, a metal one. But you stay, because he knows, if he takes a swing at me” and it’s not going to be a pleasant, push over experience, for him either. All you got to do is, walk inside his base ball bat swing, and it will not hurt much, but he will be hurting. I was going to try anyway. “he was to close”. The cops show up and you get arrested, charged, and convicted with assault, and more, and it continues.

It was at least after the first time I was sent for mental evaluation. That police were outside, where I lived I think, and when I came outside, one said to the other “why doesn’t he call the police” and laughed, while looking at me. Or maybe (call the R.C.M.P.) You get my meaning though. The R.C.M.P. also use to come around where I lived, on a second floor, and be outside and precipitate in the “not crimes” again me.

That judge is not happy I showed up in his court room, and makes sure, the R.C.M.P. there know it. By telling them, somewhat angerly, that “I should have gotten a restraining order” basically. He makes it seem like he’s doing you a favor, that judge. Your so-called lawyer, who your boss

(the owner) at the newspaper talked to, told the courts, to have you sent for mental evaluation. What do you know, ever time you have a run in with the law, after that? It’s the psych ward for you, for mental evaluation. Then you will learn, how real drug dealers, pushes drugs on people, “you”.

Since, basically, everyone knows the truth, that judge wants to pretend, by not having you in a trial, in a court of law, that the courts still have morels and integrity, and hand out justice. They do not. Period. They just pretend to, as needed, to the public. Whenever they can take advantage of people, like poor people, they do. They need Jews to.

For the record. I did not realize what has been written in several paragraphs below by me, until March 7 2018. I do not know when, you are reading this. But I will try to release this on the internet, this document, no more than a week later, after this date, or I will change this statement.

If a person, who became a judge, had to climb over a dead pile of babies, to become a judge, he or she would. Or be on TV, get elected, or whatever it takes, to achieve there “life goals” and or “career agendas”. Or that type of person would. They would use people to make it happen. Including the general public at large. Unjustly so. At the same time, make birth control, hard for young, and poor people to get. Any excuse used to cause controversies in birth control to (religion). Controversies, even with this issue. Options are needed in, the real world. Condoms, the pill, anything like that. But no. More than just condoms, in the real world are needed.

TV was used for a while, to teach store clerks to embarrass and humiliate, young people, buying birth control. Seen it happen and experienced it myself, in real life, more than once. Young people, trying to do the right thing. Is it still that way for young people? Is the government still doing things with people to cause “controversies”? Even with this issue? Controversies. So, it’s an election talking point for politicians and political parties. Deliberately trying to get people pregnant, on purpose, to cause controversies? They made that happen on purpose, some politicians. For a talking point. To them anyway, to merely get elected.

Some are really passionate on both sides. There are valid points, and serious ones, for both sides. However, the government should not be doing things, to deliberately make people pregnant, (increasing the odds) against there will. By making pregnancies easier to happen. Basically accidently, when a person wants to prevent that, from happening. Not an easy issue. When she decides she’s ready, she needs options.

Various I have them right here options. More options are needed, not more controversies. Such monstrous behaviour. Psychopaths. Not a thought outside the standard talking points. Then it’s wining and dining, and such. Party on. Others too of course, the intellects of society. Our socalled betters. They are experts at what they all do. You are not supposed to have to worry, and they still act that way. You are supposed to get the truth, to make proper informed decisions. So, you need to worry anyway, for yourself anyway. Try to remain logical and compassionate. Especially with family. If in though only and words with others.

If you have not noticed, politicians and such. Try to convince you of things (political truths “falsehoods”). More than just their politician talking points too. They want to tell you both sided, of any, and all issues, they get involved in. (Frame everything) It’s really good for that TV. News shows, do it all the time to you (dog training). They are experts at that. Manipulations. Con artistry. What ever it called in different circumstances. Watch the ball, bounce off the walls, back and forth. Or the so-called debate back and forth.

If I went to court, people locally, in a capital city government town, in Canada, some anyway, would have realized a truth, and freak out, at how bad things really are in that one way. It would not be an abstract thing somewhere else, seen on TV, but here. People are a bit strange. They do not realize, when you see a court case of a soldier for example, who get unjustly charge and convicted. Well, how bad that is. Allowed to happen, even on TV. This indicated epidemic levels corruption in the courts, throughout the country, in this case. (The deafening roar of silence). Nothing was done about it. That is an indicator, of epidemic level corruption (institutionalized corruption). It’s common place, and now even on TV. Which they do not like. They want to keep pretending, and having you believe in them. That they, hand out justice. All they want, is what’s best for themselves. Period.

Because it’s the government, your government locally too, is exactly the same. It could have just as easily, happen to you, or a family member, or friend. Being unjustly charges and convicted. It happens all the time, including where you live to. Especially to poor people and trusting people. Maybe that soldier did something terrible. So, they charged him with a crime, something else. That’s a cover-up. Where the justice, for the people, he hurt or killed and “crime prevention”?

They do not want soldiers afraid or being charged for that, if that’s the case, or it’s just so bad PR wise. So, they drop that issue, and charge him with something else. If that was you, or a family member, that was done to, by that solder and your government did that, how would you feel? What do you think the government does, to you and your family “support infrastructure”, to keep that coverup ongoing? At very least, you and your family, would to start having serious problems in their lives. People would be allowed, to do all kinds of things, to you and family, and you would be blamed, and family too, to keep cover-up(s) going. Or for other reasons to. Political and such (protecting the status quo).

So, people do things to pick fights with you, let’s say 10s of thousands of times, and talk about “kicking your ass” on a regular and route basis, and such (extreme psychological abuse and threats). Let’s say, they live up upstairs from you to and downstairs (military), just a different group of drunks, joining in on the fun. You “I” literally have to sit in your “my” own home and, put up with it. Hour after hour, month after month, for years. Or you will be charged with assault and convicted or be sent for mental evaluation. Moved multiple times, still happens.

A human rights loophole, if the medical community does the same, and they do. They only care about profit making, and justifying their ever-increasing budgets, and hence, not have to worry about cutbacks, and being layed-off, or down-sized. Also, I guess, not get such a big bonus, or benefits now. Since they are now managing less money, those higher-level management persons.

The medical community, and others, might be special. So much money is being funnels through them External purchases. Another way to buy 50 thousand-dollar hammers. Of 5 thousand-dollar ones. More spread out through various departments now. Not quit so obvious but still over priced. If these people to, do not have your best interests at heart. They are extremely dangerous to deal with. Like profit making. Need, including created need (more pain and suffering), gives them greater access to the tax payer money trough. For example, below.

The courts in Canada have ruled, that basically, substance abuse problems are diseases, including mental diseases. When the medical community, and other branches of the government, work hand and hand together, to deliberately exacerbate people medical (disease) conditions. Like a drug abuse problem. That is proof, they do not have your best interests in mind. By not supplying you with free, and pure drugs, for you to control your severe condition. So, they no longer have to rob, steal, lie, con people, assault people, maybe get other people hooked on drugs, etc.

The consequences of what is being done to those people, affects not only them in a negative way, but others to. Good for long term profit making by various government departments though. Including the R.C.M.P, courts, corrections, victim services, counselling, hospitals, etc. The politicians made sure of that. Well, one more talking point for politicians on TV to. Again, the government deliberately doing harms, to its own populations for various reasons. But mostly for politicians, on TV. Election issue, talking points, and person money making. More create a problem to talk about on TV and in schools, present tailored solutions on TV, get your desired outcomes.

Of course, if you were to do the same thing to people harassing you even at home, even once. The police will show and, arrest you, or threaten to, if you contact them again, or if they are called again by them. Even in front of there own R.C.M.P. building cameras, at the front entrance, they do not hesitate, to act menacing “threatening” towards you, even if serious crimes have been threatened again you. Extremely serious crimes, plural, by multiple people.

When someone in law enforcement does that, he or she is indicating they are totally out of control. They carry a firearm, and are, totally out of control. If you could carry a firearm, and acted that way, a S.W.A.T. team or such, would show up, to take you down, and place you under arrest, or kill you trying. That out of control R.C.M.P. officer is extremely dangerous to be around, or deal with. In the real world, anything he says, is considered the truth, in a court of law. Also, in the real world, they have de facto licenses, to kill people, being in the R.C.M.P. The courts pamper them to, all of them.

That is an extremely serious threat, or threats, coming from someone, who is suppose to be held to a higher standard, than normal people. (they carry firearms, suppose to be absolutely trustworthy, can use lethal violence again people, can taser people, which can kill or seriously injure a person, etc.) In order for you, to get a firearm, or even ammo, in Canada, you have to meet a higher standard, than just being, a Canadian citizen. Even to buy ammo. Violate that standard even once, that “privilege” can be taken away from you, and you will most likely be charged with a serious crime too. Yet R.C.M.P. are allowed to be, out of control, and are.

Do you dare even to approach an angry R.C.M.P. officer? Unless you have no choice? Do you dare to try to even stick up for your basic human rights, against an angry R.C.M.P. officer? I point this out, so you understand, they are that out of control, and that you do not even realize, that de facto fact. These pampered people, of course, some people are pampered even more, or somewhat less, by the courts, and the press.

The press has an official job to do. Be guardians and such, and have special protections under the law, for these few purposes. Then they deserve special protection and public support, no matter whom they be. However, the police state, comes after them. If you do not care, what happens? Do things for you get better or worst? Everyone makes mistakes or gets suckered to. Maybe they put everything out, no matter how outrageous.

They have learned, to do this maybe? Even reptoids, or whatever, if not sure. They let you decide. You must think then. Decide for yourself. Laughing is ok. So, you need, the facts, and only relevant facts. Whom can you trust? Trust what you see, around you anyway, and from

trusted people you know. That is most relevant, in your life anyway. Let politicians worry about there own problems. You worry about yours.

Looking outside your situation myself, you “I” see, they are good for nothing right now, maybe the rest of there lives. That pretend friend, you may like. We don't want that. We want things to get better for them, or him, or her. So, they do not hurt other people at least. If you have her over, or them over, and the cops show up, for a drug raid, because they stole drugs, from some drug dealer (rat), and he called the cops on them, or they owe him money, whatever (boyfriend doesn’t like you, or does like your money or both). It's even worst for you now, when they dump, and try to hide, or not bother to hide, the drugs or booze. Now your life is ruined. So, all they are good for is a BJ, so why do you even want to be around them, or her, or him, ever?

Maybe the music was too loud, you turned down the music, and told everybody to keep the music down. Someone, or they, just turns it back up anyway. They do not get into trouble with family, or law enforcement. You do. So, they do not care. Having you dumped, by family, and going through the motions of that. Well, they get to bleed you dry, and your family dry now, through her and you. Her pimp basically, gets to blead you dry, though her for her, and his, drug and booze habits, mostly his. "Chicks with beepers" give BJs, when they have to. He doesn't care about her either. Sometimes, there training starts when they are young, or older. She's being pimped out, by him, to a certain degree, to a john sort of, she just wants the money from you.

Some of those girls are also full on johns themselves [they can’t get people like you(s)]. They have to pay some how, (booze, drugs, money) to be around them, and do not hesitate to “show their support” to the peer group, they want to be a member of. I’m not talking about just normal partying here. It’s all they really care about, and they use people up. Not for just eating out, maybe some new clothes or something, and such, they want it all, to be about “partying” and fast, and all the time, even during normal work days, even if you have a job. They will not make any sacrifices for you, what so ever. A truth, eventually they have nothing else. If living in poverty. An escape from there daily reality, drugs are. Not just cut and dry. That’s all there is around them. Again, the government, politicians deliberately doing this.

Again, the government should not make situations where people have limited options. For controversies, and managing, and the greater good lie in real life. Stress factors all around them including extreme fear. So, scared they do not talk about what was done to them, and the children to. All the time surrounded. Treated as a Jew by your own government. No hesitation what so ever, to make it even worst for them. Including women and children. Yet another example. And they will make it worst for poor people especially. Poor woman and poor children, have becomes government departments job security. Honest and dishonest men to. All must

become violent to survive, literally, or be a victim. To stop being a victim. More job security. A government created paradise for poor people.

Guys do the same thing too, to young females. And variations of tactics. Then their lives are ruined too. I'm starting to think, a young woman's first real boyfriend, should be a plain looking ok guy. Especially no partying, involving booze and drugs. Then, looks and such, are not so import to her, and booze and drugs, are not associated, with fun, and finding a boyfriend. She want's someone who treats her nice, maybe has a car, ambitions, etc. She gets sick of him, then gets rid of him. She thinks, what's the big deal? She worries about school more. Nothing I can do about that really “boyfriend situation”, probably a good idea, to a point anyway.

Also, at home to, she can have a boyfriend. If she screams, daddy comes “through” the door, and the cops get called to. That’s import to, let him explain it, to the cops, he never gets to do it again. Maybe to her. She’s much safer at home, then anywhere else. In a normal family environment. Has to show her respect, and you to. Or mom, or a friend, calls the cops. They must understand, they do not get into trouble with you for sure, for calling police.

Probably best not to let her watch fresh prince and develop a bad attitude. Then again, other people will watch that show, and others shows, and mimic that behaviour, with her and you also. As an adult, or acting like one, worst case scenarios, need to be taken into consideration. Your pretend girl friend, and friends, can call the cops on you to, and pretend you did something to. A restraining order on you to, at least. You monster. Or something similar to you. To keep you away from your friends, and maybe family member(s). An open a shut case when you are poor, and the R.C.M.P, get involved, and you do not understand, what’s going on maybe.

There job security, and the courts job security, possibly, and such. And out of control rat(s) and trouble makers protection. Professional acting trouble makers, career professional acting trouble makers, sometimes anyway. Like they have been professionally coached or schooled in, what they can, and can not do, in some cases anyway. Had it explained to them by professionals basically. Maybe over years. By various groups or not. Rats are informants. Informants are allowed to continue committing crimes. For the greater good of society as a whole. Officially anyway.

When I mention "turning up the music". That person is a scum bag. He is trying to cause you serious trouble. It's not just plain drunker stupidity. He's a scum bag. He wants to pretend, it's funny, and not a big deal. She doesn't care, in the least bit, about you either, or she would throw a fit at him. He's trying to ruin your life to. If you have a sister, or some female friends, you are not doing them any favors either, by having them around, even once. They are expert posers, and

smooth talkers, and don't hesitate to lie, cheat, steal, and destroy lives. If they can get away with it. Your pretend girl friend will not hesitate to “giggle” about her boy friend with your sister and how various “wonderfuls” he is. Or some other poser. He could actually be a fake boy friend and she is pretending. He may be her drug dealer. He doesn’t ever touch her. Wants your sister though, or friend, or brother, or mother (a party place and drug dump and such).

They are fake friendly, and don't hesitate to take advantage of people. If that means your friends, or sister or brother, basically becomes a prostitute, they don't care, and would probably think it's funny, and there's nothing the law will do to stop them either. You get charged with assault. That's job security for the police, courts, and the rest. Unless they are forced to, the government does nothing to help you. The police state.

If that sort of thing happens (coming after family, friends), or you suspect it will. Give him and her no brakes. He or she does something, and you have witnesses, to breaking the law, like stealing, or attacking someone, doing drugs. Call the police on them. They run away, and fast, when they know they just got caught, or someone has called the police. Call anyway. If threats are make, especially in front of people. Call the police. Tell people too. They rely on your silence, and other peoples, to do their dirty deeds. There friends are the same, and don’t care about anybody either. They will not help you. Explain the long-term situation also.

They are always in gangs, and move fast when not, and call the police on you, when you do something to them. (you get charged with assault) The police, and courts, don't care either, if you say he did this, or that, in the past, or was pushing your buttons, and multiple times. You can tell them, even in a court of law, and they will say it's irrelevant. That's job security for them. How many people like that do you think are actually around. That bad. They are a precious commodity. They are probably R.C.M.P. rats (informants) too, and allowed, to be out of control, like this. Or treated like R.C.M.P. rats (informants), same thing. Ruining peoples lives, for there, and the courts job security, and ever-expanding budgets. They need people like this. Especially, to do this, to poor people (pretty girls and boys) and a person who may be starting to make it. The government doesn't want people like that, to make it either. Only people they choose to, by giving them a job basically. Directly through the government, or via contracts somehow. (PR). That person is not a bad person maybe, and may help friends and family out, and get them out of there. So, try not to have anything to do with them. The gangs and such. If you are poor, like a mother and child on welfare, and forced to walk down the street, where they might hang out, and bother you. When you walk by these people, I don’t know what to say. (They are in charge when the police are not there). Of course, this will make it an even bigger living hell, for you, and your

child, or children. As the R.C.M.P. place even more hardened criminals in these places. There job security. Having all, or more, harden criminals, living close together with poor people. Reinforcing each others’ bad behaviour. (Ganging up together). If one of your children stays away, from the gangs of troublemakers, he will be singled out, and have to walk a gauntlet of different troublemakers, every day. Just to get to school, and in school to maybe. That loner, and alone maybe person, with siblings to try to protect. A criminal record now, for trying to protect your family, brothers and or sisters, from those people. You are one, against legion. More than one legion too. Try not to despair, they will institutionalize you, for your depression, and or medicate you. It’s for your own good of course. So, they tell you. Medicated the rest of your life, or you might go postal. Because of what has been done to your brain chemistry. Like being forced into becoming some type of addict. But you need that drug, to stay somewhat normal anyway now. Not your fault. Now the public fears you and wants you all medicated forever. After the public was allowed, to be made aware, of how scary dangerous, you might be, because of the expensive safety drugs side effects, you boogie-man. This was done to people (medicated), and the general public was informed afterwards, to use them, against themselves, of the potential dangers, now after the fact. The press does get used, even when they are trying to do good. Sometimes anyway. They are legion to a point. They control critical things, that is how they maintain power. Especially, by controlling what you believe, and think, and hence respond. Basically, the government, does things to people, to get the responses, in the general public, they want. So, they can do what they want to. Created problem, give tailored response, gets desired outcome for government. The government, local law enforcement, and various level of government, locally in every community, want poor people, even more intermixed with hardened criminals. Because of an American TV show, I seen before, where I think, it was a black police captain, on that show “an actor only” in real life, had the “bright” idea, of putting even more hard-core criminals, in a poor section of town. Some hotel district or other. Next logical step anyway, even worst criminals. Well I think the higher ups in the RCMP in Canada, want to do the same thing. (It’s already being done to a certain degree). It was mentioned that crimes would drop everywhere else basically, and some other “facts.” That captain wanted his police to tell the criminals “go here and we will leave you alone” basically. It’s the next logical step anyway, in justifying their everincreasing law enforcement budgets, and more out of control law enforcement, and more unjust laws. All they got to do is let it get worst for people. It looks like it works to. To bad poor people, especially woman and children, having to deal with, a worst living hell for them. But that’s ok, when they get older (the children), and are not involved with criminals to much, they get abused

by gangs, and charged, and convicted, that former child and his siblings eventually. Forced to become criminals, forced to become violent. Justice you see. That’s what it’s called. Because of fairly recent events here in Yellowknife. I believe the R.C.M.P. here were implementing that “made for TV” policy locally of heaping more abuses on poor people officially. Without concern for public safety, or lives, as people here officially, have died of Fentanyl overdosing, and not died of “freezing to death outside in winter”. Then you have shows like “Breaking Bad” that convince young people, and stupid people, and desperate people mostly, that you will get rich selling drugs, and not to care about, how it destroys peoples lives. The type of people who would see it that way anyway. Normal people are at first anyway, horrified with what it does to people, certain drugs. If true. Desperation makes people highly predictable. Then little things done to that person, is actually horrendous, to all those people everywhere. Poor and abused and bad people to. But there just out of control, right? To bad some innocent person, had to suffer, and then that person, gets a criminal record, at least. That bad person, who might be a bad person, of course now. Drink water in front of an extremely thirsty person and see what happens. After you offer them nothing and laugh about it. You persons, who are in a group, and can call the R.C.M.P. on them. You never even committed a crime, it was a “not crime”. What will that extremely desperate person “poor person” have done to them for water. They will be taken advantage of, by everyone in government. By giving them just enough to survive, and be trapped, in an extremely desperate, and dangerous, situation for them. Not enough food, to prevent survey anyway. Poor shelter, poor safety, desperate surrounding, no jobs, etc. So, they can be used by everyone in government, who wants an easy job. Lots of people in government though, do not have easy jobs. Lots do though. More, create problems, offer tailored solutions, get wanted results, being done to whomever, they can get away with, doing this to. What if drugs, were pure and cheap, and free if need be? Less crime for sure anyway. Maybe lots and lots, of less crimes. People to stupefied to even move in some cases, only a nuisance now. Need to be taken care of maybe, but not in jail or prison “Oz environment” and not a criminal anymore. So much cheaper to the tax payer. If and when, some do want to get better, using pure drugs now mean, less mental issues to deal with, like brain damage and other forms of health problem from poisons and toxins, mixed in street drugs, to cut them. No pimp-in, or prostituting themselves out, or others, for booze, and drugs, less stealing, less violence. But where is the money in that? Just supply drugs, no booze “causes extreme violence” (weed and pure intravenous drugs if need be). Just enough booze for “shakers, tremblers”. Room and board and food and free drugs, if they cause problems, now they get taken away from free drugs. Dirt cheap to make drugs really. Need room and board, and cleaning, security, and medical services, monitored drug usage, but as much

as they want, counselling, mostly now. But where is, the real money making in that? Give them a I.V. drip if need be. Low strength long-term dosages hopefully. No filler drugs, that cause liver or kidney damage and such. There is no perfect solution. Not the first option for people, the last, but available. A chronic drug user needs it now. They will try to paint all with the same brush. Given a chance. Experts at milking the tax payer money trough. Is it the various crimes committed to be able to buy drugs, that cause the criminal problems, or is it the drugs themselves? It’s a combination of both. Mostly its getting the cash. Various drugs individually, cause a small amount of problems, to large amount of problems, in peoples lives. Depending on your environment, income level mostly, and how the drugs effects your brain, short term to long term. Can be different for different people. Look at how alcohol effects peoples thinking. Been trying to get a modern education in IT. Was going to the local career center. That’s what we have now instead of an unemployment office. Also using the local library. Both places I get harassed at. I am trying to get a certification exam level education. I did take and pass a IT exam in December 2017. Been trying, as much as reasonably possible since then, to get another certification (studying). I should have by now, two more now, for a total of three. Or be close to taking the third exam. March 2018. Years ago, the local newspaper here did a story on local prostitutes. They were hanging around bars and were as young as 13 years old, or a little younger, not sure. That was an embarrassment to the local government here I assume. All levels of government. Well years ago, I use to do a column in the local newspaper. One time, I was eating out somewhere different. Some doctors I assume. Were there and complaining, about girls as young as 10 years old, being in orgies and getting S.T.D.s. So, they have “orgies”, people who hand out in gangs sometimes anyway, to party. Now they need a new place to go (the library) to hang out, and get their drugs, and johns, and such. For protection and fun, I assume. They hang out together. Not all of course but some. Some people need a place to sleep (get guy at bar). Stay at government shelters long term. If you think that’s an alternative. It may not be the shelter itself, but the lack of real options you have and such. They do have a side door youth center here in Yellowknife. But I guess, they are to out of control for that place. Or it’s more fun to be at the library. It’s usually easy to tell who they are. They are not really there, day after day, to use the libraries official services, and they like causing trouble. This person or that person, running in and out frequently or just hanging out sometimes. Someone shows up, and makes sure, they see him, or her, and the gang takes off, a few minutes later, etc. Or some do. I first realized this after I heard a gay prostitute several times, 2 or 3. Advertise his services loudly at the local library, and fairly close to where the kids are supposed to be, and close to

where I was sitting. The quite area officially. He would talk loudly about performing gay sexual activities to his group of friends. I noticed a guy would show up, and show himself, and they would take off. Took a while to notice. When I realized, he realized, that I realized, what he was doing. I told the staff. He did not like that, and told his friends, and some fellow prostitutes. Things were already being done to me to harass me purposefully. It got worst. So, I started telling people what they are “prostitutes”. Gets worst still. Told the manager at the library about the harassments, some or one of them. Because he threatens me with being kicked out of the library, even though he knew what is being done to me, even then. He tells me I have to tell him every time it happens. Which is not true. He has a job to do, and I have things to do. Like try to relax, if I want to. He is supposed to prevent this from happening, any more. Put a stop to it, and not actually let it get worst. That is a tell. He wants you “me” gone. So, the staff puts in some effort, for a while. I tell him again, and he says, the proper words, but is menacing towards me for “bothering” him about reporting to him, as he instructed me to do. Another tell, of the truth of what is being done to me. Not much different than years before in some ways, other than he pretends to care, and do his job. He has a difference of opinion on what’s happening. There are months and months, of video there, with recorder audio to go along. Being on the terrorist watch list, well they know the truth to. Lots of people here know the truth. That’s still a dire threat from someone. Who has so much power over you. When in a desperate and poor poverty situation, and trapped, and you want to get out. When you want to get an education “again”, to get out of your current poverty, and current violence, and potential violent situations. By having to go to the safe harbor day center instead. No hope really of getting an education there. A real one anyway. Not that the staff hasn’t made it much better. But no wireless internet access for me, to study online, and such. Even though they have a wireless access point. New maybe violent people show up and it’s back to step one with them. The Yellowknife safe harbor, is moving into a new building soon. (Close to booze store still). It’s going to be across the street from my old employer, and abuser, the newspaper. So I have been told anyway? That building is also owned by the newspaper. So now, they will have excuses to show up, and be there, or around there, and make thing worst for me, much worst again. Bruce Valpy, is already starting to come around the mall, and outside the mall, in front of A&W. where I can see him, and he smiles and smirks at me in the mall anyway. I say things back, as he smirks, or evil smiles and walks by. Like “have a nice day” and I smirk to. Can’t help it for some reason. He has said that back. Bruce Valpy is letting me know, he is going to be around me, and “interacting” with me, in various ways, personally again to now. (Or pretending to). Reminding me of “no justice for me except what I can make” and such. How what he and others did and got away with it. Now allowed by the city to do this, by moving the safe harbor there. So, they are “enablers” of my abuse, all levels of government. Doing their official job. I guess. March 13 2018.

People need entertainment like computer games, youtube, the internet, etc. Well other than booze and drugs, and boredom and stressors. Which I am surrounded by. So are other people. One TV to fight over. Two people get into a verbal fight over TV and it might get turned off. That verbal fight can become a physical violent situation. That has happened many, many, times. Not there enough any more, in the day time, after the liquor store opens, to tell you, what it’s like now. That will probably change soon. This library manger now, was one of the library staff in the past. Who use to harass me severely. Full disclosure. I am officially bipolar, paranoid, maybe delusional to. All this is just my imagination the doctors/psychologists have said. Or should be medicated the last time as “to not care as much at what’s being done to me”. Maybe some other mental disorder to. Close to the beginning of this month march 2018 he came to me in righteous rage. The library manager. Telling me basically he has a complain now, from someone, anyway a teenage girl, about calling them or her prostitutes still, or something. Ask him. So maybe not the exact wording. Off a little, that is suppose to mean. Like they are in a court of law. That I am lying, to all of the “investigators” if any, that show up. No paperwork except when you are banned. Then you get paperwork. Writing all this is very distracting, to say, at the very least. That day I never said anything to anyone. Only heard anxiety creating commands being made a few times. I ask him now basically, if they will be banned now, for continuing to harass me. He said “yes” I think. Because of previous experiences I have had. I expect something to happen now. So then. Some pretty blondish teenage girl anyway, shows up after the library manager leaves. She starts doing a standing up break dancing, or the “Roboto” I will call it. Where I can see her, and maybe she’s in a blind spot for the cameras to see. Two of her female body part a giggling around a lot to. She has what looks like a sincere smile on her face to. Maybe she has some type of mental disorder, for real, and is being taken advantage of. It would be really hard, as far as I am concerned. To actually do that, unless you practice a lot. You would have to be pretty sicko to do that to someone. I watched for a few seconds, until I realize what she is doing. Then I look away and do whatever, on my laptop or try to. Then she moans “oh… my god…” basically. She still has that sincere smile on her face, when I look at her again. I go looking for the library manager and can’t find him at first. Remember I had asked him if they would get banned for bothering me basically and he said yes. I do find the library manager rather quickly. When I start talking to him I look back after a bit and she’s there. In some type of posing stand with that sincere smile on her face like she’s about to start dancing again. He asks who and I point to her. I hand asked if she going to get banded or similar language. That’s when he said who and I indicated her behind me. He gets all exasperated. Acted like I’m being

unreasonable and overreacting right away. That is a tell. He is on the attack right away toward “me” you. So, the library manager came to me in “righteous rage”. Well anger if he does it. A out of control rage. If anyone he can abuse does it. (kicked out). That’s how it works. So, making a proclamation to me, that I will be banned, if I say anything again. My self defense, is not allowed and the library manager refuses to do his job. Or is he doing his job? If I do nothing, it gets worst anyway. When people do not do their job, and are allowing third party proxies, to interact with you, in only one way basically. That’s a tell. Now after the teenage girl did what she did and the library manager reacts the way he did. Attacking me right away and acting like I’m overreacting. So, she doesn’t do a lot and I guess he was framing this event as a single event and I’m over reacting to that event. By his logic then. I would be over reacting to the next event and the next event and the next event. So on. That’s how he seems to be interpreting this series of events occurring to me. Individual events each to be judged on its merit as a stand-alone event. Event if this occurs thousands of times. I tell him to, that these months and months of video he can watch anyway. Don’t need to tell the library manager there is recorded audio to, or do I? I mentioned to him, that he use to precipitate in, the harassment of me. He doesn’t answer directly. They just go on the attack against you, or not answer back then. These types of tactics are used against you, to try to get you to overreact. Then the goons show up. “Yea he got angry” That’s it. Basically. The rest is for show. Another tell, of what they want. All staff has to do is kick you out for drinking water, or eating, in the wrong spot. Let people get violent against you. Self defense but banned for a year. Staff start directly engaging you, like third party proxies do, etc. What choice does staff have really? All the want to focus on also is “this event”. Months and months and months, of video recordings there. Of people doing things, to me, to severely harass me. With audio to. More “not crimes” except, when I do something back to them, verbally, just like they do to me. He is another enabler, of people’s behaviour towards me. They always initiated basically. The same with the people above him in government. They are enablers of ever one beneath them. More dribble down management. Dribble on whomever you can. I think. I am the new template for how to create a “enemy of the state” AKA terrorist, without the “police state” getting directly involved “law enforcement”. Letting third parties do all the “dirty work” “pushing” to create, a terrorist event, and “terrorist”. Then the police state swoops in, and gets there “PR stunt” to parade, on TV, and show you. The police state is doing its job.

I was already having a hard time from the staff at the career center, and the staff there, gets worst to. Allowing people coming around, pissed off, about people knowing about “the prostitutes” harassing me, and would join in sometimes (staff) agreeing with people showing up in conversations they had with them. The front staff there, including the executive director want me gone from there. All the staff there can speak French and they have cameras too. Maybe with audio, like at the library. I complained to him before, and I told him some facts about his management, that he didn’t like. Like letting his staff be out of control, and I told him that I was a human rights activist. Still kicked out by him for that day. Said he would look into it. He didn’t remember about his own video cameras, and how he could watch something I pointed out. Can’t remember now, he wasn’t interested anyway. Indicating he’s just saying the words and doesn’t care in the least, about me really or being impartial, and what’s going on. In his attitude to. Another place that’s part of education, culture and employment. That’s ministers dribble down management strategies. Dribble on whomever you can. That’s what we get for ever increasing taxes. This and the people there. All they want you to do, is sign that sheet of paperwork, and then they want you gone. So, after I complained to him, and came back later, after still being kicked out by him. He came in and talked to the staff in English, in front of me, and made sure. I knew, he’s not the least bit impartial, in dealing with me. It was all about him, asking staff, what I did, that could get me kicked out, and not, what they did, if anything, and staff did do things, to harass me, and try to stress me out. Then hopefully, have you explode verbally, (means you are bipolar) so they are one step closer, to having you banned permanently, from the critical service, you need to use. Which is what happens, when people like that, do those sorts of thing. To indicate to you, that they really only care about getting rid of you. They are deliberately stressing you out, to ban you or whatever. The police do not care. Other than to help them. Enablers and critical ones, for your “my” harassment to continue. All kinds of stress tactics, are being used against you “you get no justice tactics” and they never get punished. Unless they want you gone in the government. I’m sure lots of people know what I’m talking about. Just because this is common place behaviour, inside the government, doesn’t mean, they are allowed to do that officially. All you got to do is, go to some government department like this. Act like you “need” there services, for several days, and you will learn the truth. Dress like the queen if you want to sort of. Then get a little dirty. They watch carefully staff. A system has been created by politicians. Where there is no real checks and balances, just pretend ones. Everybody has to be perfect in government and have your best interests in mind. Far from the truth in reality. So now the career center board members have changed their policies

in 24 hours. So that people can only use their computers for 2 hours a day, as told to me by a staff member. One more thing to frustrate you. It literally does not matter what you do, or not do. When they want you gone permanently, so they will try a dozen more things, or a hundred more, to get you permanently banned. Until something sticks. They are deliberately doing things, to keep me in poverty, and without options. Other people to. I can not even pretend I can get a job, if I do not have an official education in IT. If you go and only pretend to study or need their services. They might leave you or me alone. It’s all about, not letting people escape, especially me. I have only one reason to be there. The computers with reliable internet access I can use for hours a day. I was not happy when I was told this by staff. Now, Mr. executive director was no where to be found then. Hiding basically, I guess, with a police officer. I was not happy and asked some questions. Then left. I had brought some lunch, with me, and decided to eat some of it anyway, at the side of that building. Some type of police officer came out the side door, of that building, where I was. He was angry, and carrying a handgun in a holster, and head down some, and moving fast. So more of pouring lots of stress on someone (me) and then doing something like that, to anger you (me), and hope law enforcement. Who probably would like to kill me, gets involved. On purpose to. A whistle blower of import things in society. A human rights activist being ground into the dust in various ways. More create problems, present solution, get desired results. It’s kind of strange. IT people are a perfect template to become a “enemy of the state”. To be molded into one with sledge hammers at first. Then with breaths of wind later on. We are expected to perform police like actions (security) inside a company, and at the same time. In real life, have not one drop, of police like powers. You get in more and more trouble, with staff. Who is allowed, to vent again you, instead of management. Who planed and authorized, what you are suppose to do. At the same time, you dare not do your job, because then it matters, and it’s your fault. Publicly blamed, and it’s your fault. No job prospects now, idiot, and lazy bum. You get, more and more bad mouthed, by more and more people locally. Your job prospects, at least locally, become smaller and smaller (trapped there now in despair). Maybe, not so bad, if you were born there, and have family and friends there. After you move though, you will learn the truth. Well with all the above to. At the same time there are at least two pillars of modern society. Electricity and digital communications “networking” to keep everything working. Strange, at the same time, this is being done to us. The US government has publicly announced that cyber warfare is a form of warfare. Warfare. I agree with that statement. Warfare. If Mr. Bad packet could get up to a military satellite, and be retransmitted down on civilian wireless internet, and cell phone frequencies. That could be very bad. Large parts of entire

continents, could become infected rather quickly. As long as there can get one bar of signal strength. Moveable antennas, on military satellites. Wanting to continue making everything more and more wireless, and inter-connected, is probably going to turn out to be a bad idea if not careful. Simply by having battery powered devices transmit at maximum strength until the batteries die, could be pretty bad. Basically, use more power than they can get from solar cells is another example. Kind of jamming the frequencies to. Less bandwidth anyway. The internet would probably come to a crawl. All modern warfare is economic warfare. Well, and low intensity, cyber warfare. Dump or buy stocks faster, one second faster. At the same time, the cyber warfare trouble-shooters, and fixers, and all around critical infrastructure protectors, during current, ongoing, modern world wide, next generation warfare, are being severely abused. Including up and coming experts. We are taught you will get rich maybe, once you get really into IT. At the same time, just go to some online job site, and see for yourself. The average job, what’s expected, and the pay, if listed. Benefits (ha, ha, ha) etc. For someone who will probably never be allowed to have a family ever. Or a healthy relationship, with the opposite sex, because of various negative factors. Your hand will be your girlfriend. That will be a source or entertainment, and abuse, for the staff to humiliate you with. Then everyone else. By the thousands locally eventually. A “not crime” again. And in all kinds of other ways. Abuse. It’s bad PR. Invading a banana republic. So, you do various thing to convince them, to sell you their bandannas, or ores, or metals, or timbers, or whatever. Maneuvering people into having no choice is best, of course. As long as you get the most money “profits” in the end. Modern survival in society, means you need money, to survive. The more you have, the better you are doing. The more your country has, the better your country is doing. Currently anyway, this is the type of warfare, being waged. In my opinion anyway, on a large scale, between first world countries. Always has been, to one degree or another. With low intensity cyber warfare, thrown in the mix, with game theory, psychology, TV, beliefs, etc. When someone has your money, they have your money. To you anyway. That thought anyway. Of course, you have to deal with different people, and organizations, and governments, differently, based on that de-fact-o fact to you. Times millions upon millions, of people, thinking like that. To you, everybody else has debt to them, to you, that’s my 10 thousand dollars buddy. That thinking process “belief” becomes obvious, during a “run on the bank.” Please think. Not preform a “knee jerk” psychological taught reaction. Unless forced to. Ha ha ha ho ho ho and away their money goes. What do you think, the other government “thays” will do? To get there lost money back? Ha ha ha ho ho ho and away your money goes to. Almost forgot. Around 20 years ago now, whatever. Back then, the main stream press, was in a frenzy over satanic rituals and such. A woman, a doctor or psychologist or something. Wrote some book, that got widely quoted in court cases, involving accused peoples and satanic rituals or similar stuff involving children. Of course, that made that somewhat real to a point.

Mimickers. Not just ordinal doctors and such quoting this book, but state psychologists. If that’s what they are called. You know, they are supposed to be impartial, and decide for the courts, if you are fit for trial and such. The best of the best, in the field, basically. So, all kinds of experts like this. Experts, working for the state. “In real court cases” were citing this book. “you have to take everything they do deadly seriously in courts of laws”. I guess they were all citing the same thing. Since at best, they can claim. They never read this book. If they did, they were to unintelligent, to understand a presented fact, or did not care. There official job, to care. Our supposed trusted betters, to watch over us. They get payed handsomely for that duty and are highly pampered by the courts (judges). Not one noticed. Courts have become almost 100 percent redundant anyway. So, some defense lawyer, must have read the book, or that person was told. I think, it was about children being sent around the country (US) to be scarified. That was never mentioned on TV. As far as I remember. That presented as a fact in that book. Something like 10 or maybe 50 thousand a week or month. Something like that, and maybe in every state (that many), and all the time. I’m not saying, that kind of thing could not happen. In some places, and in the millions probably. In the past, while under British rule and control. (Canada for a long time.) Just like in Newfoundland, where an entire race of human being was wiped out. The Beothic Indians. While under British control. (official British citizens, or near enough). The last living Beothic Indian (female), (escaped) in a canoe, and never came back. Let’s hope it’s true. Free, if only for a moment, in a lifetime (a large part there of). Remember to the British. If you were not born British and rich especially. You were noting but a savage, and not a real human being, with any type of rights. It would probably be mostly women and children. Including white women, and children, children born out of wedlock. Worked to death, and beaten to death, over a period of years, in there lives, by the church (Human beings beaten with straps and sticks). Burning “witches” “herbalists” at the stake (estimated 6 million in Europe). Government approved via Britain. Britain was controlled by the Royalty, and still is, in some ways. To keep hands clean. Sort of. At least the queen was not placed on our latest new bill. Party on. So, this book was widely talked about on TV, and then used in court cases afterwards. To help convict people. After being on TV and “vetted out” by the courts, it became the new standard for these court appointed experts to abuse people with. In some of these cases, at the very least. All psychologists, and the public, were told. Not one stepped forward. This book, is and became, the new standard, to judge people against, in these “cases” back then?

Just like that. they all jumped on board, after being informed, and not one complained publicly. In that entire industry. All kinds of spin-off money making rackets to. Because of this book, and the press, and courts, and such. For highly payed, and highly concerned, for your welfare, and your child’s welfare. Experts. And other victims to of course (concerned). This just happened to cause a hug increase in their profit making to. For this not fact-based industry but. “To the best of my knowledge” or “as far as I am concerned” or whatever legal language they use in courts. I guess none of them swear an oath to the courts. Or it doesn’t matter. The courts are almost 100 percent redundant anyway, and totally without morals, or remorse, etc. Drug companies now heavily involved in the mental disease industry to. Remember the, it’s going to help family member drugs. Are now the “safety drugs with unsafe side effects” drugs. That family member, better stay on those safety drugs now. “Just in case” only, of course. They will probably want the new helpful, and later on, safety drugs to be about suicide prevention. So, you better stay on them, just in case, they make you suicidal, or whatever. Maybe to be normal now. An interesting video below. Follow the link. He has lots of interesting thing to say. Took a training course on how to spot psychopaths. Making fun of this part of the industry, in some ways. Notice though, he talks about, some list. That has been created by some expert in the industry. Again, it got widely published, internally in the industry this time. Not on TV though, this time, as far as I know personally. A tell. A paranoid person would think. Well paranoid, to that industry. Like me, then hence the government. Meet the conditions on some medical list, and that is proof to them, you have a mental disorder. Be very careful, dealing with anyone who uses lists (forms) in government. Especially, if they are doing that list, and stop. Then ask you different ways, to explain whatever is being asked of you. That person is trying to get you to rephrase, your truthful statement, in a way, to check off the box, they want to check off. Not check the one, they should check. Based on the first truthful answer you gave. Eventually, everyone basically, who has to deal with government service, to help you, becomes a medical issue patient. Or let’s say, a statistically significant portion do. Outside the norm. Strange answers to the psychopath test _ Jon Ronson. What’s the best way to prove someone, is crazy, or suicidal? Or has some disorder? You make them that way. Then all the tests, you publish, to the general public, are somewhat validated. Some anyway. Still not proof. I have lots of experience with that to. I have been diagnosed by government of Canada experts. In the medical community as paranoid schizophrenic, bipolar.

Maybe something else to. Who cares, but I have to and for real. The almighty government paperwork. The pretend truth used on a human rights activist now, and whistle blower. Just an extremely abused IT person before. A nobody, to abuse, to death, or into insanity. Just like every other person, they do that to. Let’s say you are overweight. A mental condition or disorder now supposedly. Lots of high calorie cheep junk food, for poor people, all over the place now. Isn’t there. Low self esteem issues may make you overweight. Other things to, of course. Having nothing to do with being a mental disorder like, a physical disorder, can make you overweight. Just like having a different hair color. But rarer. Or not. Doesn’t take much over-eating, to make you overweight. When foods are high calorie and quick to absorb, right? So, in order for that person to want to deal with there self esteem issues, there must be a possible grain of truth, or be the truth. The police state, lets people do things, like harass you, in various ways. To cause you self esteem issues. So, someone tells you angrily, or acts concerned, about you. You are eating to much, and you are fat, or whatever. Or just makes sure, you know, that person or persons, are being judgemental again you, by how they simply watch you, and make sure. You know they are watching you, and acting shocked or whatever, at what they are seeing you do. Eating. Maybe sniff at you to. A “Kruger-ism” done to many now or, will be. Just happened to me basically. March 12 2018. More of “he smells” comments especially from women. To cause anxiety issues, and to harass (more anxiety issues), because fat people, usually sweat easier, and then may smell. Especially if the heat, is higher, than need be, where you personally work. Making sure other people there notice to. Like at the local safe harbor, where you “I” have to go to. Over and over again, to cause you self esteem issues, and have other people their notice to. They then do what they do, to you. Children in schools, do the same thing, to of course, and so do teachers. March 12 2018 13:40pm. Javaroma. Someone has current high end psychological training, or coaching. It’s Carlie, the husband of Petra Erke. She did work, at the paper, where I worked in IT. And was a friend of mine, for a while. Was friendly to me anyway, for a while. He is here, with some women, with a baby. The second time now. They have lots of places to sit. No need to sit by were I normally sit. Where there is a power outlet, for me to use. Let’s see now. I was writing some of what they were saying down, as he mostly, was saying the bad its. He is using the new mental disorder, self esteem mental disorders. Talking about “he” or “him” at first. Then switched to “that person”. Basically, implying by what they are saying that “it’s all your fault protocol”. Why don’t you do this. Why don’t you do that. When you “me” can’t right now anyway. Get a job. Because “that person” has a job. Who lives by the salvation army, as

they said. You “I” live there (salvation army) implying, it’s you, and a verbal clue, to make you listen more intensely to them. Saying “he” has a job. Why don’t you get a job bum? That person “you” should get a job. Theys like him made it so, I can’t get a job. Reminding you “me” of this. We are the reason you do not have a job still. (But it is your fault). Causing various stresses to me. Talking about “him he” being “medicated” then “that person” meaning “me” should be medicated. Indicating to me. I’m going to be medicated, because of my weight, implying I have a mental disorder disease, that needs “medicated” treatment(s). Letting me know that’s in the future for me. To be forced upon me, if they can. Punishment and a threat from them “alls”. To bad for thems, and me. So not long afterwards two women show up. One is overweight. Talking in front of me about diets and such. Wasn’t paying to much attention to them. Maybe talking about getting medical treatments to. That will eventually lead to psychological treatments first. Being advertised locally in front of me, and to other people. This is the new norm now and more “not crimes” for lots of people to experience. Who knows. Trying to make yourself self-conscious, by doing this, around you a lot. The fat one, didn’t care for what I told her, about this issue listed in here. After I asked her, if I could talk to her, about being overweight. Since it seems to be such a big issue to both of them. Not the exact wording of course. The Legendary Rorschach Test Will Reveal a Deep Truth About You. And so, it will to a point. Indicate what 3rd parties (peoples) were allowed to do to you. Or not. Or be really wrong, but they will not act that way towards you. It’s just a statistic and not proof. Just another check box, psychology money making tactic, being used against you. They want you to believe in them, and what they do. They will not hesitate to abuse you, or family, for there easy life style. All of them. Like after you watch this video. You will know that you are only suppose to look quickly and respond and not be asked repeatedly “what else do you see” especially to children. You do not want to answer to a, pretty young women, that it looks like a female birth canal, to her or whatever. But they did that to “me”. They can also use these tests, to determine, to a degree, how well whatever they are doing, currently is. Then adjust accordingly, to and for, individual people, and groups. Priorities. Locally anyway. I bought a Microsoft software product a while ago. Need to give them my email address to activate my serial number. Apparently, Microsoft or some third-party spam blocking service (most likely). Considers my email address [email protected] a spammer email address. (Meant to use “coupons”). So, the things I write about, like this, are considered spam by someone(s). Others email addresses I might sometimes use to, I guess. Living in poverty, and in

a homeless shelter, makes it real hard for me. To afford a cell phone, with everything else, I have to be concerned with too. For cell phone verification, of an e-mail address. Not that it matters to much, to Microsoft. Being considered a spammer now and what gets done then. I did ask Microsoft. In the little online form, they provided me. Where you can not type to much in. Who considers me a spammer. So, I can inform the general public. Also, I informed Microsoft, that I am a human rights activist. Right close to the top of that form. Don’t forget to give this to other peoples. Or more than your fair share of government resources will be tasked again you, and family, for sure. Police state resources. Just a marketing term these days. Your government or the government. The police state, always like to use the medical industry, to do it’s, dirty work. Against its own citizens “subjects”. It gets worst and worst, at doing that. Using the medical community, more and more, to do things, to it’s citizens. Subjects equals subjected to. In this reference. What was, and is, being allowed to be done to me. Happens in other places, all the time and still will. Just like things like this are, done to people everywhere still. They just want to pretend it’s Yellowknife alone. Not all of them, that would have, and still will. Do this to whomever they need to. There is no real, checks and balances for themselves. (corrupted courts to). This will continue. If forced to change. Then in new, old ways, like large scale warfare. They will continue. Carpet bombing and V2 rockets, kind of punishes them to. Is this my fault. It is coming anyway, or it did in the past. Always. Maybe internal threat only these days. To justify the police state. It was mass shooters before, and such, now I guess, the new boggie-man is the home grow terrorist. So, they need terrorist actions to occur and catch. Mostly catch. If they miss a real one. They can say, and have it implied then. That 9 out-of-10 is not to bad. The only real one. A real terrorist. Then the police state gets on TV, and now needs, more police state powers (laws) and more of your wealth. Then they try to make it a 15 to 1, or 20 to 1. Terrorist success attack ratio. And it looks like it works. So, the police state on TV, nods and agrees, with the police state. More create a problem, implement tailored solutions (you, me), get desired outcome in society. Rote repeat. At least in the past on TV shows. Some British bureaucrats would show up (jack the ripper, etc) to some police station. Where he ended up talking to the police captain. That captain would also say, we need more money and or implying more police officers. That bureaucrat knew better.

They had more that enough already, and are just lazy, and not doing their job. Like patrolling, etc. So, get out there, get to work. Work. Some people who are kuku for coco puffs, Well, there coco puff are money and power. They are just another form of hardened criminal, and a diseased one in some cases. Willing to do anything to get what they want. When professionals join in, allow and encourage, people to do things, to harm you, without touching you. (Enablers) Like causing you anxiety issues, and even anxiety disorders. People are being allows to cause you “grave bodily harm” to an organ in your body. Your brain. They are allowed and encouraged to do so, by university trained professionals. Things to you, and or family, and or friends. That cause severe long-term medical conditions in peoples’ lives. It affects your family’s lives also, if done to you. Or the ability to get a family. Eventually. By the psychology industries own admissions and actions. You need some of the most expensive, and educated, medical professionals, long term medical care and treatments. Pity orphans, the abused, loners, and people, made into loners. A needed commodity in modern society for medical professionals and others to have careers. March 12 2018 18:49 pm Javaroma. Two more grown women. One with blue green hair. Whatever. Both overweight (johns). Trying to cause me “grave bodily harm” by trying to cause me anxiety disorders, and eventually, severe mental disorders. This is common place behaviour for me to deal with. Oh well. Monday. Another “not crime”. Just have to deal with it any way I can. At the same time in the past on TV. People from places like Harvard, Princeton and Yale. Were treated like rock stars by people on TV. So intelligent and well educated. That they were worth millions a year, and a privilege, to have run some company. Run some company into the ground. To a point. In some cases, anyway, they did cost cuttings to an extreme or hard access to data they should not have had access to. Eventually this does cause problems, whatever is said, to the quality of your product. Physical products for sure. Problems with employees eventually. Both damage the extremely “hard-earned” reputation of a corporation. Then you have PR disaster. Cost cutting is not increasing profits. Cost cutting gets you more money, for a while. Increasing profits by like, adding new features to a product. Can actually increase profits permanently, or for much longer. Without causing you serious PR issues. Less lost profits in your stocks with that corporation to.

After that and other corporations in your country have PR disasters, created like this, to them. What happens? Real long-term profit making, is easier for other international corporations in your home country now. If your home national corporation has lost a quarter of a billion dollars in sales a year. That’s an easy quarter of a billion dollars of new profits. For those other corporations, those people have gone back to, or their buddies still operate. This can be considered a form of next generation warfare, being waged upon entire countries. Now your countries economy, has to make up 250 million dollars a year, every year. To stay even or be “poorer”. With this happening year after year. Eventually the lost “profits” because of cost cuttings, become to much for your countries economy to make up. Then the general overall standard of living drops, to make up for the new style of “profit making” being used everywhere by business mimickers to. Business people have been trained in various way to thinks this way. It’s like a snake eating its own tail. Rather quickly it becomes that way. Cheaper cheap pens get bought and sold to. What’s needed is ideas that create new jobs. That’s a real tell of increased profits for example. Growth real growth. Not in government, but the private industry. Growth in government is just increased taxation. Via standard taxation and or inflation and price increases in needed goods like food, meats, fuel. God taught us, that people need shepherds, to watch over flocks. Whatever your flock be, like family, and relatives, and friends. Maybe. Shepherds today get highly abused, given a criminal record and maybe made into a criminal, and or institutionalize, and or killed, and or medicated. Real ones anyway. Sometimes anyway. Become a cyber security expert and maybe one good mistake, and your career is destroyed. With someone who actually “tries” and “does”. That person gets gone. That person gets used up, “you” and then tossed like garbage. Stand up, or stand out, among demi-gods, and get hammered down. The price of liberty, freedom and prosperity in your life. Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life, and your family’s life. Is eternal vigilance, against your own government especially, and all other governments. They are the devil made real on earth, in some ways. The higher ups like that. Don’t be one against legion in a manner of speaking. Tell people. Many in the government want things to change. But many don’t. The courts and TV will show again. That they have no morals or remorse. So, will the rest of your government. They just act like and say “it’s not a big deal” when it’s a big deal. A tell. You are dealing with a psychopath who has no morals or remorse. The only thing that changes there behavior is fear of punishment.

March 13 2018 A&W 10:26am Almost forgot to talk about this. 3 old guys sitting behind me on the opposite wall. This was done to me lots before. Say something like this. “He stinks” or “it stinks”. Then some totally unrelated sentence. “He stinks” is emphasized. That’s being done now by various people to. You can go around to some Yellowknife government building and even the local post office where the female employees there use to harass me. I thought it’s was just about me. Anyway, there are posted signs up basically saying “smells are not allowed”. Things were done to keep me sweating where I worked before. That makes you smell. With this new income stream generating crime, the medical community and others, want to do to people. Getting people fatter and deliberating causing people, all over the country, anxiety issues. I think it’s for all of us overweight people. You can not help but think, it’s about you for a second or two anyway. Do they mean me? Whomever that person is. Trying to make that person, closer to having an anxiety issue. By simple repletion. Like the military likes to use. Unless forced to think about it, all the time, and dwell on it. You forget mostly about this issue. First, they educate you. Telling you what the “your” problem is. Then the train you, though repletion. In this case, to care, way to much, about being fat. Then a solution is offered. Long term medical care, for your anxiety issues, for caring to much, about this issue. Caring to much and being stress out on purpose, about caring to much, about that issue. Maybe medicated now, long term, for your paranoid related disorders. If you talk about people around you, doing this to you, on purpose. Be extremely careful around powerful people, if you believe they do not have your best interests in mind. Maybe just there own. People without morals, or remorse, or any accountability or fear there of. The police state loves them and takes care of them. Don’t swear at them or else. Why? 15 to 1. Professionals instigate, on a regular and routine basis, by being “concerned” about this issue, around you. “Marketing locally” and mimickers’ use it for there entertainment against you. That also convinces ordinary law-abiding people it is actually a mental disorder or anxiety issue. Used against that person, and that family, they want to milk dry and create serious problem in their lives. Maybe other reasons to. That was done to you. They will not be helping you or family though. Remember the anti-suicide drugs now for you, or family, to take forever. Just in case again. I mean in the future. I’ll be back George Albert Collins A Human Rights Activist Yellowknife, NT Canada

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