South Huron District High School 7/8 Campus Chris Smith - Principal John Stewart - Vice Principal Rob Simmons - Vice Principal 92 Gidley St. Exeter, ON N0M 1S6 Tel: (519)235-0880

Grade 7/8 Administrator’s Message I would like to sincerely welcome the grade 7 students to our 7/8 campus at South Huron. I’m excited to be back along with our returning grade 8 students for another fantastic year. I am also very happy to have the same teaching staff that I worked with last year. They are a very hard working and talented group of educators. We have two thrusts at the school this year. The first thrust is to continue to build positive inclusive learning environments for all of our students. This year all of our developmentally delayed students are now included in all of our classes. Our second thrust is the ‘One to One Project’, otherwise known as Next Generation Learning. As you know each of our grade 7 and 8 students will be given an ipad which they will keep with them as they continue their studies each year at South Huron. The ipads are expected to arrive in October. Last year we ran a trial using the ipads with some of our students. This was a great success. What students could do with these devices was simply incredible! It’s a very exciting time for learning in Avon Maitland District School Board. I look forward to working with our staff and students this year. If you need to contact me with any questions, then please call the school at 235-0880, my extension is 227. Sincerely,

John Stewart 7/8 Administrator South Huron District High School

ALLERGY ALLERT At SHDHS we have students with life threatening allergies. This year we have students with severe egg, milk and peanut allergies. We are being very careful in our classrooms to prevent these items from being consumed as snacks in this location. Students eat their lunches in the cafeteria where these food items are permitted. Contact the school if you need further clarification of this matter.

We Value Instructional Time Parents/Guardians are reminded that success in school is directly related to regular attendance in classes. Research shows a direct relationship between student achievement and attendance patterns; students who miss a lot of school do not succeed in their studies. Regular attendance becomes even more critical as our education system places more emphasis on the 21st Century skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity and problem solving. The Education Act requires that schools track student attendance and the reasons for any student absences. If your child is going to be absent or late from school, the reason for the absence must be provided to the school prior to the commencement of the school day. If the school has not been notified of the absence a phone call will normally be made as soon as possible after the expected arrival time. If the reason for the absence is not provided the school is obliged to record the absence as truancy. We wish all of our students to be successful in their studies. One way of helping to achieve that success is through regular attendance at school. With your assistance we can help your children be successful. School Spirit Dance The grade 7/8 students will have their own dance which will run from 1:10pm to 2:40pm on Thursday, Sept. 18th. Show your pride Junior Panthers!

Medication at School Forms are available in the school office to allow essential prescription medication to be administered from the school office when documentation is complete. Please ensure that all medications are in properly labeled bottles. If you have any questions, please contact the school.

School Day Schedule 2014-15 Warning Bell 8:40am Period 1 8:45 - 9:35 am Period 2 9:35 - 10:25 am Recess 10:25 - 10:40 am Period 3 10:40 - 11:30 am Lunch 11:30 - 12:10 pm Period 4 12:10 - 1:00 pm Period 5 1:00 - 1:50 pm Recess 1:50 - 1:55 pm Period 6 1:55 - 2:45 pm Visitor Sign In All parents and visitors MUST stop at the School Office as they enter the building. Your cooperation in helping us monitor persons coming and going throughout the day is extremely important. SAFE ARRIVAL To save a call to your home or work, please phone the school before 8:50am to let us know that your child is going to be absent.

Please join us once again in celebrating the beginning of the school year on Thursday, Sept. 18th from 5pm - 7pm. Please meet your teacher and see your child’s learning spaces. Teachers will be available to share suggestion on how to make both reading and math homework fun for the whole family and will be available to share their ideas. Pizza and beverages will be available from 5:00-6:30pm in the cafeteria. Money raised from this helps us off set the cost of class events, specifically geared for our 7 and 8 students.

South Huron District High School 7/8 Campus

Sep 18, 2014 - Tel: (519)235-0880 ... with any questions, then please call the school at 235-0880, my extension is 227. Sincerely, ... system places more emphasis on the 21st. Century skills of ... phone call will normally be made as soon as.

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