DATE: April 18, 2012 TO:

South Central District PAAT’s

FROM: Patricia McKoy, President South Central District, NCAEPAAT REF:

NCAEPAAT State Updates

Welcome Alexander, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, and Rowan counties to the South Central District!!! As you all know, NC Cooperative Extension service districts have changed. NC Association of Extension Program Assistants, Associates and Technicians (NCAEPAAT) will make final district transitions September 20 -21, 2012 at the annual 2012 NCAEPAAT Conference, Nags Head Beach, Kill Devil Hills, NC. The South Central District will miss the outstanding, dedicated services and accomplishments of Columbus and Robeson counties and wishes them the best as members of the Southeast District. Please be prepared to meet with assigned NCCES district at the 2012 NCAEPAAT Conference. NCAEPAAT is compiling a list of retired Program Assistants, Associates and Technicians and the goal is not to overlook anyone. Please submit name of South Central District PAAT’s that have retired within the past 10 years. Email as soon as possible to [email protected]; if possible, their basic contact information and email address will be helpful. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 2012 NCAEPAAT Conference, September 20 – 21, 2012 at Nags Head Beach. North Central District will host this year’s conference and they are hard at work planning for a wonderful conference experience. If your county does not provide funding to attend the conference, South Central District has one scholarship available that will pay registration cost. To qualify for the scholarship, 2012 membership dues must have been paid by March 1, 2012. Scholarship application must be submitted by June 1, 2012 to: NCAEPAAT, C/O Melinda Davis, 304 S. Morgan Street, Room 123, Roxboro, NC 27573. FYI! Aggie Rogers, Historian and outstanding supporter of the NCAPAAT Association, will retire April 2012 (please notify state or district president if interested in replacing her as Historian); Becky Miller will retire in the Fall, she is Past President, Federation of Cooperative Extension Associations; and Dr. Thearon McKinney, Liaison to NCAEPAAT Association, will retire September 2012. Don’t forget to apply for the six 2012 NCEAPAAT awards that are listed below. You may nominate yourself for any and/or all awards you are eligible to receive. Nominations can be mailed to state secretary, Shirley Howard (NCAEPAAT, C/O Shirley Howard, 229 Kingold Blvd. Suite E., Snow Hill, NC 28580). Nominations are due by June 1, 2012. Applications can be found on the NCAEPAAT webpage at:

2012 NCAEPAAT Awards at a glance: 1. Dr. Bernadette Watts Award - plaque & $100.00 (Highest award given by NCAEPAAT to recognize current member with 5 or more years of extension experiences and accomplishments in their program area; exhibit outstanding support and leadership in NCAEPAAT; may receive this award only once). 2. Early Career Award - plaque & $50.00 (recognizes current member with 1 - 5 years of extension experiences and accomplishments in their program area; may receive this award only once). 3. Outstanding Service Award - plaque & $50.00 (recognizes current member with 5 or more years of extension experiences and accomplishments in their program area; may receive this award no more than once every 5 years). 4. Extension Teamwork Award – plaque & $50.00 (recognizes PAAT who partnered with an Extension Agent outside their area of responsibility to conduct an outstanding program). 5. Community Partnership Award – plaque & $50.00 (recognizes PAAT who partnered with an organization other than Extension to conduct an outstanding program). 6. Make a Difference Award – plaque & $50.00 (Recognizes outstanding current PAAT member’s accomplishments in the 4-H Program area; may receive this award no more than once every 3 years). The primary purpose of the North Carolina Association of Extension Program Assistants, Associates and Technicians is to promote the personal development of Program Assistants, Associates and Technicians and other Extension employees who do not belong to other associations. If you are not a member of NCAEPAAT and would like information about the association, please visit the NCAEPAAT webpage: Thank You, Patricia McKoy 126 Alexander Dr. Lillington, NC 27546 Phone: (910) 893-7532 (Ext: 6026) Fax: (910) 893-7539 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

South Central District PAAT's FROM

Columbus and Robeson counties and wishes them the best as members of the Southeast District. Please be prepared to ... Email as soon as possible to; if possible, their basic contact information and email ... North Central District will host this year's conference and they are hard at work planning for a ...

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